King of Darkness

One of the most powerful existences in the Immortal Realm disappeared thousands of years ago. Unexpectedly, Wulu Demon Realm was suppressed. The phantom around him is one of the most powerful demon gods in the Demon Realm, Tianmo Juetian.

The formation exudes a powerful and simple aura, and the aura continuously erodes the body of the Yinbite King, and the aura of the Yinbite King has become extremely weak, but when his blood is about to disappear, the phantom around him is gone. Will withstand the erosion of the array.

In addition, a part of the devilish energy was injected into the body of the Yin Devouring King, or the Yin Devouring King would also become a phantom.


The four of Li Qiuyu quickly drove the Tianyun Shenzhou and flew straight ahead. The more they got inside, the more powerful the monsters they encountered would be.

"Lingling, the three of you will lure it here, and I will use the Crack of the Glacier to calm it down." Li Qiuyu said to the three women through voice transmission. After speaking, her body disappeared in place in an instant, and even her breath disappeared.

A powerful nine-horned monster in the late seventh-order stage, sisters Chao Lingling and Xiao Hanyue, are not only not bulky, but on the contrary, the late-stage seventh-order monster is as agile as a fox.

In an instant, Li Qiuyu was not far away from Ling Ling's three daughters, and Li Qiuyu's powerful aura surged, and he swung an ice-blue lightsaber fiercely in his hand.

"Frozen world, sacrifice."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, and suddenly a powerful icy air shot out from the crack of the glacier, instantly turning a radius of hundreds of feet into a glacier, and the nine-horned beast in the late seventh order also became much slower.

At this moment, a huge icicle slammed into it fiercely.


A red bead slammed towards Li Qiuyu's icicle, the red bead was scorching hot.


The icicle shattered in an instant, and the red beads hit Li Qiuyu straight. Li Qiuyu's eyes showed a smug look, and then he waved with one hand.

"Good job, I am waiting for you."

After finishing speaking, a pan of ten thousand souls appeared, and countless spirits and monsters and primordial spirits bit the bead.

"Bang bang bang."

There were three loud bangs, and the red beads attacked three seventh-level demon beast souls in a row, but they were weak. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, Wan Hunpan swung quickly.

A huge suction force sucked towards the red bead, and then the direction the bead hit, when Wanhun retracted, the red bead had already disappeared in the air.

"Hey, human beings, return the primordial spirit of this deity."

After seeing Wan Hunpan, the Nine-Corned Warcraft knew that it regretted it, and there was a panic in its eyes, but it was too late to take back the Yuanshen beads, and finally knew that this human being had been plotting against its own Yuanshen beads just now.

"Without Yuanshen Mingzhu, I will see how long you can persist."

Li Qiuyu smiled evilly and said, monsters, monsters and sea beasts are all like human beings. Without the inner alchemy of the soul, it is the same as a monk without the golden alchemy and the nascent soul.

The three of Xiao Hanyue didn't wait for Li Qiuyu to finish speaking, and the magic weapon in their hands had already slammed towards the nine-horned monster. The three monks at the alchemy stage joined forces, and they were almost the same as a monk at the peak of the early Yuanying stage.

This can only be said for the three sisters Xiao Hanyue, Ling Ling and Xiao Qiuyue. The three sisters have all practiced the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, their magic power is extremely profound, and the magic weapon in their hands is also the top-level existence.

Even the headdresses of the three women are ancient treasures, and there are many magic weapons that increase mana. Li Qiuyu cheated away the Yuanshen Mingzhu of the late seventh-order monster, and she was not afraid that it would have a chance to rebound.

After a few breaths, the late seventh-order nine-horned beast collapsed powerlessly, with a trace of unwillingness and anger in its eyes.

"This nine-horned monster horn is the best. It can be used to refine some imitation spirit treasures. Although we don't need them, we can exchange them for spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and quickly swung a golden long knife in his hand, and a complete nine-horned monster skin and a hard horn appeared in his hand.

"My lord, why don't you take these monsters outside." Xiao Qiuyue asked softly.

"You stupid girl, if I take the monster outside, I won't be scolded to death by other monks who brought it outside."

Although monks are cold-blooded and ruthless, there is nothing easy to say, killing and seizing treasures is commonplace, but when it comes to monsters and demons, they are born with a heart that cannot survive in the world.

Unless some evil cultivators and devil cultivators say that they will deal with demons, they will respond. This is also countless thousands of years ago, and all worlds were enslaved by the demon world.

It was not until the demons were finally defeated that human beings could survive in peace.


Xiao Qiuyue pursed her lips and said softly, Yu held Li Qiuyu's hand and shook it non-stop.

During this period of time, the four of them relied on some tricks to easily snatch the life beads of these monsters. The life beads of the monsters are as precious as the inner alchemy of monsters.

Sometimes, the Yuanshen Mingzhu of monsters is more useful and powerful than the inner alchemy of monsters. Li Qiuyu Xian's storage bag has nearly a hundred yuanshen pearls of monsters.

All other monsters are magic crystals, from the third-order monsters all have magic crystals, only the difference is in size and quality.

But they have also entered this demon realm for three years, and now they can only do it when they encounter a single monster, because they are afraid of encountering a group of monsters.

It's not that they haven't met before, it's because Li Qiuyu let the three-year girl enter the space necklace, performed the nine transformations of the phoenix, joined hands with the black turtle beast, and then took the opportunity to use teleportation to leave.

Another year passed, and he kept flying in one direction. On this day, the four of them came to a huge city and saw the city here.

The four of them, Li Qiuyu, were extremely surprised. They had not encountered a human being in the four years of flying in it, and even if there were, they were demons, real demons.

However, the strength is not high, which is equivalent to the alchemy stage and the Nascent Soul stage. There are also magic crystals and soul life beads in the body, and they are all beheaded by Li Qiuyu one by one.

There were also many high-grade medicinal materials inside, but Li Qiuyu didn't dare to use them, so she could only rely on her powerful mana to put them into a separate storage bag.

"My lord, look." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"Well, I know." Li Qiuyu looked in the direction Xiao Hanyue pointed, but he had already discovered it.

The three mid-Yuanying monks looked at the city in front of them, and dared not go in for a long time. When they saw Li Qiuyu and the other four, they gave Li Qiuyu and others a puzzled look, with surprise in their eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, why don't you go in?" Li Qiuyu clasped his fists at the three monks and asked loudly.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist, it's the first time that the lower ranks came here, but other monks also went in. I don't know what exists inside. Let's take a look later."

A thin old man returned the salute and said that he was surprised to see many Nascent Soul stage monks greet this early alchemy alchemist outside, and now he came here from countless powerful monsters, he must not be a simple person.

"So that's how it is. Now that I'm here, I want to go in and have a look." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he led the three women towards the city gate.

"Hey, it looks exactly like the land of nothingness."

"Brother Qiuyu, the land of nothingness you mentioned is the same as this place." Lingling and the others also knew that Li Qiuyu had entered the land of nothingness, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten the tower of nothingness.

"Well, if it weren't for the three of you, I would have thought this was a place of nothingness. It's just why there is no magic energy here, and the spiritual energy is so strong."

Li Qiuyu looked at everything in front of her eyes, rubbed her eyes lightly, this place was like nothingness.

"Sky eyes and phoenix eyes break everything."

Li Qiuyu moved his hands quickly, and the aura of his whole body suddenly changed, and a powerful monster power gushed out from his body, the cultivation base of the peak in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

The lotus flower between the eyebrows flashed, and a golden light shot out, and he looked at it for a radius of one mile, without the slightest illusion, it was a real magic domain.

After using the Sky Eye and Phoenix Eye, he quickly changed his aura and returned to the peak of Yuanying's early stage.

In the end, he suppressed his cultivation again to the early stage of alchemy, and this eye became his habit, and he liked to suppress his cultivation to prevent others from seeing clearly.

"Young master, how is it?" Xiao Hanyue asked with concern.

"It's okay, this is the real demon realm, but we have already reached the place where the powerful existence exists, because there is no trace of demon energy in this place, it is because of a formation or means to do it deliberately."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, since the place is the same, there must be some connection between the two places, but he doesn't want the third daughter to worry.

"Brother Qiuyu, do you feel it?" Lingling said softly, looking at Li Qiuyu with beautiful eyes.

"Well, but I don't know what it is? Let's go, come to this place, we take it as an adventure." Li Qiuyu smiled softly.

The more he got to this place, the more he felt that the strange aura was somewhat familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen such an aura before, it wasn't Tianhan Aurora, nor the air of nothingness.

The four of them quickly cast their body skills and flew towards the center. The closer they got to the center, the stronger the aura became. Every four months, they would fly out of a certain area.

A year later, they came to the fourth area, and Li Qiuyu began to search for medicinal materials like last time.

With the help of Youyun Beast and the Three Girls, the millennium medicinal materials also entered the space necklace, and the Green Clothes and the Blood Eagle Eagle were not idle, but the Black Turtle Beast specially protected the Three Girls without using hands.

There are more and more medicinal materials and medicinal fruit trees in the space necklace. In one year, the distance of the space necklace has increased or decreased by another hundred miles.

It was another year, and the four people and the monsters came to the seventh area. They gave up the thousand-year-old medicinal materials and quickly searched for the ten-thousand-year medicinal materials and rare medicinal materials.

In the third year after entering the city, they finally came to the boundary of the ninth floor area, and the four monsters also entered the space necklace.

The medicinal materials connected in space have increased by another two hundred miles, all of which are ten thousand years old.

On the way, they also encountered a human monk who came in, but Li Qiuyu, with his powerful spiritual sense, made the four monsters become the smallest when they were looking for three thousand miles away, and their cultivation base also increased.

The ninth area is the only difference from the land of nothingness, the tower of nothingness, which is surrounded by nine hundred-foot-high spiritual stone pillars.

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