Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 523 Returning to Aoxiao Island

In this way, even if he leaves Bihai, no one doubts whether he exists, but with Li Qiuyu's strength, he is absolutely invincible in the world, and now there are only super genius monks who are less than a hundred years old.

What's more, it's not impossible to reach another realm as a holy alchemist. At least within a thousand years, there is no one in the blue sea who is a match for Li Qiuyu.

"Xiaoyao League will last for thousands of years, and the Xiaoyao King is invincible in the world."

Li Qiuyu turned around and took Ling Ling and the three daughters away from the monks and entered the Xiaoyao Palace. Qingzicheng will arrange the rest.

For these things, Qingzi City is naturally much more convenient than Li Qiuyu. Although the Tianling clan is far from Bihai, but with Li Qiuyu suppressing Bihai here, he has a bottom line.

And many things don't need to be arranged by him personally, just carry out as before, just change the system a bit.

Li Qiuyu stayed in the Xiaoyao Palace for a year, and lived a happy life of cultivation with the three daughters. Several monsters also practiced quietly. With the help of the Creation Pill, the few monsters practiced happily.

Although Li Qiuyu's figure had never appeared, no one dared to mention Li Qiuyu's name. Li Qiuyu's name had become a taboo in Bihai.

After a year of restful recuperation, the cultivation bases of Li Qiuyu and others have also increased rapidly, and sister Xiao Hanyue has also broken through the Nascent Soul stage.

And they are still in a stable state of peace of mind. After the two of them have stabilized their state, Li Qiuyu will take them out to play.

Qingzicheng is also constantly practicing the formation with dozens of elders, trying to successfully send Li Qiuyu and others back to Fengyue Continent within five years.

The one hundred Nascent Soul stage disciples selected by Li Qiuyu were released from the space necklace by Li Qiuyu, and they looked horrified.

Unexpectedly, a full year has passed inside, and only more than two months outside. The space inside is extremely huge. Although the place they stayed in was only fifty miles around, the rest of the place was blocked by Li Qiuyu.

Moreover, Jing Lingling revealed that this space is at least two thousand miles long, and it is full of Li Qiuyu's treasures, so everyone dare not wander around and can only practice in it.

After they came out, they also heard that Li Qiuyu killed five great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage, and also killed a monk of the Transformation God stage.

They also probably felt what kind of existence Li Qiuyu's strength had reached. Five late-stage monks and one monk in the transformation stage besieged a person, and even killed all six of them. They just consumed too much.

The reverence for Li Qiuyu was even deeper, and they didn't want to go against Li Qiuyu's ideas at all. They were lucky to be able to follow behind Li Qiuyu.

There are tens of thousands of Nascent Soul stage monks in Bihai, and there are countless people who are stronger than them, and there are countless people who want to join Li Qiuyu's seat, and Li Qiuyu doesn't even like it.

I waited for others because of my talent, and the most important thing was loyalty, otherwise I would never have met me and others. Although Li Qiuyu was in the early Yuanying stage, none of them dared to think so, and they all met Li Qiuyu as a disciple.

When Li Qiuyu was practicing in Xiaoyao Palace, they also stepped up their cultivation, and Li Qiuyu would give them some advice when he was free.

He respects the three sisters Xiao Hanyue even more, and knows that the three of them grew up with Li Qiuyu since they were young, and they all came together from the Qi training period.

They all knew something about Li Qiuyu's affection and friendship. Li Qiuyu and Xiao Qiuyue also knew that these monks were Li Qiuyu's loyal disciples, so they would reveal some things.

Half a year has passed, and sister Xiao Hanyue's state has been completely stabilized. With a holy alchemist like Li Qiuyu by her side, nothing can be done.

"I'm going to be away for a while. I'm leaving. You'd better not go out. I'll be back in two years."

Li Qiuyu said to the hundred Nascent Soul cultivators with a serious look on his face.

"Disciple obeys."

A hundred Nascent Soul cultivators attacked Gao and said, Li Qiuyu went out, with his strength and means, no one in Bihai was an opponent, so they naturally didn't worry about anything.

Li Qiuyu sacrificed the ancient flying treasure and flew straight into the distance. After a while, Li Qiuyu came to a square.

"The disciple has seen Xiaoyao King."

Seeing the arrival of Li Qiuyu and the other four, the two Nascent Soul cultivators hurriedly saluted and shouted that Li Qiuyu had previously announced that Qingzicheng was the leader of the Xiaoyao League.These monks can only call him Xiaoyao Wang.

"I'm going to Aoxiao Island, help me adjust the teleportation formation." Li Qiuyu smiled faintly, with a hint of kindness on his face, but he didn't know that no matter how kind he was, in the eyes of the monks, he was still An existence that dare not touch.

"Disciple obeys." The two Nascent Soul stage monks hurriedly mobilized the formation. Li Qiuyu didn't know much about the teleportation formation, but he knew some basic ones.

After a while, the teleportation array has entered the start-up procedure. Li Qiuyu walked up to the teleportation array. The moment he saved it, the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue had entered the space necklace. Li Qiuyu also told the three women that as long as they pass through the teleportation array Such a place must return to the space necklace.

Seeing the disappearance of the three daughters, the Nascent Soul cultivators were terrified, but Li Qiuyu didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to say anything.

When the teleportation array was activated, Li Qiuyu felt a slight dizziness, and then recovered. After tens of breaths of exercises, his eyes lit up, and he came to the other side of the teleportation array.

After he was teleported, the two Nascent Soul cultivators looked at each other in horror: "Brother Dao, why did the three fairies beside Xiaoyao Wang suddenly disappear?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I heard that Xiaoyao Wang has a space ring in his hand, and it can also put people and animals in it. I think they must have entered the space ring."

Li Qiuyu came out of the teleportation formation, and there were also two Nascent Soul stage monks here. They glanced at Li Qiuyu inadvertently, and didn't react at first, but felt that this person was very familiar in their minds, and then they were horrified.

"I've seen the Happy King."

The two Nascent Soul cultivators finally figured out who this youthful-looking cultivator was, the Xiaoyao King, the number one master in the entire Bihai.

"It's not more polite."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he went directly outside, and finally came to a place with few people and released Xiao Hanyue's three daughters, and the cultivation of the four immediately adjusted to around the alchemy stage.

Then the four of them walked up a street, and after walking for a quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu came to a luxurious mansion.

"I want to see Qin Anlin."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, this place is thousands of miles away from Jiuxing Island, and the disciples who attacked Jiuxing Palace last time went through the teleportation array.

"I don't know if any fellow Taoists have tokens? Our family lives in the island owner of Aoxiao Island, and things are busy on the island."

A foundation-building monk said politely, but there was still a lot of arrogance and domineering in his tone. The Aoxiaodao Qin family is a force of the Xiaoyao League, so they naturally feel that they are a head above others.

"Oh, is the island owner tiring? Why don't you just remove the island owner." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, her face extremely flat.

"You, who are you? A monk at the alchemy stage dares to speak like this in front of our Qin family. Seeing that you are a monk at the alchemy stage, leave quickly, lest we be rude by our Qin family."

The foundation-building monks didn't expect Li Qiuyu to dare to speak like this, but seeing that the four of them were all in the alchemy stage, they didn't dare to offend them easily.


Li Qiuyu sighed softly, and finally walked directly inside. More than a dozen guards at the foundation-building stage did not move much. After Li Qiuyu entered the gate, more than ten monks at the foundation-building stage slowly went down the island.

There was regret and panic in his eyes. He didn't know the other party's level and realm, and he would never have such strength in the alchemy stage.

"Qin Anlin, you're so arrogant, are you so arrogant and domineering after becoming the owner of the island?" Li Qiuyu said coldly, and finally walked slowly towards the huge hall.

The sound spread to the depths of the mansion. Qin Anlin was in the process of cultivation, and his mind was shaken. His voice carried a familiar feeling. He is the owner of Ao Xiao Island. He is only so anxious to call him like that. Could it be... .

Qin Anlin hurriedly put his efforts back, and walked straight towards the hall, and saw four familiar figures, no different from what he thought, they were indeed one of those people, and they were also the ones he feared the most.

"My subordinates refer to King Xiaoyao. I don't know that King Xiaoyao is coming, so my subordinates are convicted."

Qin Anlin thought that Li Qiuyu was upset because he didn't welcome him, and he had no choice but to apologize.

"You have become the owner of the island, and the disciples under you are really arrogant and domineering. Could it be that Aoxiao Island is unique to your family?" Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"Please make it clear to King Xiaoyao that the subordinates must make corrections."

"Ask them."

Li Qiuyu pointed at the more than ten foundation-building stage monks outside, with a cold look in his eyes, he didn't expect the disciples below him to be arrogant in front of him.


Qin Anlin saluted, and quickly came outside, picked up one of the more than ten foundation-building stage monks, then walked into the hall, and hit it with several mana.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly." Seeing these disciples, Qin Anlin naturally understood a little bit. When he first came out, Li Qiuyu drew his eyes away, and he didn't see the dozen or so disciples lying on the ground at the door.

"Island Master, the disciple just wanted to stop the madman, but he didn't expect to be injured outside by the madman. You have to be the master for the disciple."

This foundation-building cultivator was the one who started to block Li Qiuyu. After waking up, he faced Qin Anlin, but he didn't notice Li Qiuyu and the others behind him.

"Is it them?"

Qin Anlin said with a smile, pointing at Li Qiuyu and the four of them, the anger in his heart could almost burn the foundation-building disciple in front of him to death.

"That's right, that's right, it's them. The island master is wise and has already captured them." The foundation-building monk heaved a sigh, as if he was relieved, but seeing Qin Anlin's angry look, he secretly laughed at the death of Li Qiuyu and the others. deal.

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