Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 520 Victory of the Unification of the Blue Sea

Naturally, they didn't know what the situation was like, only Li Qiuyu and Di Shi Qingling understood, Li Qiuyu was smiling and spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was his mouthful of blood that caused the other five hundred monks to spurt blood, and Di Shi Qingling began to show a triumphant smile on his face.

In his eyes, he was already fantasizing about all kinds of spiritual treasures in Li Qiuyu's hands, especially Wanhunpan and Zhenmolun. The two contradictory treasures were obtained by him, and the demon world has the final say.

But this kind of fantasy was only for a moment, and then the ashes appeared on his face, and he looked at Li Qiuyu in horror. Li Qiuyu had no magic power at all, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

The body gathered and fell, but there was a smile in his eyes, a triumphant smile. Seeing this smile, anger and unwillingness welled up in Di Shi Qingling's eyes.

"Ah, I am immortal."

But after he finished speaking, the magic blade quickly dissipated in the air, and his body also quickly turned into a cloud of smoke. One couldn't breathe, Di Shi Qingling's huge body turned into nothingness, and a black object fell down.

"Hurry up, the young master has won, he has no mana and consciousness." After Qing Zicheng finished speaking, he teleported quickly towards the city, and the distance of a thousand miles can be reached in three teleports.

However, the long-distance teleportation did great damage to the monks, but Li Qiuyu had no consciousness and magic power, and fell from a height of two hundred feet, and he would definitely become the first Nascent Soul Stage monk to fall to death in the cultivation world.

And it was Bihai's number one master who fell to his death. After speaking in Qingzi City, the five hundred monks were also very pleasantly surprised, because Di Shi Qingling had disappeared.

In an instant, the five hundred monks in place disappeared, and after a few breaths, they had arrived in the middle of the city. They didn't know where Li Qiuyu was, but they saw Li Qiuyu slowly falling down.

Wherever Li Qiuyu fell, they teleported there, trying to catch Li Qiuyu before he fell to the ground.

Li Qiuyu fell helplessly, without any spiritual consciousness, not even the spiritual consciousness of a monk at the first level of Qi training. Without spiritual consciousness, he could not open the space necklace and could not notify Xiao Hanyue and the others.

This time he fought, all three Nascent Souls were outside, otherwise he wouldn't be so helpless, without mana, even if he didn't fall to pieces, he would have to lie down for a month.

Unable to turn around, but able to see Di Shi Qingling disappearing quickly in the air, he finally felt relieved, the only hope was to fall on a grass field, so that he would not be injured.

Feeling the sound of the wind is getting closer, that is to say, it has almost reached the ground. At this time, my eyes are slightly closed, and my mood is calm.

At this moment, a powerful impact force hit his back, without any defense, a mouthful of blood spewed out again, but was immediately wrapped by a soft force, and slowly fell to the ground.

Finally, he realized that he was rescued before he landed. The first figure was Qingzicheng. Qingzicheng saw Li Qiuyu less than two feet away from the ground, and he just teleported continuously.

There was no such thing as moving nearly a thousand feet away. In desperation, he could only smash a powerful attack behind Li Qiuyu's back, causing Li Qiuyu to throw his body upwards, reducing the speed of his descent.

At this time, the monks behind also rushed over, and after Li Qiuyu was thrown up, they teleported over again and wrapped them with strength, so that Li Qiuyu did not fall to the ground and was injured.

"Young Master, how do you feel?"

Qing Zicheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hands. He spurted blood just now, and teleported continuously. His mind was shocked and he was seriously injured.

"Give me the elixir in my storage bag." Li Qiuyu said weakly, and now he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

Qingzicheng took off a storage bag from Li Qiuyu's waist, took out the only jade bottle inside, and fed a pill into Li Qiuyu's mouth.

This storage bag is prepared by Li Qiuyu at any time, just in case, but I didn't expect that I should actually get it at this time. If it is in the space necklace, others really can't get it.

The mana recovered in an instant, and he also quickly took off another storage bag, and asked Qingzicheng to help open it, which contained the God of Recovery Pill.

After a while, Li Qiuyu quickly sat cross-legged on the ground to meditate, and regained his energy and consciousness. Finally, after half an hour, Li Qiuyu immediately opened his eyes, with a tired face, but sharp eyes.

Most of the spiritual consciousness recovered, and then the spiritual consciousness moved, and released the Lingling three daughters, the green clothes, the cloud beast and the black turtle beast.

"Brother Qiuyu, what's the matter with you, Grandpa, what's the matter with Brother Qiuyu?" Lingling asked anxiously when she saw bloodstains on Li Qiuyu's chest, as did her grandfather and other monks.

"It's fine, everything is fine." Li Qiuyu stroked Lingling's hair lightly, then smiled encouragingly at Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue.

"Just now, the young master fought with the four late Nascent Soul cultivators of the Demon Race, and then came a master of the Demon Race. I don't know what level of cultivation it is. But in the end, he was killed by the Young Master."

Qingzicheng simply explained what happened just now, and the three girls and Lvyi were horrified. What kind of existence are the four great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage? A master of cultivation.

"You should search this area first. There is a black object that fell down. It should be something like a space object, but you must not mess with that object." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Your subordinates obey." Qingzicheng asked everyone to search within a radius of one mile. Five hundred monks in the Nascent Soul stage had more spiritual consciousness than spider webs. Hidden, in case there is something dangerous inside, it will be troublesome.

In less than a moment, a monk who was at the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul yelled out, and a black space ring was found under a piece of broken wood.

He brought the ring in front of Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu swept it with his consciousness. Yes, this is what fell from Di Shi Qingling's body. In the Nascent Soul stage, he will never forget anything he has seen. things, and even the breath above will not be forgotten.

"That's right, that's it. It should belong to the Demon Race." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he hit it with mana one after another, and finally put her into the storage bag.

These people have all become puppets of the demon clan, and Li Qiuyu hesitated for a while. If they are left alone, they will all become figures of the demon clan after a year, but it will take a lot of time to manage them. Mana and consciousness.

"You put away all the storage bags here, but don't move the ones on them, and put away the things of the demons, but you must not keep them privately. I will rescue them in half a month, but you have to put them away. Take control, or I won't save them in vain."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally took a hundred Nascent Soul stage monks to the main hall. There must be other things that he didn't know existed here, and he also wanted to find the teleportation array back to Fengyue Continent.

"Young master, they should send people to guard the palace in the city, let's go and have a look first." Qingzicheng led Li Qiuyu towards the palace.

The entire hall is extremely luxurious, even more luxurious than ordinary palaces. Li Qiuyu is not interested in these at all, and the group walks straight to the back of the hall, and a quarter of an hour later.

Qingzicheng checked from his ancient treasure, this ancient treasure was the disc that Yu Li Qiuyu fought for the first time, after a while, Qingzicheng smiled on his face, and found the teleportation array within a quarter of an hour.

"Young master, this is the entrance to the teleportation formation. Shall we go in?" Qing Zicheng came to a dark room with countless nameless monsters engraved on it.

"Let's go in and have a look. With them here, I believe that the late Yuanying will not have the above problems." Li Qiuyu glanced at the black turtle beast and the green cloud beast.

"This subordinate will open the secret room." Qing Zicheng kept flickering on the monster's eyes on the stone wall, and a moment later, a hole appeared on the stone wall.

"How is it?" Li Qiuyu asked Qingzicheng.

"They have already been here. But they absolutely dare not move this formation, because if this formation is activated, without the key in my hand, the entire Nine Star Palace will disappear in an instant, even the one just now will disappear."

Qingzicheng said seriously, and finally led Li Qiuyu and others into the passage. Qingzicheng is here. Although he doesn't know the situation here, he definitely knows a little better than Li Qiuyu.

A quarter of an hour later, a group of people came to a huge square with a huge formation on it, and there were nine monks who were at the peak of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage around the formation.

"This seat accepts the order of the Demon King to ask you to leave this place, and this place is presided over by the Divine Formation Master." Li Qiuyu said coldly, saying that a stream of pure demonic energy emanated from his whole body, and the magical energy would instantly fill a radius of hundreds of feet.

"The devil?"

A monk in the mid-Yuanying stage asked puzzledly, Li Qiuyu's demonic energy was really strong, but they didn't get the instructions from above.

"Since you can know this kind of thing, I am the junior brother of the demon king. Do you want me to destroy you?" After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a movement of consciousness, a triangular flag appeared in his hand, and a looming demon dragon In front of Li Qiuyu.

"Subordinates follow orders"

The nine middle-stage Nascent Soul monks hesitated, but when they saw the magic dragon in Li Qiuyu's hands, they were horrified. The magic dragon can only be possessed by a demon king or above. , the Demon Race is the most rigorous.

When the nine Nascent Souls retreated to the passage in the middle stage, Li Qiuyu turned his eyes to the other monks, and dozens of powerful attacks hit the nine monks directly.

A hundred Nascent Soul stage monks came prepared to deal with nine Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, and before the nine Nascent Soul mid-stage monks could react, they were already lost.

"Hold the passage."

Qing Zicheng ordered to go down, and finally took five or six Nascent Soul Stages to search and investigate around the formation. After half an hour, Qing Zicheng came to Li Qiuyu.

"Young master, they haven't touched this formation. They also want to leave here. They just have to wait 20 years before the teleportation formation can be opened." Qing Zicheng said respectfully.

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