Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 416 Sacrifice and Refining the Magical Treasure of Ten Thousand Souls Pan

While he was practicing the Nine Changes of the Phoenix, the Cloud Beast and the Xuan Turtle Beast were also practicing breathing in the forbidden area, and they all used the Creation Pill for cultivation.

Li Qiuyu can also practice with the help of the monster power emitted by the two beasts at the same time, and a pill made Li Qiuyu meditate in place for half a year.

The progress of the Shocking God Art is no different from usual, but after the Phoenix Nine Transformations reached the fifth Transformation Jiecheng Demon Pill, the kung fu has advanced rapidly, and faintly wants to catch up with the Shocking God Art Golden Pill.

After three years, Li Qiuyu refined a total of four Good Fortune Pills, making the Phoenix Nine Transformations truly stable, and the realm of the Demon Pill reached its mid-term peak.

If it wasn't for the Nanyue City island upgrade test, he wouldn't have stopped, and the remaining year would be spent on alchemy and magic weapons.

The Heaven-shocking Divine Art didn't delay at all, and what made him most happy was that the dull long sword was actually as beautiful as the Psychic Treasure's Tiantian Ruler.

The triangular flag is called Wan Hun Pan, which is made by a demon cultivator from the souls of countless monsters and monks. Li Qiuyu thought about it for a long time, but still sacrificed Wan Hun Pan.

Although Wan Hunpan is refined from the souls of countless monsters and monks, it is also considered a psychic treasure, which is a huge shock to the minds of monsters and monks.

As long as you are bitten by the monster souls and monk souls inside, you will immediately become one of them, and the monster souls inside are all powerful and powerful.

After Li Qiuyu sacrificed and refined, he also imprisoned ten monster beast souls at the beginning of the seventh level. After half a month of sacrifice and refining, Wan Hunpan finally succeeded in the sacrifice.

Now, as long as Wan Hunpan is swung out, dozens of seven-level monster souls and primordial spirits will attack at the same time. If this terrifying existence is encountered by ordinary monks in the alchemy stage, they will not even have the courage to fight back.It couldn't compare to Li Qiuyu's current cultivation.

To deal with monks in the alchemy period, there is no need for psychic treasures such as Wanhunpan. Now that there are Wanhunpan, Dingtianchi and the dim long sword, the treasures in attack are also very powerful.

The Mingguang Baojian is the nemesis of the magic weapon of the light system, and the defensive ones are relatively weak, that is, the magic weapon of the earth shield and the ancient treasure of the giant tripod.

He doesn't know the name of the transparent dagger, but its effect is not simple. It can break the monk's teleportation under certain circumstances.

Thinking of the Dingtian Ruler, Li Qiuyu didn't dare to use it anymore. During the alchemy stage, every time he used it, his lifespan would be reduced by one year. Only monks who had reached the Nascent Soul stage would be prohibited from doing so.

However, Dingtian Ruler was still used by him to refine the magic weapon of the city's destiny, and several other ancient treasures and magic weapons were sacrificed one by one. When these treasures are successfully sacrificed, the time agreed by the Great Elder is approaching.

He also felt a little old. Counting the time, he was only in Fengyue Continent, and he has been in Bihai for 19 years, and he is not yet forty.

But the experience of a lifetime is something no one else has encountered in several lifetimes. In these three years, Yun Ling'er has also successfully passed the alchemy stage, and now her realm is almost stable.

The development of Yunlu Island in the past three years is almost the result of the past 15 years. There are 32 alchemy stage monks. With the addition of Li Qiuyu and Yun Linger, the number of alchemy stage monks in Yunlu Island has reached 34.

There are only five monks in the late stage of alchemy, eleven monks in the middle stage, and eighteen monks in the early stage. Li Qiuyu is also very satisfied with the cultivation speed of the disciples of Yunlu Island.

His worth is also increasing rapidly, and he doesn't know how many spirit stones he has. In three years, he has earned a billion spirit stones at the beginning.

The prestige of the holy alchemist has already spread to dozens of islands around Qianling Island. There are monks and forces who are eyeing Yunlu Island, but no one is the first bird.

What pleased the monks in Nanyue City was that after the Holy Alchemy Pavilion was released, three more became elixir masters, and there were nearly a hundred people below.

"Disciple has met Master Uncle." Seeing Li Qiuyu appearing, Yun Ling'er shouted respectfully.

Although she is also a monk of the alchemy stage, in her heart, Li Qiuyu is not comparable to the monks of the hungry stage. Although Li Qiuyu is still a monk of the hungry stage, the two are not at the same level at all.

"You are also in the alchemy stage now, don't let others laugh at you, just call me senior brother." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally flashed her body, and the place where she appeared was already outside Yunlu Island.

His current agility is also several times faster, and he has really mastered the teleportation technique. Each teleportation can easily cover a distance of fifty miles. Even if he tries to do it, he can reach a distance of one hundred miles, but that will be harmful to the body.

He will never use the Nine Changes of Phoenix technique in front of outsiders again. Before reaching the Nascent Soul Stage, it is best not to let other monks know that he is a Shuangdan monk.

In order not to attract jealousy, after leaving Yunlu Island, a Tianyun Shenzhou was sacrificed, he floated up lightly, and then flew slowly towards Nanyue City.

As long as he doesn't use the cultivation technique, no one can see his true cultivation level. Unless he is forced to a higher level, even ordinary secret techniques are difficult to discover.

On the Tianyun Shenzhou, it took half an hour for five hundred miles to reach the city gate. In front of the city gate, Li Qiuyu put away the Tianyun Shenzhou and walked towards the city at leisure.

At the gate of the city, he was stopped by a monk of the Foundation Establishment Period. Li Qiuyu hadn't appeared in the city for more than ten years, and few people knew him at all.

"Fellow daoists need to pay ten low-level spirit stones to enter the city. Please show your tokens." A monk in the early stage of foundation establishment said lightly, with a hint of politeness on his face.

He saw that Li Qiuyu was only eighteen or nineteen years old, but his temperament was extraordinary, and he didn't know what level his cultivation was.

"Hehe, didn't you only need one spirit stone last time, why did you ask for ten yuan this time?" Although Li Qiuyu didn't lack spirit stones, she wouldn't treat her as an idiot.

"Hehe, the last time fellow Taoist came was five years ago, because our Nanyue City has produced a holy alchemist and three spirit alchemists, and the number of monks who came to our Nanyue City has also increased, so we have to maintain law and order. "The monk in the early stage of foundation establishment said with a smile.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Li Qiuyu didn't think that the entry threshold of Nanyue City was ten times too high due to his own reasons.

He handed over a token with a calm expression on his face. This token is also the token of the owner of Yunlu Island.

"Li Qiuyu on Yunlu Island." The monks in the early foundation establishment saw the three characters Yunlu Island on the front and Li Qiuyu on the reverse, so they registered according to the rules. What did the monk think of.

"This junior doesn't know that senior is coming to Nanyue City, please forgive me." The monk on the eighth level of Qi training quickly said respectfully.

At this time, the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment finally realized that this Yunlu Island Li Qiuyu is His Excellency the Holy Alchemist?I'm still here to neglect this one.

"Forget it, don't be too polite. I haven't been to the city for a long time. It's normal not to know me." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he put away the token and walked towards the city.

After Li Qiuyu left, the more than ten monks at the city gate were all pleasantly surprised. They never expected to see the face of the Holy Alchemist.

"I didn't expect His Excellency the Holy Alchemist of Yunlu Island to be so young." A monk on the tenth level of Qi training said enviously.

"Of course, it was more than ten years ago. When this holy alchemist was still a spirit alchemist, he had already reached the stage of alchemy. Naturally, he would not grow old. The deeper the cultivation base, the younger the appearance." It was a monk on the tenth level of Qi training who took it.

"I heard that Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist has already refined a kind of Zhuyan Pill, which naturally won't age. It's a pity that we have been practicing Qi for several years, and we have no chance to build a foundation."

"It's better to do your job well, maybe when you earn Lingshi, you will buy the Foundation Establishment Pill." The Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator who had just dealt with Li Qiuyu glanced at the others and said seriously.

Up to now he is still uneasy, offending this holy alchemist, if he is blamed, his life will be very difficult to save, but it seems that the other party is not such a stingy person.

Li Qiuyu came to the task release office in the square, and seeing that the task he released was still on it, Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction.

In the end, he came directly to the stone room of the main hall. This time, he no longer felt as oppressive as before. This is the difference in cultivation.

"Hey, our holy alchemist has arrived." The thirteenth elder said with a big laugh.

"Hey, Daoist Thirteenth Brother, why are you here alone, where are the other Daoist Brothers?" Li Qiuyu asked indifferently when he saw that there were only Thirteenth Elders in the stone room.

"They haven't come yet. I'm the only one who is the first to come." The thirteenth elder laughed dryly.

"So that's the case, let's wait." Li Qiuyu came to his seat to do a good job, closed his eyes and meditated, and within a while, other elders arrived one after another.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu had already arrived, they all greeted him politely, with envious expressions in their eyes, until the first elder arrived, all the elders had already arrived.

"I didn't expect Elder Li to come so early this time." The Great Elder said with a smile, his eyes swept over Li Qiuyu, and he was horrified.

After getting Li Qiuyu's breakthrough to the late stage of alchemy three years ago, I was very surprised, but now it seems that not only the realm has been stabilized, but also the cultivation base is much deeper than imagined.

Even he can't see clearly the depth of the opponent's cultivation base, since he is already the peak existence in the late stage of alchemy.

"The Great Elder was joking. Qiuyu used to live a little way away from here, so it's reasonable to be late. Forgive me, elders." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she laughed out loud.

"Elder Li, why do you seem to have changed your gender now? Your journey is indeed farther than ours." Elder Murong also knew that Li Qiuyu was joking.

The thirteen elders secretly visited Li Qiuyu's profound strength, and they all thought that they did it without anyone noticing, but they couldn't hide it from Li Qiuyu's induction and spiritual sense.

However, it's okay not to visit. After the visit, the feeling in my heart is no different from that of the Great Elder. I don't know how to cultivate such a profound cultivation base.

We all know that it has been less than 20 years since Li Qiuyu broke through the alchemy period, even if he keeps practicing, he will not encounter a bottleneck, and it is impossible to be so powerful.

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