Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 431 Blue Star Island, Ao Xiao City

In four months, the four of them traveled all the way through islands and cities, and finally came to Lanxing Island, which is millions of miles away.

The cultivation conditions of Lanxing Island are far from those of the ninth-level Qianling Island. The difference between the two is more than one or two grades. The status of the alchemy stage monks here can only be compared with the foundation establishment stage monks of Qianling Island.

On the way, Li Qiuyu and the others encountered Nascent Soul stage monks several times, but they avoided them cleverly.

There are also many island monks who come here to see the island upgrade matters. The southern island of the fourth-level island Blue Star is the best one, so these island upgrade matters are also carried out here.

From some larger maps, it is not difficult to see that there must be more than a thousand monks participating in the island upgrade. The number of islands in the south alone has reached more than a thousand. I don’t know how big the entire blue sea is.

"Senior, please." A man in the Qi training period saw Li Qiuyu and the four of them, and shouted respectfully, leading the four of them to the inn.

Although there are many alchemy cultivators on Blue Star Island, in the eyes of Qi training cultivators, alchemy cultivators are still the ones they look up to.

Li Qiuyu hid her cultivation until the early stage of alchemy. This kind of cultivation is neither high nor low in Blue Star Island, so naturally she won't be bullied casually.

"I need a separate courtyard, quiet." Li Qiuyu said in a daze.

"The single courtyard needs three thousand low-level spirit stones a month." The clerk in the Qi training period said politely, looking at Li Qiuyu.

"I'll stay here for three months. Here are [-] low-level spirit stones." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw a storage bag over.

"Senior, please come with me." The clerk during the Qi training period said happily, leading the way respectfully, and led the four of them to a secluded courtyard, which had seven or eight separate rooms.

Li Qiuyu waved his hand, indicating that the man could leave. When the man left, Li Qiuyu gave ten low-level spirit stones as a reward.

The buddy left excitedly. After the buddy left, Li Qiuyu cast a Nine Palaces Profound Formation, and then cast a few prohibitions.

"My lord, I'll take them out to find out, you can practice here." Su Yunshan came to Li Qiuyu's room and said respectfully, naturally Li Qiuyu would not handle these matters in person.

"Well, be careful, don't go out of this city, take this well, and notify me if there is any danger within a thousand years." Li Qiuyu glanced at Su Yunshan, this Su Yunshan has been with him for nearly a year, and also knows her well some.

"Thank you, sir, for your concern." Su Yunshan saw the jade pendant that Li Qiuyu handed over. This jade pendant can transmit information to a certain place in an instant, and this jade pendant can only be used by two people.

She also understood Li Qiuyu's meaning very well. Although Luo Yuan and Zhang Yulin were captured by her soul, it was inevitable that they would be crazily counterattacked by the other party.

As long as Li Qiuyu is around, these two late-stage alchemy monks will be killed like ants. Li Qiuyu's strength has reached its limit after absorbing Huangfu Yuye's baby cloud.

Even if a peak cultivator in the same late stage of alchemy was in front of him, the chance of instant killing was not impossible. Seeing this mysterious and powerful young cultivator, Su Yunshan felt some inexplicable turmoil in her heart.

"Go." Li Qiuyu waved lightly to signal Su Yunshan to leave, feeling extremely satisfied, now he doesn't need to do some simple things by himself.

Su Yunshan saluted gracefully and left, and Li Qiuyu began to comprehend some problems in cultivation, especially the compatibility of ice and fire. This spell once surpassed the shaking finger and became his most powerful attack.

Now that the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix has reached the fifth transformation, and the magic power of the Fire Element is profound, as long as he refines the Frost Flame, his compatibility with ice and fire will reach another height.

But now his pills, spirit stones, and medicinal materials have a lot of cultivation conditions. As long as there is enough time, the Good Fortune Pill can break through the Yao Pill and directly reach the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul Stage. He also wants to practice the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix After reaching the peak of the five changes, it will reach the six changes.

Let the demon pill become a baby, he can completely hide the demon pill to become a baby, and become a trump card, he also wants to make a double pill into a baby, but such a thing is very difficult to achieve.

Two days later, the three of Su Yunshan came back to find out the strength and influence of this Aoxiao City, as well as some basic information about the island's upgrade.

It turns out that this city of Aoxiao is controlled by ten major forces, each of which has Nascent Soul stage monks sitting in the town, and the largest force has more than ten Nascent Soul stage monks.

Counting some casual cultivators and Ke Qing elders, there are more than a hundred Nascent Soul stage monks in this city. Li Qiuyu was both excited and worried when he got such news.

Worried about whether the upgrade of Qianling will be smooth, the exciting thing is to be able to compete with most of the Nascent Soul stage monks. Only by fighting with masters can you really increase your combat experience and improve your cultivation.

"Don't wander around during this time. Nascent Soul stage monks are different from those in the Core Formation stage. Wait until the things here are over before going to the Fang Market and the auction house."

Li Qiuyu is most sincere to Fangshi and the auction house. The general materials come from the auction house and Fangshi. There are a lot of spirit stones. He can use the spirit stones to knock the auction house unconscious.

"My concubine will always remember the son's teaching." Su Yunshan said politely, and Luo Yuan and Zhang Yulin also respectfully agreed.

"Can you inquire about the upgrade of the island?" Li Qiuyu glanced at the three of them, and finally asked.

"Back to the son, the concubine has already taken care of it. The upgrade will start at the beginning of next month. I have already signed up for the son Qianling Island. I have signed up to challenge the ranking of the seventh-level island, but there is no limit to the upgrade this time, and the way to upgrade Are not the same."

Su Yunshan said coquettishly, and told about some of the upgrades. It took her nearly a million spirit stones to manage them.

The upgrade of the island involves all the representatives entering a huge space to compete. The upgrade method is no different from the Qianling Island City Ranking Competition.

Everyone has a jade slip representing their identity, which means that the more jade slips they get, the greater the chance of upgrading. However, there are many dangers in this space, and there are high-level monsters and monks who kill and seize treasures.

There is no limit of strength, but only one monk can enter each island. There are nearly [-] islands below level [-] in the south. If you get ten jade slips, the representative island can be upgraded to a level.

Get one hundred jade slips and upgrade to level two.If you get 200 yuan of jade slips, you can upgrade to three levels, and every additional 100 yuan will increase your level. This seems simple, but you must know that the monks sent by each island are top-notch existences.

Moreover, most of the islands sent monks who were close to the Nascent Soul stage, or even direct Nascent Soul stage monks to participate in the competition.

The islands that can be upgraded will get a chance to enter the Sea of ​​Immortality. The higher the upgrade, the more quotas they will get, that is to say, if you upgrade one level, you will get a quota.

The second level can get two places, the third level can get four places, the fourth level can get eight places, and the fifth level can get sixteen places.

After Li Qiuyu clearly understood the conditions and benefits of these upgrades, she was overjoyed secretly, but the strength of the other islands was too strong, and the monks in the Nascent Soul stage were not comparable to Jiedan.

"Well, there are still more than [-] days to start. Don't go out, just stay here. I will go out to do something." Li Qiuyu glanced at several people and said coldly.

"My lord, be more careful, I know." Su Yunshan said respectfully.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he turned around and left the courtyard, and walked up the street. He came directly to a magic weapon shop, which was overcrowded with too many monks.

He wandered around here once, and a monk who practiced Qi at the eighth level quickly came forward and saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. "

"Senior, do you want to go to the underground auction house? This junior can help you a little bit."

"Well, the things I need are all top-level existences. If I am satisfied, I will not treat you badly." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he handed over a hundred low-level spirit stones.

"The junior must find the best underground auction for the senior, and there is no handling fee." The monk in the Qi training period said excitedly. One hundred low-level spirit stones are nothing to Li Qiuyu, but to the low-level Qi training period monks , already a huge number.

After the two of them finished talking, they headed towards the west of the city. Half an hour later, Li Qiuyu came to a huge market. He walked in the market and saw that the things sold there were some rare medicinal materials and strange things.

He secretly thought that if he came to the right place this time, he had better not disappoint himself. He has a lot of spirit stones, but he needs some materials for refining tools and alchemy. Next, he will not let it go.

"Senior, this auction house is the largest square market and underground auction house in Aoxiao City. The items inside are rare in Bihai, but an entrance fee of [-] low-level snacks is required to enter." A monk in the Qi training period said respectfully.

"Are there any other restrictions besides spirit stones?" Li Qiuyu heard that the entrance fee of [-] spirit stones was the most expensive place in the market and auction house he encountered.

"Of course, to enter it, you need at least the cultivation base of the alchemy period, and you need a deposit of one million, but the auction will not start until three days later." The monk in the qi training period apologized talking.

"Nothing, three days is not much time, you can take me to other square markets and auction houses to see." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

In general large auction houses, the best things are auctioned, but the good things are bought by other monks, so naturally they don't hold auctions every day.

"Okay, please, senior." The Qi-training monk led the way politely. After a day, the two visited some of the top Dafang markets and auction houses in Aoxiao City.

Li Qiuyu memorized these places one by one, and will come to these places once in two days, and it is best to get some rare refining materials in this place.

"Okay, I'm tired today. You take this spirit stone. I'll come to you when I have something to do." Li Qiuyu handed over the 200 yuan low-level spirit stone, turned and left, and walked back to the inn.

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