Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 414 Breaking Through the Late Stage of Core Formation

One day three years later, on Twin Star Island, a young monk in white landed outside the city gate. The young man's face was full of exhaustion.

He is Li Qiuyu who has traveled all the way. In three years, he has leaped to countless islands, and the largest island is the second-level Tianxiao Island.

He stayed on this island for a year, and finally sold all the things he didn't need, and then stayed while flying. After three years, he reached Double Star Island.

In Baiyu City on Double Star Island, Li Qiuyu spent ten spirit stones to enter Baiyu City as an inexplicable Yueyangmen monk.

"Senior, do you need accommodation or food?" A monk in the Qi training period greeted Li Qiuyu respectfully when he saw that Li Qiuyu was at the late foundation establishment stage.

"Find me a quiet and separate courtyard. I don't want to be disturbed." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"Well, the lonely and quiet courtyard needs a thousand low-level spirit stones a month." The man said with a smile, but he still led Li Qiuyu in. He has seen a lot of the world, and he knows that Li Qiuyu is not a poor monk.

Li Qiuyu handed a thousand low-level spirit stones to the clerk, and the clerk left respectfully. Immediately, several prohibitions were cast, followed by another Nine Palaces Profound Formation.

In the inn, Li Qiuyu meditated with his legs crossed and practiced continuously for three years. Even if he was a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, he couldn't stand the toss.

But three years has given him a lot of knowledge, and he has also obtained a lot of rare medicinal materials and rare refining materials.

The most important thing is the cultivation base. The Nine Transformations of the Phoenix has reached the extreme of the fourth transformation. As long as you set your mind to practice, it is only a matter of time before you break through to the fifth transformation.

The Heaven-shocking Divine Art has also cultivated to the peak state in the middle stage of alchemy, even if it is an ordinary late stage monk in alchemy, it will be an instant kill in front of him.

One month in the inn passed quickly, and his spirit recovered. On this day, he left the inn and flew straight towards the Valley of the Medicine King.

He, the owner of Medicine King Valley, is simply a hands-off shopkeeper, and he doesn't have any feelings for this Medicine King Valley. If it weren't for using the disciples of Medicine King Valley to help him find rare medicinal materials and refining materials, he would not be the owner of Medicine King Valley at all. .

Six years later, Yaowang Valley was still the same as before, but the strength in the valley was slightly stronger. When he returned to the top of Yaowang Valley, his spiritual sense covered the entire Yaowang Valley.


It seems that in the past six years, these guys have forgotten him as the owner of the valley, but these guys are all specialized in alchemy, and they don't have much attraction for power at all.

He ordered twenty high-ranking monks in charge to the main hall, and when he came to the main hall, all twenty monks were already sitting firmly in their seats.

The four disciples in the later stage of Foundation Establishment also successfully reached the alchemy stage. Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction. It is a miracle that they can successfully reach the alchemy stage in six years.

"The subordinates have seen the valley owner."

The twenty monks saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, and the alchemy method Li Qiuyu gave them also received a lot of help, which improved their alchemy skills a lot, and they also had a little admiration for the valley master in front of them.

"I called you here today just to see what happened. I have to retreat again because of my cultivation, and I have to take care of the affairs of the Medicine King Valley. I will choose an acting valley owner from among the 20 of you." Li Qiuyu Said coldly.

"Acting the owner of the valley?" The monks below were all shocked, such a thing had never happened in the Valley of the Medicine King.

"That's right, I nominated Long Hao to be the owner of the Valley of the Medicine Kings, and take care of all the affairs of the Valley of the Medicine Kings." Li Qiuyu said lightly, sweeping his eyes around.

"Follow the Master's orders."

Li Qiuyu dealt with it briefly, and then returned to the place where he practiced on the top of the mountain. This change also caused the Yaowang Valley to shake up and down, but the acting valley owner of the Yaowang Valley was just an agent, and the real valley owner was practicing in seclusion.

After he restored his cultivation and mana to its peak, with a flash of his body, he had already left the sphere of influence of Yaowang Valley in a few breaths.

The Tianyun Shenzhou was sacrificed quickly, and flew slowly towards Yunlu Island in Qianling alone. When he arrived here, he was not in a hurry. By the time he arrived at Yunlu Island, it was already half a month later.

The shadow of Yunlu Island appeared in sight, Li Qiuyu put away the Tianyun Shenzhou, spread the wings on his back, then swiped in the air, disappeared instantly, and when he came out again, he had already reached the peak of Yunlu Island .

"Ling'er has seen Master Uncle."

Yun Linger, who was practicing, saw the aura in the air trembling, and was startled. The uncle had not heard from him for six years. Could it be the uncle? He hurried to the place where Li Qiuyu was practicing, and he saw Li Qiuyu.

"Well, the cultivation progress is very fast, not bad." Li Qiuyu nodded with satisfaction, and now Yun Ling'er has reached the peak existence of the late foundation establishment stage.

"Master's cultivation has improved greatly, Linger congratulates Master." Yun Linger said happily.

"Did something happen on the island?" Li Qiuyu glanced at Yun Ling'er, he was most concerned about the comfort of Yunlu Island.

"Nothing happened, but in the six years of Yunlu Island, five disciples have broken through to the alchemy stage. This is the income and medicinal materials of the elixirs in the past few years. Uncle, please count them." Yun Linger will Two storage bags were handed to Li Qiuyu.

"It's fine if you don't have anything to do. You should practice hard and strive to reach the alchemy stage." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she signaled Yun Ling'er to go back.

"Ling'er takes your leave." Yun Ling'er bowed respectfully and said goodbye.

After Yun Ling'er left, Li Qiuyu banned the opening, then sat down cross-legged, with a movement of consciousness, the storage bag opened, and the storage bag was full of storage bags, a total of [-] storage bags inside, His consciousness swept over these storage bags.

Each storage bag is 1000 million low-level spirit stones, that is to say, in six years, Yunlu Island earned 14 billion low-level spirit stones.

There are also six storage bags in the other storage bag, which are full of ten-thousand-year medicinal materials. These medicinal materials are tasks issued by him, and all the medicinal materials are very cherished.

Seeing so many spirit stones, Li Qiuyu couldn't help but feel a burst of joy. In addition to the original spirit stones on her body, the number has exceeded 40 billion.

After Li Qiuyu sorted everything out, he began to refine a large number of pills, the third-rank high-level Zhengqi pill, the third-rank high-grade Liuli pill, the fourth-rank Huitian pill, and the fourth-rank Lingyu pill.Obtain a large amount of Lingyu Dan materials.He is no longer afraid of the problem of medicinal materials.

Over the past year, he has used more than half of the medicinal materials purchased by the mission, and refined more than half of the medicinal materials that he obtained in the void that cannot be planted.

There are [-] bottles of each of the third-grade high-grade pills, [-] bottles of Huitian Pill, and [-] bottles of Lingyu Pill. These pills are absolutely shocking.

During a year of alchemy training, Li Qiuyu's alchemy mid-stage finally reached a peak critical point and had to break through.

He poured out a bottle of the refined top-level spirit jade pill, and finally threw it into his mouth. The efficacy of the spirit jade pill was already powerful, but after Li Qiuyu added several medicinal materials that had been used for 20 years, the spirit jade pill could not be used. It has become more powerful, far beyond the original effect of Lingyu Pill.

However, there is only one bottle of elixir here, and he is generally reluctant to use it, and only takes it when he has a breakthrough or a bottleneck in his cultivation.

A powerful medicinal effect instantly melted in his mouth, and Li Qiuyu operated the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, converting the medicinal power of the pill into mana and circulating it through the meridians.

The spiritual power in the air also rushed towards Li Qiuyu quickly, and this spiritual energy gathered towards the peak of Yunlu Island, which also attracted the attention of the disciples of Yunlu Island, but the owner of the island, Li Qiuyu, lived at the top of Yunlu Island.

Half an hour passed, the spiritual energy in the air gathered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the spiritual energy around Li Qiuyu almost enveloped him.


Li Qiuyu secretly shouted in his heart, and then quickly circulated his mana, rushing straight to the threshold of the late stage of alchemy. After accumulating a lot, he had already reached the peak three years ago, and now he broke through the threshold of the late stage of alchemy.

At the moment of breaking through the late stage of the core formation, he needed even more aura. He had no choice but to activate the Heaven-shocking Divine Art. With a wave of his hands in the air, the aura twisted and rushed to the top of the mountain like a river.

"Hey, the aura is distorted a lot. Could it be that the island master is in the middle of the impact." A monk at the early stage of alchemy said enviously.

"It should be, the owner of the valley has been in retreat for almost seven years." Another monk in the middle stage of alchemy also said happily. Li Qiuyu killed the monks in the late stage of alchemy in the early stage of alchemy. to what extent.

The other low-level disciples watched the aura change in the air in horror. Only the high-level disciples knew some inside information, and the island master should be breaking through.

It took a whole month for this spiritual energy to be distorted. During this month, Li Qiuyu used the Shocking Divine Art with all his strength, sucking the spiritual energy in the air into his dantian.

The dantian was like a bottomless pit, and he sucked up all the aura. After a month, the speed at which the dantian absorbed the aura also slowed down until it returned to the usual speed of cultivation.

The Heaven-shocking Divine Art also circulated automatically, driving the mana in the dantian to circulate. He used the inner vision technique to see that the dantian was countless times larger than before, and a golden bead inside it also became several times larger. This golden bead was cultivated by him. Golden Elixir.

But the mana in the dantian is no longer pure white like before, but has more colors, colorful colors, faint, Li Qiuyu doesn't know if it's the reason of Tianhan Aurora or it's just like this in the late stage of alchemy. .

But no matter what, his cultivation base is no longer at the same level as the middle stage of alchemy, and he also understands that there is such a big gap between the middle stage of alchemy and the late stage of alchemy.

In the past, it was a bit difficult for me to fight against the late stage of alchemy, but now, the monks in the late stage of alchemy are not considered powerful.

In the later stage of alchemy, not only the mana increased, but also the quality changed, and I had a deeper understanding of the control of spiritual mana.

In the past, to cast a spell, three points of mana were required, but now only one point of mana can achieve the previous effect.

After successfully stabilizing the realm, Li Qiuyu's temperament has become more elegant and refined, and his spiritual consciousness can also imprint Nanyue City into his mind. In the middle stage of starvation, he was able to extend his spiritual consciousness. To more than six hundred miles away.

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