Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 507 [Seeking a gold medal at the end of the month]

If the three women go out alone, with their peerless looks, they will definitely cause unnecessary trouble, and only by their side can they be safe.

After he left the inn, he went directly to some herbal medicine shops and magic weapon grocery stores, where he wanted to buy some blank jade slips and jade bottles.

What's more important is the map and strength distribution map of Ditian City on Ditian Island. The more you know, the more you know yourself and the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles.

"Senior, do you need the help of the junior?" A clerk in the Qi training period saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. In this powerful city, a disciple in the Qi training period has no status.

Moreover, it is very difficult to earn spirit stones. Only a mouth and a clever mind can survive, and any method of earning spirit stones will not be missed.

"I want some large maps, more detailed ones." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"Oh, it turns out that senior is new to the Emperor Tiancheng, junior help senior find the most detailed map and power distribution map."

The clerk in the qi training period said shrewdly, quickly looking for a map for Li Qiuyu, and within a moment, a jade slip appeared in his hand.

"How many spirit stones is this jade slip?" Li Qiuyu asked with satisfaction, this jade slip was exactly what he was looking for.

"This jade slip needs [-] low-level spirit stones." The qi training staff said respectfully.

"Okay, I want it." Li Qiuyu handed over [-] low-level spirit stones, finally packed the jade slips, and left the shop quickly.

Then I visited several shops in a row and bought a piece of the jade slips here. After comparing them, the cities in the jade slips are almost the same, but the family strength of the cities inside is different from that of some Nascent Soul cultivators.

These jade slips are maps of the power distribution of more than [-] cities in the vicinity, and there are almost no mistakes.

Back in the room, Li Qiuyu asked the three women to refer to these map jade slips to see where they want to build their influence.

"Young master, this place is not far from Jiuxing Island, and it only takes three months of flying time to reach it." Xiao Hanyue mentioned a place.

"Well, what you think is the same as what I think, but in this place, we still need to build up a strength, attacking from both sides, you forgot about our sea beasts, we can use these powerful sea beasts as a sharp weapon to attack the Nine Star Palace. "

Li Qiuyu pointed at Wanglong Island. These sea beasts are definitely the overlords in the sea, and they are not inferior to the flying speed of monks.

"Let's first establish a strength on this Wanglong Island, rule all of Wanglong Island secretly, and kill those who refuse to accept it. After solving Wanglong Island, we will come to Ditian Island and attack from both sides. I believe that Jiuxing Palace can also be solved. Mainly Yes, we cannot destroy the Jiuxing Palace."

Li Qiuyu spoke slowly, and the three girls kept nodding their heads, pointing out what they didn't understand, and discussing it together to see if there was anything wrong.

"Brother Qiuyu, when are we going to visit Long Island?" Ling Ling looked at Li Qiuyu, and to go to visit Long Island, naturally, he had to fight quickly.

"We can either mess up all the forces on Wanglong Island, or develop quietly, trying to rule it in the shortest possible time. I will also gather the forces on Qianling Island here secretly, and the strength on the other side will come over. After that, it's time for us to attack the Jiuxing Palace."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Lingling, and said calmly, Qianling Island was only attracting the attention of Jiuxing Palace, but the real purpose was to mobilize the power.

"I have sent a secret message that every day ten Nascent Souls go to the monks to disperse to the islands near Jiuxing Island, and some of them come to Wanglong Island. If they act scattered like this, it will be difficult for Jiuxing Palace to find out."

"But ten Nascent Soul stage monks come here every day, and they should also need to use the teleportation array. After a year, thousands of monks will come over, and they are from Qianling Island. Could it be that Jiuxing Palace can't detect it."

Xiao Qiuyue pondered for a moment, then looked up at Li Qiuyu.

"Even if they do, it will be a few years later. Besides, the monks who use the teleportation array every year don't know how to count, so I don't believe they can really find out." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"That's good, welcome a large number of Nascent Souls to attack Jiuxing Island, I believe there is some hope to destroy Jiuxing Palace."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, she was sprained and showed anticipation. She also wanted to go back to Fengyue Continent with Li Qiuyu. After all, she had not been in Bihai for a long time and had feelings for Fengyue Continent.

"Let's live here for a month first, to get familiar with this place, so as to avoid the trouble of running around, and we will also deal with this Ditian Island in the future." Li Qiuyu hugged Xiao Hanyue and smiled faintly.

In a month, the four of them got to know some great strengths and cultivators of Ditian Island, especially Ditian City, which is the largest city in Ditian Island, and its strength is even more powerful.

The four of them finally got rid of the tired feeling of flying. Fortunately, the flying point this time was at the ancient treasure level, so they were not too tired.

After resting for a month, they embarked on a long-distance journey. Li Qiuyu and the others came and left quietly, and flew directly in the direction of Wanglong Island.

Some Nascent Soul stage monks in Qianling Island were also notified to gather in the direction of Wanglong Island and Jiuxing Island, but each time a few monks quietly left everyone's sight.

Only Li Qiuyu and the disappeared monk knew about these things. The incident on Qianling Island became more and more violent. The two hundred islands were completely ruled, and different alliances were established in other places, and they all wanted to break away from the influence of Jiuxing Palace.

I don't know how long it took, but the four of Li Qiuyu have come to a third-level island with strong aura, Wanglong Island. The four of them found an inn in the big city of this island and stayed in an inn. Fly to an uninhabited remote island.

This island is two thousand miles wide, but the aura here is not strong, much weaker than other cities, Li Qiuyu smiled with satisfaction.

This place is exactly what he needs, because islands with strong aura are the targets of competition among major forces, and only in this way will islands without aura not be noticed.

"The aura of this island is really not that good? But the sea area is very good for sea beasts, so you can just use sea beasts to cross the sea area and enter the vicinity of the Nine Star Palace." Lingling looked at the island and said softly.

"Of course, the less you are noticed, the safer it is. After a while, I will display the formation and set up prohibitions in a radius of a hundred miles in the sea area, so as not to be discovered by other monks." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

As long as some powerful monks are added to defend the island, I believe no one will notice. Besides, there is no business for that high-level monk to come here to hang out.

In less than half a year, the four of Li Qiuyu had completed some prohibitions and formations on the island, and they didn't want to make it too powerful to avoid attracting attention.

After they settled these prohibitions, they also sent some ordinary mortals to this place to build some buildings. There are quite a few monks who want to come here.

But these mortals who came to the island must bring their families to live on it forever, so as not to spread the news, but there are not many mortals, after all, no other monks have come.

"Brother Qiu Yu, do we live up there?" Ling Ling asked softly.

"Well, we can find two caves to live in, and let some mortals come here to clean up later." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness unfolded, and the entire island was imprinted in his mind.

A moment later, with a smile on Li Qiuyu's face, in a mountain peak about two hundred feet high, there was actually an open space with a radius of two miles.

"Young Master, how are you? Have you found it?" Seeing Li Qiuyu's expression, Xiao Hanyue found some.

"Well, there is a nice place. Let's go and see if you are satisfied." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and brought the three women into his protective cover, and quickly flew towards the mountain two hundred miles away. go.

"Wow, it's really nice here, it's so spacious, and it can also get direct sunlight, as long as the huge hole above it is blocked with a formation." Lingling said happily.

"That's right, young master, you can block the entrance of the cave and use formations. This is definitely an excellent place to practice. We have pills for cultivation, so naturally we won't worry about spiritual energy."

Xiao Hanyue also happily said that what she said was right, they rarely relied on spiritual energy in their cultivation, but relied on the medicinal effects in the elixir.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll fix that place." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his body flashed, and finally he slowly floated up to a hundred feet and stopped. In the time of tea, a transparent formation appeared.

"All right."

Li Qiuyu landed, looked at his masterpiece above, and said with a smile.

"These places are arranged by our three sisters. My son, go to the entrance of the cave and other places that need to be defended." Xiao Hanyue said in a loud voice.

"Sister, let's put more fluorescent stones here, and it will be beautiful then."

"Ling Ling, I'll give you these colored cloths to cover up the entire area."

Seeing the three girls getting busy, Li Qiuyu walked outside, unleashed a Nine Palaces Profound Formation, and cast several prohibitions outside.

In the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation, except for the three women and himself who can enter and exit freely, all other monks are imprisoned beside the formation.

The place where I live will be dangerous, not to mention my three peerless beauties, it took Li Qiuyu half an hour to get it done.

When I came back, it became a colorful world inside, and countless colorful cloth strips covered all the stone walls here.

There are also more than ten separate rooms of different sizes, and there are two very large rooms, which are about five feet in size.

After being sorted out by the three of them, Li Qiuyu looked at the three women with a smile, and there was still a trace of sweat on the faces of the three peerless beauties.

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