"Fellow daoists, if you don't come out again, should I invite you to come out and give you three breaths of time?"

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a calm expression on his face, and the sea beast below was also firmly restrained by the mysterious turtle.

The difference in strength between seventh-order sea beasts and eighth-order monsters is not a matter of realm. Sea beasts originally only rely on their strong physiques, but monsters are naturally more powerful in attack than sea beasts.

What's more, the Xuangui Beast is an amphibious monster. The seventh-order monster in the sea looked at the Xuangui Beast pitifully. The Xuangui Beast talked to the sea beast with the cloud and smoke of the monster.

I saw the sea beast kept shaking its head, but seeing the ferocious appearance of the black turtle beast, it finally nodded aggrieved, looking extremely aggrieved.

"Hmph, I really want to do it myself."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a three-foot long sword in his hand was sacrificed, and a sword light swung down to the distance, after a clatter of breaths.


A voice came out, and the last figure quickly teleported away.

After the first Nascent Soul cultivator left, the monks hiding in other places also gradually left. Li Qiuyu swept away his consciousness and found that the monks who left were hundreds of miles away.

After a while, these monks had left the range of ordinary monks' consciousness, but they were still within two thousand miles, and Li Qiuyu's consciousness in the capital could not reach such a distance.

However, Li Qiuyu's consciousness swept towards the nearest monk, and then took it back, and began to put the seventh-order sea beast into the space necklace. place for people.

"Let's go, these guys are definitely not reconciled, let's make less trouble, the Nascent Soul stage monks here are getting denser and denser."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, and quickly left with the three daughters. After they left for a while, the first few Nascent Soul stage monks came back again and shook their heads helplessly.

The four of them left tens of thousands of miles away, and then chose a new direction to fly. In this way, after flying for several days, they finally saw a small island.

However, there are still monks on it. Li Qiuyu took a look at the island on the Tianyun Shenzhou, and there were more than twenty Nascent Soul stage monks.

"There are too many monks in this place, we choose a place with few people." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"My lord, why are so many Nascent Soul cultivators sent to the sea of ​​innocence?"

Xiao Hanyue was always puzzled by this question, so she asked Li Qiuyu.

"This question is also what I don't understand. Is it just to kill sea beasts and find medicinal materials?" Li Qiuyu shook her head helplessly.

"It seems that we haven't found the real purpose of entering the sea of ​​innocence." Lingling rarely took it seriously.

"Let's fly directly in one direction, and find an opportunity to ask those guys with good strength." Li Qiuyu smiled evilly, and finally used Tianyun Shenzhou to the fastest speed.

"Brother Qiuyu, why don't you change this Tianyun Shenzhou of yours?" Ling Ling asked curiously. With Li Qiuyu's strength and wealth, it is not impossible to get an ancient flying treasure. Why did you use this Tianyun Shenzhou.

"Hey, I'm used to it. This flying magic weapon is my first flying magic weapon during my Qi training period." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

A few people were talking and laughing while flying in the clouds, unknowingly, the four of them had been flying in the sea for half a year, but they didn't encounter a single island, only encountered some powerful sea beasts.

"Let's kill sea beasts here first." Li Qiuyu said flatly.

The sea beasts here are all of the sixth and seventh ranks, and I have also encountered the eighth ranks of sea beasts. In the past, it took several days of flying to meet a seventh rank sea beast.

It is rare to encounter eighth-level sea beasts. She never thought that she would encounter a seventh-level sea beast within a day or two. Li Qiuyu felt a strange feeling in her heart.

It seems that this direction is right. This does not mean that there are many sea beasts encountered, but a sense of direction in the dark.

In this way, the four of Li Qiuyu teamed up and easily killed the seventh-order sea beasts. The number of mid- and late-stage seventh-order sea beasts in his space necklace has reached more than 60, and there are four more eighth-order sea beasts.

However, the four of the eighth-order sea beasts teamed up and spent an hour in a daze, in order to subdue it. If they were to be killed, Li Qiuyu could use the psychic treasure to deal with it.

Ten years have passed since then, and it has been 20 years since I came to the Sea of ​​Unreasonable, and it is only [-] years before I go back.

The four of them slowly flew forward, but the road ahead was getting more and more dangerous. The number of seventh- and eighth-level monsters was almost the same as the number of fifth- and sixth-level monsters they encountered ten years ago.

"We may have reached a place where sea beasts gather." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

Moreover, the four of them have not been on the ground for five years, and they are floating in the air every day. This feeling also makes the four of them feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, sisters Lingling and Xiao Hanyue could enter the space necklace to rest. After the three rested for a few days, they came out to drive the Tianyun Shenzhou and replaced it with Li Qiuyu to rest.

But monks can't be hungry, even if they are hungry, there are tens of thousands of thousand-year spiritual fruits and ten-thousand-year spiritual fruits in Li Qiuyu's space necklace.

Moreover, there are advanced Bigu pills, and the methods of a holy alchemist are far from what ordinary monks can match.

"That's right, there are more sea beasts than five years ago, and the strength of sea beasts is also stronger, young master, why don't we go back."

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu, with a look of concern on her face. For ten years, the four of them hadn't landed on the ground, but their love had not diminished.

The three daughters are all young women, and they are peerless, Li Qiuyu can only make out with the three daughters every day, and the three daughters are not embarrassed at all.

"It's not necessary yet, but when there is danger, you all enter the space necklace immediately, and my Nascent Soul is also inside. Even if there is any danger, we will not lose it."

Li Qiuyu said seriously to the three women, what he said was true, there would be no danger in the space necklace.

Because he has already put his Nascent Soul into the space necklace, that is to say, he will not lose it, even if his body is damaged, he can still live by his Nascent Soul.

Lingling can also open the space necklace so that she won't be trapped inside like last time.


"Han Yue knows."

The three girls nodded, and finally Li Qiuyu raised the Tianyun Shenzhou a lot, and flew directly forward, and his spiritual sense only dared to visit within a radius of a hundred miles, so as not to cause powerful sea beasts to discover it.

One year later

He flew non-stop for a year, and when he encountered powerful sea beasts, he took a detour. On the way, he encountered many eighth-level sea beasts, and even encountered a ninth-level sea beast.

Relying on the lotus on the eyebrows, Li Qiuyu found it in a distant place in time, so that he was not discovered by the ninth-level sea beast. Seeing the appearance of the ninth-level sea beast, Li Qiuyu's heart became more and more heavy.

"It happened."

Li Qiuyu thought to himself, when Tianyun Shenzhou was flying, it suddenly encountered a gray mist. The moment it entered the mist, Li Qiuyu rushed to the wrong place, but the mist suddenly appeared, but suddenly disappeared.

"My son, what's the matter?"

Seeing the expression on Li Qiuyu's face, Xiao Hanyue asked softly, for fear of disturbing Li Qiuyu.

"We lost our way. Just now we encountered a burst of fog. After we entered, we lost our sense of direction." Li Qiuyu said lightly, feeling like a sea of ​​waves was surging in his heart.

"It's okay, let's just fly first, I believe we will find a way out." Ling Ling said softly, her voice was soft enough for Li Qiuyu to melt her heart.

"Well, let's keep flying."

Li Qiuyu saw Ling Ling's appearance, and the two sisters Xiao Hanyue, and gradually calmed down. As long as the three girls are safe, they are not afraid of going anywhere.

Half a year later, there were fewer and fewer sea beasts in the sea area. Just when they lost their sense of direction, they encountered dozens of ninth-level sea beasts.

They were all bypassed by the four, but after two months, they did not encounter a single ninth-order sea beast, and the number of eighth-order sea beasts became less and less.

Half a year later, there were only some low-level sea beasts of the first and second ranks in the sea area, and Li Qiuyu and the three daughters were extremely puzzled.

But their sea beasts had no sense of direction, so they could only fly forward based on their senses. A month later, the four of them slowly stopped Tianyun Shenzhou in the middle of the layer, staring forward.

"Brother Qiuyu, you see how there are so many humans there, and they are all mortals." Ling Ling looked at the front hundreds of miles away in amazement.

In fact, Li Qiuyu discovered it as early as four thousand miles away. The consciousness he chose was four thousand miles away. This is not an island.

At least it wasn't a small island, because the sea became shallower thousands of miles away, and there were no powerful sea beasts. At first, Li Qiuyu thought he had returned to Qianling Island.

"It's the mainland. This is not like an island, because there will be no mortals on the island. You must know that the monks who come in are at least the peak of the late stage of alchemy."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, his mind was spinning non-stop. If the monks in the late stage of alchemy were not lucky, they would have been lost long ago.

"Are we going down?" Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu expectantly. She hadn't encountered dirt in more than ten years. This feeling was uncomfortable for everyone.

"Of course, but we want to hide our own strength, and you all reduce your strength to the early stage of foundation establishment." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the magic power of his whole body was slowly hidden, and finally he became a monk in the early stage of alchemy.

After finishing everything, the four of Li Qiuyu found a remote place and landed, but they were still seen by some mortals.

"Immortal Master, it's Immortal Master."

"Wow, four immortal masters."

Some mortals exclaimed when they saw Li Qiuyu and the four of them appearing, with surprised expressions on their faces, but they all stopped when they saw Li Qiuyu's cold breath.

"Sister Fairy, why do you look so good-looking." A seven or eight-year-old girl ran up to Lingling and said excitedly, walking around the three girls several times.

"Little sister, you will be as beautiful as your elder sister in the future." Ling Ling giggled and said softly to the little girl.


The little girl raised her head and asked, as if doubting Ling Ling's words.

"Of course, by the way, little sister, we're going back, and I'll play with you later." Ling Ling saw some other mortals not far away, and didn't want to stay here.

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