Three months passed, and the Heaven-Defying Good Fortune Pill was about to be refined, and Li Qiuyu was surrounded by waves of powerful demonic energy all over his body.

The more you get to the back, the more powerful the demonic energy is, Li Qiuyu thought to himself: "This time, we will transform the demon pill into a Nascent Soul, and the monster beast also said that when it reaches the seventh level, it can be transformed into a human form.

Formed into a demon baby, but Li Qiuyu is a human being, the practice of a monk and a monster, after forming a pill and becoming a baby, it is not a demon baby, but a normal human being.

But it can transform into the appearance of a monster. Fortunately, he practiced the powerful and noble phoenix technique. Even after transforming, he is still a phoenix. If a monster practices some weird skills, it will look like a monster after transforming.

The Fifth Transformation of the Phoenix, which had already reached its peak, has now reached a critical point. In the real Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, only the sixth transformation can realize the power of the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix.

Li Qiuyu circulated the demon power of his whole body in the dantian, and the golden core cultivated by Shocking God Art kept spinning on one side, which did not affect the cultivation of the demon core in the slightest.


There was a hint of pain on his face, his body also turned blue and purple, and his expression was extremely ugly. The demon core was spinning in the dantian at high speed, and the lake water below the demon core was also churning, but every time the lake water turned up was cultivated by the shocking gods. The colorful mana is suppressed.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Qiuyu's mind, and he quickly suppressed the Heaven-shocking God's Jue, using all his strength to run the monster power. With such a strategy, the speed of the monster power circulation will be faster.

Break and then stand.There is only one way to live in a dangerous place.

Breaking the pill to become a baby is to break the cultivated pill, break the cocoon into a butterfly, and use the broken demon pill to cultivate a demon baby. The key step is how to smoothly refine the broken demon pill into a demon baby.


Li Qiuyu secretly drank in his mind, the high-speed rotating demon core was impacted by powerful demon force, under the berserk impact, slight cracks appeared in the demon core instantly.

"Or not."

The hardness of the demon pill was beyond Li Qiuyu's imagination. There were cracks on the demon pill, but it still refused to break. It was a dilemma.

If it is not broken into a baby, it will be seriously injured, and a lot of energy and time will be spent to repair the cracks in the injured demon core.

The only way is to break the demon pill with all your strength, so that the demon pill can be successfully transformed into a baby. Time passed slowly, half a month passed, and the medicinal effects of the heaven-defying fortune pill were all refined. He has been suffering from the pain of breaking the demon pill .


With a soft sound, the dantian seemed to be turned upside down, the demon core was completely shattered and turned into pieces, and the pieces merged in the lake water.

"Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, already out of the cocoon, but how to become a butterfly."

While merging the fragments of the demon pill, Li Qiuyu was thinking about how to cultivate the demon baby. At this point, with a move of his consciousness, a fist-sized tortoise and a palm-sized cloud beast appeared in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Now that I've reached the point where I'm going to be broken, how to cultivate a demon baby, please help me find a way." Li Qiuyu's consciousness was transmitted to the minds of the two monsters.

There was an anxious look on his face, Xuangui Beast and Cloud Beast saw this, and the two monsters with different realms finally communicated with each other with their spiritual sense.

After a while, the whole body of the Xuangui Beast swelled up to a size of twenty feet in a radius, and the Cloud Beast also swelled rapidly, and the two powerful monsters emitted shocking power.

"Absorb our demon power, and brew the demon pill into a demon baby." The snake head on the back of the black turtle said loudly.

Li Qiuyu was supported by the powerful monster power of the two monsters, and finally he was able to slowly melt the fragments of the demon pill in his dantian. After half a month, there were still more than half of the fragments of the demon pill.

The eyes of the two monsters showed exhaustion, and they used their monster power for half a month to maintain Li Qiuyu's absorption. Not to mention monsters of the seventh and eighth ranks, even divine beasts couldn't last long.


Li Qiuyu took advantage of the support of Qu Onda's demon power, and with a move of his consciousness, the two good fortune pills shot at the cloud beast and the black turtle beast respectively.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two monsters swallowed the elixir quickly, then refined the elixir, and passed it on to Li Qiuyu, but Li Qiuyu could only absorb part of it, and the rest of the good fortune elixir was still in the hands of the two monsters. body.

Two months later, the fragments of the demon pill in Li Qiuyu's dantian finally completely turned into demon power, and finally slowly formed a delicate Nascent Soul.

His body was constantly changing, sometimes hard, sometimes soft like cotton, and this change lasted for half a month.

Cloud Beast and Xuangui Beast also completely refined the elixir. Seeing that Li Qiuyu was still absorbing the demon power violently, the two monsters could only continuously display the demon power.

The two pills flew towards the cloud beast and the black turtle beast again, and the demon power was still emitting, and Li Qiuyu continued to absorb it.

Ten days passed, Li Qiuyu cut off all the demon power with a sweep of his hands, and tried his best to heal the Nascent Soul in his dantian. This Nascent Soul did not look like a demon infant at all.

Exactly the same as Li Qiuyu, the half-inch Nascent Soul was resting in the dantian with its eyes closed. When Li Qiuyu moved his consciousness, the Nascent Soul suddenly opened his eyes, and the lake below immediately surged.

The original tenacious meridians became more tenacious, and the dantian became several times larger, but a strange phenomenon appeared, the mana power of the Shocking God, which had been suppressed all the time, now also turned the demon power into colorful colors.

There is a strange color in the middle of the colorful colors. One golden pill is spinning on the colorful lake, and the other side is a delicate and miniature Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul is surrounded by colorful rays of light.

At the same time that Li Qiuyu cut off the absorption of the monster power, the two monsters also began to refine the two incompletely digested Creation Pills.

One man and two beasts were surrounded by evil spirits in this paradise, unaware that the killing outside was turned upside down. After half a month of conditioning, the Nascent Soul in Li Qiuyu's dantian finally stabilized.

He discovered from the powerful demonic power of the Nascent Soul that the monks of the Nascent Soul stage were not comparable to the monks of the Alchemy Stage, and there was no reason to calculate the difference between the two.

There were also two Nascent Soul stage monks who were killed by himself, but they were all under special circumstances. Huangfu Yuye had just become a baby, and he was killed by his own psychic treasure without absorbing the baby cloud.

In this crack of space, he also killed the Nascent Soul cultivator carelessly. He left his own Nascent Soul out of his body, causing Li Qiuyu to use the psychic treasure to destroy his body, which made it impossible for the Nascent Soul to return to the body.

Now he is also a Nascent Soul cultivator. Although he is a demon baby, his Phoenix Nine Transformations skills are no weaker than the Shocking God Art.

And now he has also entered the sixth transformation of the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix. The sixth transformation is to break the pill and become a baby. The real power of the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix is ​​from the sixth transformation.

The body became stronger, and the strength of the demon power increased sharply, but he didn't know the speed. Now he dared not try it in the space, lest he would not be killed by the unknown gangster without showing the power of the Nascent Soul stage.

Yidan and Yiying didn't show any signs of intolerance, and the two got along very well. Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly, with a confident smile on his face.

Finally reached the Nascent Soul stage, the lifespan is no longer [-] years old, nor is the average Nascent Soul stage monk [-] years old, but a [-]-year lifespan, because the Nascent Soul in his dantian was cultivated by Phoenix Nine Transformations demon baby.

Monster beasts are born with a long lifespan, strong physique, and increased strength. For monks, they are more happy than anything else. The increase in lifespan will allow monks to have more time to practice.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Li Qiuyu laughed excitedly. In this deserted place, he is not afraid of being discovered. Even if he is discovered, he is no longer afraid of any monks.

Originally, among the monks of the same class, his strength was much higher than that of the precipice, but now that he has reached the Nascent Soul stage, he doesn't know what level of strength he has reached.

In order not to affect the two monsters refining the Creation Pill, Li Qiuyu just practiced quietly inside. There are two kinds of exercises, one of which is practiced for one week every day.

The rest of the time is spent comprehending alchemy and some spells. Only after reaching the Nascent Soul stage can one truly grasp the profound meaning of teleportation. The furthest a monk at the alchemy stage can only teleport for fifty miles. Now Li Qiuyu has never tried it. A hundred miles is no problem.

There are also some innate spells that can only be possessed by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the innate spells of monster beasts and infants, which will naturally be available after reaching the Nascent Soul Stage.

I just need to practice by myself to really strengthen the spell. Half a year has passed, and Li Qiuyu's Nascent Soul stage has really stabilized, and the two monsters have also advanced at the same time. It's mid-stage.

For monsters, promotion and advancement are more difficult than anything else. Sometimes, the advancement of monsters is calculated in thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, under Li Qiuyu's Creation Pill, the two pressure beasts were unexpectedly promoted, and the black turtle beast and the cloud beast were very excited.

"Well, yes, this way of promotion is really comfortable. Compared with our Xuangui beast clan, I am the fastest one to advance."

Xuan Gui Beast said in a deep voice, and took one last look at Li Qiuyu, its body gradually became smaller, and became the size of a fist again, and the body of Yun Beast also became the size of a palm.

"How is your demon baby doing?" Cloud Beast asked loudly.

"Fortunately, it is now stable." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the two monsters spared no effort to consume their own monster power to cultivate for themselves at the most critical time, which made Li Qiuyu very grateful.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness moved, and a shocking monster power exploded, the seven-color mana in the dantian surged endlessly, and the eyes of Nascent Soul shot out a gleam.

With a swipe, the air trembled. Both the cloud beast and the black turtle beast looked at Li Qiuyu in horror. Although both beasts had advanced, Li Qiuyu was stronger than them after becoming a Nascent Soul.

"I didn't expect your strength to soar dozens of times after you became a baby. It seems that some human monks in the late stage of alchemy can resist you even with magic weapons."

The black tortoise made a deep voice, and its small eyes were full of envy and surprise. The stronger Li Qiuyu was, the more opportunities it had.

"We have been here for more than a year, and we have wasted a lot of time. Let's go out and have a look, and kill all the monks and monsters we encounter." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

In the end, he retracted the practice of Phoenix Nine Changes, and Yuan Ying entered into a state of resting his eyes with his eyes closed, and the Heaven-shocking Divine Art was running rapidly.

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