Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 420 Black and White 2 Brothers

"Elder Li, these two monks are talented monks in Fuling City. If the two brothers join forces, even the four peak monks in the late stage of alchemy will not be able to take advantage of it." Comment】

The Great Elder sent a voice transmission to Li Qiuyu, and introduced the background of the two brothers, lest Li Qiuyu be fooled.

"Well, I'll separate the two of you, you and I will each have a chance to join forces." Li Qiuyu nodded secretly, and also said through voice transmission. The moment the two of them transmitted voice, they had already been discovered by the two brothers. .

"Aren't the two fellow Taoists coming out yet?" the black-clothed monk said coldly, looking at the grass where Li Qiuyu and the great elder were.

"Come out as soon as you come out, but don't regret it." Li Qiuyu flashed his body and stood firmly in the sky ten feet high.

"Cold Slash"

Switching hands, another cold light slashed down, and four cold lights slashed down towards the two brothers like lightning.


As soon as the experts make a move, they will know whether there is one. The two brothers are the peak existences in the late stage of alchemy. Naturally, they know that Li Qiuyu's cold light slash is powerful. I saw that the two quickly sacrificed one black and one white light shield. Fiercely drew two beams of strength to meet him.

The result of the two of them was the same as that of the three lost monks, the strength disappeared in an instant, and Li Qiuyu's cold light cut straight down.

"Chi Chi. Chi Chi"

Several subtle sounds resounded on the ground, and the two brothers saw that their attacks could not stop the cold light slash, so they quickly moved their bodies a foot.

At this moment, the Great Elder swiped a dark blue long sword towards the white-clothed monk, and the sword's light fell fiercely on the white-clothed monk's protective cover.

The two brothers were also successfully separated. Li Qiuyu missed a single blow, and with a movement of consciousness, the ancient fan slapped down on the black-clothed monk, and then the Miserable Halberd appeared in front of him and stabbed fiercely.


The black-clothed monk was caught off guard by Li Qiuyu's series of attacks. Under the Miserable Halberd, a golden shield blocked him, and the powerful impact made him retreat more than ten feet.

The Great Elder and the white-clothed monk were almost the same in strength, and both of them had a well-founded basis for advancing and retreating, but Li Qiuyu and the black-clothed monk threw their magic weapons and spells at each other.

Li Qiuyu's defense was much stronger than that of ordinary monks, and with the Devouring Shield, it was difficult for the black monk's magic weapon to break through the range of his defense.

"Fellow Daoist, hand over the jade pendant in your hand, and stop here, otherwise my subordinates will have no living. Even if you two join forces, there is no hope at all." Li Qiuyu also admired the cultivation of this black-clothed monk.

Being able to retreat completely under the Cold Light Slash is definitely a top existence in the middle of the alchemy period. If the two brothers can be used immediately, it can be regarded as a great harvest.

"Fellow Daoist said it was too arrogant. The spell you just cast is really powerful, but if you want me to admit defeat, that's not enough."

Hearing Li Qiuyu's tone, the black-clothed monk said dissatisfiedly that he was shocked by the cold light cut just now, and other monks would have lost it long ago.

"Naturally, I don't want to play with you anymore." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, switching hands once, and then pointed at the monk in black.

Although the shaking finger is the first of the nine moves, its power is not the worst. On the contrary, he has used the shaking finger for the longest time, and he has the deepest understanding of the shaking finger.

If the power of Cold Light Slash is cultivated to the extreme, it will naturally be more powerful than the Shocking Finger, but Cold Light Slash has not been practiced for long.

"Hey, what a domineering fingering technique." The black-clothed friar said seriously, which seemed to be a bit more powerful than the cold light slash that appeared first.

Seeing the aura of the Shocking Finger, the black-clothed monk quickly sacrificed a primitive shield, and hit it with mana, the shield seemed to be alive.

At the same time as the shield was sacrificed, the black-clothed monk Yan Zhen's expression changed, and a talisman appeared in his hand, and then the talisman turned into a golden dragon, which slammed fiercely at the sky-shattering finger.


Li Qiuyu said indifferently, he naturally knew about the talisman, and he had used it before. He also had an earth-type talisman in his hand, which was snatched from someone else.

The shocking finger's attack instantly collided with the golden color, the air trembled violently, and a ray of light scattered in all directions. Wherever the light passed, all the trees turned into nothingness.

In the end, the golden dragon returned to its original form in a dim manner, but Li Qiuyu's shocking finger still had enough energy to knock the simple shield of the monk in black.

"Last chance." Li Qiuyu said in a daze, his Cold Light Slash and Shocking Finger were both blocked by the opponent, and he felt a little angry in his heart.

"What's so powerful about you, just use it." The black-clothed friar was horrified, and the late-stage friar in front of him had just reached the late stage, so he didn't expect to be so powerful.

"After I make a move later, you really have no chance." Li Qiuyu said seriously, it was the first time he gave his opponent a chance.

After finishing speaking, Li Qiuyu backed away in a flash, came twenty feet away, and then raised his hands, a dark blue light and a fiery red light appeared in his hands.

Then with his hands together, the two rays of light fused together, the air was filled with the atmosphere of destruction and death, and a red and blue beam of light smashed fiercely at the black-clothed monk.

"Under the compatibility of ice and fire, everything is nothingness." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally his spiritual consciousness locked the breath of the monk in black.

There was a look of horror and fear in the eyes of the black-clothed monk, and then a mouthful of blood spewed out. The blood sprayed on the simple shield, and the shield emitted a silver light.


Li Qiuyu said softly, the defense of Lingbao level, I don't know if the compatibility of ice and fire can break the defense of this shield.


With a loud noise, Li Qiuyu stood still, and swiped with one hand, and the scattered light curtain was blocked in front of him.


The black-clothed monk fell down slowly, and his shield returned to its original shape, and the existence of Lingbao level was also beaten back to its original shape.

Li Qiuyu looked in the direction of the Great Elder with his spiritual sense, and saw that the expression of the monk in white changed drastically. He knew the strength of his brother, and even more so the power of the defensive spirit treasure.

At the moment when his expression changed drastically, the Great Elder finally found a chance, a flame blasted past, a radius of ten feet was filled with a sea of ​​flames, and the monk in white fell into the sea of ​​flames, although the sea of ​​flames did not pose any serious threat to his life.

But the cultivation bases of the two were almost the same, and the outcome was only a matter of thought. When the Great Elder saw the monk in white entering his sea of ​​flames, a fire dragon slammed into him.


The white-clothed friar also fell hard to the ground, and the Great Elder hit him with a spell, and the white-clothed friar was immediately restrained by the Immortal Immortal Art.

With one hand sucking, a storage bag appeared in the hand, and the spiritual sense grabbed all the jade pendants inside, and finally came to Li Qiuyu's side, Li Qiuyu also had several jade pendants in his hand.

The two nodded their heads, finally let go of the two brothers, and finally used their body skills to leave the fighting place and flew straight to the place where they landed.

The two brothers have a total of thirteen jade pendants, which is not a small gain. In addition to the three monks who were lost earlier, and the two who surrendered, they now have a total of 15 yuan jade pendants.

The two flew quickly, and returned to the front of the Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation in less than a quarter of an hour, only to see fourteen monks attacking the formation outside the formation.

It seems that these guys wanted to raise the city's ranking, and after they left, they set their sights on the twelve monks in Nanyue City, because the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation was initially hidden.

They couldn't see the formation at all, and the twelve monks were all meditating. This kind of opportunity was rare, and naturally they attacked the twelve elders of Nanyue City.

But under the attack, a light curtain appeared, blocking all the attacks and consuming a lot of mana to attack the monk of the light curtain.

Murong and the others in the formation naturally saw the fourteen monks attacking the formation, and began to worry about whether the formation could last.

In the end, seeing that the formation is getting stronger and stronger, without the slightest sign of breaking, you can rest assured that the bold will attack them again. As long as a certain time comes, wait for the opponent's power to be exhausted, and then go out to fight with others.

The monks outside are from Pingyu City, ranking two places higher than Nanyue City, No. 19, and naturally they are monks who can eat Nanyue City.

Up to now, it is already difficult to ride a tiger, so let's give up, and I feel that it is a pity.It was really difficult to meet a monk who was alone. At this moment, a faint voice came over.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door."

Everyone turned around and saw two monks in the late stage of alchemy flying towards this side. They were overjoyed that they finally met two monks who were alone.

"Fellow Daoist Long, I've called you here. Junior Brother Cheng and I will bring back the jade pendants of the two monks." A short and thin old man said lightly, with a slight smile on his face.

"Brother Zhang, go, I'm here." The monk surnamed Long said loudly.


Li Qiuyu didn't expect that his foothold would be surrounded and attacked by others, and he felt uncomfortable for a while, and pointed out with a shocking sky.


The short and thin old man didn't expect the opponent's fingering to be so domineering, and the slightest breath of destruction greeted him. He is also an old monster who has lived for 300 years, so his methods are naturally powerful.

A silver crutch slammed in the direction Jing Tian pointed to, and there was a violent explosion in the air, and the old man and Li Qiuyu each flew back a few feet in the air.

The Great Elder also fought with another Cheng Xing monk. The short and thin old man surnamed Zhang was startled. His crutches were so powerful.

Li Qiuyu twisted her body, swung out the Mie Shen Halberd, and stabbed straight, the Mie Shen Halberd, which was more than ten feet long, came to the short and thin old man in an instant.

The short and thin old man still had the silver crutch in his hand, the crutch flashed with silver light, and collided with the Mie Shen Halberd in the air, and the old man flew back two feet again.

Li Qiuyu used his consciousness to control the God-killing Halberd, which naturally had no effect. At this moment, a long spear shot out. The Night-Shocking Spear was originally Li Qiuyu's talisman. Now that he has the Tiantian Ruler, this magic weapon should also be retired. .

But the power has absolutely no effect, the Mie Shen Halberd and the silver crutches are in a stalemate, but the power of the Night Shocking Spear is still higher than the Mie Shen Halberd, and it has come to the short and thin old man surnamed Zhang in the blink of an eye.

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