Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 477 The Purpose of Crystal Refining

"Next, the last auction of this auction will be held. The tenth item is a piece of refined crystal."

The woman in red showed a piece of refining crystal about a square foot on the steps, and all the monks looked at the refining crystal.

Li Qiuyu glanced at the refining crystal in confusion. The density and quality of the refining crystal could not be compared with the refining crystal pillar in his space necklace.

"The low price is 500 million, and the price increases by 100 million each time." The woman in red said with a smile.

"600 low-level spirit stones."

"700 low-level spirit stones."

The red-clothed woman had just finished speaking, and the competition began below. The competition was even more intense than the eighth-level monster inner alchemy. In a short while, the price of this refining crystal reached 2000 million low-level spirit stones.

Generally, the auction house will put the lowered treasures at the end of the auction. The ninth item, Li Qiuyu, was auctioned off at a high price of 5000 million. They thought that Li Qiuyu would compete for the tenth item.

But seeing that Li Qiuyu didn't move at all, he competed with confidence. In the end, this refining crystal was taken away by a monk in the late stage of alchemy with tens of millions of low-level spirit stones.

It seems that it was bought for someone else, otherwise a monk in the late stage of alchemy would not have 9000 million yuan, even if he had 9000 million yuan, he would not come to buy a piece of refining crystal.

This is also what Li Qiuyu doesn't understand. He also knows a lot about materials, especially advanced materials, but this crystal refining confuses him.

"and many more."

Li Qiuyu spoke, stood up slowly, and then walked towards the cultivator who had obtained the refined crystal, and the three women followed closely behind.

"Senior, what are your orders?" This alchemy cultivator had also heard about Li Qiuyu's deeds, and knew Li Qiuyu's reputation as a holy alchemist, so he felt helpless.

"It has nothing to do with the auction."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently to the woman in red, and finally came to the monks in the late stage of alchemy, and stretched out his hand lightly.

The cultivator in the late stage of alchemy hesitated for a moment, then handed over the refining crystal. His heart skipped a beat, hoping that Li Qiuyu would not snatch the refining crystal he had worked so hard for.

"That's right, it's a real crystal refining."

Li Qiuyu looked at it once, and finally returned the refining crystal, and finally pondered, the other monks looked at Li Qiuyu in confusion, with Li Qiuyu's reputation and wealth, naturally they would not pay attention to this refining crystal, even if they wanted to make up their minds , is also carried out secretly.

"What is the use of this crystal refining?" Li Qiuyu asked via voice transmission.

"What do you mean, junior?" The alchemy cultivator looked at Li Qiuyu in confusion, feeling uneasy, thinking that what Li Qiuyu said was derogatory.

"I'm asking you, what are you using this refining crystal for?" Li Qiuyu said coldly via voice transmission.

"Returning to the seniors, the junior family mainly focuses on animal taming, and crystal refining is useful for boosting monsters and spirit insects. It is also used to suppress some powerful evil formations." The alchemy cultivator said respectfully.

Li Qiuyu waved his hand, and walked towards the exit of the auction house, secretly surprised, he really didn't understand the use of some unorthodox materials.

I don't know the real use of such a large crystal refining pillar, I only know that it can be used as a material for refining equipment. I think this refining crystal will help the formation and my spirit worm, Yinchan.

After Li Qiuyu and others left, the other monks also left one after another, and the entire auction site was suddenly empty. The woman in red looked at the direction Li Qiuyu left, showing a faint smile.

"My lord, do you still want to see this butterfly?" Xiao Qiuyue was still obsessed with the happiness of Li Qiuyu wearing a butterfly for her.

"It's beautiful, of course it's beautiful. This butterfly can only show its value when it is worn on Qiuyue's head." Li Qiuyu gently hugged Xiao Qiuyue.

A group of four walked slowly towards some magic weapon shops, where he wanted to hide some refining techniques and a complete collection of refining materials.

"Senior, is there anything I can do for this junior?" A monk at the Foundation Establishment Stage saw Li Qiuyu and the others coming, and hurried forward to greet them respectfully.

"I would like to see if you have any handbooks with good material introductions." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"Senior wants this. Our store has the most complete materials to introduce jade slips, but the price of jade slips is relatively expensive." The guy at the foundation building period said happily.

"Bring it to me to have a look." Li Qiuyu said lightly, as long as the Lingshi can do things, it is nothing.

"Okay, senior, wait for a moment." The monks in the foundation building period saluted and left, and walked towards the back of the shop.

The four of Li Qiuyu were also invited to sit down at a coffee table, and they were served fragrant tea. The three women sat quietly beside Li Qiuyu.

"Senior, look, this is the best material in this shop to introduce the jade slips. There are only two pieces of such jade slips." The staff at the foundation building stage sent a jade slip to Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu picked up the jade slips, and went in as soon as his consciousness moved, and soon he withdrew his consciousness. The materials inside were relatively complete, and he also introduced some rare materials in detail.

Li Qiuyu was extremely satisfied with some effects and adaptation to the environment. This jade slip is almost the same as the materials in his storage bag, and there are many materials that he has never heard of.

"How many spirit stones is this jade slip?"

"Back to seniors, this Jade Jane is worth 100 million low-level spirit stones."



"Okay, I want it." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, the 100 million is nothing to him at all, and it is worth spending 100 million.

Li Qiuyu put away the jade slips, and 100 million low-level spirit stones appeared in his hands. After the transaction was completed, he took the three girls and left the shop.

"Brother Qiuyu, what are you using that jade slip for brother? It's so expensive." Lingling asked in surprise, a small jade slip actually cost a million spirit stones.

"This jade slip is very important to me. I have only been in the cultivation world for 50 years, and I am still practicing most of the time, so I don't know many things. I can only rely on these things to enrich myself."

Li Qiuyu smiled wryly, and he was right. He has only been in the cultivation world for 50 years, almost all of which were spent in cultivation, and he rarely came into contact with the common sense of the cultivation world.

"That's good. Let Lingling do these basic things. Brother Qiuyu specializes in practicing to protect sister Qiuyue, and sister Hanyue and me will do."

Lingling said softly that she also wanted to share some of the burden for Li Qiuyu. In terms of cultivation, she was at the alchemy stage, but she couldn't help Li Qiuyu at all.

"Well, let's have a good discussion when we go back. There are many things to be left to you." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

The four of them walked and played all the way, and they returned to the inn in the afternoon. After returning to the inn, Li Qiuyu and others came to the living room. Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling pretended to be extremely serious, which made Li Qiuyu laugh out loud.

"My lord, what we said is true." Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Xiao Qiuyue said with a small mouth.

"Okay, Hanyue Qiuyue is my concubine, and you two are in control of the spirit stones that enter and exit Yaowang Valley and Yunlu Island. Ling Ling, just help me record some medicinal materials and materials."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, Xiao Hanyue is enough for the matter of Yaowanggu and Yunlu Island. Xiao Qiuyue, like Lingling, is a child at heart.

"Okay, from now on, I will be in charge of entering and exiting Lingshi in Yaowang Valley, and my sister will be in charge of Yunlu Island. Sister Lingling, how much effort do you need to record so many materials?"

Xiao Qiuyue smiled and said, she is naturally happy to have something to do, and she still helps her beloved to share the responsibility.

"However, there are still four years left. Qiuyue and Hanyue must reach the alchemy stage, and Lingling must reach the middle stage of alchemy, otherwise it will be very dangerous for us to go to the sea of ​​innocence." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Well, when are we going back?" Ling Ling asked, she must find a safe place to practice.

"The matter here is almost settled. Let's go to other places to find a good cultivation environment. I also need to stabilize my cultivation." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

"Why don't we go back to Yunlu Island, where we have our own forces, and it's relatively safe, and we can take care of the development of Yunlu Island."

Xiao Hanyue pondered for a while, then said softly, looking at Li Qiuyu to see how Li Qiuyu reacted.

"Well, Hanyue is right. Let's go back to Yunlu Island and come out after three years. If anyone fails to reach the realm I stipulated, she will practice in the space necklace." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue said happily that their cultivation had reached the peak of their realm, and they were not far from a breakthrough.

"I have to work hard, otherwise I will be practicing with the Space Necklace, which will not be very lonely." Xiao Hanyue said with a coquettish smile. Only her cultivation base is the lowest, but she has also reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, but she needs to be older. Oh, alchemy stage, it's almost impossible.

Even Li Qiuyu took more than ten years to reach the alchemy stage from the late stage of foundation establishment. Although Xiao Hanyue is a heavenly root, the time is too tight.

"You practice first, I'll sort out this jade slip, otherwise it would be a pity if I missed something." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, he was just making a joke, and he would never take it seriously.

This is a set specially set up by Duo Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue to give them more time to practice, otherwise they will not even reach the Nascent Soul stage when they ascend to the spirit world by themselves, which is not too funny.

"Brother Qiuyu and I went to see the jade slips." Lingling quickly chased after Li Qiuyu, and sister Xiao Hanyue smiled coquettishly behind her.

Li Qiuyu came to the room and took out the jade slips she bought today. Seeing Ling Ling also came to the room, she just glanced at her lightly, and then put her spiritual consciousness into the jade slips.

It is full of the names of some materials, each name has an introduction, appearance, living environment, efficacy, function, everything is very detailed.

It took a full hour before Li Qiuyu withdrew his consciousness, and he hadn't seen half of the materials in the jade slip.

"Brother Qiuyu, show me the jade slip." Ling Ling was also sitting beside Li Qiuyu, leaning against him at some point.

The two were sitting very close to each other, but they didn't notice it for a long time. Now that they found out, they didn't pay much attention, because the two were close together like this before.

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