Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 581 Nine-Rank Heavenly Spirit Pill

After picking this 20-year-old dead leaf flower into the space necklace, and then planting it inside, for this rare medicinal material, it is still fresh when it is best used.

"Brother Qiuyu, why is this called the dead leaf flower?"

Lingling asked puzzledly, in fact, this so-called dead leaf flower is no different from dead leaves, and the leaves and flowers of this dead leaf flower are the same.

"Just look at the appearance of this flower. The dead leaf flower is actually just a name." Li Qiuyu replied with a smile, and finally the four of them flew away to other places.

A long time passed like this, except for the normal homework and meditation practice, the four of them spent the rest of their time picking medicinal materials in these places, and half a year passed in one go.

After Li Qiuyu calmed down, she studied the refining technique of the sixth-grade Tianling Pill countless times, and she basically had some confidence in her heart.

The cauldron appeared in his hand, a burst of flame hit the cauldron, and the cauldron slowly warmed up. Li Qiuyu showed no expression on his face, and a medicinal plant headed into the cauldron.

A month has passed.

The expression on Li Qiuyu's face was solemn, and he carefully watched the inside of the cauldron. The medicinal liquid in the cauldron was tumbling endlessly, and the 50-year-old herb that had just been put in had also undergone some changes.


Seeing this result, Li Qiuyu finally felt more at ease. The 50-year-old medicinal material finally melted slowly.

It was another month, and the nine kinds of 50-year-old medicinal materials finally turned into medicinal liquids, and countless colors appeared in the entire danding, which was basically a colorful world.

Finally, after half a month of fusion, more than a hundred kinds of medicinal liquids were finally fused together. Li Qiuyu still had no expression on his face, and his heart became more and more calm.

After two or three hundred years of practice, the mind has long been as hard as fine steel, and naturally it will not be easily shaken. The fusion of the medicinal liquid is the most important link.

Injecting spirit, absorbing the natural aura of heaven and earth, the richer the aura, the higher the burden rate of the pill, and the better the quality, Li Qiuyu waved one hand, a mana was drawn into the air, and then a dense aura quickly rushed towards the pill Ding came.

This is the first time Li Qiuyu has seen such a strong aura in this place, needless to say for alchemy, the aura within a radius of one mile quickly entered the alchemy cauldron.

"Hey, Zhu Ling, this human being is really not an ordinary person. He has reached this level in alchemy. It seems that alchemy is about to succeed."

The middle-aged man also felt a tingle of spiritual energy five hundred miles away, because in this place where the spiritual energy is rich, the spiritual energy generally does not throb.

Li Qiuyu's eyes were fixed on Dan Ding, and he waved his hands from time to time. Every time he waved, the speed of the influx of spiritual energy would be faster.

After half a month, the spirit injection was completed, and Li Qiuyu's face was full of excitement. This place is really an excellent place for alchemy, and it only takes half a month to achieve the spirit injection.

"Dan Cheng"

The lid of the tripod was opened with a bang, and a string of dark blue shadows shot out quickly, and the dark blue shadows quickly flew into the distance.

"Hmph, come back."

Li Qiuyu grabbed the fleeing blue shadows with both hands, but these dark blue shadows flew uncontrollably and quickly, Li Qiuyu's heart skipped a beat.

These elixirs are already at the sixth grade, and they have some independent spirituality. When they swiped with one hand, a trace of blood appeared on the left hand, and more than ten drops of blood flew out.

In the end, Li Qiuyu waved his hands quickly, and more than a dozen blood essences quickly fused together, and then quickly rushed towards the dark blue shadow that was flying away.

"Don't move."

Li Qiuyu shouted quickly.It turned out that the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue saw a string of blue shadows flying out, and the speed was extremely fast, no slower than the masters of the foundation building period.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qiuyu also flew out, but the blue shadow had already flown hundreds of feet away, and the three girls hurriedly flew with Li Qiuyu, wanting to help Li Qiuyu.

The four quickly chased after them, the whole scene was hilarious, and they flew for hundreds of miles. The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman also saw the appearance of Li Qiuyu and the four, and they also came up to help catch these blue shadows.

However, the elixirs refined by Li Qiuyu can naturally be controlled, but he wants these elixirs to absorb the natural aura in this dense place, instead of the aura that Li Qiuyu forcibly injected.

Otherwise, these blue shadows would not be able to get out of the cave at all. As creators, if they want to be destroyed, they will be destroyed, and if they want to survive, they will survive. More than a dozen blood essences are fused into crystal blood beads the size of little fingers.

The blood beads would explode at any moment, and there were 49 blue shadows in the air, that is to say, 49 of them were successful in alchemy this time.

Xiao Hanyue's three daughters and the middle-aged man heard Li Qiuyu's eager shouting, and hurriedly retreated to the side, watching Li Qiuyu's figure flickering in the air.

"Three fairies, have you ever seen Brother Li Dao's alchemy method?" The middle-aged man asked Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters with curiosity on his face.

"Hehe, our son's alchemy is done according to his own ideas. Many techniques and alchemy procedures are thought up by himself. This is the first time we have seen such alchemy."

The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue are all alchemists, so they naturally know a lot about alchemy. It is also the first time they have seen Li Qiuyu's alchemy method.

"All spirits in the world, return!"

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, and then scratched the space with a radius of 49 feet with both hands, and then the air aura with a radius of [-] meters trembled, and slowly closed towards the middle. Naturally, [-] pills were also slowly squeezed in the middle.


With a soft sound, crystal blood beads exploded, turning the space of ten feet around into a scene of light red, and the pills trembled in the blood screen, constantly resisting, but they couldn't help them at all.

Time passed slowly, and the aura of the air with a radius of one hundred feet has become the size of one foot, and the aura of the 49 pills has become stronger and full of spirituality, but they are all completely controlled by Li Qiuyu.


With a slight smile on Li Qiuyu's face, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then the jade bottle shone at Lan Ying, who obediently entered into the jade bottle, and the air returned to calm again.

His whole body also slowly fell to the ground, his body swayed slightly, and then he forcibly stabilized, threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth, and his mana returned to its full strength.

"Congratulations, Brother Dao, for practicing the sixth-grade elixir. The cultivation of alchemy has improved." The middle-aged man was very happy when he saw the smile on Li Qiuyu's face.

Li Qiuyu's ability to refine a sixth-grade elixir shows that his alchemy strength is profound. Besides, Li Qiuyu said that he had never refined a sixth-grade elixir, and he did not expect to refine a sixth-grade elixir in just two years. come out.

It seems that the elixir I need really has hope, and my wish is about to come true, so I admire Li Qiuyu's strength.

"Hey, it's just a trivial skill, it's hard to be elegant!"

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, but she was very excited in her heart. This elixir was completely beyond her expectations, especially the last Spiritual Qi Bathing Pill, which definitely improved the quality of the elixir a lot.

"Brother Li Dao was joking. This is the first time I have seen the spirit of Dao Dao Li's alchemy. In this world, no matter how talented you are, you will be defeated by pills. Even a peerless genius cannot do without pills."

The middle-aged man said seriously, but this statement is true, otherwise, the status of Dan would never be so detached, whether it is a human being or a monster, they are eager for pills.

"Brother Ao's elixir, wait two years before refining it, so as not to make any mistakes." Li Qiuyu said seriously, and finally shot two celestial pills at the middle-aged man.

He has been here for two years, and he also knows that both of them have the surname Ao, and they belong to the Yinlong family, but many things have been hidden by this middle-aged man surnamed Ao. Everyone has their own secrets, and Li Qiuyu will not dig them out. Get to the bottom of it.

"Thank you, Brother Li Dao."

"Hey, this is a deal, you don't have to be so polite."

Li Qiuyu clasped his fists and smiled, and finally took the three daughters away and returned to his cave, leaving Ao Lie and the other two in place, staring blankly at the backs of Li Qiuyu and the others leaving.

"Brother Lie, I think this Li Daoyou's strength is unfathomable. On the surface, it seems that he is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. From my point of view, even if I have the strength of the ninth level, compared with him, the chance of winning is not very great."

The middle-aged woman looked at the middle-aged man, said softly, her eyes turned, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Well, have you noticed that I always feel that I have seen this person somewhere, but I never thought that such a person existed. Besides, this person's age is indeed only over 200 years old, and his real age is over 150 years old."

The middle-aged man said lightly, with a puzzled face on his face, his mind kept spinning, trying to connect Li Qiuyu with something, but he couldn't find the target.

"I also have the same feeling. Although this fellow Daoist Li only has a mid-term cultivation, he always feels that he can't be provoked. According to our strength and background, such a thing will naturally not happen."

When the middle-aged woman heard the middle-aged man's words, she was also very surprised, and began to think that she felt this way alone, but she didn't expect Ao Lie to feel the same way, which made the two of them extremely depressed.

"Let's go, let's go back, our demon power can only imprison the lady for 20 years, I hope he can refine the elixir, otherwise we will only suffer here."

The middle-aged man had a gloomy expression on his face, and finally returned to his courtyard with the middle-aged woman.

The four of Li Qiuyu returned to the cave, and Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters saw that Li Qiuyu's spirit was not very good, so they let him rest. The long time of alchemy naturally consumed a lot of energy.

After resting and meditating for half a month, his magic power and spiritual consciousness have also recovered, and his physical strength and spirit have returned to the peak of their heyday, and finally came outside the cave.

"My lord, have you rested?"

Xiao Hanyue asked softly, with a look of concern on her face, she reached out and hugged Li Qiuyu's arm.

"Okay, I've been resting for half a month."

Li Qiuyu kissed Xiao Hanyue's delicate face lightly, said with a smile, and finally came to Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue, and the two also slowly repaid their efforts.

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