Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 447 The first line of life and death, the power of the Tower of Nothingness

"This is the deity's business."

The Xuangui Beast said loudly, the sound was like thunder, and then the snake head sprayed out a light red mist, and there were continuous chirping sounds in the air.

The black tortoise stomped on the pressure of the old man with its huge sole. The sole of the sole did not have a trace of strong aura, but it carried the natural trajectory of heaven and earth.

"Bang tom."

The old man shook his body and sank two feet fiercely before stabilizing his figure. Li Qiuyu resisted the attack of the old man on the black turtle beast and the cloud beast, which gave him a chance, and a golden light waved again, but this time He is not attacking the old man.

Instead, he attacked one of the other nine monks, and Li Qiuyu thought to himself: "Beginning to be entangled by the old man, I have no chance to attack these nine monks, so I should be able to break the formation now.

As long as he wasn't trapped by the formation, he still had some hope of escaping, but he was soon disappointed. The nine monks smiled mysteriously, with a hint of sarcasm in their smiles.

The viscous aura in the formation turned and blocked the attacked monks directly. The golden light swayed by Li Qiuyu also disappeared without a trace in front of the monks. The only thing that could prove that they had just attacked were the nine monks. The body shook slightly.

Li Qiuyu was completely disappointed. The only hope was to see if the mysterious turtle beast and cloud beast could defeat the old man. Even if they defeated the old man, it would be difficult to escape.

There were constant explosions in the air, and after a while, the shadow of the cloud beast's claws also became weak. In this formation, there is a mysterious power that consumes mana and demon power.

The light red mist sprayed out by the snake head on the back of the black tortoise also became weaker and weaker. The black tortoise was hit by the huge coercion, and its body trembled violently, apparently forcibly steadied itself.


Li Qiuyu felt extremely helpless, did she really want to suffer here?With a move of his consciousness, he took back the giant tripod, ancient treasure and Dingtian ruler.

With a wave of ten thousand souls, thousands of spirits and dozens of spirits of seventh-order monsters shot at the nine monks and the old man.

"Wan Hun Pan, boy, good luck, I never thought that such a treasure would be obtained by you, but you can't exert the most powerful power, you will lose it."

The old man was startled at first, then overjoyed, Wan Hun Pan was definitely not inferior to the psychic treasure in Li Qiuyu's hands, and in some places, it was even more effective than the psychic treasure.

Thousands of spirits and the seventh-level monster spirits continued to shoot out their own attacks. After a while, Li Qiuyu's face became more and more serious, and the monster spirits in the Wanhun Pan had no effect at all.


Li Qiuyu controlled Wan Hunpan with his spiritual sense, and when he saw Wugong, he took it back, so as not to waste the spirit and spirit of the seventh-level monster beast in vain.


At this time, the Xuangui Beast also completely lost its combat power, and its demon power was exhausted. The old man threw the disc at Li Qiuyu, and the coercion in the air was several times stronger than before.

Li Qiuyu sacrificed the Mingguang Baojian, which was unremarkable, without the slightest light or powerful aura, but the coercion from the old man's disk was temporarily restrained.

"Do it, this is the Mingguang Baojian, and the God Extinguishing Formation is useless to him." The old man said loudly, holding Yuanpan tightly in his hand, his eyes revealed a sharp light.

The nine monks waved their hands, and each released a powerful and shocking mana. The nine attacks met in the air, but there was no explosion as imagined, but a rapid fusion. Immediately after the fusion, a light curtain pressed down down.

"Come in quickly." Li Qiuyu naturally has a lot of experience, knowing that this light curtain is destruction and death, and the mysterious turtle beast and cloud beast will be damaged when they touch it.

Xuan Gui Beast also knew the danger, its body instantly became the size of a fist, and both of them entered the monster storage bag with Cloud Beast, and Li Qiuyu quickly packed the storage bag.

His eyes stared at the pressed light curtain, his heart was ashamed, and his mind spun quickly, trying to find a way to break the light curtain of death and destruction.

But he never thought of what kind of spells and treasures could break the light curtain. He was originally super powerful and had many treasures, but at this time he also felt that his skills were poor.

Seeing that the light curtain came to a distance of two feet, for the first time a look of despair appeared in his eyes. In desperation, he put his consciousness into the space necklace and randomly mobilized an item.

Tower of nothingness

The Tower of Nothingness obtained in the Land of Nothingness was held in his hands. In desperation, his consciousness moved and sacrificed the Tower of Nothingness, and a beam of colorful light shot towards the downward-pressing light curtain.

Brine some tofu, one thing down one thing.

I didn't expect that the death and destruction-like light curtain would quickly melt away after encountering the colorful light. In a moment, the light curtain disappeared.

The moment the light curtain disappeared, the Tower of Nothingness emitted a powerful suction force, and the mana of the nine monks was instantly sucked by the Tower of Nothingness.

The nine monks stumbled and fell down as if they were drunk. The monks without magic power are no different from ordinary people.

"Tower of Nothingness, you are, you are..." The old man looked at the Tower of Nothingness in Li Qiuyu's hands in horror, his eyes showed ecstasy, and he said loudly incoherently.

He simply ignored the nine monks who fell to the ground, but stared intently at the Tower of Nothingness in Li Qiuyu's hands.

Fortunately, the nine monks were at the peak cultivation base of Yuanying in the early stage. Even if they had no magic power and strong physique, they would not fall to their death from a height of ten feet, but they fell unconsciously, making them unprepared. few.

The whole body seems to be falling apart, but these are not the most important. The most important thing is the Tower of Nothingness in Li Qiuyu's hand.

"Fellow Daoist, it's you guys now, let's come together." Li Qiuyu ignored the old man's gaffe, and took the old man's ecstasy as greed.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment, I have something to say clearly."

Seeing that Li Qiuyu was about to make a move, the old man hurriedly said without any intention of doing it, with excitement and ecstasy on his face all the time.

"Fellow Daoist, what else can I say?" Li Qiuyu snorted coldly, with an icy expression on his face. He had just caused him to consume more than ten years of life energy, and almost lost it.

"Why does Fellow Daoist master the Tower of Nothingness in his hand? Could it be that Fellow Daoist is from the lineage of the Lord of Nothingness?" After the old man finished speaking, the more he talked, the more he couldn't believe the truth, but the reality in front of him was here.

"You don't need to worry about this. This Tower of Nothingness belongs to me. If you want it, you can rely on your ability." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and the momentum of his whole body gradually increased.

"Big brother, don't do anything, you have misunderstood what Grandpa meant, we are from the lineage of the Void Lord." Ling Ling said loudly, with a look of horror on his face.

The nine uncles almost killed the big brother just now, but the nine uncles ran out of mana, the big brother has a treasure in his hand, and the lives of the grandfather and uncles are in danger.

She didn't want her big brother to lose, nor did she want to see her relatives die. Fortunately, the time for Li Qiuyu to fight with the nine monks was short. The situation is in the eyes.

"Are you all of nothingness? Are you kidding me? What about me, hehe." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, looking at Ling Ling and the monks present.

He owns the Tower of Nothingness, he also cultivated the Qi of Nothingness, and there is a ray of aurora in the space necklace. After what he met and saw in the Land of Nothingness, he also faintly knew that he must be related to the lineage of Nothingness.

What's more, even the cloud beast and the mysterious turtle beast think so, he has already regarded himself as the lineage of nothingness, and during the three years in Yunlu island, the tower of nothingness was also successfully sacrificed by him.

It's just that he didn't fully grasp some of the mysteries and true power of the Tower of Nothingness, and he didn't expect to save his life this time.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, we are really related to the lineage of nothingness, although not the lineage of nothingness, but we have an indelible relationship with the lineage of nothingness."

The old man said hastily, and quickly came to Lingling, and used a strange technique to release Lingling's restraint.

"Fellow Daoist, please take a look."

The old man said loudly, and after finishing speaking, Lingling caught Grandpa's eyes, stretched out his hand, and a strange rune appeared in the air, and a faint colorful light swayed in the rune.

"Cold Aurora"

Although Li Qiuyu doesn't understand what the runes are, he is naturally familiar with the Aurora Tianhan in the runes. He also came to this world by means of the Aurora Tianhan, and the Aurora Tianhan also brought him several times of life save.

"Fellow Daoist is indeed from the lineage of the Lord of Nothingness, and my subordinates will refer to the young master." The old man said in surprise. Li Qiuyu had the Tower of Nothingness in his hand and knew Tianhan Aurora, which completely dispelled the doubts in his heart.

"My subordinates will see the young master." The nine monks and four other monks also quickly saluted Li Qiuyu, but Lingling stood there without any intention of saluting.

"Lingling, don't be rude." Seeing Lingling standing still, the old man shouted anxiously, completely losing the kindness and kindness he had shown towards Lingling at the beginning.

But there was still love and kindness in her eyes, after all Ling Ling was his granddaughter, she was just in front of Li Qiuyu, afraid that Li Qiuyu would blame her.

"Forget it, this matter still needs to be clarified first. Fairy Lingling, you don't need to salute to me. I have to clarify the matter before I talk about it. Give me a reason to convince me first."

Seeing Lingling's appearance, Li Qiuyu couldn't bear to embarrass him, although he probably understood that the old man, these monks, and Lingling were all related to him, not to himself, but to nothingness.

but be careful

Naturally, he would also think that the old man came to fool him casually after seeing his baby, and he had to guard against such things.

"The Tianhan Aurora in Lingling's body is a drop of blood that the ancestors begged from the Lord of Nothingness, and then cultivated runes. Our Tianling clan, for generations, is the only inheritance of women who own the lineage of nothingness. Every generation , are all women."

The old man said calmly, but his heart was turbulent, he took a breath, and continued: "Our Tianling clan will always be the most loyal assistant of the Void Lord."

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Li Qiuyu, and then lowered his head, not daring to meet Li Qiuyu's gaze. Li Qiuyu didn't know whether the old man was avoiding his gaze, or showing respect for nothingness.

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