The dagger in the gray-clothed monk's hand exploded crazily in a blink of an eye, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes. This is a rare secret technique that consumes his own true energy and blood essence to make his cultivation level instantly Temporarily increased, but after the time passed, the cultivation base ratio dropped sharply.

The grey-clothed friar also had no choice but to use this secret method. He must have known the seriousness of the consequences, and secretly cursed the person who plotted against him countless times in his heart.

The whole sword body instantly turned blood red. Seeing a crack in the bronze mirror, the gray-clothed monk gritted his teeth and used most of his true energy on the secret technique, and then the bronze mirror broke.

A blood-red light pierced the air, and directly touched the liger's paw, only to hear the liger's roar, the entire huge body quickly retreated, looked at the broken claw with black and white eyes, and stared sharply at the liger. Gray friar.

After the gray-clothed monk finished casting the secret technique, he was surprised to see that the ligers and tiger soldiers did not die under the secret technique. "The fifth-order monsters are indeed not that easy to deal with."

A faint thought of retreating appeared in his heart, his life was at stake.


How could the liger allow him to go away? One of its claws was destroyed by a weak human. Although this claw can grow back in the future, it will take a while. It simply doesn't pay attention to it. How can it not be angry.

A blood-red bead spit out from the mouth in an instant, and the bead spun endlessly in the air. When the gray-clothed friar turned around and left, the bead pierced through the space.


The blood-red bead pierced through the vest of the monk in gray and shot out from his chest. The bead returned to the liger's mouth in an instant. The monk in gray turned his head and glanced at the liger in the distance, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

But at the moment when he fell down, when his eyes closed for the last time, Li Qiuyu's figure was imprinted in his mind, his eyes changed again, a look of resentment, and finally he slowly fell to the ground.

"Come out"

Li Qiuyu yelled softly, and the air moved, and the blood eagle appeared in front of him. No need for him to say anything, the blood eagle quickly flew towards the liger.

This was also what it had agreed with Li Qiuyu when they left the canyon. The blood eagle would attack from the front to attract the attention of the ligers, and then it would go around behind or above the ligers to attack secretly.

"roar, roar"

"chirp, chirp"

The two fifth-order monsters are already fighting together, and Li Qiuyu is not worried about the blood eagle, because even if the liger is at its peak state, it is not necessarily the opponent of the blood eagle, and the blood eagle occupies the air. In the past few days, Li Qiuyu's intermediate Qi training pill has also added some cultivation to it.

When the liger was fighting with the gray-clothed monk, it was severely injured by the gray-clothed monk's secret technique, and it was crushed and beaten by the blood eagle for a while.

Li Qiuyu slowly sneaked towards the back of the liger. Although the blood eagle could suppress the liger, he did not dare to be careless. There is no big mistake in being careful.

The lion is still trying its best to fight the rabbit, not to mention that the opponent is a liger that he is not sure about defeating. He will not attack easily if he is not sure of a fatal blow or escape.

A full quarter of an hour passed, and the battle between the liger and the blood eagle was still at a stalemate, but the blood eagle kept fighting flames and ice cones in front of it, while the liger hardly attacked, and the defense time took up More than half of it was covered, and the fur all over his body was broken a lot by the ice pick.

Li Qiuyu came to the back of the liger and hid under a rock, staring intently at the battle between the blood eagle and the liger, and his spiritual consciousness covered a radius of a hundred feet.


Six or seven figures appeared in the consciousness, all of them came straight over here, and their cultivation bases were all eight or nine levels. Li Qiuyu sighed secretly, and a thought was passed into the mind of the blood eagle eagle.

The blood eagle immediately sent out two flames and dozens of ice cones in an instant, turned around and flew into the air, and flew towards the monk who was coming straight.

A distance of one hundred feet is enough for a monk on the eighth or ninth floor of Qi training. The blood eagle eagle is nearly thirty feet away from the ground. Although the monks on the ground saw a huge monster flying by, they didn't feel the flying monster. Besides, their target is not on the flying monsters.

In a blink of an eye, the five monks came to the gray-clothed monk's place. They saw their dead comrades on the ground, and took a hard look at the furious ligers.

The liger was completely enraged. It was plotted by a little cultivator and destroyed one of its claws. In the end, another flying blood eagle appeared. And this blood eagle was an old enemy before. , the power has soared.

It already had the advantage of flying, but it was being pressed and beaten by the blood eagle all the time. It was fighting vigorously, but the blood eagle flew away suddenly. It wanted to chase, but it had to stay and guard the medicinal materials. These medicinal materials were used by it. It is natural to be reluctant to increase the cost of cultivation.

Unexpectedly, after a blood eagle eagle left, a group of little monks came, and their hearts were burning with anger. Within a hundred miles, the addition can be regarded as the existence of a king. "It's true that this king is so easy to mess with, even though one leaves, another group comes.'"

"Roar." With a roar, the strong gold energy continuously shot at the five monks, four on the eighth floor and one on the ninth floor. Before they could react, they were caught off guard.


The two monks on the eighth level of Qi training were shot through the shoulders by two strong golden energy before they had no time to dodge, and it was impossible to have any fighting power for a while. [You guys dare to give me 20 favorites and recommendations, and tomorrow I dare to give five more. Gently take out your key one, your one is my motivation. 】

"Brother, how are you doing?"

The monk on the ninth level of qi training was their leader. Seeing that his junior brother was injured, he asked eagerly. It was not because he cared about his fellow disciples, but because his combat effectiveness was much lower after losing two fellow disciples.

"Senior brother, my collarbone is damaged, so it seems I can't do anything." The two injured monks looked pained.

A series of chain reactions is a long story. There is really only a few breaths. The ligers did not stop there, but shot out the energy from their mouths one after another, bringing out bursts of violent whirlwinds in the air.

The five monks had no choice but to use the defensive magic weapon. Under the attack of the liger and tiger beast, the defensive magic weapon made a sound of ping-pong, ping-pong.

"Senior Brother, I've used secret techniques to trap this beast, and you guys have to find a way to get rid of it." After a short monk finished speaking, an exquisite tripod-shaped magic weapon appeared in his hand, and he hit a real yuan on it. , the tripod-shaped magic weapon grew up in an instant, fully the size of a person's arms.

While the little monk was casting the magic weapon, the other uninjured monks also sacrificed their magic weapons, ready to attack at any time.

Circles of blue halos were emitted from the tripod-shaped magic weapon, and the short monk aimed at the attacking force of the liger. A strange scene appeared, all the attacks of the liger and tiger were blocked by the tripod mouth of the tripod-shaped magic weapon Put it in, and then, the blue halo around the tripod-shaped magic weapon ignored the attack of the liger.

Pressing directly towards the liger, when the blue halo came into contact with the liger, the liger could no longer attack. Seeing that the liger stopped attacking, two prepared monks shot out suddenly, and the two With a fierce force, he slashed at the body of the liger.

"What a magical magic weapon."

Li Qiuyu was also attracted by the function of the tripod-shaped magic weapon, and did not expect that the fifth-order monster could be restrained.

Just when the attacks of the two were about to fall on the liger, the liger was finally able to move. The desperate liger rolled on the spot, dodging one attack, but not the other.

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