Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 395 Entering the Hall of Nothingness

His whole body was so comfortable that he was almost intoxicated in the world of colorful lights, and the meridians all over his body also underwent slight changes.The mana in the meridians slowly changed from pure white to colorful.

However, it was the cloud beast beside Li Qiuyu, looking at Li Qiuyu with dazed eyes, and the aurora and emptiness that even the monks of the transformation god stage and the monsters of the eight or nine worlds were afraid of turned into nourishing tonics in front of the humans in front of them.

"this is okay too?"

Li Qiuyu operated the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, and the seven-colored light immediately sucked it in, and then entered his body.

With a movement of consciousness, a fire-type long spear magic weapon appeared in front of him, but the moment it appeared, it turned into mist and disappeared.

Seeing such a situation, Li Qiuyu and Yunshou were stunned in horror. They didn't expect that even the treasure-level items would instantly disappear into nothingness.

No wonder he was able to instantly kill the cultivators of the Transformation Stage. If he didn't have the Heaven-shocking Art and the Space Necklace, countless Li Qiuyu would have become nothing.

"Let's look ahead."

Li Qiuyu led the cloud beast and ran forward quickly. In the world of colorful light, the cloud beast was wrapped in Li Qiuyu's protective cover, so naturally it would not be harmed.

After an hour, a huge tower-shaped hall appeared in sight. From a hundred miles away, the tower-shaped hall could only be seen standing tall in the sky.

Li Qiuyu glanced in bewilderment, the pagoda-shaped hall was exactly the same as the forbidden pagoda he came in, but the current hall is countless times bigger.

Li Qiuyu quickly ran towards the pagoda-shaped hall. After a distance of one hundred miles, it took only a short time to come outside the pagoda-shaped hall, only to see a gate about ten feet high and five feet wide that was tightly closed.

The main hall is made of unknown materials, and there is no connection at all, as if the main hall is a whole of finely carved jade.

He didn't have time to observe the appearance of this tower-shaped hall, because a delicate engraving appeared in his sight, and he walked towards the door of the hall step by step.

As it got closer and closer, my heart felt turbulent. This exquisite engraving happened to be exactly the same as the space necklace in my hand.

The place where the cloud beast stood was already surrounded by the colorful lights, and it could clearly see Li Qiuyu walking forward, but it didn't understand what Li Qiuyu was going to do.

Li Qiuyu picked up the space necklace and compared it with the engraving in front of him. The engraving next to the palace door is obviously a lock mechanism, and the key is the space necklace in his hand.

He hesitated for a moment, pondering whether to use this space necklace as a key, if the engraving damages the space necklace.

All his precious medicines will be destroyed, as will the Xiao Hanyue sisters and the green-clothed blood eagle, but the temptation in front of him is too great.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger. If the space necklace is destroyed, I will not leave this place of nothingness."

He secretly thought that in order to rescue Xiao Hanyue and the green-clothed blood eagle, he had spent countless thoughts, but he still couldn't get them out.

The expression in Li Qiuyu's eyes was resolute, and then he pressed the space necklace towards the engraving. The space necklace and the engraving completely matched. The moment the space necklace touched the engraving, a gray light radiated out.

But he didn't know that all the places thousands of miles away from him were trembling non-stop, as if the knife had cut the end of the world. Twenty thousand monks looked at the sky in horror, thinking to themselves that it was over.

Other high-level monsters are even more fearful, because monsters have existed here for tens of thousands, 10, or even millions of years, but they have never seen such shocking changes in the land of nothingness.This kind of time passed for an hour, and after an hour, the earth returned to its original state again.

But in this moment, nearly [-] monks were lost in this earth-shattering change, but they didn't know that it was a monk in the early stage of alchemy who really created all this.

Immediately the tall hall door opened, and at the moment the door opened, all the colorful rays of light rushed towards the main hall, and the colorful rays of light within a radius of five hundred miles all entered the gate in less than half an hour, and then the air of nothingness, half an hour later , the colorful rays of light and the air of nothingness all entered the hall.

Li Qiuyu quickly took out the space necklace, and the moment the gate closed, he flashed his body and entered the hall with the cloud beast.

After entering the main hall, the scene inside is basically the same as the outside, except that the colorful light and emptiness are missing.

It was a completely empty place inside, and the spiritual energy was more intense. He chose a direction, and flew quickly close to the ground with the cloud beast.


There are so many thousand-year-old medicinal herbs, Li Qiuyu quickly stopped, and there are thousands of thousand-year-old rare medicinal herbs in an area of ​​nearly one acre.

And there are still many ingredients of 3000 years old. He quickly waved his hands, picked up the herbs, and put them into the space necklace.

In a place where the aura is more intense, there are two ten thousand year herbs. Li Qiuyu is overjoyed. There are ten thousand year herbs outside, but there are some treasures inside.

Within a day, he had encountered two pieces of such medicinal materials. Li Qiuyu did not specifically search for medicinal materials, but chose a direction to fly in. With the induction of the space necklace, I believe that there will be no mistakes in the space necklace. .

The Second Realm of Nothingness

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu flew all the way, butcher and that one picked medicinal materials when they encountered them. They encountered no less than a hundred fifth- and sixth-level monsters, and four seventh-level monsters, and one of the seventh-level beasts had reached seven mid-stage peak.

It almost cost his life, and in the end, he relied on the ancient treasure of the giant tripod and the lotus flower between his eyebrows to kill him, but the harvest was not small. He was a monster at the peak of the seventh-order middle stage. Such a monster is full of treasures. A miniature Yuanshen was captured by Li Qiuyu.

Not far from the peak beast in the mid-seventh stage, ten rare medicinal herbs with a age of 10 were obtained. Wherever there are seventh-order monsters, there will be medicinal herbs that are more than [-] years old.

"Finally came to this second area. It seems that the monks outside have come to a place five million miles away."

What he said was not wrong, the more than 2 monks outside were marching in a team, and did not dare to use the flying magic weapon, so they could only rely on their strong and profound cultivation to fly close to the ground.In half a year, an area of ​​500 million miles.

However, there are also many monks who were murdered to seize treasures, or were killed by monsters. Some monks in the late stage of foundation establishment also planned to look for medicinal materials and monster inner alchemy nearby.

But most monks still choose to enter the Hall of Nothingness, because only the Hall of Nothingness has good materials and treasures.

"Where did you get that necklace?" Yun Beast followed Li Qiuyu for more than half a year, and he also knew Li Qiuyu's character, he was not a person who would not be faithful.

Under Li Qiuyu's Yaodan, its cultivation has reached the peak of the early seventh stage, and the killings along the way have greatly increased the cultivation of Li Qiuyu and Yunshou.

Gaining more combat experience in the battle, Li Qiuyu killed more than [-] fifth-level monsters, more than forty sixth-level monsters, and four seventh-level monsters in half a year.

Li Qiuyu, a monster below the fifth rank, was hard to deal with. Besides, the cloud beast was at the seventh rank, and the monsters below the seventh rank could run away as far as they could, but the monsters that were on the way still couldn't escape the strangulation of Li Qiuyu and the cloud beast.

"My necklace has been hanging on my chest since as long as I can remember." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

He didn't lie, because the necklace itself was with him, and he didn't know when he had this space necklace.

"There is such a thing. I feel that your necklace has something to do with this Hall of Nothingness. Otherwise, the Hall of Nothingness would not be opened. You must know that the Hall of Nothingness can only be opened automatically after two years."

"I don't know this anymore, I will naturally know when the time comes."

"Are we still going in there?"

"Of course." Li Qiuyu nodded and said, took a rest on the spot, and finally flew straight forward again, living a life of killing and treasure hunting.

During this journey, he did not encounter many powerful monsters. Perhaps the route guided by the space necklace was correct, which reduced the resistance of monsters.

The more you go to the innermost part, the stronger the aura is. In the second area, the aura is about twice as strong as that in the first area. The medicinal materials and some fruits are also much rarer. It has passed through the second area in two months.

In this area, he actually came across dozens of 10-year-old medicinal materials growing together, and also encountered some rare materials for refining the Heaven Mie Sword. It took half a month to successfully capture the ginseng essence.But the ten rarest refining materials were not encountered.

On this day, he came to a relatively quiet mountain range and found an excellent cultivation environment in the mountain range. He didn't want to practice in this place, but because he didn't have much Tianyuan Dan on his body.

It was necessary to refine the elixir. Li Qiuyu brought the cloud beast to the cave, and a Nine Palaces Profound Formation sealed the outside, and imposed several small prohibitions.

Although there are no monks to find here.But he also sent some high-level monsters to break in, and it would be troublesome to delay the alchemy. He asked the cloud beast to wait near the prohibition.

Although the cloud beast was not subdued by Li Qiuyu, it never refused Li Qiuyu's words. First, it was because Li Qiuyu had the air of nothingness and the sky cold aurora in his hands; Soon.

After settling everything, Li Qiuyu spent an hour refining a bottle of Tianyuan Pill, and finally restored her cultivation base and spiritual consciousness to their peak state.

He calmed down for a while, after ten days like this, his mood has reached the point where the ancient well is calm, because refining the elixir must reach an optimal state.

Now that the most important species materials of Tianying Pill have been collected, it is now time to refine Tianyuan Pill.

Tianying Dan needs 71 ​​auxiliary materials and main materials of species, ten thousand years of stalactites, ten thousand years of strong sun fruit, 10 years of ginseng essence, seven-level monster inner alchemy and blood essence, all of which are collected one by one.

After calming down and comprehending the refining method of Tianying Pill and the emergency treatment method, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and the exquisite and unusual Qiankun Cauldron appeared in the air.

"Dude, it's up to you this time, let's create a miracle together." Li Qiuyu said while looking at Qiankunding lightly.

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