Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 584 Leaving the bottom of the lake

"This is the real elixir. It's best not to take it if you haven't reached the Great Cultivator or God Transformation Stage, unless you meet me."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, this pill was refined by him, and he is also the creator, so he can naturally control this pill. Half hope is taken.

"What should I do now? This elixir is obviously spiritual. If you catch it, it may lose its effect." The middle-aged woman saw such a situation for the first time, and she didn't know what to do.


The middle-aged man stretched out his hand, and a golden vase appeared in his hand. Finally, he looked at the crystal beads, and the crystal beads involuntarily entered into the vase.

"Fellow Daoist, a total of 75 elixirs will be refined next time. According to the previous transaction, these are yours." Li Qiuyu handed over 38 elixirs.

He was also curious about the means of this ninth-rank silver dragon, as if he had already had a way to deal with this elixir, but the moment he took out the elixir, he obviously didn't know this elixir. The black things do not understand.

"Thank you, Daoist Li. In fact, we don't need so many elixir pills. These eight pills are just a gift for the three brothers and sisters."

The middle-aged man said excitedly, and handed eight elixirs to Li Qiuyu, with a sincere look in his eyes, without the slightest affectation, and he never thought that he could refine so many elixirs at one time.

At first, I felt that the hope was small, even if it was refined, it would only look like five or six, so I reluctantly agreed to give half of it to Li Qiuyu, and two or three would be enough for myself.

Now more than [-] pills appeared all at once, which was ten times more than what I expected, and the quality was also doubled. It is not impossible to be a favor.

"Since Fellow Daoist Ao Lie is so polite, I'm not too polite." Li Qiuyu took the elixir, put it in a brocade box, and stuck it with a forbidden spirit talisman.

"The aura in this place is almost gone. Li Daoyou will take away all the medicinal materials that can be used in these places. We will leave here after a while."

Ao Lie said seriously, this place is thousands of miles away, and only a hundred miles are left where he has imprisoned the spiritual energy by means, and these spiritual energy will not last long, without the spiritual energy, these medicinal materials will also become ordinary plants.

"Well, I'm going to leave after taking a rest for a while, so I'll take my leave first."

Li Qiuyu bowed to the middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman and left, took the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue and flew back to his cave, and returned to the cave in just a moment.

"My lord, that elixir just now is so powerful."

Xiao Qiuyue thought of the black elixir just now, after it turned into crystal beads, its speed was actually faster than that of the Great Cultivator. If it wasn't for the speed and strong spiritual sense of herself and others, she would definitely be thrown off by that elixir.

"The elixir can also be called an elixir, and it naturally has its own spirituality." Li Qiuyu said with a smile. It is really difficult to refine a elixir like Yiding.

"My lord, why did it take so long to make alchemy this time?"

Xiao Hanyue looked at Li Qiuyu puzzled, even if it was a sixth-grade elixir, it would not take a whole year, there must be some other reason.

"I didn't do it for the first half a year, and it took half a year before I started alchemy. Later, the middle stage has reached the critical point, and I can't do without a breakthrough. I can only use the aura here to break through to the later stage."

There are gains and losses. I want to practice the Five Elements Kung Fu, but I have reached a critical point. After breaking through, I will have to have a great opportunity in the future to practice the Five Elements Kung Fu successfully.

"Young master, have you broken through to the late stage?" Xiao Hanyue said in surprise.


When Li Qiuyu returned to the cave, he meditated and rested. After resting for a full day, his energy and spirit had recovered to the peak, and the only thing he wanted was to sleep.

The four of them practiced in the cave for half a month, and finally flew towards other places, scraping away all the thousand-year-old medicinal materials. A space ring is as big as two miles away. Naturally, they are not worried that the other party will not have enough medicinal materials.

A month later, the four of them finally scraped off the medicinal materials here, and the young lady whom the middle-aged man spoke of also came into contact with the seal a month ago.

Unexpectedly, this girl who seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old was actually a big monk. When she learned that the elixir was successfully refined, she was very happy.

She also met Li Qiuyu once, and she thought that the holy alchemist was an old man. After seeing Li Qiuyu, she was also very surprised. She didn't expect that this holy alchemist was actually a young man.

And there are three peerless women who are not inferior to him, all of them are big monks, after saluting Li Qiuyu thankfully, they played with the three women for two days.

In the end, Li Qiuyu and the others wanted to gather medicine and leave, and she herself had to practice, so she didn't see each other again. After finishing all the things here, Li Qiuyu also left.

On this day, Li Qiuyu brought Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters to the middle-aged man's courtyard, saw both the middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman there, and greeted them politely.

"Fellow Daoist Ao Lie, I'm leaving now."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, glanced at the girl who was cultivating beside her, and it was the critical moment of her cultivation, so naturally she couldn't stop.

"Li Daoyou is leaving. There is no permanent banquet in the world. I believe there will be a day when we will meet again. First of all, I wish Li Daoyou a great progress in cultivation. We will meet in the spirit world." Not as depressed as before.

"Hey, um, yes, we will definitely have a good-bye day, and then we will meet Brother Ao Lie again." Li Qiuyu also said with a smile, thinking that such monsters, as long as they become friends, they will naturally not As sinister and cunning as a human being.

"Okay, I'll send Fellow Daoist Li up."

Ao Lie said happily, they won't stay in this place for long, at most it will only be more than ten years, and the aura here will become thinner.

"Farewell to her for me,"

Li Qiuyu cupped his fists at the middle-aged woman, glanced at the girl who was practicing, and finally led Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters to follow Ao Lie to the front.

Coming to this island with a radius of ten miles, I saw Ao Lie waving his hands continuously, and then a mana point hit the ground, and the island immediately floated up slowly.

Li Qiuyu and the others were amazed. This world is really full of wonders. This island is no different from a top-level spiritual treasure.

They have also been to this island several times, and they have lighted up all the medicinal materials on it. After a while, everyone felt a slight sense of oppression, and finally saw the surrounding lake water and some sea animals.

After dozens of breaths, the air suddenly cooled down, and they returned to the lake again. The lake was extremely quiet, and there was nothing unusual about it. However, the faces of Li Qiuyu and the middle-aged man became extremely ugly.

"Hey, I finally waited for you."

A voice came from a distance, and as soon as the voice fell, a black figure appeared in the air. The whole figure seemed to have no weight at all, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

"Li Daoyou, this guy is vicious, be careful, he has reached the peak of the early stage of transformation." Ao Lie showed a look of fear in his eyes, and looked at each other with hatred, obviously the two had met before.

"Peak in the early stage of God Transformation is really remarkable, several times stronger than Beiming." Li Qiuyu said softly, and finally glanced at Xiao Hanyue's three daughters, and with a move of consciousness, the three daughters disappeared into the air.


Heiying glanced at Li Qiuyu in surprise, he had never seen this method before, the three great monks disappeared instantly, not teleportation, but being blocked by a powerful baby from his consciousness.

"Yinlong, I have been waiting here for more than ten years, and I never thought I would be able to escape once. Let's see where you escape this time. Why is your partner replaced by a low-level human being?"

The black shadow swayed slightly, and the black disappeared, and a sinister young man appeared in Li Qiuyu's eyes, with a raging smile on his face.

"Shaking the sky, you are only at the peak of the early stage of god transformation. After waiting for a hundred years, I will kill you." Ao Lie said lightly, with helplessness on his face.

For the sake of my young lady, I haven't practiced real cultivation for thousands of years, otherwise I would never have been suppressed by a cultivator at the peak in the early stage.

Now that Li Qiuyu has helped to refine the elixir, two elixir can make his cultivation level skyrocket, plus his own companions, he will definitely be able to kill this guy, and he will be injured several times. hate.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you. When I kill you, I will be able to break through to the middle stage of transformation, and it will not be a problem to ascend to the spirit world. Hehe, as for the human beings in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is naturally solved by the way. gone."

After finishing speaking, an earth-shattering coercion surged out, and at this moment, a blue fire dragon ran towards the young monk.

turn out to be.Li Qiuyu had already prepared the blue-faced fire dragon when the young monk was speaking. He didn't want to meet Bei Ming like last time. He was crushed and beaten by the opponent before he could use several powerful methods, and almost died. .

"Hey, blue-faced fire dragon."

The young monk yelled in amazement, the coercion had not yet been fully displayed, and then he glanced at Li Qiuyu furiously, he did not expect that this monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would dare to do it before him.

It is definitely an insult to his majesty, but what needs to be dealt with right now is this blue-faced fire dragon. If he allows this blue-faced fire dragon to attack him, even if he is at the peak of the early stage of transformation, he will be seriously injured.

Li Qiuyu's attack caused the coercion of the young monk to die halfway. Ao Lie paused and gave up on using Longwei. No matter how powerful Li Qiuyu was beside him, the difference in realm was still difficult to resist the coercion and Longwei. In a flash, it turned into a silver dragon of two hundred feet in size again.

With a loud roar, the entire tail also slammed fiercely at the young monk. In an instant, a dragon and two people flickered in the air. The young monk swiped with one hand, and a disk exploded in an instant, and finally pushed the disk out.

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