Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 593 Power After Breakthrough

Li Qiuyu practiced at the Binghuo Peak, once a year, he thoroughly refined the Binghuo Punishment Cloud, and after refining the Binghuo Punishment Cloud, he walked out with a smile on his face.

This punishment cloud is of great help to his Nascent Soul. The biggest advantage is the skill of compatibility of ice and fire, which makes the compatibility of ice and fire reach a new level. Li Qiuyu doesn't know what kind of strength it has.

When he came out, he saw Xiao Hanyue's three daughters were also stepping up their cultivation. He didn't bother them, but wandered around the Binghuo Peak, and then returned to his own mountain to practice.

The seven-color baby cloud still needs to be refined. Refining the seven-color baby cloud is far more difficult than the fine cloud. It is completely refined by Yuanying, but for Li Qiuyu, it is the easiest thing.

The three nascent souls couldn't help him at all, the only thing was that they couldn't leave. He quietly comprehended alchemy and other treasures on the top of the mountain.

A Nascent Soul is refining the baby cloud, and the days are leisurely, and now there are nearly [-] Yin Morphants, and their strength is also increasing.

Ten years passed in a flash, and on this day, Li Qiuyu was basking in the sun on the boulder on the top of the mountain, and quickly shot countless monks under the Tianmen.


Li Qiuyu snorted softly, unexpectedly there were fifteen big monks, more than fifty Nascent Soul stage monks, and more than 500 alchemy stage monks. The formation really cannot be underestimated.

"Lingluotian, do you still want to hide in the Tianmen? If you dare to provoke our Minglingzong, you should know the result. The Minglingzong is not something that your Tianmen can easily provoke."

A loud voice came out, and the whole Tianmen was shaken up and down. In the Tianmen, some disciples who were cultivating were shocked by this shock, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Obviously this guy blesses the spell of sonic attack into his voice, so that the disciples of Tianmen will be terrified of him, and he will be very happy when he sees others trembling in front of him.

"Haotian, your Underworld Sect suppressed my Tianmen for thousands of years, and Tianmen only took back the interest of thousands of years. Besides, my Tianmen did not show any disrespect to your Underworld Sect."

At this moment, Ling Luotian and the other three big monks flew out, standing firmly in the air, with a trace of solemnity in their eyes, who did not expect that the other party would send fifteen big monks and more than fifty Nascent Souls at once Expect.

With such strength, Tianmen has no room for resistance at all. It seems that the other party wants to erase Tianmen at once, and the only hope is on Li Qiuyu, but Li Qiuyu and others are in retreat.

"Hey, don't you have a big monk in Tianmen, let's come out together to die."

Haotian laughed loudly, and then with a wink, the fourteen great monks around him attacked the four of Lingluotian, and the Nascent Soul Stage and the Core Formation Stage also chose their own opponents, and killed the disciples of Tianmen below.

In an instant, countless vibrating sounds erupted in the air. The battle between the Great Cultivator and the Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator was simply devastating. Here and there in Tianmen will withstand the battle between the Great Cultivator and the Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator.

Eight of the fifteen great monks dealt with the four of Tianmen, and the other seven pressed against the already weak Nascent Soul Stage monks. In an instant, the battle was overwhelming.

"My seat said that I don't care how you make trouble thousands of miles away from Tianmen, but within ten thousand miles, you actually made trouble in front of me. Obviously, you don't take this seat seriously."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a shocking coercion came down from the top of Binghuo Peak, and immediately, the entire Tianmen was enveloped by this terrifying coercion.

The Nascent Soul cultivator couldn't move at all, and more than a dozen great monks looked in the direction of Binghuo Peak in horror, but they didn't see anyone at all.

"Who is an expert, why bother to be sneaky, come out."

Haotian was also terrified in his heart, this kind of coercion, even if he was at the peak in the later stage, he was also affected to some extent, the master of this coercion is definitely not simple.

"Who is this seat? Since you dare to come to Tianmen, you should know who this seat is. Otherwise, you deserve to be ruined." After the voice finished speaking, a stronger coercion came down again.

Immediately afterwards, a red and blue beam of light smashed down regardless of space and distance, and it came to Haotian in an instant. This beam of light came too suddenly.

He didn't know Cong and Cong came out at all, and he only knew the existence of the beam of light when he was in front of him. Haotian was terrified, and the beam of light carried an aura of despair.

"Hmph, Heaven's Extinction Shield."

Seeing the speed and power of the beam of light, Haotian could only sacrifice a shield, hoping to block the beam of light once, as long as he blocked it, he would have a chance.

There was no sound in the air, only a stream of water vapor evaporated, the beam of light came and went faster, everyone was startled, but then panicked.

Because where Haotian stood, Haotian had disappeared, a storage bag flew towards the top of Binghuofeng, and besides that, a gray shield fell down.


With a soft sound, the shield fell onto a boulder, and the two collided with each other to make a crisp sound. This crisp sound woke up the entire silent Tianmen.

"What a domineering attack, even the great cultivator was killed in an instant, without even a little room to resist."

Ling Luotian looked at the place where Haotian disappeared in horror, this beam of light was obviously the compatibility of ice and fire practiced by Li Qiuyu, really under the tolerance of ice and fire, everything is nothingness.

"You are Li Qiuyu, the Supreme Elder of Tianmen?"

A big monk of the Underworld Sect looked at the top of the Binghuo Peak in horror, and said in a daze, his face turned pale, and the group was headed by Haotian. Haotian was the most powerful, but the most powerful Haotian was also silently killed.

"I know now, don't you think it's too late?"

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a hint of a smile on his face, although the Ice and Fire Compatibility just now was a bit jerky, but the power was beyond his imagination.

It's just that the mana consumption is too powerful. If I cast ice and fire compatibility twice, the mana will definitely be exhausted, and I will use it less in the future.

"Go, let's do it together and kill it."

The monk of the Underworld sect said hello to the fellow disciples around him, and then quickly dodged towards the top of the Binghuo Peak, and several other big monks also restrained Ling Luotian.

Indeed, Li Qiuyu's strength is really terrifying, and it will be much easier to deal with Ling Luotian and the others after they join hands to kill the master who appeared in Mieyun.

"Hey, it seems that I have taught you too few lessons, and everything will be lost."

Li Qiuyu saw that there were actually ten great monks who came up together, and the other four fought against the four of Lingluotian. After speaking, with a movement of consciousness, Linglong Tower appeared in front of him, and then Linglong Tower shot into the air.

A strong suction force sucked towards the ten big monks, and immediately, the magic power of the ten big monks flowed out quickly as if being pulled by a strange breath.

How did the ten people know that after Li Qiuyu's third Nascent Soul broke through to the late stage, his strength soared, and even if he didn't use any treasures, he could instantly kill all these great monks of the same class.

He also wanted to test how powerful the Linglong Tower was, whether it was the same as what the holy trainer said, but after unleashing the Linglong Tower, he finally knew its power.

One of the ten great monks was caught off guard, and all their mana was drained in one blow. Without a trace of mana in their bodies, they all fell down, as if they were drunk.

But before they could react, a silver cloud shot towards them, and the cloud dispersed. This is not a cloud at all, but a silver cloud composed of countless shades.


There are countless yin nails on each big monk. In less than a moment, the ten big monks quickly aged and died, and finally there was not even a bone left.

The ten big monks just disappeared in the air. After the ten big monks disappeared, the silver cloud flew towards the top of the mountain again, and finally disappeared.

"Ah, let's go."

Ling Luotian and the others were also stunned by this scene, and originally relied on the women around Li Qiuyu and Li Qiuyu's strength to kill these great monks.

Because it was rumored that there would be countless masters around Li Qiuyu, so why did he dare to provoke the Underworld Sect, but he didn't expect that Li Qiuyu would not show up at all.

The ten big monks didn't even see Li Qiuyu's figure, and they were killed in mid-air. What kind of ability is this? The cloud is wiped out.

Seeing this weird scene, the four big monks who were restraining Ling Luotian couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and used teleportation to leave, preparing to escape.

Originally, it was Haotian's instant loss, and he already had some fear of that dark man, but he didn't expect that now a fellow sect would be killed quickly.

"Since you are here, please be safe. Don't rush to leave. Can you leave without the permission of this seat? This is obviously disrespect to this seat. Those who are disrespectful to this seat will only lose."

"Puff, puff, puff, puff."

As soon as Li Qiuyu's words fell, four slight voices sounded, and the big monk who had just teleported away spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, with a trace of bewilderment in his eyes, and finally fell to the ground.

Teleporting in front of Li Qiuyu, isn't this asking for a dead end?The four figures fell in the sky ten miles away, and then a powerful suction grabbed their bodies back.


The four bodies were hit hard on the ground, and they were already dead before they hit the ground. Ling Luotian and the others looked at the four bodies quietly.

"You guys can only be considered unlucky, stay here, if you want to blame, blame you for not disturbing me."

A sea of ​​purple and white flames fell from mid-air, and then a blue fire dragon roared out. The disciples of Tianmen only felt the pressure from their bodies loosen, and when they saw the sea of ​​flames descending, they hurried to escape.

But the Nascent Soul Stage and Core Formation Stage monks of the Underworld Sect were trapped in the air, and the sea of ​​flames fell mercilessly. Even if the Nascent Soul Stage monks could move a little, in front of the Lanyan Huolong, they were as weak as a piece of paper. .

In a short time, the 50 Nascent Soul Stages, the [-] Core Formation Stages and the [-] great monks from the Underworld Sect were all lost in Tianmen, and the last four great monks also disappeared in the sea of ​​flames.

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