Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 423 Rank 1

After a while, it was Nanyue City's turn. A foundation-building monk came to the Great Elder and held out a jade plate. 【Ask for a gold medal, ask for a recommendation】

The Great Elder slowly put fifty jade pendants on the jade plate, and the eyes of the monks in the foundation building period showed horror. You must know that there are only fourteen monks in each city, that is, fourteen jade pendants, but taking out fifty jade pendants Yupei, that is to say, there are 36 more.

This ranking will definitely rise a lot. When he was about to leave, the elder took out fifty jade pendants, and the foundation-building monks were completely stunned.

A moment later, the Great Elder put all the jade pendants on the jade plate, and the monks in the Foundation Establishment Period were still there, stunned by the large number of jade pendants in front of them.


It was only after Huangfu Yuye coughed softly that the foundation-building cultivator came to his senses and hurried towards Huangfu Yuye.

Huangfu Yuye didn't know what this Foundation Establishment disciple was doing there, but it was difficult to use his spiritual sense to inquire, so he could only remind him softly.

But when he saw the jade pendant on the jade plate, he was also shocked. The other monks also saw a pile of jade pendants. Several monks finally knew who they were defeated by.

"South Moon City, 190 five jade pendants."

After Huangfu Yuye was surprised, he still loudly announced the number of jade pendants. This number has exceeded the increase of the previous few jade pendants by several times.

After half an hour, the jade pendants of all the cities have been counted, and now the jade pendants of Hanming City, the largest city, will be presented.

A foundation-building monk came to the old man next to the middle-aged monk. The old man took out the jade pendant in his hand, put it on the jade plate, and finally transmitted the sound to the middle-aged monk.

"Brother Han, take out the jade pendant in your hand." The old man's tone of voice transmission was extremely respectful, for fear of offending the middle-aged monk.

"The jade pendant is gone," the middle-aged monk said coldly through voice transmission.

"What, the jade pendant is gone?" The old man looked horrified, knowing that this monk of Han Tian is the number one monk in Hanming City, how could he lose the jade pendant.

"Why, don't you believe it? It was taken away by the cultivators of Nanyue City." Han Tian said coldly, with a trace of anger in his voice, one must know that this competition made him admit defeat.

The old man stopped speaking through sound transmission, and waved his hand to indicate that the monks in the foundation establishment period could leave. The monks in the foundation establishment period showed disbelief on their faces.

When Huangfu Yuye saw the number of jade pendants in Nanyue City and added them to the number of jade pendants in the cities behind, his expression became more and more ugly.

"Hanming City, 93 pieces of jade pendant."

Huangfu Yuye said feebly, this number is far from double that of Nanyue. I didn't expect such a result to appear in the largest city in the millennium.

Although this result is better than other cities, it is far from Nanyue City. The ranking of the largest city ends here.

According to the number of jade pendants, Nanyue City 190 five jade pendants, No.1.

The jade pendant in Hanming City fell from 93 yuan last time to [-] yuan, ranking second.

In Huilong City, the jade pendant is 92 yuan, which has risen ten places from the previous 26 yuan, ranking third.

Tu Mingcheng, with a jade pendant of 44 yuan, ranked fourth, down one place.

Only some of the other cities were upgraded, and most of them were downgraded, because the jade pendants were all taken away by Nanyue City. Those without jade pendants will be ranked according to the previous rankings.

They didn't expect such a big change in the rankings this time, especially Nanyue City, which climbed to the first place from the 21st place last time.

After announcing the ranking of the cities, Huangfu Yuye counted all the places for training in the domain called Tianlan, and Nanyue City entered 32 monks to practice.

The training time is ten years, and after ten years, it will be automatically reported that Nanyue City has also obtained the best cultivation environment. As for who goes to practice in each city, that is all the words of the elders of the city.

Huangfu Yuye made a simple arrangement, and three days later the transfer of city rankings began, and then the monks in these cities were arranged to live in the place where they started.

Huangfu returned to his place on a rainy night, his face was covered with ice, the whole hall was filled with the smell of fire, and the monks below did not dare to speak.

"Fellow Daoist Han Tian, ​​what's going on this time?" Huangfu Yuye looked at Han Tian below and said loudly, but he didn't dare to blame him.

"Fellow Daoist Huangfu, I didn't expect this incident. A powerful monk came out of Nanyue City, who should be the legendary Holy Alchemist." Han Tian saw Li Qiuyu recovering his mana in an instant, and when he came back, he thought of Yunlu The holy alchemist of the island.

Only holy alchemists have such abilities, especially Li Qiuyu's dim three-foot long sword, which is actually a psychic treasure that is more powerful than the crack of the glacier.

"With such a thing, you must know that your strength has reached a peak, and you will be in the Nascent Soul stage one step ahead. It seems that this character cannot be left." Huangfu Yuye said coldly, the name of the largest city in Qianling He lost it in his hand, it was really embarrassing.

"What does Fellow Daoist Huangfu mean?" Han Tian looked at Huangfu Yuye in surprise, his heart beating non-stop.

"Of course, when he really grows up, it won't be easy for us to attack." Huangfu Yuye said with a dark face, this time he lost Hanming City's face, and tried to get it back next time.

"Then let's wait until they return to the city. At that time, no one will know that it is us. We will distribute the treasures on him equally. This is a holy alchemist, and his value is very rich compared to it." A man in red The female monk said with a smile.

"The magic weapon in Fairy Red's hand is also very powerful. As long as we restrain his long sword, we can kill him easily. No matter how powerful it is, it will only be in the alchemy stage."

A young man in colorful clothes laughed sharply, his voice was extremely unpleasant, but no one dared to say it, his cultivation had reached the peak in the late stage of alchemy, and his strength was super strong, few people dared to provoke him.

"Okay, we can't lose the reputation of Hanming City, and we will definitely get it back next time, but we must get rid of this person. Huangfu Yuye saw these powerful monks joining, and felt at ease. As for the handle in Li Qiuyu's hand He also has a way to restrain the psychic treasure.

Li Qiuyu and the others returned to their place of residence and began to practice with peace of mind. He had no plans to enter the Tianlan Domain to practice, but since he contributed, this opportunity would never be wasted.

After practicing for a day, Li Qiuyu was called out by a woman in water and green clothes, saying that it was the Great Elder who was in love with him to discuss entering the Tianlan Domain.

"Elder Li is the one who deserves the most credit this time, and the cultivation of this cultivator is also determined by Elder Li." The Great Elder said straight to the point.

"Don't push the matter of the Great Elder to me. I only need two places to practice. I still have a few disciples with good qualifications in Yunlu Island." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and raised her request.

"Since Elder Li said, these two quotas are considered to be on Yunlu Island, and we can discuss the rest, ha ha." The Great Elder laughed loudly, Li Qiuyu's strength is indeed terrifying, in this world, strength is the most important thing.

Several people discussed for a while, each of them has two pre-determined candidates, and four places are selected in Nanyue City, three places are won by competition, and the other one is the one who has contributed the most to Nanyue City people.

"However, our Nanyue City is the largest city, and many places are not as good as Hanming City. This matter needs to be discussed by all of us." The second elder pointed out the current situation of Nanyue City.

"As a member of Nanyue City, I can't take care of the hard work. I would like to invest [-] million low-level spirit stones to improve the strength of the monks in Nanyue City, and invest another [-] million low-level spirit stones medicine."

Li Qiuyu said lightly that he is now worth more than 40 billion, and Yunlu Island is worth hundreds of millions. Pills make money the fastest. As long as the number of monks in Nanyue City increases, monks from other cities and other islands will be attracted to Nanyue City to buy pills. Medicine, the [-] million yuan is definitely worth it.

"Two hundred million?" All the elders and the three female cultivators Murong Qingqing exclaimed. Fortunately, this courtyard was banned by Li Qiuyu.

"Hey, only His Excellency the Holy Alchemist has such courage and skill. The [-] million spirit stones can definitely increase the strength of Nanyue City." The elder said in horror, this is [-] million, not [-] , even if it is [-], it is not a lot.

"Why don't you leave it to me to deal with the upgrade of Qianling Island this time. I'm confused about the matter of Nanyue City." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly.

"With Elder Li on the way, our chances on Qianling Island will be much greater. I am here this time, even if I want to discuss this matter with you." The elder said happily. Although he didn't know the details of Li Qiuyu's strength, but with When he went to fight for jade pendants for two days, he also found some.

Li Qiuyu definitely didn't try his best, he must have hidden some cultivation, every monk has his own secret, and it's not easy for him to inquire about it, but fortunately he is from Nanyue City.

"There is no problem with this. Anyway, our Qianling City is a ninth-level island and will not be downgraded again. This time it won't work. We will go next time." Li Qiuyu said freely.

"It's good for Elder Li to think this way. After we harvested 34 jade pendants two days ago, we didn't plan to fight any more. Thinking about it now, it's still Elder Li who is dedicated to Nanyue City." The Ninth Elder said.

"Since Elder Li gave out 500 million spirit stones, I can't compete with him. Giving out [-] million low-level spirit stones is a way of expressing my heart. For Nanyue City, I, an elder, have to do something." The Thirteenth Elder laughed. said with a smile.

After everyone saw Li Qiuyu release the spirit stone, the thirteen elders followed suit, and it was hard to hide it. Everyone bleed once, although it was only a few million, but for them late stage monks, It's my best effort.

There are not many Li Qiuyu in this world, and few are holy alchemists.Calculated, the thirteen elders also gave out 200 million spirit stones, and the first elder and second elder each gave out 1000 million.

"When I return to Nanyue City, I will also throw in the original [-] million spirit stones, slowly expand Nanyue City, and stimulate the cultivation hearts of all the disciples." The Great Elder said seriously.

"However, Elder Li's holy alchemist is our number one sign in Nanyue City. In Bihai, the holy alchemist is a legend. We carried out Elder Li's divine alchemy pavilion on Qianling Island." An Luo said with a smile.

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