Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 390 Opening of Nothingness

After tidying up everything, he took out a jade slip, and his spiritual sense penetrated into it. When he came over for a while, he withdrew his spiritual sense, with a faint smile on his face.

In the end, his body flashed, and his whole body turned into nothingness. When he reappeared, he was already ten miles away, and he shot towards the exception city.

After fighting for half a year, Li Qiuyu visited all the big and small cities and towns of Double Star Island. Every city has disciples from Medicine King Valley.

In half a year, he gained a lot, but he didn't find five main materials and ten main refining materials.

Almost all the other auxiliary materials were found. Counting the time, the time for the opening of the void is very close. In three months, Li Qiuyu hurried back to the Valley of the Medicine King.

The place where the land of nothingness appeared was on a sixth-level Lingyun Island, and it would take him a month to fly from Double Star Island to Lingyun Island, even with his alchemy cultivation base.

He was going to explain some things in Yaowang Valley, and he had to recuperate his body, mainly refining the Earth Shield and the ancient treasure of the giant cauldron.

With these two things, his strength will increase a lot, at least the chances of saving his own life will be much greater. In the sixth-level islands, although it can not be said that the foundation is low and the alchemy period is full, but in the land of nothingness In such a dangerous place, more strength is naturally much better.

In one day, Li Qiuyu returned to the Valley of the Medicine King again. After returning to the Valley of the Medicine King, he did not let the other monks know, but went back to the top of the mountain to practice alone. Sacrifice.

Sacrificing such a magic weapon as the Earth Shield was completed in an hour. After he restored his cultivation base and spiritual consciousness to the peak of its full glory, he began to sacrifice the magic weapon of the giant tripod again.

But an ancient treasure will always be an ancient treasure, and this sacrifice took him three full days, and within three days, his mana and consciousness were exhausted.

He also used a lot of essence and blood. This giant cauldron was not as simple as he imagined, and the suzerain of the Wujin faction did not use the power of the ancient treasure.

Otherwise, Li Qiuyu would have been lost long ago, and for the time being, Li Qiuyu could only exert the power of the giant tripod and ancient treasure to the level of Sect Master Wujin.

However, he discovered on the giant tripod and ancient treasures the special sacrificial method and cultivation method for ancient treasures. This cultivation method is different from other exercises. It is a method for controlling this ancient treasure. , so that the ancient treasure can exert its greatest power.

If the strength is good, it can even perform supernormally.Li Qiuyu had never practiced such a method, and could only control the ancient treasure with his own spiritual sense for a while.

The ancient treasure of the giant cauldron is an excellent furnace for refining equipment, and it is also one of the treasures of the Wujin Sect. The Wujin School mainly focuses on refining equipment. Naturally, this ancient treasure of the giant cauldron is also considered by Li Qiuyu to refine and destroy the world in the future. The furnace of the sword.

A month passed like this, Li Qiuyu called the [-] main members to the main hall, and then said that he was going out to do errands.

The Medicine King Valley is managed by [-] people, and Li Qiuyu doesn't want another civil strife for power in the Medicine King Valley, so he just said to go out and buy a few medicinal materials.

Naturally, these monks would not doubt Li Qiuyu's real purpose. After explaining it, he handed a sheet of three or four unilateral refining techniques and his own experience to 20 people, and asked them to take turns to memorize it. Long Hao kept it.

After explaining everything, Li Qiuyu drifted away and flew directly in the direction where Ling Yun had arrived. On the Tianyun Shenzhou, Li Qiuyu sorted out his spirit stones and magic weapons. After entering the land of nothingness, he Not much time left.

This void is definitely countless times more dangerous than the space crack in Fengyue Continent. The lowest one who enters it is the cultivation base of the late foundation establishment, and the most powerful is the existence of the peak in the late stage of alchemy.

But there is also a lot of time in it. For five years, some monks were either killed by monsters and unknown dangers inside, or were plotted against by monks who murdered and seized treasures. Those who could come out were some top existences.

Danger and opportunity coexist, and monks who avoid danger will naturally gain a lot of benefits. Top magic weapons, ancient treasures, and even higher-level magic weapons have also appeared.

The main reason is that the number of spirit weapons inside is several times that of the outside. The more you go inside, the stronger the spirit energy, and there are more treasures and medicinal materials.

Half a month later, Li Qiuyu came to the territory of Lingyun Island. The further inward he went, the richer the spirit weapon, and the monk's cultivation was much deeper, which was much stronger than the eighth and ninth-level islands he had passed through.

According to the route guidance on the jade pendant, Li Qiuyu felt that the gambling house that appeared in the void was not far away, and he could reach it in a day at most.

It is not difficult to see from the gathering of monks that some monks have begun to approach the Demon Dragon City. The Demon Dragon City is a place where powerful demon dragons stayed a million years ago. In the end, the demon dragons were killed by powerful monks. This place should be Named after the dragon.

On the way, Li Qiuyu also met many monks at the alchemy stage and the late foundation establishment monks coming here, and there was no unpleasantness between them.

Because they were all monks who went to Demon Dragon City to wait for the void to open, and they didn't want to make enemies outside, and Li Qiuyu was not a troublemaker.

Although there is still half a month left, he won't be able to do other things if he hasn't found a place to open the void, and he can't do anything in half a month.

Li Qiuyu followed the direction most of the monks were flying towards the center of Lingyun Island. It turned out that the monks in front were also guided by the jade pendant.

In two days, Li Qiuyu saw countless monks slowly gathering towards Demon Dragon City. The inn inside had been occupied by seniors for a few months. Li Qiuyu could only meditate in a quiet place and wait for the void. open.

From the mouths of some peak monks in the late stage of alchemy, I learned that this land of nothingness has existed since the first person appeared in Bihai, and it will be opened every 100 years.

Each ban is only opened for one day, but monks come out one after another five years later, but the place where they come out is not here, it can also be said to be randomly sent to any island in the blue sea.

Seeing that more than 3000 late-stage foundation-building and alchemy-stage monks did not stay in the inn outside, Li Qiuyu was horrified. There were more than 3000 monks outside alone. I don't know how many monks lived in the city.

It's not a lot if you think about it, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine jade pendants, even after countless years of wear and tear, there are still a lot left.

Li Qiuyu restored his mana and consciousness to the peak, and tried to avoid any major accidents inside. Fortunately, the prohibition of entry was forbidden by the ancients, and the moment of entry was also randomly transmitted, so there would be no imagination of groups.

But after countless times of entry, there must be many powerful forces that have developed a way to contact inside.

Some time before the opening of the void, these monks were very quiet and didn't want to cause trouble here, because no one could.

A large number of monks, as long as you make a move, will become the focus, and then you will be retaliated and attacked inside, who wants to rest assured that a powerful monk is by your side.

Time passed day by day, and in the past ten days, the weather became extremely bad. It was originally June weather, and the cloudless sky gradually became cloudy.

In less than a moment, heavy snow fell from the sky, and Li Qiuyu didn't care about him, because it's not surprising that some weird situations appear every time there is a change in the big space.

In two days, the entire Demon Dragon City turned into an icy world, everywhere was white, only light masks of different colors lit up outside the city.

Seeing a colorful mask, Li Qiuyu secretly thought that these are all talented monks from some big islands in the blue sea, who can reach the late foundation establishment and alchemy stages, and how many of them are not talented.

Two days later, the heavy snow in the sky stopped, followed by a rainbow about a thousand miles long and a thousand feet wide, behind which appeared a huge black tower-shaped palace.

I saw that the rainbow gradually became shorter, but became wider. As time passed, the rainbow became more intense, like a substance, linking the earth and the giant hall together.

Li Qiuyu and some monks who saw such a scene for the first time were surprised to see the changes in the world. Such changes were absolutely mysterious and magical. He finally felt all kinds of magical changes in the world.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and then the gate of the giant hall slowly opened, and a colorful light shot out slowly.

"Ah, the land of nothingness has opened, the land of nothingness has opened."

Countless figures shot towards the colorful light quickly, but Li Qiuyu just stayed where he was and stood there stupidly.

The eyes looking at the colorful light also became extremely weird, because the moment the colorful light appeared just now, he obviously felt the space necklace on his chest beating slightly.

Although it was beating slightly, but connected with Li Qiuyu's mind, this tremor was like a shocking hammer hitting his chest.

"Is there any connection between this void and my brother's space necklace?"

This doubt kept spinning in his mind, and he didn't know that all the monks had entered the colorful light, and the colorful light gradually faded.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you want to go in?" A crisp voice came into Li Qiuyu's ears, and she was about to be pulled back from her contemplation.

I saw a female cultivator with a white veil flying past, flying straight towards the colorful light, her body flashed in, and Li Qiuyu could only see the graceful figure of the female cultivator, she was definitely a stunner in heaven and earth, Just didn't see the face.

Li Qiuyu quickly retracted the confusion in her heart, and was secretly happy that she might be able to get some information about the space necklace in this void.

With a flash of his body, he entered the gate of the tower-shaped hall at the same time that the figure of the female cultivator disappeared. The moment he entered the gate, a colorful light enveloped him without the slightest dizziness. After a few breaths, his eyes lit up again, Appeared in a dense jungle.

Li Qiuyu knew that he had entered the land of nothingness, and he clearly felt that the aura here was several times stronger than that outside. Even if he didn't get good things here, he could improve his cultivation a lot after practicing here for five years.

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