Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 50 Opening the Space Rift

"It's a pity, if I get the jade slip from the monk surnamed Tong, I won't have to go the wrong way."

Li Qiuyu thought secretly in his heart, he knew that the monk surnamed Tong just now was also a master of the ninth level of Qi training, and there were twenty fellow disciples around him, so it was impossible to get the jade slip in his hand.

But he wasn't too greedy, this time he only needed to find the medicinal materials of the Tianyuan Pill, and he also had two kinds of materials for the other third-grade Foundation Establishment Pills, although it was far less than one-tenth of the ingredients for the third-grade Foundation Establishment Pill.

The medicinal materials of the third-grade foundation building pill not only need medicinal materials, but also the inner alchemy of monsters. Monsters must reach the third level to have the inner alchemy. Such inner alchemy is impossible to become the material of the foundation building pill. Neidan can meet the requirements.

A death-level monster is enough to be almost the same as a monk on the [-]th floor, can he deal with it?The answer is impossible, unless they join forces with Zhang Tianhang and the five of them, then there may be disputes over property.He shook his head, but still rejected the method of joining forces.

Li Qiuyu sorted out his mood a bit, and decided to enter the space rift before making plans. There are still seven or eight days before the space rift opens. The monks in the Grand Canyon are even more crowded, and there are inevitably monsters in the foundation building stage and even the alchemy stage. Although they cannot enter the space crack, they are here to protect the family or disciples.

Before entering the space rift, there was no fight. After leaving the space rift, they would be robbed. The monks who can come out must have gained something.

"Too vague."

Li Qiuyu took the round Tianluan Token in his hand and carefully read it several times. This token obtained from the monk in black is the Tianluan Token that Zhang Tianhang said.

He couldn't get anything from the surface, and he slowly invaded the token again with his consciousness. There was only a huge topographical map inside, but it was very vague. He had to shake his head helplessly, and put the token into the space necklace. Started to practice again.

In places where there are no people, taking Qi training pills is naturally indispensable. Digesting a Qi training pill is equivalent to the effect of sitting in meditation for three or four days. Under the impact of meditation and Qi training pills, the real energy in the dantian increased a lot.

As long as it goes well, before entering the space crack, it is possible to reach the middle stage of the seventh floor. In the space crack, one's own life will be more secure.

Digesting the qi pill, meditating, and practicing spells, just seven days passed, and Li Qiu never meditated again.The mid-seventh floor was also achieved as expected.

He was afraid that he would miss the date of entering the space, so he had to leave the canyon where he stayed for seven days, and flew towards the place where Zhang Tianhang was meditating. When he got there, Han Yulong and the three had already returned.

"Brother Li, I've been out these few days too, what have I gained?"

"I found a remote place, slept for a few days, and recovered enough energy to deal with unknown challenges." Li Qiuyu politely replied when Xiao Yuefeng greeted him.

"Let's get ready, the rift in space will open tomorrow morning." Zhang Tianhang looked at Li Qiuyu and the others, and after speaking, he meditated on his own.

Even if Zhang Tianhang didn't say anything, several people would still meditate and practice. None of them was a fool, so they all found a place to sit down and began to meditate to recover their energy.

In the early morning of the next day, the Grand Canyon with only a few thousand people began to be crowded, and some monks from outside the valley also rushed in. The place where Li Qiuyu was located was the highest point. There are tens of thousands of monks in the South Pass of Canyon Town.

At this time, a change occurred in the sky. The originally clear sky became extremely dark, and there were bursts of thunder from time to time. After half an hour, the sky returned to its original appearance.

Suddenly there was a sound of tearing in the air, and all the monks looked over. What appeared in Li Qiuyu's eyes was a white light that shot down from the distant sky and fell to the ground in an instant, causing the entire canyon to tremble violently.

Just after Bai hurriedly landed, a tiny crack appeared out of nowhere in the Grand Canyon. The crack split and closed at different times, and it was extremely unstable. This situation lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Every separation and reunion moves the hearts of all the monks, only those experienced monks in the alchemy stage appear a little dull, and the space cracks of separation and reunion persist all the time.

"Old Monster Mo, if you don't do it now, when will you wait?" A loud voice sounded in the canyon, and Li Qiuyu's eardrums trembled slightly, as she felt horrified. His voice suppresses all voices, what kind of cultivation is this.

As soon as the words fell, a blue figure slowly flew up and stopped steadily in the air. Only then did Li Qiuyu see it for real. He was a monk with white hair in green clothes. His age was almost the same as Li Chongyang's, but his realm was even higher than that of Li Chongyang. Li Qiuyu may not be able to see through.

He just had a vague feeling that this old monk was already at the alchemy stage, because most of the monks at the foundation stage could see the depth of his cultivation without him.

"Qin Wushuang, you are really impatient, there is still more time, are you afraid that your disciples and grandchildren will not be able to enter the space crack, hehe." The monk known as Mo Laowei also flew up from the crowd, and stood side by side with Qin Wushuang And stand.

Not long after the two of them went up, several people flew up one after another. The cultivation level was considered to be the existence of the alchemy stage. Including Qin Wushuang and Mo Laoguai, there were a total of thirteen people, including two female monks. Around 20 years old.

Li Qiuyu doesn't believe that they are only 20 years old, maybe they are witches over 200 years old, because the lifespan of a monk in the alchemy stage can reach four hundred years old, and it is just a myth to reach the alchemy stage at the age of 20.

"Fairy Lingyun, you have been staying at Diyan Peak and can't come out, so it's unimaginable why you are required to lead the team this time." Qin Wushuang looked at the female monk not far away, and said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, do you still want to try the Ziling Shuttle in my hand? It seems that you have stayed in the early stage for hundreds of years." Fairy Lingyun said coldly.

"Okay, fellow daoists, let's stabilize the space crack first. Let me remind everyone, it's best not to hold back. We all have disciples who have entered the space crack. It's best to put personal grievances aside first." Mo Lao Weird said coldly.

"Fellow Daoist Mo is right, let's take action." Everyone said politely, because everyone knows the details of this old monster Mo, and the monsters at the peak of the middle stage of alchemy are ordinary late-stage alchemy monks, and there are not many of them. dare to provoke him.

I saw Mr. Mo waved his hands, and a huge magical weapon appeared in his hand, a powerful coercion rose to the sky, and Li Qiuyu, who was fifty feet away, was also startled by this powerful coercion.

I secretly thought, "Is this the coercion of the old monster in the alchemy stage?"

I was fifty feet away from him, and the coercion made people feel irresistible. If the coercion of Old Freak Mo was aimed at me alone, I would definitely not even know how to use my fingers, and how to talk about fighting skills.

Coercion is linked to one's cultivation base and spiritual consciousness. The higher the cultivation base, the deeper and stronger the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the coercion.

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