Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 411 Leaving the Land of Nothingness

Another monk who was in the early stage of alchemy also failed to resist the attack of Mie Shen Ji, a hole appeared in his chest, and he fell down slowly.

The other four monks at the late stage of foundation establishment were completely terrified. Two seniors at the alchemy stage were killed in an instant, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

The powerful coercion overwhelmed the four of them, and the panic on their faces was obvious. Li Qiuyu looked at the four of them indifferently, and then shot them out in a circle.

The four monks in the late stage of foundation establishment had no chance to move, their fists carried a powerful destructive aura, and a trace of blood appeared from the corners of the mouths of the four of them. Li Qiuyu took back the coercion and ignored them.The four late-stage Foundation Establishment monks all fell down with a bang.

The cultivator at the early stage of alchemy who was attacked by the god-killing technique has been completely reduced to an idiot. Li Qiuyu didn't want any news to leak out, so with a swipe of one hand, he chopped off his head with a green wood chop.

"Senior Sister, let's go, it's not suitable to stay here anymore." Li Qiuyu said relaxedly, the six monks were ruined for a moment, just like crushing an ant to death.

"I'm also in the alchemy stage now, there's nothing wrong with you calling me Senior Sister. I didn't expect that Junior Brother's strength has reached this level." Lan Yin said in surprise.

"It's just a fluke. Didn't senior sister just say that she got Tianxin fruit? Show me. I'm looking for Tianxin fruit. I haven't found it after searching for two months. I didn't expect senior sister to come across it by accident." Li Qiuyu didn't care about Lanyin. title problem.

"Look, has it reached 50 years?" With a move of Lanyin's consciousness, a storage bag was shot at Li Qiuyu.

"Well, it is indeed Tianxin Fruit, but it does not have the composition of 50 years. It should be 30 years old." Li Qiuyu said in surprise.

"Since the younger brother is useful, I will give the Tianxinguo to the younger brother." Lanyin said happily.

"Senior Sister is now in the realm of alchemy, you can use these." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a move of consciousness, the four magic weapons flew towards Lanyin, and Lanyin took the four magic weapons with joy on his face.

Magical treasures are nothing to Li Qiuyu, but ordinary alchemy cultivators would be pleasantly surprised to have a magic weapon.

Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, pretty ah, handed Lanyin a storage bag, which contained 500 million low-level spirit stones.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu took back the storage bags and magic weapons of the six monks, and a flame that burned the sky reduced the six people to ashes.

The cloud beast became the size of a palm and landed on Li Qiuyu's shoulders. The two of them used their body skills to run. After half an hour, they had already left fifty miles away. They found a relatively remote cave and stayed there.

Lanyin was not seriously injured, but mainly exhausted, and he can recover after a period of rest. Li Qiuyu is no longer in the mood for treasure hunting now, so he can only wait for the time to pass him on.

Just two months passed by in a hurry. On this day, the entire void became like the end of the world. Some monks who came in for the second time knew that it was the time for the exit to open. As for the monks who came in for the first time, they felt uncomfortable. Calm down.

They saw with their own eyes that some of their companions were instantly turned into nothingness, and after half an hour passed, a trace of powerful pulling force appeared in the sky.

Li Qiuyu and Lanyin came outside, watching the changes between the heaven and the earth, feeling a burst of emotion in their hearts, especially Li Qiuyu, he knew that this was the last time that the land of nothingness appeared.

At this moment, countless colorful rays of light flashed in the air and fell down. Li Qiuyu was horrified when he heard the sound of exclamation not far away.

This is the so-called Tianhan Jiguang. I didn't expect Tianhan Jiguang to be so powerful. In the consciousness, the monks hit by the colorful light disappeared instantly.

A powerful colorful light came to the sky where Li Qiuyu was, but the light stayed in the air, and the space necklace also emitted a powerful colorful light.

The two colorful rays of light were linked together as if echoing back and forth. Li Qiuyu involuntarily floated up in the air. Seeing that Lanyin was still on the ground, she stretched out her hand and pulled Lanyin over. A protective cover wrapped her up. .

When covered by the colorful light, he obviously felt dizzy for a while. This is the reaction of teleportation. At the moment of teleportation, Li Qiuyu glanced around.

I saw countless light shields disappearing quickly, but there were definitely not tens of thousands, at most two or three thousand. He was shocked. When he calculated it, there were a full twenty thousand monks. He didn't expect that there were only ten monks who went out. one.

A loud noise came from behind, and the moment Li Qiuyu pulled away the colorful mask, he saw the ground behind him disappear quickly, and some monsters were also instantly swallowed.

"The void has really disappeared."

He secretly thought in his heart that the moment he left with the Tower of Nothingness, this land of nothingness completely disappeared.

After a period of dizziness, Li Qiuyu also felt that Lanyin had been separated, and he was helpless in this one-dimensional teleportation.


Li Qiuyu was completely awakened, Li Qiuyu's eyes were full of green lake water, and he secretly felt that his luck was bad.

The place where the teleportation came out was actually in the water. Fortunately, there were water-proof beads on his body. Within a radius of one foot, the water-proof beads formed a light shield to keep the water out.

With a movement of his body, the whole body surged out of the water, which was an endless sea area. He quickly adjusted his body state, and at this moment, a fifth-level sea beast rushed over.


Seeing the sea beast, Li Qiuyu was furious because there was not a single island or person within a radius of six hundred miles.

A fist was struck out through the air, with a destructive aura, the fist slammed on the sea beast fiercely, with a bang, the sea beast didn't breathe at all.

It is shameful to waste it. The inner alchemy of the fifth-level monster is also a spirit stone. I saw him grab it from the air, and a crystal bead fell in his hand, the inner alchemy of the fifth-level sea beast.

He sacrificed the Tianyun Shenzhou, and after flying in the sea for five days, he finally saw an island. He also watched the sun flying in the sky, and it would be troublesome if he flew in the wrong place over the vast sea.

This island is also an uninhabited island, only one mile in size. Li Qiuyu landed on both feet and flew in the air for five days. He only saw the endless sky and the blue sea, and now his feet are finally on the ground.

"I don't know where this place is?"

He said to himself, and then found a quick place to cast the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation, with a simple prohibition on the outside.

Five years have been spent in the land of nothingness. Although he has a lot of rest time, how can he feel at ease, let alone after getting the tower of nothingness.

He was convinced that he lay down on the stone tiredly, and slowly fell asleep. This sleep lasted for two days. On this day, he opened his eyes.

His eyes are bright and full of energy. Seeing that the aura of this small island is quite sufficient, he plans to practice for a period of time before looking for a place with people.

"Hey, now you are a mid-seventh-level monster. In this world, unlike the land of nothingness, although there are not many high-level monsters, there are many high-level monks. Don't show your face easily, so as not to cause trouble." Li Qiu Yu released the cloud beast from the storage bag and said.

When he left, he was also afraid that the cloud beast would be harmed, so he put it together with the black turtle beast. The two monsters were in different realms, but they didn't want to mess with Li Qiuyu, and they lived in peace.

"This leaves the land of nothingness, well, the aura is weaker than that of the land of nothingness by more than one grade." Cloud Beast shook his head and said.

"I don't know where this place is anymore, let's practice for a while before making any plans." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he ignored the cloud beast and cast a prohibition on his own, fearing that the cloud beast would disturb him.

Seeing Li Qiuyu, Yunshou ignored it and found a place to breathe and practice. Li Qiuyu cleaned out all the inner alchemy of the monster under the prohibition.

In the five years in the void, he has gained the most. There are more than [-] inner pills of the fifth-level monsters, and nearly [-] inner pills of the sixth-level monsters.

At the beginning of the seventh level, there are 44 monster inner alchemy, and in the middle of the seventh level, there are [-] inner alchemy. After the monster reaches the seventh level, most of them are transformed, and the inner alchemy is rarely encountered.

On the contrary, there are more than 50 primordial spirit souls in the early stage of the seventh stage, and 31 primordial souls in the middle stage of the seventh stage. Any one of these things will be expensive in Bihai, and there is still a price but no market.

The millennium medicinal materials and rare medicinal seedlings also have a radius of fifty miles, all of which are planted in the space necklace. The ten thousand year medicinal materials also reach a radius of five miles, and the medicinal materials over 10 years are a full radius of five miles, including medicinal materials that are 50 years old.

There are also some spiritual fruit trees. Li Qiuyu was very excited when he saw these medicinal materials. His medicinal materials did not need to be stored in storage bags at all, and he directly built a medicine garden.

Some medicinal materials that cannot be planted were also packed in several storage bags, and they had to be disposed of after they went out.

The medicinal materials in the space necklace will not be used except for the medicinal materials that he needs to take. This is an astonishing wealth.His cultivation depends on him.

Especially the five miles in the middle are densely packed 10-year-old medicinal materials. There are medicinal materials that have been refined to more than four grades, Tianying Dan and Haohua Dan.

Thousand-year herbs and ten-thousand-year herbs are the materials for refining third-grade pills, such as Lingyu Pill, Huitian Pill, and Zhengqi Pill.

A huge pillar of refining crystals was lying beside the medicine garden. Li Qiuyu didn't plan to pay attention to him for the time being. He just put away the materials for Mie Tianjian.

Ten kinds of rare materials, Gengjin, seven-color sky-filling stone, earth-yin stone, sky meteorite, 10-year-old solar liquid, and gilt stone have been found, but at most ten swords can only be refined.

Some common materials have already been prepared.The important thing is that there are not enough Chinese medicine materials. This is also a huge project, but he can't rush it.

This time, he was able to find all the ingredients of the Tianying Pill in the void and successfully refine it, which is considered a great fortune.

And I got a lot of treasures in it. The power of the Tiantian Ruler is no longer comparable to that of the Night Spear. What's more, there are some spiritual treasures in the Mingguang Baojian. When the time comes to sacrifice and refine them one by one, the strength of the early days will definitely be greatly improved. .

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