There are also quite a few mid-level Magical Artifacts. Taking out other Magical Artifacts that he doesn't need to sell, I believe it is not a small fortune. He suffered a loss once, and he will never take it out again. I wiped out the breath of those intermediate instruments before taking them out.

Although there are many middle-level magical weapons, none of them are Li Qiuyu's favorite. Up to now, the only ones he can use are the Black Cloud Sword, the River Blue Jade Sword, and the Rainstorm Needle. According to experience, if these instruments are coordinated to a certain extent, the gap in cultivation can be narrowed a lot.

Unknowingly, the sky had already brightened. After a few hours, it was confirmed that he was not being followed. Li Qiuyu tidied up a little and walked towards the place where the Xiao sisters lived. There were more than twenty miles between the west and east of the city. , although there are not many pedestrians in the morning, he will not fly on the street.

I had to hire an ordinary carriage on the side of the road. The driver was a local old man. He agreed that Li Qiuyu would only need one silver coin to deliver it to the east of the city. Li Qiuyu naturally didn't care about money. A rich man is not even a drop in the bucket.

It took a full hour before Li Qiuyu was sent to the east of the city. Li Qiuyu gave the old man a tael of gold, but the old man was stumped by the gold that Li Qiuyu handed over.

"Old man, thank you for giving me the money. You can accept the extra money and don't have to change it." Li Qiuyu naturally knew that the old man had no money to give him, and he didn't ask the old man to give him money.

"Thank you, young master, I have thanked you so much." The old man said excitedly.

When Li Qiuyu returned to the courtyard, he saw Xiao Qiuyue practicing, but Xiao Hanyue was in the kitchen. He didn't wake up Xiao Qiuyue who was practicing, and went directly to his room.

After returning to the residence, a trace of exhaustion surged up. After playing the battle, although the true energy and spiritual consciousness were restored to the peak in the inn, he still felt uneasy. When he returned home, he naturally wanted to rest.

Without further ado, he lay on the bed and fell asleep. This sleep lasted until the next morning, when he got up in the morning and saw that the two sisters had finished their cultivation.

"I've seen you, son." Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue saluted Li Qiuyu at the same time, and stood quietly in front of Li Qiuyu.

"How is your cultivation going? Is there anything you don't understand?" Xiao Qiuyu said lightly.

"Thank you for your concern, my lord. My cultivation went well and I didn't encounter any problems." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"It's fine if you don't have any questions. If you have any questions, you can ask me. By the way, I have something for you to deal with, but when you are free, don't let your cultivation go."

Li Qiuyu explained to the two sisters about the acquisition, and asked the two to find a way to acquire some medicinal materials for refining qi pills. Of course, good medicinal materials should not be let go.

After the explanation, Li Qiuyu divided the 10 taels of gold into ten storage bags and handed them to the two sisters. By the way, he listed the list of medicinal materials for Qi training pills, including second-grade pills. As long as the medicinal materials are more than a hundred years old, they are enough .

The cultivation of the two is also what he cares most about. Although he has no way to release the seal now, with a low-level Qi training pill every five days, I believe it will not take long before they will reach the fourth or fifth level of Qi training. Monks are no problem.

"Here is the qi training pill. You are under normal circumstances. Take one every five days, but be careful, when taking the pill, you must endure the impact of the strong effect of the medicine. If you are not firm in your mind, you will go mad I won’t be able to save you even then.” Li Qiuyu handed two bottles of low-level Qi training pills to Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue respectively.

"Mr. Xie, we will definitely pay attention, and we will not disappoint you." While Xiao Hanyue and the two were excited, they did not forget that Li Qiuyu was still in front of them.

"Okay, you have all reached the first level of Qi training, Xiao Qiuyue is not far from the second level of Qi training, I will give you some low-level spells, you take care of it." Aoki Zhan displayed it.

I saw that after he retreated suddenly, his hands slowly lifted up, and a cyan light appeared on the palms of both hands. The cyan light was dazzling. When the two lights slowly left the palms, Li Qiuyu put his hands together, The two clusters of light floating in the air also merged together.

The two rays of light merged into one, and an exquisite round moon scimitar appeared in the air. At this moment, Li Qiuyu suddenly pushed forward with both hands, and the full moon scimitar hit a stone bench in the courtyard.


With a slight sound, the stone bench was split into two and completely scrapped. Xiao Qiuyue and Xiao Hanyue were also stunned by the scene in front of them. She knew that Li Qiuyu was not an ordinary person, and she never thought that her savior was as powerful as s.

"Okay, young master is very powerful." Xiao Qiuyue shouted excitedly.

"Okay, this spell is called Qingmu Zhan, which is just suitable for Qiuyue's practice. You can slowly understand it first, and ask me if you don't understand anything." Li Qiuyu handed Xiao Qiuyue a thin book of manual spells.

"Thank you son, will I be as powerful as you after I cultivate?" Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu expectantly and asked eagerly.

"As long as you practice hard, you will naturally reach my level." Li Qiuyu shook her head helplessly.

Cultivation depends on talent and talent. The two sisters are all tenth-level spiritual roots. Naturally, their achievements in the future will not be low, but no matter what they do, there is an element of luck. A genius who loses early is not a genius. Even the best of achievements, waste materials will also be geniuses.

"Xiao Hanyue is of the water attribute. I don't have water attribute spells in my hands now. You can practice after I find water attribute exercises. The most important thing for you now is to improve your cultivation base."

"I see." Xiao Hanyue said softly. Although she felt itchy to see her sister can practice magical spells, she didn't have any regrets in finding a suitable exercise for herself after Li Qiuyu said it.

"Arrange it yourself, as long as you finish handling the things I entrusted to you, you'd better put cultivation first, I don't want you to be exterminated." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Follow the young master's lesson, we will definitely keep it in mind." The two said in unison.

"I'm going to practice, you guys go get busy." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her room. It's time to explain. If you want to find yourself, you must concentrate on cultivation and try to break through to the seventh level of Qi training.

Because the cultivation base of the sixth level of Qi training is too low, he will be instantly killed by the enemy at any time, and there are more and more enemies. If you don't hurry up and practice, you can only wait for death.Besides, the matter of the Tianluan Mountains is approaching.

Breaking through the seventh level of Qi training is more than a little self-protection, everything is ready, in terms of pills, I still have three bottles of low-level Qi training pills in my hand, and I also use as many as two bottles of intermediate Qi training pills.

In addition to pills, spirit stones can also quickly improve one's cultivation. Breaking through the seventh level of Qi training is just around the corner. He made arrangements for himself. Take an intermediate Qi training pill to guarantee a breakthrough within a month.

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