Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 435 The Generosity of the Holy Alchemist

"This seat said that it is your luck."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the big man indifferently, and finally sat quietly on the seat, and the monk in blue personally delivered the fifth-grade Tianchen Ancient Pill Formula to him.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, this alchemy formula is given to you by this auction house, only your Excellency the Holy Alchemist can have a fifth-grade alchemy formula."

The monk in blue politely sent a brocade box in front of Li Qiuyu. Inside the brocade box was a purple jade slip. With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the jade slip flew out.

"That's right, it's a real fifth-grade Tianchen pill. If I succeed in refining it, I will definitely put this pill up for auction." Li Qiuyu's consciousness stayed in the jade slip for a moment, with a surprised look on his face.

"Then I would like to thank Your Excellency Saint Alchemist for coming to this auction." The blue-clothed monk said happily, the real price of this jade slip is actually only a few million.

In the auction house, everything can be sold at a price beyond the limit. The Lingshi Li Qiuyu spent here tonight, they definitely earned more than this jade brief.

Being able to get in touch with a holy alchemist, it will be much easier to refine the elixir in the future, and I have also seen the fifth-rank elixir with my own eyes.

"Okay, this is my gift for you." With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a colorful pill appeared in his hand, and finally with a move of consciousness, the pill came to the blue-clothed monk.

"Fifth grade elixir, what is this?" The blue-clothed monk said in horror, the two fifth-grade elixirs before and after were not the same, it seems that this holy alchemist is really extraordinary.

"When the mana is exhausted, I can help you once, so let's use it rare." Li Qiuyu put the jade slip into the storage bag and said coldly.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, Holy Alchemist." The blue-clothed cultivator was startled, and thought to himself, "Could it be a elixir that quickly restores mana?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu's mysterious look, he didn't want to expose the pill, so he quickly bumped the pill like a baby.

The conversation between the two, the auction was already over, but none of the monks left first, wanting to see what else this so-called holy alchemist could do.

"I will not let you down. I will sell you a pill for 100 yuan of low-level spirit stones per person." With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, two bottles of pills appeared in his hand.

Fourth Grade Return to Heaven Pill

The lid of the jade bottle was opened, and with a movement of consciousness, two hundred pills were shot at the monks present like shooting stars. Each of them held a fourth-grade Heaven-returning Pill. Although his Heaven-returning Pill was also a fourth-grade pill, it was It is more than twice as powerful as other fourth-grade pills.

"Fourth Grade Advanced Returning Heaven Pill!"

A Nascent Soul cultivator said loudly that he had also seen Huitian Pill, which was miraculously powerful. Even among the fourth-grade pills, it was considered top-notch, but he did not expect it to be a high-quality Huitian Pill.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist is really generous, such courage has never been seen in Bihai." A peak cultivator in the late stage of alchemy held the elixir in his hand, and said in surprise.

"If you want to refine pills in the future, you can go to the Shendan Pavilion in Nanyue City, Qianling Island. There are still a few of my disciples who refine fourth-grade pills." Li Qiuyu said with a smile. One hand, although the strength was exposed.

But it made other monks afraid of him. If he can boldly take out such a good pill, there must be someone behind him. There were more than 200 monks in the audience. He took out some pills and flew out.

He said that each elixir has one hundred low-level spirit stones, and these monks also politely handed over one hundred low-level spirit stones to Li Qiuyu.

They don't dare to give more, this is the charm, they want to curry favor, and even have few opportunities, so few that they dare not use this opportunity in front of themselves.

They also know that Li Qiuyu sells a fourth-grade high-grade elixir with a hundred low-level spirit stones. Li Qiuyu's worth will definitely not want to earn their spirit stones, let alone a hundred spirit stones, even if it is a million spirit stones, maybe There are also people who buy it.

"But if you want to find this alchemy seat, you must send the alchemy half a year in advance. The materials are ready, and the alchemy will stay forever." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he left in a big way and headed for the exit of the auction house.

The monks stared at Li Qiuyu's back in a daze. The monks present did not expect that a holy alchemy master in the late stage of alchemy would leave leisurely in front of so many monks in the multi-infant stage.

No monks dared to make up their minds. It seems that this idea is unrealistic if you want to kill people and take the pills. It is better to find the pills and medicinal materials and ask for help.

"Fellow daoists, today's auction has come to an end. It is a great honor for me to have a holy alchemist in this auction, but I hope that fellow daoists will try not to draw the attention of that holy alchemist." Lan Yi The monk said with a smile.

"Not to mention anything else, if fellow daoists refine some kind of good pill in the future, there must not be many fellow daoists sitting here who have the level of a holy alchemist. Besides, how many fellow daoists can Defeating Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, I will just say it casually."

After the monk in blue finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation. All the monks in the audience stood up and left, feeling extremely uneasy. Although many monks didn't gain anything from the ten items tonight, it is also a big achievement to meet a holy alchemist. kind of harvest.

Li Qiuyu left the auction house and quickly walked towards the inn where he was staying. He was not afraid of being noticed, but he just didn't want to be bothered.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, stop." A flat voice came from behind, and Li Qiuyu slowly stood on the spot. His cultivation base and the entire Aoxiao City were in his consciousness, and the situation behind him was natural. known long time ago.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Li Qiuyu said coldly, his voice full of impatience.

"I didn't know it was Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist just now, I offended you, please forgive me." Alchemist Yu Lingling stopped ten feet away from Li Qiuyu, and saluted Li Qiuyu.

"I don't remember it for a long time. If it is for this matter, there is no need for fellow Taoists to find me." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

"Your Majesty said in the auction house that I am willing to offer 2000 million low-level spirit stones to make up for it, and please accept it." After Yuling Spirit Alchemist finished speaking, with a move of consciousness, a storage bag was shot at Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu was still walking since ancient times, and the storage bag stopped a foot behind him, and it was difficult to get in, as if blocked by an invisible force.

"This seat does not lack spirit stones, nor does it lack medicinal materials. Don't be too arrogant in the future. There may not be many spiritual alchemists in the southern part of Bihai, but there are nearly a hundred alchemists and spiritual alchemists like you under this seat. "Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally disappeared in a flash.

Alchemist Yu Lingling was horrified when he heard Li Qiuyu's words. He was a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, so he naturally saw that Li Qiuyu was only in his thirties, a peak monk in the late alchemy stage in his thirties, and his strength was unpredictable.

Moreover, he is the legendary Holy Alchemist, and there are nearly a hundred alchemists and spirit alchemists below. Such strength is definitely a shocking blockbuster.

The speed and movement of Li Qiuyu's departure, as a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he only touched a trace, even if he was in the Nascent Soul stage, he could only catch up with Li Qiuyu by using teleportation.

"What a mysterious holy alchemist." Yu Lingling said lightly with a look of envy on his face.

When Li Qiuyu returned to the inn, Su Yunshan and the others were still practicing. He went directly to his room and put the two pieces of Seventh Gold he had obtained into the space necklace.

The 50-year-old Gulango was also treasured and wrapped with forbidden spirit magic, and finally put into the space necklace. After everything was done, he took out the fifth-grade Tianchen Ancient Pill Formula.

This fifth-grade ancient elixir is a elixir for monks in the Nascent Soul stage to improve their cultivation. It is not inferior to the Good Fortune Pill, but the medicinal materials are also very precious. The medicinal materials that are more than 10 years old are more expensive than the Tianying Pill and the Good Fortune Pill. .

However, Li Qiuyu has all these medicinal materials. Except for the lack of a heart-eating flower that is more than 20 years old, there are many other medicinal materials in Li Qiuyu's space necklace. This is also the harvest of the land of nothingness.

After one night, Li Qiuyu comprehended the refining method of Tianchen Pill in the room, and it was not until the next morning that Li Qiuyu withdrew from the jade slips.

Then he meditated to recover his spirit and mana, and began to practice other spells and exercises. Both Shocking God's Art and Phoenix Nine Transformations reached their peaks, as long as he found an opportunity to break through.

However, when this so-called opportunity was not found, Li Qiuyu did not intend to force a breakthrough with pills. His current cultivation base is already very high, and his mind will inevitably be unstable.

Thinking that there is still half a month before he can see the upgrade of the island, he is idle, so he visits an auction house and a square market every day.

Many monks know him as a holy alchemy teacher, and generally there are few people who compete with him for the items he bids for. In such a situation, he generally does not compete with the top-quality medicinal materials and refining materials that Li Qiuyu must use when he comes out.

In this way, the monks in charge of these auction houses were secretly grateful to Li Qiuyu. If Li Qiuyu competed with all his strength, their business would really be lost.

In a large mansion in the west of Aoxiao City, the whole hall is majestic and grand, and there are more than a dozen monks of different ages sitting in it, but these monks' cultivation bases are all at the peak of the late stage of alchemy or the stage of Yuanying.

Six peaks of the late stage of alchemy, nine monks of the Nascent Soul stage, and a monk in blue are also sitting steadily among them. The old man sitting on the top is an existence of the peak of the early Nascent Soul.

"Are you really sure that he is Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist?" The senior old man glanced at the monk in blue and asked.

"Return to Third Uncle, this one can't be fake, just look at this." With a move of consciousness, the monk in blue shot a seven-colored pill at the old man.

The old man stretched out his hand to grab the elixir in his hand, sniffed it, and looked carefully at the elixir in his hand, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

"Sure enough, it is a fifth-grade elixir. This elixir has magical power. Although I don't know what it can do, it is definitely not an ordinary item. In Bihai, I have never seen or heard of such an elixir. "

The old man is Bai Yuntian, the patriarch of the Bai family who ranks fifth among the top ten forces in Aoxiao City. He is now at the peak of Yuanying's early stage, and he is definitely one of the best characters in Aoxiao City.

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