Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 445 The Mysterious Girl Ling Ling

"Big brother, what are you doing here?"

While playing with the cloud beast, the girl looked at Li Qiuyu with beautiful eyes, and asked softly, with an extremely calm expression on her face.

"Hehe, I came here for some missions, but I will be going back soon." Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a rare tranquility on his face.

"Can you take me out to play?" The girl looked at Li Qiuyu with anticipation on her face.

"I can't, do you live here?" Li Qiuyu asked in surprise. Judging from the girl's tone, she must have never left this space crack, otherwise she would not have asked herself to take her out.

"Well, why, you took me out!" The girl hummed softly, and finally looked at Li Qiuyu, wondering why Li Qiuyu didn't take her out.

"Where's your family? Besides, it's inconvenient for you to go out with me. You are a girl, and bad people will be rude to you when you go out." Li Qiuyu said seriously, and more than a dozen powerful auras in the distance rushed towards you. fly.

"My parents died a long time ago, and I lived with my grandfather and some uncles. I stayed here for 14 years, and I was alone every day. My grandfather didn't let me play with some other sisters of the same age." The girl said faintly. Said.

"Wait, someone is coming, and it's very troublesome. You can leave quickly, and I'll block it." Li Qiuyu said, the solemn expression on his face became more intense.

"I'm with you." The girl said calmly. After she finished speaking, fourteen powerful monks had appeared in the air, and all of them were at the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul. for.

"Ling Ling, who told you to run out, hurry back with me." The old man said loudly, with a kind expression on his face, and a sharp look in his eyes, Li Qiuyu was immediately shocked by electric shock, and his whole body surged with mana .

"Grandpa, why don't I go back, I want to go out to play with my big brother." It turned out that this girl was called Lingling, and she was acting coquettishly when talking to the old man.

"Young man, what kind of confusing words did you say to Lingling, let Lingling go out to play?" The old man had a trace of anger on his face. To Li Qiuyu.

More than a dozen monks who were at the peak of Yuanying's early stage looked at Li Qiuyu at the same time, making Li Qiuyu's whole body fall into the ice.

"Fellow Daoist, are you kidding? Fairy Lingling and I just met, but Fairy Lingling wants to play with my pet, so I stay here." Li Qiuyu said politely, without any sign of weakness , although the opponent's strength is much stronger than his own, but don't want him to bow his head.

"Since Palace Master Lingling likes that pet, you can give that pet to Palace Master Lingling." A young monk beside the old man said, his face full of arrogance.

"Friend Daoist speaks loudly. This pet is very important to me. It's natural to let Lingling play with it, but friend Daoist, your tone makes me uncomfortable." Li Qiuyu said coldly, feeling extremely upset.

"Boy, don't be shameless. It's your honor that our palace master Lingling has taken a fancy to your pet." After speaking, a powerful attack cut down on Li Qiuyu.

The powerful attack arrived in an instant, Li Qiuyu snorted coldly, unfolded a mask, and prepared to move his consciousness, a huge ancient treasure appeared in front of him.

But at this moment, the girl Lingling waved her hand, and a stream of pure aura greeted the attack of the young monk, and the attack of the young monk was instantly melted away.

"Palace Master Lingling, why are you feeling sorry for this trash?" the young monk said dissatisfied in his heart.

Li Qiuyu looked at Ling Ling, wondering what was going on in her mind, the girl's casual blow just now could easily break the attack of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, if he said he had never practiced before, he would not believe it even if he was killed .

"It turns out that Fairy Lingling was joking with me. With such a cultivation level, I really worry too much, so I'm leaving." Li Qiuyu said coldly.Turning around and taking a look at the cloud beast and the black turtle beast, he lifted his feet and walked away.

"Big brother..." Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu's face that instantly became extremely cold, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart. She naturally knew why the big brother in front of her had to leave.

I said that I have never practiced before, but the power of the casual blow just now is hard to compare even for a monk in the early stage of Yuanying. Naturally, this big brother misunderstood that he had lied to him.

"Hehe, Fairy Lingling." Li Qiuyu looked back at Lingling, smiled coldly, finally shook her head helplessly, turned around and walked forward in a chic way, followed by two monsters.

"Boy, our palace lord likes your pet, please keep your pet." The young monk saw Li Qiuyu was about to leave, with a proud look on his face, as if he drove him away by himself.

"Is there such a simple thing?" Li Qiuyu looked at Ling Ling with cold eyes, and finally said lightly.

"Big brother, you really misunderstood me. I really haven't cultivated before. Don't look at me like that, okay?" Seeing Li Qiuyu's eyes, Ling Ling felt extremely uncomfortable, and she didn't know why He would care so much about this young monk who was still unfamiliar.

It seems to be very familiar from birth, I always feel like I have seen it somewhere, but I just don’t know where, or the boy in front of me is born in my mind.

"Fairy Lingling, I'm speechless. I don't like talking like this." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she disappeared into the air in a flash, and when she reappeared, she was already two miles away.

When Li Qiuyu left, there was always a feeling of reluctance in her heart, but it was obvious that this girl named Lingling was an unfathomable monk, and even with her own fairy strength, she couldn't see the existence of the other party's magic power.

"Big brother," Lingling called out weakly, and two streams of crystal clear tears flowed down her face silently.

"Hmph, do you want to leave just like that after offending our Palace Master?" Seeing Ling Ling's appearance, the young monk was filled with anger, his body flashed in the air strangely, and appeared in front of Li Qiuyu again. Li Qiuyu smashed it down.

"Hmph, I'm in a very bad mood, don't blame me for being rude." Li Qiuyu swiped casually, a red and blue halo appeared in his hand, a light curtain blocked the attack of the golden light, Li Qiuyu shook his body slightly trembling.

The golden light disappeared, and the red and blue light curtain trembled violently. The two disappeared into the air, and a mist slowly dispersed, proving that two powerful magic powers appeared here just now.

"Okay, even a monk in the alchemy stage dares to be so arrogant in front of this deity, so I will kill you first and vent my anger for Palace Master Lingling." The young monk yelled loudly, then stepped back ten feet, and his whole body exploded with momentum. The aura in the air twisted slightly.

The cultivator at the peak of Yuan Ying's early stage was indeed extraordinary in strength. Li Qiuyu was suppressed by a powerful pressure, and he felt as if the air was trapping him.

"Hmph, I'm killing you today." Li Qiuyu was upset at first, but now he was provoked again and again by this cultivator who was at the peak of his early youth, and he no longer cared about the existence of the other thirteen Nascent Soul cultivators.

The hands were constantly changing, and then he pointed out, and a powerful finger force shot straight at the young monk with a destructive aura.

Li Qiuyu circulated his whole body's mana, so naturally he would not be afraid of the coercion of the young monks in front of him. In his mana, he also discounted the aura of Nascent Soul's early stage Mahayana.

"Hmph, not bad. I have already reached the edge of the Nascent Soul Stage. No wonder it is so rampant." The young monk smiled, and waved a mysterious jerky gesture a few times. Every time he waved, the aura in the air trembled .

A huge blue beam of light hit Li Qiuyu's Sky-Shaking Finger, and the blue beam of light instantly collided with the power of the Sky-Shaking Finger in the air.


With a loud noise, Li Qiuyu flew upside down, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and you shivered slightly when you pressed the monk's body, and looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise.

"Ao Lin, don't hurt big brother." The distance of two miles was reached in an instant for a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, but Lingling came running step by step, and the other thirteen cultivators also walked slowly behind.

When she ran over, Li Qiuyu and the young monk had already fought for a round, with a trace of sweat on their face, and they kept holding their breath.

Li Qiuyu was even more confused, seeing this Lingling, she didn't look like she was pretending, she was just an ordinary mortal, but she had a strong aura on her body.

But in Li Qiuyu's mind, the scene of Ling Ling defusing the young monk's attack was still spinning. This strength is no longer the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul stage.

"Are you all coming together? This seat has taken over." Li Qiuyu glanced at Ling Ling, and said to the thirteen Nascent Soul stage monks, that his current situation was extremely unfavorable.

Even if he used all the demon infant's cultivation and added two monsters, he couldn't compete with the fourteen monks who were at the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, not to mention that the other party still had a mid-stage Nascent Soul.

"Boy, your strength is good, but it is impossible to take advantage of us." The old man said lightly, with a trace of calm and kindness on his face.

"Don't you all want to keep me here?" After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a move of consciousness, a dull three-foot long sword was sacrificed, holding the long sword in his hand, and the aura of his body exploded.

"Hey, psychic treasure, no wonder it is like this." The old man said lightly to himself.

"Big brother, don't do anything. My grandfather and uncle have no intention of keeping you, and I don't want your pet anymore." Seeing the appearance of her grandfather and uncles, Lingling obviously wanted to do something.

She could only say this so that her grandfather and uncle would give up attacking the young monk in front of her. She knew the strength of her grandfather and uncle better than anyone else. Even if the young monk had the ability to reach the sky, he would not have the slightest chance of defeating them.

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