Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 398 The Inner Palace of Nothingness, the Treasure of Bright Light

A day later, when Li Qiuyu returned to the place where he and the cloud animal picked the medicine, his eyes were green. Where is this place a land of nothingness, it is clearly a field plowed by farmers.

In some places, it is even tens of feet long, because there are root medicinal materials of ten thousand or 10 years, or medicinal medicinal materials with spirituality underneath.

The medicinal materials in the space necklace were continuously spread out, and most of them were transplanted, only some common medicinal materials were not transplanted.

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu's Space Necklace looted all the medicinal materials with a radius of more than a thousand years, but in the ninth area, there were no monsters at all.

Back to the place where the medicinal materials were first collected, Li Qiuyu smiled bitterly. If someone came in and saw it, he would definitely vomit blood.

But starting from this place of nothingness, several monks entered the eighth floor, and they were all sent out in the seventh area by running out of time.

"Let's go, let's go inside and see what's inside." Li Qiuyu wrapped the cloud beast with a mask, because he was worried that Tianhan Aurora and the air of nothingness were inside, except for himself.The combination of these two things is to kill any powerful existence in seconds.

Fortunately, the cloud beast is not the size of a palm, and it is very convenient to carry. It is not as huge as it was at the beginning, and it can be reached within a quarter of an hour from a distance of a hundred miles.

During the half a year of collecting herbs, Li Qiuyu had already seen clearly the hall in the center of the ninth area, which was a full five miles in size.

When Li Qiuyu came to the main hall, this hall was exactly the same as the one he had encountered twice before, which almost made him hallucinate.

The door of the main hall was still tightly closed, and Li Qiuyu clearly felt a strange aura swirling around the main hall when he was twenty feet away from the main hall.

"For thousands of years, you are the first monk to enter the Tower of Nothingness, which means you are the monk who owns the void space. Come in."

A faint voice came to Li Qiuyu's consciousness, this voice seemed to come from the ancient prehistoric world, and it also seemed to float out of the Jiuyou Hell.

Li Qiuyu looked around, but there was no living thing at all. He still raised his feet and walked forward. It was only twenty feet long, but it seemed like he had experienced dozens of years.

"Since I've come here, and since I've reached here for the first time in tens of millions of years, I won't give up this opportunity. At worst, I will be destroyed again."

Li Qiuyu thought secretly, and finally came to the front of the main hall, and he stuck the space necklace on the engraving in front of the main hall.

There was no gray light like before, but all creatures outside the first area were reduced to ashes, and the entire land was like a vast desert.

A hoarse sound came from the gate, Li Qiuyu took off the space necklace without any hesitation, and went directly into the main hall.

This time is different from the last time. In the main hall, the whole hall is extremely wide. If there is a huge square, the moment Li Qiuyu stepped into the main hall, the door closed again, and it almost merged with the main hall without any gap.

Li Qiuyu walked towards the innermost step by step, one hour, two hours... one day, two days, one month, two months.

Li Qiuyu walked in the hall for three full months before reaching the innermost part. Li Qiuyu didn't know any strange prohibitions in the hall, but every step he took was real.But it is always far away from the innermost part.

At the innermost point, there is a stone ladder with nearly ten thousand steps. Li Qiuyu seems to be drawn by an inexplicable consciousness. Sure enough, the Tianhan Aurora and the air of nothingness are in the stone room under the ten thousand step stone ladder.

The stone room is not big, only fifty feet in radius. It is called a stone room, but it is an abyss thousands of feet deep. In the middle of the stone ladder, there are eight invisible prohibitions that need to be opened with a space necklace.

But he didn't know that every time he opened a prohibition, more than half of the monks in an area would be lost, no matter whether it was the late stage of foundation establishment or the late stage of alchemy.

"I've been waiting here for tens of millions of years, and finally someone came in."

A faint voice resounded, and it looked extremely embarrassing in the stone room. Li Qiuyu, a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, was also shocked.

"Who are you, why are you here, and what's the matter with the space necklace in my hand." Li Qiuyu said excitedly, and he gradually felt that something was about to be unraveled.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you have my token in your hand. Last time, this token disappeared 1 years ago, and now it reappeared. Only when you have cultivated to a certain level, you will naturally know your origin."

"Where are you, why don't you come out."

"Talking to you now is just a trace of the spirit I left behind. You can only get the unexpected treasure if you get rid of the Tianhan Aurora and the emptiness here within half a year."

"What exactly are Tianhan Jiguang and Qi of Nothingness?"



Li Qiuyu waited for a long time, but there was no voice to answer. When he turned to look at Tianhan Aurora and Void Qi, a trace of blue smoke dissipated in the air.

Li Qiuyu has been practicing for a long time, so he naturally knows that this green smoke is the trace of spirit that he spoke just now, and it has dissipated now.

He walked towards Tianhan Aurora and the Qi of Nothingness, within a radius of ten feet was the Qi of Nothingness, and in the middle of the Qi of Nothingness was the colorful Aurora of Tianhan.

"You wait on the side. I will cultivate and get rid of these emptiness." Li Qiuyu put the cloud beast aside.

Started to operate the God-shocking Art, and a trace of almost emptiness rushed towards him. Li Qiuyu was very pleasantly surprised. If it goes on like this, it won't take half a year at all.

But one day later, the emptiness remained the same as before. Li Qiuyu was startled, and finally realized that the emptiness here was compressed within a thousand years outside the Great Hall of Nothingness.

"I see."

Li Qiuyu sacrificed the space necklace, and then tried to guide a trace of emptiness into the space necklace to see if the medicinal materials and items inside were damaged.

A trace of emptiness entered the space necklace, and based on his connection to the space necklace, he clearly felt that the emptiness entering it was like returning home.

There is no problem with the medicinal materials, and there is no problem with the refining materials. Li Qiuyu is very excited. Since this space necklace is almost one with her, and the breath after the shocking magic art she practiced also matches this space necklace, naturally there is no problem.

He quickly put a large amount of emptiness into the space necklace. After ten days, the emptiness was reduced to half. After a month, all the emptiness entered the space necklace. Prohibition, arouse a fixed corner in which they are imprisoned.

Behind the Qi of Nothingness is Aurora Aurora, and he also continued with Qi of Nothingness. In two months, he solved all the Aurora and Qi of Nothingness.

The treasure that the mysterious voice spoke of also appeared in Li Qiuyu's eyes, a one-foot-sized ice flame, and the entire ice flame was divided into two equal-sized pieces.

Next to the ice flame is a black triangular flag, which is sealed with a layer of prohibition. Li Qiuyu sees something bad inside.

On the other side, there is a dull three-foot long sword. Li Qiuyu shook his head, this is a treasure, and the ice flame can be regarded as a treasure, but the other two are not the good treasures above.

Li Qiuyu gently put the three things into the space necklace, and finally wrapped them with layers of prohibition. Since it can be regarded as a precious existence here, it must be not easy, but I didn't figure it out for a while. .

The moment he put away the three treasures, the steps on which the treasures had just been placed suddenly shattered. After the steps shattered, a shiny silver mirror appeared in his sight.

The mirror is only the size of a palm, and it is inlaid with an unknown metal around it, with a delicate handle that can only be held by one hand.

Li Qiuyu reached out to pick up the mirror, without any aura, but it looked more simple, with a bright red bead in the handle, emitting a dazzling light.

Behind the mirror, there are only three small characters in seal script. Fortunately, Li Qiuyu knows these characters, "Mingguang Baojian"

He injected a spiritual consciousness into it, and suddenly, a powerful message bounced back his spiritual consciousness, which caught him off guard for a while.

"Mingguang Baojian, born in response to the aura of heaven and earth, breaks out the filthy things in the world, and serves the master Tianhan Aurora, otherwise, the soul will be destroyed."

Simple and clear, Li Qiuyu naturally knows that this mirror is a powerful treasure, but it can only be used by monks who are pregnant with Tianhan Aurora, otherwise they will be attacked by Mingguang Baojian.

Li Qiuyu quickly took back his consciousness, Tianhan Jiguang, although there are a lot of Tianhan Jiguang in his space necklace, and he is not afraid of Tianhan Jiguang, but he has not yet achieved the true possession of Tianhan Jiguang.

Since it was regarded as the most precious treasure by the Great Hall of Nothingness, I believed it was not an ordinary thing, so he quickly put it away, the moment he put the Mingguang Baojian into the space necklace.

The entire Great Hall of Nothingness shrank sharply, and Li Qiuyu also felt this change. Li Qiuyu was helpless, and quickly sucked the cloud beast, and with a flash of his body, he quickly flashed towards the exit of the stone chamber.


Li Qiuyu was knocked back by an invisible prohibition, and the stone room was still getting smaller, only about two feet in size.


With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a burst of magic power was poured into the forbidden talisman, and then he rushed towards the exit of the stone chamber with the forbidden talisman again, without any hindrance, Li Qiuyu appeared in the hall.

The moment he got out of the stone room, the stone room had completely disappeared. If Li Qiuyu hadn't absorbed the aurora and emptiness here for two or three months, and got a few treasures, he really couldn't believe that there was a stone room here .

The hall was also shrinking sharply. This time Li Qiuyu did not encounter the situation three months ago. With a flash of his body, he walked out of the hall.


I saw that the main hall that he just entered had a radius of about ten miles, but after he came out, it was obviously just a scenic pagoda about one foot high.

As soon as Li Qiuyu moved his consciousness, he didn't care about that much. Anyway, he will leave the land of nothingness in less than a year. He put this pagoda into the space necklace.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu showed a confident smile on his face, and then threw the cloud beast on the ground. The cloud beast snorted dissatisfiedly, and then followed Li Qiuyu in the direction it came from.

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