Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 42 Teaching Alchemy

Three days passed in a flash, and the two sisters Xiao Hanyue broke through to the second level of Qi training unknowingly. They both practiced, but they never forgot what their young master told them.

Within three days, the two sisters used a large amount of gold to buy medicinal materials for Qi training pills in the big city of Nan'an, and they used up more than one hundred thousand taels of gold.

However, they still bought a lot of medicinal materials, and they had already filled up the storage bag Li Qiuyu gave them. There were some good medicinal materials in the storage bag, and the medicinal materials for refining the second-grade pill were indispensable among them.

The rest of the medicinal materials for refining qi training pills were also placed in a room. Li Qiuyu was quite satisfied with the work of the two sisters. Except for some lower-quality medicinal materials, the important medicinal materials were sent by the two of them. Brought it back in a storage bag.

"My lord, our sisters bought these from Nan'an Dacheng, but there are not many medicinal materials in this city to buy. Do you think the quality of these medicinal materials is up to standard?"

Xiao Hanyue asked respectfully, she has been in the big city of Nan'an for several years, she must be much more familiar with this place than Li Qiuyu, and it is much more convenient to do things.

"Let me take a look first. You two come with me to see how I make alchemy. Maybe you will use it in the future." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and said to the two of them lightly.

Although alchemy is very precious, the practice of alchemy also requires personal talent. It is not possible to make alchemy just by learning a little bit of superficiality. If that is the case, the alchemist in this world will not have such a high status.

"Thank you, Young Master, for teaching."

Xiao Hanyue naturally knew that Li Qiuyu wanted her sisters to make alchemy, so she felt grateful again and respected her son even more.

The three found a room in the back. This room was tighter and the largest. There were no other items in it except two stools and a table.

"You classify them according to the medicinal materials in my prescription, remember, don't make a mistake."

Li Qiuyu asked them to organize the medicinal materials, just to let them know the medicinal materials. Knowing the medicinal materials is the most basic requirement of an alchemist. An alchemist can't even distinguish the medicinal materials, let alone alchemy.


Xiao Qiuyue gave a soft acknowledgment, then took out the storage bag on her body, and classified them one by one according to the medicinal materials on the prescription.

Li Qiuyu didn't stay idle at all, but started tidying up the alchemy furnace and the fire. He carried these things with him, which was also the advantage of Space Baby, and he could take everything with him.

"Put the medicinal materials you have sorted out for me in order. When I am concocting alchemy, please keep quiet and watch carefully."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu was ready, and Xiao Hanyue and the two of them had also sorted out some of the medicinal materials. The alchemist would not let others observe while refining alchemy.

Li Qiuyu was not afraid, he just gave instructions, he knew that the two sisters would not disobey him, and he was not afraid that the two would steal from him, the purpose of letting them come here was for them to learn.

This time he didn't operate alchemy as skillfully as before, but slowed down all the actions, including lighting the fire and warming the furnace, to the order of putting in the medicinal materials, and explained each operation in detail with a technique and procedure.

The two sisters are also naturally intelligent people. As long as Li Qiuyu does it once, they can basically memorize it. It was not until half an hour passed that the first batch of pills was finally released, but the success rate was pitifully low. three.

This is not to say that Li Qiuyu's alchemy technique has regressed, it's just because he deliberately slowed down the speed so that the two of us could see our own techniques clearly, which made the pills have a low success rate and poor quality.

"Did you see clearly?"

"Master Hui, I have written down your techniques and procedures." Xiao Qiuyue said excitedly.

"Well, very good. You have to understand every word I say slowly. Alchemy is more difficult than cultivation. If you want to really learn alchemy, you need to do more in the future."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he put aside the waste pills and the three low-quality pills, and began to refine the second round of pills. This time, he was very serious and focused on every procedure, without saying a word, and even forgot Sister Xiao Hanyue is still here.

The technique of alchemy is also much more proficient than before, his eyes are fixed on the Dan furnace, his spiritual consciousness is full of the whole Dan furnace, and his face is also full of seriousness.

"As the first medicinal herb was thrown into the pill furnace, he kept changing the position of his hands, and one after another of true energy fell on the pill furnace continuously, and the pill furnace also kept spinning under the urging of the true essence.

Half an hour passed, and only half of the medicinal materials were put in. I saw beads of sweat dripping from Li Qiuyu's face, and the speed of turning his hands slowed down, but the pill furnace was not as stable as before.

At this time, he withdrew his hands, and the pill furnace also fell on the fire. The moment the pill furnace fell, Li Qiuyu put the remaining medicinal materials into the furnace one by one. live.

With a movement of consciousness, the pill furnace left the fire again, but under the infusion of Li Qiuyu's green wood true essence, the blue flame instantly turned purple-white, and the slightest trace of flame raised the temperature of the real room to another level.

Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyu, who were watching from the sidelines, were covered in sweat from being roasted, just to not disturb Li Qiuyu's alchemy, they stood there without moving at all, without saying a word.

An hour passed, the pill furnace spun dazzlingly, and the room also emitted bursts of pill fragrance, which shocked people.


The corners of Li Qiuyu's mouth twitched, and he pulled his hands toward the void on both sides, and a cyan light enveloped the pill furnace tightly. It turned out that this cyan light was the true essence he cultivated hard.

The pill fire was extinguished, and the lid of the pill stove was separated from the pill stove under the pressure of the true essence, and the pills flew out of the pill stove one by one. Li Qiuyu had been prepared for a long time, and a white jade bottle accurately put the pills that flew out. Take the medicine one by one.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu showed a trace of exhaustion on his face, but there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, yes, satisfaction, because this time all the refining pills were intermediate-level Qi training pills, twenty pills in one batch , all of them are genuine intermediates.

From Danxiang's point of view, this intermediate qi training pill is no longer an ordinary qi training pill, and it is much higher than ordinary intermediate qi training pills.It's worth it after being tired for so long.

"Congratulations, young master." Xiao Hanyue was the first to come over to congratulate Li Qiuyu when she saw that Li Qiuyu had finished alchemy.

"You are also tired here. This is an intermediate Qi training pill. You should save it and use it when you break through. It is best not to let others know."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he poured out a measure of pills from the jade bottle and threw them over. It's not because he was stingy, but now the two sisters don't need it for a while, and if there are too many pills, they will cause unexpected troubles.

"Thank you son, you rest first, and our sisters go out first." The two saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, then turned and walked outside.

"Wait a minute, take this thing out, refer to it when you have time, don't spread it outside." Li Qiuyu threw a thin book to Xiao Qiuyue, it was the skill of alchemy, but it was just some superficial aspects of alchemy , when he asked the second sister to come here to learn alchemy, he prepared this book.

"Thank you, young master, for your support. Hanyue will definitely not disappoint young master." Seeing that what Li Qiuyu gave her was alchemy, Xiao Hanyue felt a sore nose and almost cried out excitedly.In the end, I resisted and backed out with my sister.

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