Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 464 Lingling, Hanyue and Qiuyue

"My lord, can we go back?"

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu and asked earnestly. She did not expect that she would come to a strange world. Although she hadn't seen it in person, the young master would not lie.

"Maybe I can go back, why don't you want to be here?" Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"No, as long as the young master is there, it's the same anywhere." Xiao Qiuyue snuggled up to Li Qiuyu coquettishly.

"Okay, let's wander around in this blue sea first and then think of a solution." Li Qiuyu held Xiao Qiuyue in his arms, and gently asked her about the fragrance on her body.

"Well, wherever the young master goes, Qiuyue will go there." Xiao Qiuyue said with a smile, she said that she didn't want Fengyue Continent to be a fake, who didn't want her original place, but that place must have the people she relies on the most.

Now the son I like and rely on is by my side, that place is the same, besides, this place is quieter than Fengyue Continent, without the flames of war.

"Okay, let's rest first, and tomorrow I will take you to see that girl Lingling." Li Qiuyu lived in Xiao Qiuyue, and slowly stood up.

"My lord, where do we sleep?" Xiao Hanyue asked when she saw that the room was so small that it was not enough for three people to sleep.

"Well, let's find a house in another place." Li Qiuyu led the two sisters to a big room, and the two sisters leaned gently on Li Qiuyu.

Came to a relatively large room, this room did not have a bed, but for a monk, he could rest anywhere, a Nine Palaces Profound Formation was displayed, plus a few simple prohibitions.

Xiao Hanyue took out several quilts, put two quilts on the ground, and used the other two quilts to cover them. Seeing that her sister had already spread the quilts, Xiao Qiuyue took off her clothes one by one.

She didn't care about having her sister and son in front of her. The three of them used to be together like this. Li Qiuyu just felt distracted. It's been 40 years, and she and her sister haven't been together for 40 years.

The two sisters didn't feel anything at all, because they were imprisoned in the space necklace, and time was also imprisoned.

It was as if I was still with the young master yesterday, but my sister and I slept together, and during this sleep, Li Qiuyu did not exist.

After Xiao Qiuyu took off her clothes, there was only a bellyband and trousers on her whole body, and then she covered herself with a quilt.

Li Qiuyu also calmed down for a while, took off his clothes, and slept next to Xiao Qiuyue. As soon as he fell asleep, Xiao Qiuyue put a pink and tender jade leg on Li Qiuyu's body.

Li Qiuyu's body shook, this feeling was so wonderful, Xiao Qiuyue also felt the strangeness of the young master, knowing that the young master had not slept with her for 40 years, she was not used to it.

Xiao Hanyue also took off her clothes quickly, and leaned gently against Li Qiuyu. The three of them were in the quilt without speaking, and Li Qiuyu was surrounded by peerless young girls.

At this time, Xiao Qiuyue gently stretched out a jade hand and put it under him, Li Qiuyu's whole body felt like an electric shock.

A plump and firm jade peak also leaned against her chest, and Li Qiuyu also stretched out her hand, walking gently on Xiao Qiuyue's body.

The other hand walked on Xiao Hanyue's body, and he felt the feeling of being with the two sisters 40 years ago again.

That night, Li Qiuyu went through several ups and downs, completely devoting 40 years of energy to the two sisters, Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue both fell into a deep sleep.

Everyone has been cultivated by Li Qiuyu three times. They also know that Li Qiuyu has been alone for 40 years.

The next morning, the two sisters woke up first, Xiao Hanyue saw that her hand was still held under the young master's, and shyly took it back.

Xiao Qiuyue also saw the young master's hand on her jade peak, and the other hand on her sister's jade peak, leaning happily beside Li Qiuyu.

Xiao Hanyue still got up gently as before, put on her clothes, and prepared to cook food for the son, but after getting up, she realized that she was no longer in the original world.

Li Qiuyu also woke up when Xiao Hanyue got up, but felt a little pain in the head, so she smiled secretly, she was too crazy last night.

It made the two sisters very tired, and my head hurts a little. It is really rare for a Nascent Soul cultivator to reach this point.

He quickly circulated his mana for a circle, and then he got rid of the discomfort and headache on his body. He saw that Xiao Hanyue had woken up, and Xiao Qiuyue was still snuggling beside him.

"My lord, you woke up. You were too strong last night. Qiuyue has no strength at all now." Xiao Qiuyue pouted and said softly. Li Qiuyu was furious with this appearance, but he quickly suppressed her down.

"Little girl, get up quickly, get up and practice, you can't use up the pills and spirit stones on my body." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and squeezed her chest hard.

"Well, son, you are bullying Qiuyue." Xiao Qiuyue hummed softly and said shyly.

After finishing speaking, seeing that it was bright outside, she hurriedly got up and put on her clothes. A purple bellyband tightly imprisoned two snow-white jade peaks inside, and the jungle under her body was also very charming.

Xiao Qiuyue didn't shy away from Li Qiuyu's gaze at all, she stood in front of Li Qiuyu without any clothes on, but he was absolutely proud.

Li Qiuyu has been in the realm of comprehension for decades, and she has never seen a few women as beautiful and charming as sister Xiao Qiuyue.

Only Ling Ling and Ling Lanxin had the peerless beauty of their sisters, but the only ones who slept with him were the two sisters.

After Xiao Qiuyue passed the clothes in front of Li Qiuyu, she dressed Li Qiuyu, and she was still ashamed when she saw the big guy under the young master.

Soon, the three of them finished dressing, Xiao Hanyue tidied up the quilt, and finally Li Qiuyu waved one hand, and both the formation and the prohibition were withdrawn.

"There is a water source in front, you go wash up first." Li Qiuyu said calmly, with a gentle look on his face.

"Well, Hanyue knows." Xiao Hanyue walked towards the direction Li Qiuyu pointed, and Xiao Qiuyue followed behind, looking around the top of the mountain.

"Sister, the aura in this place is so rich." Xiao Qiuyue said in amazement, the aura in this place is four or five times stronger than that in Fengyue Continent.

"Of course, the young master said that there are more medicinal materials in this continent. When I came out, I also saw that there are countless medicinal materials in the space necklace of the young master, and all of them are more than ten thousand years old."

Xiao Hanyue said with a smile, her son had been alone for decades in order to save her sister, and now he has reached the Nascent Soul Stage, how could she not be happy.

The two sisters washed up quickly, and Li Qiuyu also came to the water source, washed up quickly, and brought the two sisters back to the room.

"My lord, where is that sister Lingling?" Xiao Qiuyue asked with a smile. In her heart, the girl named Lingling must be someone you like, and she must have a close relationship with him.

"She's still practicing, but she's here now." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she turned her eyes to the side, and Ling Ling's figure appeared in the sight of the three of them.

"Brother Qiu Yu, you are looking for Ling Ling." Ling Ling ran over happily. Although she was over twenty years old, she still looked like she was sixteen or seventeen years old, and her temperament had not changed at all.

"Hey, two beautiful sisters." Seeing Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue, Lingling probably knew that these two peerless beauties were brother Qiu Yu's beloved.

Moreover, she is only under 20 years old, and her appearance is no worse than her own. An older sister looks generous and quiet, gentle and pleasant.

The other sister is just like me, she looks lively and cute, with a beautiful and delicate face, even I am a little bit moved, no wonder Brother Qiuyu likes them.

"You are sister Lingling, right? I have already heard from the young master that there is a sister Lingling who is a peerless beauty. When I saw her today, she is really more beautiful than what the young master said. My name is Xiao Hanyue, and you call me Hanyue." Sister will do."

Xiao Hanyue was stunned, the very beautiful girl in front of her was still a virgin, she had no relationship with the young master at all, it seemed that the young master was doing it for her sister, otherwise such a beautiful girl around her would not have touched her.

"Did Brother Qiuyu really say that? I heard Brother Qiuyu talk about you when I was 14 years old. Brother Qiuyu has been lonely these years." Lingling didn't expect this beautiful sister to be so easy to get along with.

There was a sense of kindness in my heart, just like meeting Brother Qiuyu for the first time, but this feeling was not as strong as Brother Qiuyu.

"It turns out that sister Lingling met the young master when she was 40 years old. Your sister Hanyue and I also met the young master when we were very young. You can ask me to please my sister." When Xiao Qiuyue saw Lingling, she felt the same in her heart The lotus root is like the cold moon.

This peerless girl is still an innocent beauty, and she has been with the son for more than ten years, and she also has a good impression of this girl in her heart, just like meeting her own sister.

"You three talk, I'll go down and deal with some things first." Li Qiuyu was delighted to see the three of them being extremely affectionate.

"Brother Qiuyu, you go, I am familiar with this place, I will just take Sister Qiuyue and Sister Hanyue to play here." Lingling said happily, she also knew that Brother Qiuyu missed the two sisters very much and was always lonely.

Now that the older sisters have appeared in the coming year, Brother Qiu Yu is in a good mood, and she is also in a good mood, not to mention that the three of them are all about the same age, and they are all timeless beauties.

I also have two more playmates, and I don't have to be tired of Brother Qiuyu all day long. Li Qiuyu smiled and left, leaving three peerless girls on the top of the mountain.

"Sister Qiuyue, why are you so beautiful? Lingling is so envious." Lingling said softly, stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Qiuyue's jade hand, and said coquettishly.

"Hehe, Qiuyue, there is sister Lingling now. Sister Lingling is acting like a spoiled child to you. I think you still have the nerve to act like a spoiled child in front of the young master." Xiao Hanyue felt very funny when she saw Lingling and her sister.

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