Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 545 On the Skyrim Prairie

"Since most of the ministers are in favor of attacking the Tianlong Army, we will announce the 36 cities in the south, gather all the forces to attack Tianlong, and completely wipe out Tianlong."

Han Jiantian said lightly, and the voice reached the ears of the middle monks, and finally asked someone to draw up a secret decree and spread it to the 36 cities in the south.

Although there are only 36 cities, every city in the Northern Jin Empire is almost the size of the entire Tianlong Kingdom, and the cultivation environment of the Northern Jin Empire is far more powerful than Tianlong.

There is an army of tens of millions in a city, and more than a dozen great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage are sent out, and there are only a dozen monks of the Nascent Soul stage in Tianlong Kingdom. There is no way to compare such a ratio.

"Your Majesty is wise, as soon as the troops and masters from 36 cities arrive, the Tianlong Legion will immediately fall apart." Lieyanyun said loudly, saluting to Hanjiantian.

"All the lords also sent their family disciples to the Tianji Prairie, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Han Jiantian said with a smile, what was he thinking in his heart?

"Minister Zunzhi, my Qing family will naturally not stand still in such a war."

"I will also send some master disciples to the Skyrim Prairie."

All the great monks stated that even Zhang Yu and the other dozen or so monks who opposed the war could only send their disciples to fight, lest they be blamed.

After the discussion, everyone saluted and retired, leaving Han Jiantian alone. Looking at the leaving monks, Han Jiantian showed a faint smile on his face.

For ten days, Li Qiuyu saw no movement from the opponent, so he let the army slowly press forward, only about two thousand miles away from the main army of the Northern Jin Empire.

Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters watched from afar the 7000 million army marching into the distance. He also controlled a lot of the core power of the Northern Jin Empire, and the real power did not appear at all.

"My lord, what do you think the top officials of the Northern Jin Dynasty have in mind for this war?" Xiao Hanyue asked quietly.

"I think they are also planning to use the strength of the periphery to wear down our strength. We can completely push all our strength up. In the face of real strength, conspiracy is useless."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, he has a lot of magic crystals in his hand, and he has also tried to use magic stones instead of magic crystals, but the power is much smaller.

"My lord, the spies sent back news. There was news from within the Northern Jin Dynasty. The 36 cities in the south gathered all the troops and experts to prepare to wipe out our Tianlong Legion."

"Moreover, countless big families in the Northern Jin Dynasty will also send people to attack Tianlong. There are many big monks on this trip, but there are also countless big forces in the 36 cities."

A monk who was at the peak of the early stage of Yuanying said through sound transmission, and finally hid secretly, and quickly disappeared in place.

"Brother Qiuyu, what do you think, I didn't expect so many big monks to appear, could it be that they really dare to pull out all the forces." Lingling said worriedly, there are so many big monks, no matter how powerful Li Qiuyu is, there is only one person.

"Don't worry, I will slowly erase the strength of 36 cities." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Come on, pass on the order. The whole army will advance at full speed and reach the center of Tianji Grassland in ten days." Li Qiuyu said to the cultivator behind him, passing this order to Li Liantian's ears, and he will handle other matters.

"Young master, do you want to wipe out the 5000 million army and deal with the big forces in 36 cities?"

Xiao Hanyue asked with a cry, with a look of admiration on her face. Under the power of the magic crystal cannon, a 5000 million army is not a big problem. Let's kill all the big monks and Nascent Soul Stage monks first.

"Han Yue is still smart, she looks like these two girls." Li Qiuyu stopped to look at Xiao Qiuyue and Ling Ling, and said with a smile, with a hint of evil on his face.

"Brother Qiuyu, aren't sister Qiuyue and I smart?" Lingling said disapprovingly, shaking Li Qiuyu's arm with both hands.

"I'm afraid you two, you two are also smart." Li Qiuyu smiled.

After Li Qiuyu's order was handed down, the 7000 million troops marched forward quickly, but the mortal legion, no matter how fast, was only more than 100 miles away, but the 100 million Shenwu legion and elite soldiers reached the center of the sky prairie after two days.

From a distance, the army of the Northern Jin Empire was stationed on the opposite side. The Shenwu Army stopped fifty miles away from the Northern Jin army and quickly scouted around.

Li Qiuyu came to the front with the Shenwu Legion. For him now, two thousand miles, one or two breaths, and whatever happens later, he will arrive in the shortest time.

"Young master, look at whether the 5000 million army and masters of the Northern Jin Dynasty will retreat further." Bai Yuntian said respectfully, standing quietly beside Li Qiuyu.

"Hey, let them do whatever they want. If they don't retreat, they will all be lost. But this time is a tough battle. There will be many big monks, so we must be careful." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Subordinates know."

Bai Yuntian is also a great cultivator in the late Yuanying period, but in front of Li Qiuyu, he knows what strength is. Even with his current cultivation level, he has no hope at all when he encounters an existence like Li Qiuyu.

"After I kill these monks and legions, I will hand over this place to you. When encountering irreversible things, try to leave as much as possible, and let my real strength be exhausted."

Li Qiuyu looked at Bai Yuntian, his disciples were all under his management, and these disciples were all brought from Bihai, so naturally there was no lack of affection.

I have to rely on these monks to deal with some things that I don't need to do. Besides, the disciples who are above the peak in the early stage of Yuanying, even in Fengyue Continent, are not flying all over the ground.

"Young master, go to City 36 alone to deal with those forces?" Bai Yuntian said in surprise, his face was full of surprise, the strength here is not as strong as Bihai, but there are many great monks than Bihai.

"Well, we can only eliminate these big forces one by one, or surrender, or they will gather together at that time, and we will not be able to deal with them." Li Qiuyu said softly.

"The subordinates will definitely manage this place well." Bai Yuntian also knew this situation. Although Li Qiuyu was in the Tianlong Legion, if dozens or even more big monks appeared together, he and others would have no way to do it.

"After waiting for five days, when all the troops arrive, we will forcefully kill the legions here and subdue them as much as possible, so that we can increase our strength a lot." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"This subordinate will arrange the attack now." After Bai Yuntian finished speaking, he bowed to Li Qiuyu and left.

After Bai Yuntian left, Lingling asked softly: "Brother Qiuyu, let's go to the 36th city of the Northern Jin Dynasty. Do you want to bring your big monks?"

"Well, take two, and the others stay here. This place also needs a big monk to sit in the town. At least we can resist it for a while. As long as we are careful, there is no danger. If there are too many people, it will attract the attention of others."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he took the three girls to a distance, found a fairly hidden place, displayed the Nine Palaces Profound Formation, and then cast several prohibitions.

The four of them practiced quietly inside, waiting for other armies to arrive before they could attack. Although it was a mortal army, it still played a lot of role in such a large-scale war.

Four days later, all the legions rushed over, Li Qiuyu ordered to rest, and blew himself up to attack the 5000 million legions of the Northern Jin Empire one day later.

At the same time as the Tianlong army arrived, the troops and masters of the Northern Jin Empire also quickly gathered. It seems that this time they are also troubled by the Tianlong Kingdom, and they no longer have the contempt they used to have.

The tranquility before the storm, the entire prairie has an army of nearly [-] million, but there is almost no sound, but such a depressing atmosphere makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.


All the army rested for a day, and Li Qiuyu ordered the ten magic crystal cannons to be moved to the front. All the monks surrounded the magic crystal cannons tightly, and the Northern Jin Empire, who coveted the magic crystal cannons, had no chance to do anything.

Under Li Qiuyu's order, ten magic crystal cannons were launched instantly. At the moment when the magic crystal cannons were fired, twenty late-stage monks appeared in the Northern Jin Empire at the same time, and quickly resisted the magic crystal cannons.

There are more than ten big monks taking this opportunity to shoot at the Tianlong Army, the targets are naturally Li Qiuyu and the magic crystal cannon. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, seven big monks appeared in the air.

Xuangui Beast and Cloud Beast, Blood Eagle Eagle and Green Clothes also appeared beside Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu's 95 guards also came to the sky.

Fourteen great monks in the late Northern Jin Dynasty were in the air, Li Qiuyu's guards and seven big monks also quickly assigned their opponents, and the seven big monks contained seven opponents.

The remaining seven and 95 disciples besieged. Di Yanfeng appeared in this place and appeared again in this place. The magic crystal cannon was fired quickly, and the powerful magic crystal cannon did not kill the twenty big monks.

Li Qiuyu also quietly looked at the twenty big monks, while watching the masters in the Northern Jin Empire Army. According to the information this time, there should be more than these big monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty. There must be a big monk who wants to attack this trick.


There was a loud noise, and a lightning-attribute monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul smashed a huge thunder on the big monk, and the big monk suddenly went numb all over his body. 】

This is also a cultivator's fighting method. The victory and defeat are instantaneous. The big monk paused for a while, and more than ten powerful attacks fell on him with destruction.

Even the Nascent Soul was shattered into living Long City fragments. The loss of the first Nascent Soul late-stage great monk, and the disproportionate battles left more than a dozen Nascent Soul-stage disciples in an instant.

At the same time that the big monk was lost, more than a dozen disciples quickly flew towards the other monks, putting all their strength on the besieged big monk. Only by joining hands to kill the big monk can there be more hope .

"Hmph, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

With a flash of Li Qiuyu's body, a transparent dagger was swung out, the space was distorted suddenly, and a great cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul appeared staggeringly in front of Li Qiuyu.

Without waiting for his reaction, a huge palm print was taken, and the palm moved towards him with a strange trajectory, but the trajectory of the palm was very wonderful, but it was not a good thing for him.

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