Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 497 The Heavenly Demon Absolute Heaven, the Suppressing Demon Wheel

"Heaven and earth, all demons, return."

Li Qiuyu ignored the phantom of the demon, and kept muttering in his mouth. A powerful demonic energy quickly spread out, and finally shot at the Yin Devouring King.

"Hmph, use Wanhun Pan to deal with this king." Yin Bi Wang gave a sinister smile, and a triangular flag floated up from the ground.

The phantom of the heavenly demon shot a pure real devil's energy towards the pan flag, and finally the pan flag also shot out, and the devil's energy hit the devil's energy of Li Qiuyu Wan Hunpan.

The two streams of magic energy collided instantly, and the magic energy in the air turned into two black dragons, and the momentum of the magic dragons shook the sky.The entire stone room was trembling constantly, and the faces of the thirty monks behind Li Qiuyu showed horror.

Never thought that Li Qiuyu's strength would be so powerful. You must know that the Heavenly Demon Juetian and the Yin Biter King thousands of years ago were both earth-shattering powers in the fairy world and the demon world.

Even if the strength is greatly reduced after tens of millions of years, it is not something that the monks of the human world can resist. This Li Qiuyu used to rely on his treasures to resist the Yin Devourer, and now he is fighting against the demon.

Li Qiuyu's body trembled unceasingly. He also discovered the magic dragon in Wanhun Pan when he left Yunlu Island, but he never used it.

At this time, there is no other way to cast it, but this Wanhun Pan casts the magic dragon, and it will consume Dalang's lifespan and mana.

"Human, where did your Wan Hun Pan come from? I will give you three breaths, otherwise your demon power and longevity will be exhausted, and it will be too late to regret."

Heavenly Demon rarely revealed a human voice, and after he finished speaking, King Yin Bi took a look at him.

"Juetian, I know that your Heavenly Demon Avatar will not perish, but I can only leave here if you two are lost. Even if I run out of life energy, I still have to try."

Li Qiuyu's face showed a dignified look, what Tian Mo Jue Tian said was right, if he used the Ten Thousand Soul Coil like this, it would completely burn his life support, and every breath would consume a year's lifespan.

"Stop it, it's not too late to attack after explaining clearly."

"Okay, stop at the same time." Li Qiuyu said loudly, and in a moment, he also consumed more than ten years of life essence.


He forcibly retracted the magic dragon, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the magic dragon disappeared into the air in an instant. With the disappearance of the magic dragon, all the magic energy subsided.

He dared to take back the magic dragon because he sensed what answer the demon wanted from him, not to mention that his life essence had also disappeared rapidly.

"Hmph, I miscalculated, but I can also destroy you without consuming real energy." Li Qiuyu took a short break.

"Human, who are you, and why do you have part of the Ten Thousand Soul Pan on your body?" Tianmo asked again.

"Boy, your ability is quite capable in the human world, but in front of this king, you are only an ant left."

Seeing Li Qiuyu, the King of Yin Biter couldn't tolerate Li Qiuyu's violent temper. After speaking, a golden light ball appeared from his hand.

After the golden light ball appeared, he became extremely weak. The more intense the light ball was, the weaker his aura became.

"Dijun, no, if you go out like this, you will be killed immediately." Tianmo said anxiously.

"It's just more than ten thousand years of training time for this king to go out by force." Yin Bi Wang said coldly.

"There is no need for the emperor to waste all our hard work on you for this human being. We still have a hundred years to go out." Tianmo said loudly.

"Lingling, after I'm lost, get out of here quickly." With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a Nascent Soul about an inch in size appeared in front of him, and finally the Nascent Soul disappeared in a flash.

"Brother Qiuyu, I know, we are immortal." Lingling smiled comfortingly, she also knew that Li Qiuyu had cultivated the Dual Nascent Soul.

"Double Nascent Soul, if you can cultivate a Dual Nascent Soul within a hundred years, you are considered a genius, but it's over." Yin Bi Wang said loudly.

The golden light clusters came more and more, but he himself became weaker and weaker.

"Since someone suppressed you here thousands of years ago, I will end you after thousands of years." Li Qiuyu's monster power was instantly restored by a Tianying Pill.

With another movement of consciousness, a mysterious pagoda appeared in front of him. The pagoda instantly became one foot in size, with colorful lights flashing on it.

"Tower of nothingness, tower of nothingness, who are you?" The Yin Devourer and Heavenly Demon shouted out in horror at the same time.

"It doesn't matter who this seat is, the important thing is that both of you will disappear from this world."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with no emotion on his face, and a look of pain on his face, even if his spiritual consciousness is as powerful as a monk at the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

At this time, it is also a bit powerless to mobilize the Tianhan Jiguang inside. Tianhan Jiguang is in the tower of nothingness, so you float out, but the slow speed makes him a little bit about to collapse.

"Brother Qiuyu, Lingling will help you." After Lingling finished speaking, her eyes closed slightly, and a divine sense shot towards Li Qiuyu's Tower of Nothingness.

"Hmph, so it was you. I didn't expect you to still exist." After the King of Yin Biter finished speaking, he smashed out the golden ball of light in his hand.

Li Qiuyu was very anxious, although he had refined the Tower of Nothingness, but his strength was not enough, and Tianhan Jiguang was only a little outside.

He couldn't resist the golden light ball at all, even if Lingling helped, it would be of no avail, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to him, and it also shocked the thirty monks behind him.

The phantom turned into two black streams of pure and pure demonic energy, one shot towards the golden light ball, and the other shot towards the top of the Yin Devourer King's head.

"King Yin Devourer, I will not let you repeat what happened ten thousand years ago, and let the tragedy happen in front of me." As soon as the voice of the demon fell, there was no breath anymore, as if it had completely disappeared from this world.

The real devil's aura shot at the golden light ball spread out instantly, enveloping the golden light ball, and two powerful auras kept spinning and rolling one foot in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Juetian, this is not good for you, you and I will disappear completely, and we will never be reborn, stop now, he won't be successful."

King Yin Biter said in pain, finally there was a breath of fear in his voice, Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness mobilized Tianhan Aurora, and a fist-sized light cluster appeared on the tower of nothingness.

His eyes stared at the Yin Devourer and the Heavenly Demon in amazement. He didn't know what was going on with the above ghosts, at least he knew that the two were fighting each other.

"Leave quickly."

Li Qiuyu saw a ray of light not far from the stone room, and the place where the light came was where they came down. When the light appeared, everyone recovered a little mana.

"Lingling, go out and wait for me first." Li Qiuyu seemed to have thought of something, and thirty Tianying Pills flew towards the thirty monks.

"Juetian, stop quickly, let's work together to destroy this formation." King Yin Bi was very anxious when he saw Ling Ling leaving with thirty monks.

But the real devil's qi transformed by the heavenly demon is still fighting endlessly inside the body, and the real fairy's power outside is also entangled by the real devil's qi.

Thirty monks hurriedly flew out with Ling Ling, and a moment later, Li Qiuyu smashed Tianhan Aurora towards the two light clusters in front of him.



Juetian and King Yin Biter both cried out in pain, and the two great powers who lived thousands of years ago also had miserable times.

"Remember, just treat it as Juetian owes you, don't embarrass my demon clan." Juetian shouted loudly, and just as he finished speaking, a huge sound rang out in the stone room.

Immediately, the Yin Devouring King and the Heavenly Demon Juetian disappeared at the same time, and the power of the true immortal and the energy of the true devil entangled outside became nothing without an owner.

Before Tianhan Aurora came in front of them, it changed its direction strangely and shot at Li Qiuyu. Suddenly, before it could resist, the power of golden immortal and black real devil got into Li Qiuyu Between eyebrows.


A burst of severe pain spread all over the body, and the whole body seemed to be falling apart, even if Li Qiuyu had practiced the demon cultivating technique of Phoenix Nine Transformations.

Unable to bear such pain, he fainted immediately, and after an unknown amount of time, when he woke up again, the entire stone room was already silent.


He checked his body, and he didn't feel any discomfort. The Tower of Nothingness lay quietly on the ground, and the Heavenly Demon and the Yin Devourer King had completely disappeared.

He quickly stood up, his mana was still there, he pondered for a while, and went straight to the place where King Yinbai and Absolute Heaven were suppressing.

On the ground of a triangular flag, there is also a golden spar on the ground.Li Qiuyu tried to use his power to grab the spar and the triangular flag.

Nothing happened, the triangular flag and the spar were in his hands, and the spar was still warm, so it must have been left by the Yin Devourer King.

"Hey, the magic wheel."

Li Qiuyu saw above the stone chamber that suppressed the two powers, a prototype wheel with a radius of one foot was floating in the air, and a big "town" exuded a majestic aura on the wheel.

"All Souls Gathering, Tianmo Town."

Li Qiuyu tried to recite the magic formula of a formation gently, but to his surprise, the magic wheel really stopped.


Li Qiuyu shouted in surprise, a spell was thrown out, and the magic spell hit the magic suppressing wheel, and the magic suppressing wheel instantly became the size of a palm and fell into Li Qiuyu's hands.

At this moment, the entire huge stone chamber shook.


Li Qiuyu said in horror, his face changed drastically, his body flashed, and he quickly dodged towards the bright place, and took away the monk's storage bag that was damaged on the ground.

With one breath, Li Qiuyu appeared on the formation in the ninth floor area, and the whole ground trembled non-stop. Lingling and thirty monks watched the formation from afar.

Lingling had a terrified look on her face, but she didn't want to go down to find Li Qiuyu, lest if Li Qiuyu was injured, she would be ruined again, and it would be completely over.

Thirty monks looked at the beads and pillars outside the formation with horror on their faces, but no greed anymore.

at last

A white figure appeared in everyone's line of sight, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Li Qiuyu was lost, and they had to be lost in an instant.

Even if they were not controlled by the soul in Li Qiuyu's hands, they still couldn't escape the killing of the Yin Devourer and the Heavenly Demon.

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