Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 418 News from the Sea of ​​Immorality

A huge cyan energy slashed fiercely towards the formation, the energy immediately came to the formation, and finally landed on it.

"Boom"【Seek gold medal, ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for comment】

With a slight sound, the Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation was slightly dented, and then it returned to its original shape. This time, all the monks were really shocked. The peak monks in the late stage of alchemy struck with all their strength, which is equivalent to the monks in the early stage of alchemy launching a magic weapon attack.

But in the face of a powerful attack, this seemingly weak formation was only slightly dented, and they had never seen such a thing before.

"Eh, this formation is immune to attacks, and it will automatically strengthen after absorbing the attack." Eleventh Elder Qin Ling is naturally proficient in formations. Although he can't cast and break such formations, he still has a vision.

"Is there such a thing?"

The other monks also knew Qin Ling's ability, and believed that Qin Ling would not tell lies. If this was the case, would the above attack be able to break this formation?

"Whether you can ignore the attack, I don't know, but a monk in the alchemy stage will not easily break him. The more he attacks, the stronger the formation will be." Li Qiuyu said with satisfaction.

"With this formation, we can have a good rest tonight, and we should be able to go to Hanming City tomorrow night." Murong said.

With a swipe of one hand, Li Qiuyu made a hole appear, and finally entered quickly, and the others also quickly entered. After they all entered, the formation quickly closed.

After entering the formation, everyone cast a prohibition, meditating and cultivating, and had nothing to say all night. Early the next morning, Li Qiuyu and others simply washed and left.

After a day and a night of flying, they finally entered Hanming, the largest city on Qianling Island.Li Qiuyu scanned the outside of the city with his consciousness.

Hanming City is five or six times bigger than Nanyue City, and it also has a lot of aura. He doesn't know why there is a ranking competition, even if it is the first, there is no way to change the aura of the city.

"Seniors, please, this is the accommodation specially arranged for the seniors who come to the competition." A monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment said respectfully to Li Qiuyu and others.

They were arranged in a huge courtyard, and there were more than thirty wooden houses in the whole courtyard, but each wooden house had a simple prohibition.

It turns out that every city has such accommodations for monks from outer cities, but it must be during the competition period, and it is the personnel of the competition.

There are dozens of such courtyards. It seems that Hanming City's ability to become the largest city depends not only on the individual strength of the monks, but also on the overall strength of the city.

"You must think that there is no need to compete." The Great Elder came to a place not far from Li Qiuyu, and said through sound transmission, with a serious expression on his face.

"Please ask the First Elder to clear up your doubts. I am young and have little knowledge, so I don't know what's going on?" Li Qiuyu saw that the First Elder saw her doubts, and asked directly without putting on an air.

"This ranking is related to interests, otherwise no one will compete. On Qianling Island, there is a rich island with a radius of more than a thousand miles. There are extraordinary medicinal materials and materials in it. Of course, there are naturally many monsters. The aura inside is several times higher than that of the entire Qianling Island, and there are hundreds of cultivation caves."

"There are also good and bad caves inside. The first to fifth cities ranked this time have caves in five areas that have been completed. No. 132 places for entry, No. 231 places, and so on, and finally One is one.”

The Great Elder mentioned the benefits of a good ranking. It turns out that there is a cultivation environment for every five rankings, and the number of people who enter to practice is only set according to the number of cities.

Moreover, the No. 1 city still has the power to order all the cities on the entire island, but this right is only for some major actions, and other islands cooperate with it.

No unfair means will be used against a city, and the No.1 island will send a monk to upgrade the monks from other islands to strive for a better ranking.

Every time the ranking of the island can be upgraded, that city will get the title of the largest city in the millennium, and the same is true for power and interests.

The most important thing is that it is said that the quota for the Sea of ​​Nowhere that appears once every thousand years is also won here, but this time the Sea of ​​Nowhere will have to be 50 years later.

"Sea of ​​Immortality"

Li Qiuyu said in amazement that he also learned about the reputation of Wuwang Sea from ancient texts, but he only regarded it as a legend, and never thought that such a place really existed.

"Well, it is the sea of ​​innocence. The sea of ​​innocence is a mysterious sea area in the blue sea, and it is also a forbidden place for monks in the alchemy stage, but there are countless treasures in it." The elder looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise. There is no such mysterious place. Thinking of Li Qiuyu can also know.

After knowing everything, the Great Elder left Li Qiuyu, and finally returned to his own place to start practicing. Li Qiuyu didn't take the competition to heart, but he still wanted to go to this dangerous place in the sea of ​​innocence.

But you have to get No.1 to have a chance. It seems that there are countless islands in the blue sea. If you want to brush off the monks in the alchemy stage of the low-level islands, so as not to go to the sea of ​​innocence, you are looking for death.

For him, the ranking has nothing to do with him at all, it's just that he will never let go of what is beneficial to him, and the monks in the alchemy stage are no longer harmful to him.

Because he had successfully practiced the third of the nine moves of shaking the sky, he did not expect the third move to be the cold light slash, which is the same magic move as the sky-shocking finger.

It's just that the power is several times stronger than that of the Shocking Finger, but the consumption of mana is relatively more than that of the Shocking Finger.However, the target of this cold light slash attack is not single, it corresponds to the depth of cultivation base.

With Li Qiuyu's current cultivation base, a cold slash can emit four light curtains at the same time, four attacks that destroy the world.

The next morning, a monk at the foundation stage came to the courtyard where Li Qiuyu and others were located, and informed the city ranking monks who came to the competition to go to Hanming City Mansion.

This city is also equivalent to a place where the main thing is to be in charge. The group of people did not hesitate and followed directly. In less than half an hour, Li Qiuyu and others were taken to a large castle by the monks in the foundation period. The cyan boulder was built, and there are countless prohibitions on it.

After entering the castle, there was a small square with a radius of one mile. When they arrived, there were already many monks from the city here.

"Hehe, Brother Su is also in Baiyu City." Murong laughed loudly, cupping his fists at a middle-aged monk as a salute.

"Of course, Brother Murong is here too, so I, Su Peng, have to come too." Su Peng said with a smile. He seemed to be only middle-aged, but his cultivation had reached the peak of the late stage of alchemy, but he saw Li Qiuyu in the group , with a puzzled look in his eyes.

The monks in the foundation period took Li Qiuyu and others to sit in the seats in Nanyue City, and there were fifty seats in Nanyue City, because some elders would bring their juniors out to learn more.

After waiting for half an hour, all the monks from the 32 cities had arrived, and an old man in Tsing Yi who was at the peak of the late stage of alchemy appeared on the main step.

"This old man is Huangfu Yuye of Hanming City. This city ranking competition is also presided over by this old man. Fellow Daoists, please cooperate."

Huangfu Yuye looked at the monks below and did not speak, with a satisfied expression on his face. You must know that there are several times of monks in the late stage of alchemy below, and all of them are elite monks from every city.

"The rules of this competition are very simple. Every fellow daoist has a jade pendant for the competition. You just need to get the jade pendant from the opponent. The power that has the most jade pendants is the number one. But this seat still recommends, It is forbidden to kill the opponent after getting the jade pendant."

"After the opponent concedes, you can't be cruel to him. The environment of the competition is carried out at the same time. If you find a Taoist friend who concedes the opponent and gets the jade pendant and kills him, that power will lose ten jade pendants. The environment of the competition will naturally be clear. Know the reason for the lost fellow daoist."

Huangfu Yuye said loudly, there are 32 monks in the city, and each city has 420 monks, a total of [-] eight jade pendants.

Under normal circumstances, every monk will choose to carefully protect the jade pendant in his hand, and the monks who intend to go to the city will kill people to seize the jade pendant for the ranking of the city.

The time for the competition is ten days. After ten days, all the monks who are not damaged will be sent out. Finally, the total number of jade pendants in each city will be seen.

"Now it's time to start. Fellow Daoists, please enter the competition scene." After Huangfu Yuye finished speaking, he pointed at a huge light curtain.

The monk sitting next to the light curtain city glanced at the light curtain, and quickly walked to the light curtain, only to see that the light curtain flashed, and the fourteen monks disappeared.

Li Qiuyu and others ranked 21st, the bottom one was the first to enter, and the No.1 Hanming City entered last.

Thirteen elders including Li Qiuyu and the First Elder walked up the light curtain together, and suddenly the light flashed. Li Qiuyu only felt a slight dizziness, and then regained consciousness.

The place where it appeared was an island. Li Qiuyu swept away his consciousness, and this island actually suppressed his consciousness. With his cultivation level, he could only detect within a radius of [-] miles. look.

"Let's find a place to discuss it first." The Great Elder had already participated in a competition, so he naturally had experience, and he flew quickly with 13 people.

Arriving at a relatively wide lawn, the Great Elder stopped steadily, and finally began to think about how to capture and protect the jade pendant.Fight endlessly to get rid of the jade pendant.

After Li Qiuyu clarified the rules of the competition, he also thought of a way. This competition is to see the strength of the group.

"I have a way." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"any solution?"

The Great Elder and the other elders all looked at Li Qiuyu and asked.

"I sacrificed the Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation, and all of us lived in it. Every day, two Taoist brothers join hands to compete for jade pendants." Li Qiuyu thought about it.

"I forgot about this. The last competition was no different from this time. The methods of other city cultivators were the same as Elder Li's, but some city formations were also breached. Last time we did not have formation masters. This time we have You and Eleventh Elder, there will be no problem with this formation."

An Luo patted his head. He didn't expect that Li Qiuyu's Nine Palaces Profound Formation was powerful two days ago. After Li Qiuyu brought it up, he said happily.

"It turns out that you, Great Elders, already have a way to deal with it, and Qiu Yu is making a fool of yourself." Li Qiuyu said for a while, it turned out that his method was already being used by others.

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