After a full hour, Li Qiuyu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Long Xing who was meditating beside him.

It turned out that he saw that the pain on Long Xing's face was more intense. Li Qiuyu knew that Long Xing was obviously due to the excessive effect of the medicine, and he was not far from going crazy. Yuan did not recover for a day or two.

If he didn't save him, Long Xing would soon become crippled. In this dangerous world of comprehension, unless he was a close relative, no one would sell and treat someone who had nothing to do with him.

Li Qiuyu frowned, gritted his teeth after he left, and walked towards Long Xing's back slowly, a ray of true energy rushed to his right hand, slowly imprinted on Long Xing's vest, Long Xing's body shook slightly, and then remained motionless.

Long Xing swallowed the middle-level Qi training pill excitedly. For a casual cultivator like him, even the general low-level Qi training pill is difficult to use, let alone the middle-level Qi training pill. Qi Dan is a pill that is difficult to refine, and its effect is far from comparable to ordinary low-level Qi training pills.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and the effect of the medicine spread out in the dantian. The strong medicinal power continuously impacted the meridians of his body. He gritted his teeth, and dissolved the medicinal power with the gold system kung fu he practiced, slowly transforming it into True Yuan.

But the kung fu he practiced is not Li Qiuyu's Heaven-shocking Divine Art, so naturally it cannot be transformed so smoothly. Even if Li Qiuyu used the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, it would take half an hour to fully digest it.

The strong drug force slowly eroded his consciousness. At first he was still a little lucid, but in the end, his consciousness began to give up resistance, and his whole consciousness was blurred.When the last trace of sobriety in his heart was about to be submerged, a strong burst of true energy blocked the strong medicine force from behind.

Long Xing is also a monk who has cultivated for a long time, so he will naturally seize this sudden opportunity, slowly operate the kung fu, and transform the medicine energy into a trace, and after a quarter of an hour, the medicine energy in the dantian is completely transformed into a real one. Yuan.The zhenyuan behind also withdrew.

When he finished transforming all the elixirs, the real energy in the dantian increased a lot, and it had already reached the middle stage of the eighth level of Qi training, which had increased by half a full level.

Long Xing felt a surge of excitement. He knew that it was Li Qiuyu who rescued him when his consciousness was about to shatter, and he felt a sense of inexplicable gratitude in his heart.

When he saw Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu was already trying his best to recover the consumed true energy, and his whole body was running at full strength under the effect of the middle-level Qi training pill, and he saw beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. falling down one by one.

The clothes on his body were also soaked in sweat, and after a while, they were evaporated dry by the heat from his body. Long Xing knew that Li Qiuyu had consumed a lot of real energy in saving him, and now he needed to recover, so he hurriedly stood one foot in front of Li Qiuyu. Outside, his eyes looked around, for fear that someone would come and disturb Li Qiuyu.

After an hour like this, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly, and the exhaustion on his face disappeared. Originally, he didn't plan to use the intermediate Qi training pill to recover his true energy, but he knew that in this unknown space crack, he could use it as soon as possible. Xiang Fangfa restored his true essence and energy to the peak.

In desperation, he had no choice but to throw an intermediate qi training pill into his mouth. Under the impact of the powerful medicine, he replenished the consumed real energy in just one and a half hours, and his cultivation base increased a lot.

"Brother Li, you have recovered." Long Xing asked with concern.

"Thank you, Brother Long, for protecting me. I have recovered my true essence, and I will just have a good rest tonight." Li Qiuyu smiled faintly, and looked at the sky. It was still noon.

"Brother Li, you're welcome. If Brother Li hadn't made a move, I would have gone mad. Hehe, I made Brother Li laugh." Long Xing rubbed his head, a rare embarrassment appeared on his face.

"This is also caused by the elixir I gave Brother Long. I don't blame Brother Long, so I can rest assured." Li Qiuyu looked at the big man in front of him with a smile.

"I still want to thank Brother Li for the elixir. This is the first time I have seen an intermediate Qi training pill. Is Brother Li's master an alchemist? Otherwise, there will be no intermediate Qi training pills. I think Brother Li's master must be He is a great alchemist." Long Xing looked at Li Qiuyu curiously, he would never have thought that Li Qiuyu was an alchemist, there were not many alchemists as young as him, besides, even if he was an alchemist, he might not be able to practice alchemy Make intermediate elixir.

Even the famous alchemists in Tianlong Kingdom can come and produce second-grade or even third-grade pills. It has never been heard that they can refine intermediate-grade pills.

"Hehe, Long Xing is sure that my Qi training pill was made by someone else?" Li Qiuyu smiled faintly, ignored Long Xing, and walked straight ahead.

"It wasn't made by someone else, could it be you who made it?" Long Xing shook his head in confusion, and finally followed quickly, but he had an inexplicable curiosity about Li Qiuyu in his heart, and wanted to reveal this mysterious The young monk figured it out, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Could it be that this intermediate Qi training pill was really refined by himself?" This kind of thought came to his mind again, but he couldn't ask Li Qiuyu. Firstly, Li Qiuyu was his savior. He didn't have the slightest chance of defeating the seemingly weak figure in front of him.


Seeing Long Xing following behind, Li Qiuyu hurriedly made a silent movement, and slowly hid in the bushes on one side. Seeing Li Qiuyu's movements, Long Xing didn't dare to make a sound anymore, so he could only slowly hide behind Li Qiuyu. Not far from the autumn rain, there is a bush.

The two of them had just hidden themselves when several figures galloped away from two feet away. Both Li Qiuyu and Long Xing could clearly see the cultivation bases of each other's people. The uniform costumes, one can only see that they are disciples of the same family or the same force.

Long Xing was startled. He never thought that Li Qiuyu's perception was so strong that he would be able to detect the existence of the other party from such a distance. If it was him, he would definitely not have time to avoid it. There is no place to die.

The admiration for Li Qiuyu in my heart has increased a lot, and I feel even more mysterious about Li Qiuyu in my heart.He couldn't help thinking secretly, "Fortunately, it's not an enemy. If it's an enemy, it's really scarier than death."

Long Xing gradually developed a feeling of awe towards Li Qiuyu, and kept telling himself in his heart that he must never become the enemy of this young man in front of him, but he was grateful in his heart, this young man obviously did not regard him as an opponent, otherwise he would not He will give him precious and abnormal intermediate-level pills, and he will not use his true energy to save himself when he is in a mad state.

"Brother Long, do you want to go and see them with me?" Li Qiuyu looked at Long Xing who was not far away, and finally showed a slight smile.

"Brother Li wants to follow, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman." Seeing Li Qiuyu's smile, Long Xing said with great pride that all hesitation in his heart was swept away.

"Then let's go, try not to make abnormal noises, so as not to overwhelm the snake." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he quickly sprinted forward with the actual combat phoenix nine-transformation technique. [When you come here, please click Favorite and Recommend]

"I understand." Long Xing nodded, feeling a burst of excitement in his heart, he didn't expect that what he was going to follow were three teams of eighth-level qi training and two teams of nine-level qi training.Any one of them is enough for him to drink a pot. There is an inexplicable feeling that there is nothing Li Qiuyu can't do. This mysterious boy can often bring him surprises.

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