Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 462 Breakthrough Nascent Soul Stage

Seeing this fiery red light ball falling down, Li Qiuyu was completely speechless. After finally defeating the light ball, he didn't expect that there was a fiery red light ball in the middle, which was no less powerful than the big light ball at the beginning.

Li Qiuyu felt helpless, and directly sacrificed the Tower of Nothingness. There was a strange breath in the air, but the fiery red light group was not resisted by the Tower of Nothingness, and landed on the top of the mountain in an instant.


With a roar, Li Qiuyu's heart was ashamed, and the fiery red ball, with a burning breath, smashed firmly on Li Qiuyu's body, and Li Qiuyu's whole body was smashed straight into the mud.

The Shield of Devouring, the Ancient Treasure of the Giant Cauldron, the Shield of the Earth and the other two ancient defensive treasures all returned to their original forms without any response.

The Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation was even more like a fake, the entire mountain top was directly knocked down several feet, and Li Qiuyu felt dizzy for a while.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the powerful burning flames were still attacking Li Qiuyu's body unscrupulously. At this moment, the space on his chest emitted a colorful light.

The colorful lights covered Li Qiuyu's whole body, but these colorful lights disappeared quickly, and there was a trace of despair in Li Qiuyu's eyes.

At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in Li Qiuyu's sight, and the whole person rushed towards Li Qiuyu, and the two of them sandwiched a fiery red light ball with a radius of one foot in the middle.

A ray of colorful light came to Li Qiuyu, and the radiant light, which was weak and about to dissipate, recovered again with the help of the colorful light emitted by Ling Ling's space necklace.

It turned out that when Lingling saw Li Qiuyu being hit by the fiery red light ball, her heart was ashamed, and she couldn't care less anymore, so she quickly shot towards the top of the mountain.

Seeing that the one on the mountain was smashed to the ground, and Li Qiuyu under the fiery red light group was still holding on tightly, Lingling thought to himself, since Brother Qiuyu is about to be destroyed, there is no point in living. To the fiery red light group.

"Ling Ling"

With the help of Lingling's colorful light, Li Qiuyu became much more relaxed, but her whole body was also in severe pain. Seeing Lingling's resolute expression, she was willing to follow her to hell for her own sake. feel the same.

"Brother Qiu Yu, even if I'm going to die, I want to be with you." Ling Ling said in pain and difficulty as she was surrounded by the colorful light.

"Hurry up, let's refine it, or we'll die." Li Qiuyu said loudly, running his mana quickly, pushing the fiery red light ball upwards, but this fiery red light ball was not something he could do at all. Shake the slightest existence.

"Brother Qiu Yu, your Tower of Nothingness." Ling Ling shouted loudly.

"I'll try again." Li Qiuyu sacrificed the Tower of Nothingness again. At the beginning, he used the Tower of Nothingness by himself, but it didn't work. At this time, the horse can only be regarded as a living horse doctor.

The Tower of Nothingness came out, and a powerful colorful light shot at the fiery red light group. Suddenly, the entire fiery red light group was enveloped by the colorful Tianhan Aurora.

"Lingling, get out of the way, I'll bring him out." Li Qiuyu said loudly.


Ling Ling saw Li Qiuyu's Tianhan Aurora enveloping the fiery red light group, and quickly dodged away. Just as he dodged, Li Qiuyu was about to use his whole body's magic power, shouted loudly, and the entire light group with a radius of one foot was facing outwards flew out.

"You leave quickly."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she pushed the ball of light and flew into the air, reaching a height of hundreds of feet from the top of the mountain in an instant.


With a violent roar, Li Qiuyu slammed into the fiery red light ball with all his mana, and smashed his fist on the light ball instantly.


There was another loud noise from the sky and the earth, and the fiery red light group was instantly blown up, and Li Qiuyu also fell down. At this moment, the golden core in his body had reached the critical point, and it was instantly shattered into pieces.

There was a temporary calm in the sky, the golden elixir turned into fragments, and the fragments slowly melted into the colorful mana. This time, the melting speed of the golden elixir turned into a demon elixir was countless times faster.

Two hours later, the golden elixir completely turned into mana, and in the dantian, a golden Nascent Soul was formed. The Nascent Soul was just a vague body, and there was no success at all.

"Heaven and earth spiritual energy. Gather."

Li Qiuyu yelled out loudly that the Heaven-shocking God Art was in operation, and the aura in the air quickly rushed towards Li Qiuyu, and he also absorbed the fiery red light cluster that had just exploded.

One day passed, and the Nascent Soul was formed. Li Qiuyu showed a look of excitement on his face, but when he looked at the baby cloud in the sky, he showed a hint of depression.

In the clear sky, streaks of clouds gathered in the direction of the top of Li Qiuyu's mountain. Another day passed, and above the top of Li Qiuyu's mountain, a colorful cloud with a radius of ten miles was slowly rotating.

Every rotation carried the natural trajectory of heaven and earth. The formation of the Nascent Soul greatly reduced the mana in his dantian, half of the mana was condensed into the Nascent Soul, and the rest of the mana was consumed.

A Tianying Pill was thrown into the entrance to restore all the mana, and the baby cloud in the air was also quickly smashed down. Li Qiuyu secretly thought that finally the baby cloud came, as long as the baby cloud was absorbed, he could truly reach the Nascent Soul stage up.

"fixed day"

Li Qiuyu shouted, a golden wooden ruler appeared in his hand, and then a golden light shot towards Yingyun.

loud noise in the air

After three times, the baby cloud showed some cracks. Although Li Qiuyu did not really stabilize the Nascent Soul stage, the quality of his strength has improved a lot.

The power of the Dingtian ruler also increased several times. When Yingyun loosened, Li Qiuyu retracted the Dingtian ruler, and swung the three-foot long sword again, waving a white sword glow.

Half an hour later, the baby cloud in the sky finally disintegrated, and Li Qiuyu was exhausted. A Tianying Pill entered his mouth again, and then sat cross-legged to absorb the baby cloud.

Two days later, all the disciples and monks in the alchemy stage saw that there was no more movement on the top of Li Qiuyu's mountain, so they returned to their residences with peace of mind.

I was so excited that I finally saw the island owner break up the baby cloud. It was a matter of time before the baby became a baby. The alchemy monks in other places all looked envious.

After a month of time, all the baby clouds above Li Qiuyu finally disappeared and were absorbed by him. He didn't know that he had so many baby clouds, ten times as many as Huangfu Yuye.

But with the experience of absorbing the baby cloud last time, his speed has also accelerated a lot. The one-inch-sized Yuanying in the dantian closed his eyes and rested in it, and the baby cloud absorbed by Li Qiuyu was also absorbed by him.

"Hehe, I have finally reached the Nascent Soul Stage."

A faint smile finally appeared on Li Qiuyu's face. After years of suppression and comprehension, the Nascent Soul Stage was reached after twists and turns.

Lingling had also returned to the top of the mountain long ago, and stood guard not far away by himself and two monsters. This guard lasted for half a year.

Although Li Qiuyu has reached the Nascent Soul stage, his realm is extremely unstable, and there are too many baby clouds. Although it can benefit the Nascent Soul, he is still a mortal, not a fairy.

Moreover, he had to slowly adapt to the realm after the Nascent Soul stage. In the dantian, the two Nascent Souls sat opposite each other, showing no discord at all.

The dantian is like a boundless sea area, as long as his magic power moves slightly, the whole sea area will be full of rough waves.

What made him obviously feel it was the spiritual consciousness. In the past, the spiritual consciousness could reach [-] miles, but now it has reached a full [-] miles.

This distance has already surpassed the middle stage of Nascent Soul or even the ordinary late monks, but this is also the most basic estimate.

There is also the induction and control of the aura of the world. Now that he is a small world, he can also integrate himself into this world.

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and saw Lingling and two monsters guarding not far away, with a look of relief on his face.

"Lingling, go back and rest." Li Qiuyu said distressedly.

If it wasn't for Ling Ling, he might have been really lost, and he also clearly felt that Ling Ling was an indispensable existence for him. In his heart, he gradually felt that Ling Ling was a gift from heaven to him.

"Brother Qiuyu, you have made a breakthrough." Lingling said happily, and finally looked at Li Qiuyu carefully. After Li Qiuyu reached Yuanying, his temperament also reached another level.

Ling Ling, who has a fairy-like temperament and a refined temperament, was taken aback, and finally realized that she had lost her composure, and her face flushed.

"Well, I have finally reached the Nascent Soul stage." Li Qiuyu said with a smile. At first, Lingling disregarded her own safety and was willing to fall into hell with him. This kind of emotion has already made Li Qiuyu regard Lingling as indispensable in this life. The presence.

"Then I'll take a rest first." After Ling Ling finished speaking, she left quickly. The attic she lived in was gone, so she could only find a shelter from the wind not far away, and imposed a few simple prohibitions, two quilts Spread it on the floor, and fell into a deep sleep.

In this place, with Li Qiuyu present, she would not worry about her own safety, so she slept deeply, and Li Qiuyu didn't have much free time.

He wandered around the main hall on Yunlu Island, proving that he had successfully reached the Nascent Soul stage, and these disciples respectfully congratulated Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu is now the first Nascent Soul cultivator on Qianling Island. This is on the surface. Two days later, Li Qiuyu returned to the top of the mountain, brought Lingling down, and found a separate attic.

He also asked Master Longyun to order someone to repair the top of the mountain again. This breakthrough cut off the top of the entire Yunlu Island by several feet. Seeing the appearance of the top of the mountain, the disciples who went to clean up the top of the mountain showed horror in their eyes.

How powerful and powerful is it to wipe away such a large mountaintop by several feet, and I worship and respect Li Qiuyu even more in my heart. This is the world where the strong are respected.

Under Yunlu Island, Li Qiuyu and Ling Ling lived for two months before moving back, and monks from Nanyue City and other cities on Qianling Island also came to visit.

Li Qiuyu had already killed countless monks in the Nascent Soul Stage during the late stage of alchemy, and raised Qianling Island to a fourth-level island, an unprecedented feat.

Now that they have reached the Nascent Soul Stage, they don't know what kind of cultivator can defeat Li Qiuyu. They must know that the Saint Alchemist of the Nascent Soul Stage has a high status in Bihai.

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