Li Qiuyu and the others stayed at the bottom of the lake for more than ten years, and they also returned to their original true appearance. Although Li Qiuyu didn't want others to see her true appearance.

But this silver dragon is a monster, so naturally it will not easily deal with humans. With such strength, there is no need to pretend, and it simply returns to its original appearance.

"Fellow Daoist Ao Lie was just joking. This is because this family is not very lucky. We met me. Fellow Daoist Ao Lie also put in a lot of effort just now."

Li Qiuyu clasped his fists and said modestly, just now it was all relying on luck, if he finished using a little bit of God Killing Art, he would be tricked by the opponent.

"Li Daoyou, thank you for reminding me, this guy is lost, please tell me some news about him, and see if anyone else comes here."

Ao Lie looked at Li Qiuyu with a look of expectation on his face. This early peak cultivator was killed, but he was afraid that other guys would come.

"Well, just wait a moment."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a movement of his consciousness, a brocade box flew out, and the Nascent Soul of the young monk was firmly fixed in it. With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, his consciousness quickly entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the Nascent Soul.

Consciousness is trapped, magic power is trapped, so what if this Nascent Soul is at the peak of the early stage of transformation, and now it is not just being done by Li Qiuyu casually, only to see that Nascent Soul's face is extremely painful.

After a while, Li Qiuyu slowly said that she had withdrawn her spiritual consciousness, and the Nascent Soul also passed out, and it was nothing more than pulling out the soul to refine the soul.

"Fellow Daoist Ao Lie, I can't get any real news about this guy, but he's not the only one who caught your attention. There are four people in total. In the past 12 years, everyone has stayed here for two years. It’s him, it seems that another one is coming, you guys should leave as soon as possible.”

Li Qiuyu said seriously, he was also horrified in his heart, it seems that the cultivators in this transformation period have a lot of secrets, and they have to study it after they go back.

"Then Daoyou Li, please leave quickly, we are leaving too, I will always remember the friendship of Daoyou Li." Ao Lie clasped his fists at Li Qiuyu.

"Okay, let me take my leave first, please pay attention." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness moved, and the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue appeared in front of him again, and an ancient flying treasure was sacrificed, ready to fly away.

"Li Daoyou, I don't need this thing if I keep it, and I don't like to use it, so I'll give it to you." Ao Lie pushed an object about an inch in size towards Li Qiuyu.

"This is?"

Li Qiuyu took the one-inch-sized thing over, and saw this crystal-clear crystal-like carving, without any spiritual fluctuations on it.

"I got this by accident. It is a very good flying treasure. You can only understand its function when you have reached the stage of transformation. You can use it in the future."

Ao Lie said with a smile, Li Qiuyu's cultivation base is still a bit inferior to using flying ancient treasures. Finally, he clasped his fists at Li Qiuyu and quickly returned to the island. After a while, he disappeared on the lake.

"Let's go."

Li Qiuyu said to the three women, and then floated onto the ancient flying treasure, and the four of them quickly disappeared on the lake, flying away into the distance, and after a while, they were thousands of miles away from the island.

"My lord, you are injured."

Xiao Hanyue asked with concern, holding Li Qiuyu behind her. When they entered, they also knew that the young monk was a formidable master of the transformation stage.

"Well, this guy at the peak of the early stage of transformation is really powerful. If I hadn't cast the God Killing Technique a little earlier than him, I would have been killed by him."

Li Qiuyu felt terrified when he thought of the means and scheming of this master of the transformation stage. It seems that the gap in the realm is still huge, and he must break through the third Nascent Soul to reach the late Nascent Soul.

"How is the transformation stage now?"

Ling Ling asked softly, looking at Li Qiuyu, thinking in her heart, she must have been defeated by Brother Qiuyu and Brother Yinlong and escaped, otherwise Yinlong and Brother Qiuyu would not be here sadly.

"Hehe, I killed it, but the Nascent Soul is still in my hands. I will study it when I go back." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

The four of them flew forward continuously on the flying ancient treasure. With the cultivation base of the four great monks, they would naturally not forget the way they came. After half a month of flying, they finally returned to the mainland again.

But the four of them did not return to Lingxiao City, but went to Tianlan City not far from Lingxiao City. This city was no smaller than Lingxiao City, and spent [-] low-level spirit stones to live in a separate courtyard.

Now the cultivation bases of the four of them are at their peak in the late stage of foundation establishment. With such cultivation bases, they can be regarded as small masters in Sky Blue City, because the alchemy stage and the Nascent Soul stage are not flying all over the sky.

"Han Yue, you three sisters, don't go out and wander around. I have to practice for a while, and there are many things to deal with first." After Li Qiuyu returned to the courtyard, he imposed a few simple prohibitions.

"Young master, go to practice, we will also practice for a while."

Xiao Hanyue nodded obediently, and finally talked to the two girls Ling Ling, Li Qiuyu also went back to a separate room to meditate and rest.

This meditation lasted for ten days. After the battle with the peak cultivator in the early stage of the youth's transformation, the injury had to be recuperated. Although he didn't suffer much serious injury, the vibration of the spiritual consciousness had to be recuperated.

A soul-returning pill entered the mouth, the eyes were gently closed, and a spiritual consciousness was slowly nourished in the sea of ​​consciousness. The spiritual consciousness is not cultivated like mana and kung fu, it can only be nurtured slowly.

Unless you practice alone in the space necklace with the killing god technique, but now that your consciousness is injured, you can't let you practice alone in the space necklace in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Half a month later, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes, and his consciousness and injuries healed. After standing up and moving his numb limbs, with a movement of consciousness, a brocade box appeared in his hand.

"Fellow Daoist, let me let you go, I will let you get countless wealth."

Yuan Ying said loudly, with a hint of pleading on his face, but a vicious look in his eyes, all of which were seen by Li Qiuyu.

"Is it so simple? Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

Li Qiuyu gave Yuanying a disdainful look. If he let him go, he would definitely be taken by this guy for revenge. He guessed that it was not so easy to deceive, even if revenge did not threaten him, he would never do such a stupid thing.

"What I said is true, as long as fellow Taoists let me off, hundreds of thousands of disciples from the Huiling Sect will be dispatched on schedule." Yuan Ying begged hard, he was really afraid of Li Qiuyu's strength, especially Li Qiuyu had nothing to threaten at all.

"Hui Lingzong has hundreds of thousands of disciples? Just hundreds of thousands of disciples? Do you know who this seat is?"

Li Qiuyu said disdainfully, but secretly smiled in his heart, this Hui Lingzong really didn't use it for nothing, he didn't expect that there were hundreds of thousands of disciples sending him.

"Who is fellow daoist, I have never heard of it."

Yuanying was startled, no matter how famous a big monk is, he will not be more famous than a monk in the transformation stage. He is also a supreme elder with hundreds of thousands of disciples.

"In the Tianlong Empire and the Northern Jin Empire, there is a person named Li Qiuyu, have you heard of it?"

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, looking at Yuan Ying quietly, not because he was showing off his achievements, but to make this Yuan Ying truly feel useless in front of him.

"Li Qiuyu? You mean Li Qiuyu, the Happy King of the Heavenly Dragon Empire?"

Yuanying was also surprised and stunned. Li Qiuyu's reputation was still famous in some cities on the border of the Great Shang Empire. Li Qiuyu made a mess of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and even made the Northern Jin Dynasty willingly give up the city.

"This seat is Li Qiuyu, you can give up."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, the last powerful divine consciousness pierced through, Nascent Soul's complexion changed, and then showed countless expressions, Li Qiuyu accepted all the memories from this Nascent Soul consciousness sea in a short while.

Nascent Soul has also completely turned into a puppet, with little self-consciousness at all. Li Qiuyu kept a part of his consciousness inside, and after finishing everything, he imprisoned him in the brocade box.

After putting the brocade box into the space ring, he quickly sat down cross-legged, and quickly digested the memory of this Nascent Soul. This cultivator in the transformation stage was named Long Shatian.

The Supreme Elder of the Huiling Sect is also a super genius. He reached the stage of transforming gods in 1000 years, and now he is at the peak of the early stage of transforming gods.

He got a kind of cultivation method, which is to refine the inner alchemy of the ninth-level monster, and help it reach the realm of the mid-stage of transformation. After the mid-stage of transformation, he will find a way to leave Fengyue Continent and ascend to the spirit world.

It is necessary to go to the stage of transformation to ascend to the spirit world, because during the ascension, the strong wind and the power of time and space can turn the monks of the Nascent Soul stage into ashes in an instant, and only the monks of the middle stage of transformation can resist it.

Ordinary monks are looking for the nodes of the space, and the places of the nodes are the places where the space is weak, because the monks in the transformation stage must tear the space if they want to soar.

The four guys who were at the peak of Yuanying's early stage were all fighting for the attention of the ninth-level silver dragon, but the strength of the silver dragon was endless, and the two silver dragons were not so easy to deal with at all.

The news of Yunlingcao is to let these big monks and Nascent Soul stage monks exhaust the demon power of the silver dragon, and then they can easily kill the silver dragon, but they can only wait hundreds of thousands of miles away .

I'm afraid that Yinlong will find out that Yinlong's monster power is almost exhausted, but all the monks are lost, and the two big monks died of old age in a short time.

They didn't expect Li Qiuyu, an unexpected person, to appear. After killing all the monks, he sank to the bottom of the lake with Yinlong.

Seeing the empty lake, the four cultivators at the transformation stage were furious, but they had nowhere to vent their anger, and then sat here and waited.

The first class lasted for one year, and the four of them simply divided into four groups. As long as two silver dragons came out at the same time, they would use the technique of sound transmission for thousands of miles to deliver the news.

The four of them had to wait for 12 years. When it was Long Shatian's turn, they didn't expect Li Qiuyu and Yinlong to come out at the same time. At first, Li Qiuyu only had a mid-Yuanying cultivation base.

In front of his peak in the early stage of becoming a god, he was basically an ant-like existence, a silver dragon, and he also had a way to deal with it. Greed made him lose. Voice transmission from other companions.

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