Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 450 The Secret of the Sky Spirit Clan

"The matter of Lingling is up to them. We are not qualified to talk about it. Tomorrow, I will tell the young master about everything about the Tianling clan and the Wuwu clan."

Qing Zicheng pondered for a while, and said calmly, he also knew very little about listening to A Ling's clan and the Void Lord's lineage.

"Well, this matter is for the patriarch to handle. We should leave here and return to Bihai." The fat old man nodded.

"Bi Hai's strength is stronger than we imagined. Judging from the monks who came in this time, it is difficult for us to make a difference."

Qingzicheng sighed, and fourteen of them came out to look for Lingling. They met many monks on the way and killed them one by one, but they also saw some of Bihai's strength.

"Is the young master hiding his cultivation?" On the seat next to the fat old man, opposite to him is a thin old man, he is Qing Zicheng's cousin Qing Yunrun.

"This is impossible. In that case, to hide your cultivation is simply courting death. I blocked death to see the young master's appearance, and I sacrificed the Tower of Nothingness out of desperation. It was definitely not because of my cultivation, let alone We knew in advance that the Tower of Nothingness could destroy our formation."

Qing Zicheng recalled the situation of fighting skills at that time, Li Qiuyu's expression and movements were clearly seen by him, and his cultivation was at the peak in the late stage of alchemy.

"Let's talk about it in the future. Let's go out this time and release all the disciples who are above the alchemy stage and have no chance to reach the Nascent Soul stage. Fortunately, Bihai can build up his own strength, but I don't know if the young master has any way in Bihai?"

The fat old man is the Great Elder of the Tianling Clan, his status is only slightly lower than Qingzicheng's, so his words naturally carry weight, after he finished speaking, Qingzicheng also nodded his head to express his approval.

"We're going out this time, and we've selected [-] disciples at the alchemy stage and fifty elders at the Nascent Soul stage. It's best to put our strength in a remote place first, so as not to be discovered after we go out." Qing Zicheng said.

"Well, I will deal with this matter. When the space crack opens, we will go out from Tianyue." The fat old man pondered for a while, and finally said lightly.

After finishing speaking, the secret room returned to silence again, and the five old men stood there like five statues, with no breath at all.

Li Qiuyu took Lingling back to the place where she lived, and when she went, Lingling was always smiling, but when she came back, there was no smile on her face anymore, Li Qiuyu wanted to leave, and she didn't take her out.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu would not take her out. She is the palace lord of the Tianling Clan, and she needed her grandfather's permission to go out. As a strange man, she would definitely not take a strange girl out.

Firstly, it was inconvenient, and Lingling had no cultivation base at all. If she was an ordinary person, Li Qiuyu would be at ease, but Lingling's peerless beauty and innate aura made it impossible for her to become an ordinary person.

In fact, he was also a little bit reluctant to part with this peerless girl, whose voice could always calm him down.

Back at the attic, Li Qiuyu came to her room to practice, Lingling also went back to another attic to play, and the cloud beast returned to Li Qiuyu's side again.

"This Fairy Lingling must have an unusual relationship with you." Xuangui Beast said.

"How to say?" Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, he also had some doubts, but he hid it in his heart and didn't say it out. Now that the mysterious turtle saw something, he asked lightly.

"I sensed it based on the long-term life breath of my Xuanwu clan, but I don't know what it really has to do with it. Didn't you see that Fairy Lingling looks very familiar when she sees you?"

The Xuangui Beast thought for a while, and then said: "And you all have Tianhan Jiguang, but her Tianhan Jiguang is a trace of inheritance of your nothingness. You have to deal with these things yourself. As a monster, I , don’t understand these things.”

"Let's talk about it later." Li Qiuyu said lightly, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, a confident smile returned to his face again.

Sitting cross-legged, he began to practice. After an unknown amount of time, a "grunt" came to Li Qiuyu's ears. Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly, and saw Xuangui Beast and Cloud Beast looking at him in puzzlement.

"Hehe, I'm a little hungry." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with a move of consciousness, he took out more than ten thousand-year-old spiritual fruits from the space necklace, threw a few at the two monsters, and opened his mouth quickly , gnawed the fist-sized spiritual fruit in one bite.

After two millennium spirit fruits, Li Qiuyu's stomach was already full. Although the two monsters were huge in size, after they became smaller, each monster also ate five or six spirit fruits cleanly.

The whole night was spent meditating and practicing. The next morning, when Li Qiuyu got up and washed up and was about to go out, she saw Qingzicheng coming.

"My subordinates greet the young master." Qing Zicheng saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully and said.

Behind him, Ling Ling also looked at him with a smile, she didn't know what Qing Zicheng said to her yesterday, but when she saw Li Qiuyu today, she always had an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Well, let's go in and talk." Li Qiuyu said something, then turned and walked towards another small living room, and the three of them sat down.

"Young Master, yesterday, my subordinates talked about the matter of the Tianling Clan and the Void Clan. In fact, my subordinates don't know much about the matters of the Void Clan and the Tianling Clan. It's just that the ancestors of the Tianling Clan have always been of the Void Clan. vassal guard."

"It is said in ancient times that the Sky Spirit Clan has existed for tens of millions of years, and the Void Clan seems to be doing the same thing. I don't know what happened to the Void Clan in the end. It has disappeared without a trace since then, and the Sky Spirit Clan has also gradually declined. .”

"As for Lingling, in the Tianling clan, almost every million women have the essence and blood inheritance of the Lord of Nothingness, but until now, there is only Lingling alone. In fact, in ancient legends, the Tianling clan has The woman of Tianhan Jiguang is a wife who can help the Wuwu family." Qing Zicheng spoke slowly, Ling Ling bowed her head on the side, not daring to look at Li Qiuyu.

"The patriarch also knows that the monks who entered this space crack all came in to practice and fight for the upgrade of the island. Only by obtaining a certain amount of jade slips can the island be truly upgraded."

After Qingzicheng finished speaking, Li Qiuyu also opened his mouth to speak. Seeing that Qingzicheng did not speak, he went on to say: "For some things, I also agreed to the elder of an island, so I came here. It's beyond your imagination."

"Could it be that the young master is going to the sea of ​​innocence?" Qingzicheng has lived for six to seven hundred years. From Li Qiuyu's words, it is not difficult to think of some things. With the young master's cultivation in front of him, he naturally doesn't care about the island's upgrade. matter.

"Hey, that's right, you also know about the Sea of ​​No Arguments?" Li Qiuyu said in surprise, it seems that the Sea of ​​No Arguments has a good reputation.

"Of course, although our Tianling clan has lived in the Tianling ruins for generations, there are also many disciples who have experienced in Bihai. Our Tianling clan was the leader of Bihai at the beginning, but was defeated by a powerful force later. .”

"In the end, most of the disciples returned to the Tianling Ruins, and they planned to regain control of Bihai after the power became stronger."

"The Tianling clan is the leader of Bihai?"

Li Qiuyu said in horror, Bihai's territory is so large that even a map can't be summed up, so the power of the leader can control Bihai.

"That's right, ten thousand years ago, there was a genius of the void lineage in Bihai. The ancestor Lan Ling of our Tianling clan followed the disciple of the void lineage and brought Bihai into the jurisdiction of the Skyling clan. At that time , the ancestor of the blue spirit is already the number one master in the late stage of transformation."

"It's just that I don't know what kind of cultivation is that disciple of the void lineage. Even the ancestors of Lanling couldn't tell, but when all the monks in Bihai's transformation stage were encircled and suppressed the lineage of Tianling, more than 40 transformed Under the casual blow of the disciples of the void lineage, the masters of the god stage were all reduced to ashes, but the blue spirit ancestor and the disciples of the void lineage also attracted a catastrophe. I don’t know if they ascended or were lost?"

"There have been monks at the stage of transformation in Bihai?" Li Qiuyu was completely horrified, and even more horrified was the disciple of the void lineage, who killed more than 40 stages of transformation with one move. What kind of strength does this have? Even a monk in the void period may not have such strength.

"I only saw these things in the classics. No one knows the real facts. Anyway, in our generations, the disciples who went to Bihai to practice have never met a master of the god transformation stage, otherwise we would not Rely on this Demigod Formation to regain Bihai."

There was a hint of expectation on the old man's face. The Tianling clan used to be the leader of Bihai, but now they are trapped in the Tianling ruins.

"To tell you the truth, I am not a monk of Bihai."

"Subordinates know."

"You know I'm not a monk from Bihai?" Li Qiuyu was terrified in his heart. He began to say that he was not a monk from Bihai, thinking that Qingzicheng would be surprised, but he didn't expect what Qingzicheng said would really surprise him.

"Yes, the young master used to live in a place called Fengyue Continent."

Qing Zicheng said with a smile, with a proud look on his face, seeing Li Qiuyu's surprised look, he knew that what he said was not wrong at all.

"How do you know?" After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a icy expression appeared on his face, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Young master, don't worry, this secret is only known to the patriarch of the Tianling clan. In the center of Bihai, there is a formation called Wujie. That formation can penetrate several continents, but the key to controlling that formation is nothingness. Air and cold aurora."

"Because the disciples of the Wuwu lineage ten thousand years ago also came down from the Fengyue Continent, this secret was passed down by the ancestors of Lan Ling, and only the patriarch can know."

Qingzicheng also sensed Li Qiuyu's murderous intent and expression, and quickly said that he knew that if he didn't give the other party a reason immediately, he would definitely end up badly.

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