Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 559 2 Year Time

"The disciple knows that he will not disappoint the ancestor."

After Han Jiantian finished speaking, he kowtowed respectfully and retreated, and finally returned to the main hall along the original road. What was he meditating on the throne in the main hall?

Not long after Han Jiantian left, a young man about 20 years old appeared in the ice and snow world, looking at the direction of Han Jiantian's departure with disdain on his face.

"Useless things, such things can't be done well, hehe, Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu, I want to see if this world belongs to you or mine."

"Pay attention to your character, there are many wonders in the cultivation world. Although you have reached the peak of the late stage, in the cultivation world, although the great monks in the late stage are invincible, the truly invincible is still in the stage of transformation."

After the young man finished speaking, an old man in his seventies appeared in front of the young man, looked at the young man with satisfaction, and finally said seriously, the old man was dressed in blue clothes and had no cultivation in his body.

"I know that this disciple Li Qiuyu has met several times. He is indeed very powerful. He is a rare opponent, but he will always fall into my hands."

The young man said to the old man respectfully, with a respectful expression on his face, confident and unrestrained, with the meaning of being the only one in the world.

"You have reached the apex of the late stage, practice more, and then reach another realm, so that our Han family can truly become the master of the Northern Jin Dynasty."

Seeing the young man's expression, the old man showed satisfaction, as if he saw how he looked when he was young. This disciple did not disappoint him.

In the end, the two disappeared in this ice and snow world in an instant, and the ice and snow world returned to peace again, dead still, even the whole world was banned.

Li Qiuyu practiced all kinds of exercises and spells in the mountains, but he never lost contact with the outside world. He strategized and won thousands of miles. Any information would be passed to him by his disciples.

In the past two years, City 36 was completely built to be as strong as an iron barrel. Under the invitation and persuasion of countless masters, all the comprehension forces also joined the Tianlong Legion, making the Tianlong Legion strong to a peak.

However, the movement of the Northern Jin Empire also made the Tianlong Army step up and stabilize. The remaining 72 cities in the south also attacked the Tianlong Army, and there were a total of 72 cities in the north and west.

"Pass down the order, order Qin Ming to step up his actions, and kill all those who refuse to surrender. I want to see a balanced strength within a year." Li Qiuyu passed on a mysterious order.

The order was transmitted to Qin Ming who was [-] miles away in less than an hour. Qin Ming naturally knew what Li Qiuyu meant. Of course, it was the same as last time, using a lot of strength to suppress strength alone.

"Brother Xiang, you and I will take some masters to attack Bengyu City secretly. We will fight in Bengyu City to try to take Bengyu City in the shortest possible time. The Lord ordered that within one year, the strength of Tianlong and the four cities of Northern Jin Dynasty 140 Balance, that is to say, we must at least solve the problem of taking 54 cities."

"Okay, let's put all our strength on top of each other and take down every city." Xiang Yufeng said excitedly.

"Then let's act and see who gets to Bengyu City first."

Qin Ming said with a smile, the pills that Li Qiuyu gave him in the past two years have significantly increased his cultivation, and he also has three psychic treasures in his hands, two were given by Li Qiuyu, and one is Looted from opponents.

On the day they received Li Qiuyu's order, nearly [-] great monks and the former Nascent Soul stage soldiers were sent out of the camp in two separate ways.

Beng Yucheng

The strength is twice the size of Mo Luo, and a full 2000 million troops are stationed at various important gates, but for monks above the Nascent Soul Stage, these gates are useless at all.

"Mie Nanzong has surrendered! Eleven major cultivators have been lost, nine Nascent Soul Stage cultivators have been lost, and none of the major cultivators has been lost." A secret message reached Qin Ming's ears.

"Wu Clan has already surrendered, only a big monk surrendered and is willing to follow King Xiaoyao." This voice came to Xiang Yufeng from a distance.

ten days later

A thousand great monks mysteriously appeared in the largest force in Bengyu City, the Tu Shen Sect, and surrounded the entire Tu Shen Sect group. Seeing so many great monks appear, Tu Shen Cult naturally understood what was going on.

"Lan Tianqing, the leader of the God Slayer Sect, under the throne of Xiaoyao, surrendered to the Tianlong Legion, and chose to fight."

Qin Ming said loudly, with an excited look on his face, although the Slaughtering God Sect is far away from Moluo City, there is no relationship between the two, but in a battle for the treasure, Lan Tianqing snatched the treasure he got. .

Qin Ming could only swallow his anger. The power of the God Slaughter Sect was not something that the Tianming Sect could compete with. There were more than 40 great monks, and their disciples were all over Bengyu City.

"Qin Ming, do you want to rely on King Xiaoyao to suppress the Benjiao?"

No matter how arrogant Lan Tianqing was, he was not naive and arrogant enough to kill a thousand great monks, and the power of each of these great monks was almost the same as his own.

"Lan Tianqing, I have forgotten what happened 200 years ago, and I don't like that top-level ancient treasure anymore. The treasures given to me by King Xiaoyao are enough for me to use."

Qin Ming said loudly, with the movement of his consciousness, three psychic treasures appeared in the air, and the spiritual treasures exuded a strong aura of agility, which at first glance was an extraordinary psychic treasure.

"Okay, since Qin Ming, you don't remember what happened 200 years ago, I am willing to follow Xiaoyao Wang!"

Lan Tianqing saw the three psychic treasures in front of Qin Ming, and was extremely envious in her heart. She never thought that Li Qiuyu would give this treasure to his subordinates. It seems that the value is very rich, and the tens of thousands of disciples of the Tushen Sect have to survive , if the Slaughter God Cult does not submit, it will definitely be killed so that no one will be left behind.

"Brother Lan is welcome to join the Tianlong Legion and join the Xiaoyao Throne. From now on, we will all be partners on the same front. There are no restrictions under the Xiaoyao Throne. As long as you don't betray or kill each other, it's fine. But if you violate these two, the Xiaoyao King will Solve it yourself, the solution, the deity does not know."

Qin Ming said with a smile, of course he didn't know Li Qiuyu's method, but if he violated it, no one would be able to escape from Li Qiuyu's grasp.

"This teaching naturally understands." Lan Tianqing also knows that such rules seem to be unrestricted, but if they really violate a little bit, they will definitely lose. Losing is still a blessing. He also knew Li Qiuyu's strength.

"Brother Xiang, Bengyu City has been resolved. Our next step is that you deal with one city, and I deal with one, and then slowly split up. This place will be handed over to Lan Tianqing for management, but more than half of the big monks must follow you to leave Bengyu City." Qin Qin The voice of the Ming Dynasty was heard by Xiang Yufeng.

"Well, I think so too, just act like this, you leave first, and I will make arrangements here." Xiang Yufeng pondered for a while, and finally echoed.

After the two discussed it, Qin Ming left Bengyu City with more than 500 monks, and directly copied Tianxiao City, which was [-] miles away.

After Xiang Yufeng also arranged some things, he left Bengyu City with more than 500 monks and [-] big monks from the God Slayer Sect. There were still more than ten big monks from the God Slaughter Sect to take care of Bengyu City, waiting for the Tianlong Army to come.

"Decree that the Tianlong Legion will attack Bengyu City and take it down."

Li Liantian got the order, the power of masters in Beng Yucheng was wiped out, 2000 million troops and countless masters quickly rushed towards Beng Yucheng, half a month later, Beng Yucheng fell into the hands of Tianlong Army without any resistance.

After the fall of Bengyu City, the Northern Jin Empire also accelerated its actions without any hesitation, and pressed a large number of masters to the city closest to the Tianlong Army.

The entire land in the southern part of the Northern Jin Dynasty was trembling all day long, and an unknown number of great monks and Nascent Soul stage monks were lost in it every day.

"My lord, the Northern Jin Empire has sent a large number of troops and experts to more than ten cities near the Tianlong Army, and it seems that they will attack Bengyu City and other cities of Tianlong."

A late Nascent Soul cultivator stood respectfully in front of Li Qiuyu, his face was extremely calm, and he admired Li Qiuyu's strength in his heart.

"Well, let's pass on the order, order the Tianlong Legion to strictly defend, and order Qin Ming and Xiang Yufeng to speed up." Li Qiuyu said coldly, without opening his eyes.

"Your subordinate will do it now." The monk in the later period flashed and quickly disappeared in front of Li Qiuyu.

After the big monk left, Xiao Hanyue came out and said softly: "My lord, it seems that the Northern Jin Empire does not intend to gather all its forces to attack Tianlong, but to use part of its forces to stop Qin Ming's personal Devouring action."

"You are right, but with this kind of power, as long as they are not together, Qin Ming and the others can defeat each other. What I am worried about is that the masters of the Northern Jin Empire will attack the Tianlong Army."

Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly, and slowly stood up, Xiao Hanyue obediently took Li Qiuyu's arm, and leaned gently beside him.

"The forces of the Northern Jin Dynasty really cannot be ignored. Didn't it come out two days ago that the big forces in the central area of ​​the Northern Jin Dynasty also took action. Those forces are definitely not comparable to the forces on the periphery of the Northern Jin Dynasty."

Xiao Hanyue said in a delicate voice, Jiaoyan absorbed the familiar and intoxicated breath on Li Qiuyu's chest.

"Well, maybe the biggest battle will be one year later. They will also think of us to act like this. They will squeeze out the strength of all the masters and plan to kill me and the Tianlong Army in one fell swoop."

Li Qiuyu gently embraced Xiao Hanyue's willow waist, and said softly, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, so what about the Northern Jin Empire, when they arrive, he will have a certain amount of strength.

"The cultivation of my two younger sisters and I are about to reach the peak in the middle stage. As long as there are not three big monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, there will be no threat at all."

"Yes, Not Bad."

"My lord, are we really going to swallow the entire Northern Jin Empire?" Xiao Hanyue looked at Li Qiuyu seriously and asked expectantly.

"No, as long as the Northern Jin Empire really stops, I will not do it. My current cultivation resources are sufficient, and the area is too large to manage. I only need 36 cities in the Northern Jin Dynasty."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the entire Northern Jin Dynasty is vast and abundant, so it would be unnecessary for him to come, and the Northern Jin Dynasty is not monolithic, so naturally he would not cause trouble for himself.

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