Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 67 Chasing and Killing

This series of attacking situation changes is actually just a matter of a few breaths. Li Qiuyu began to use the magical speed of the Phoenix's Nine Transformations to leave the afterimage in place. He has come to the side of the monk surnamed Mu. Just a bait.

The real killers were the two rainstorm needles. Even if cultivator surnamed Mu escaped the dagger, he would not find the existence of the rainstorm needles.It's really frustrating to say.


The other seven monks saw Li Qiuyu's calculations, and saw that their senior brother had clearly avoided the fatal attack, and finally fell to the ground.

They were already being crushed and beaten by the blood eagle eagle, but after being distracted just now, they were even more dangerous, and they all thought of retreating.

"Hey, I want to get my lord's attention, do you have a look at what material you are?" Li Qiuyu put away the magic weapon and storage bag of monk surnamed Mu, and looked at the seven monks who were fighting hard to replace the blood eagle eagle. .

"Fellow Daoist, this is a misunderstanding. As long as Fellow Daoist stops, we will act as if nothing happened?" A seventh-level monk said in a tone of peace.

"Misunderstanding, it turns out there was a misunderstanding between us, then..."

"Yes, it's just a misunderstanding. Fellow Daoist can make this..."

Halfway through Li Qiuyu's words, the rainstorm needle he just retrieved from the monk named Mu shot out again without a trace, and he stood there looking at him calmly.

The monk who was talking stopped Li Qiuyu also thought it was a misunderstanding, she was overjoyed, she didn't expect this guy to be so easy to fool, she didn't expect that she hadn't finished speaking, her brows itch, the whole person slowly lost consciousness, and the world in front of her eyes gradually changed. It's dark.

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you?"

The monk who was fighting hard with the blood eagle eagle saw the junior brother beside him collapsed without a sound, and felt a burst of fear. The senior brother who practiced Qi training at the ninth level had already died in the opponent's hands. Now there is one junior brother missing, not to mention the odds of winning. Whether he can escape is still unknown.

In their minds, a monk at the seventh level of qi training is nothing at all, and any of his senior brothers can solve it. The most attractive thing to them is the blood eagle eagle. A fifth-level monster is enough to compete with Zhu The monks in the base period competed for the top.

They were dissatisfied when they saw the most powerful ninth-level senior brother deal with a seventh-level qi-training monk and throw a fifth-level monster at him. What they didn't expect was that a seventh-level qi-training monk would actually follow him. The ninth level of qi training did not lose the wind, and what made them even more horrified was that the brother of the ninth level of qi training died at the hands of the monks of the seventh level of qi training.

A monk at the eighth level of qi training cast a fireball technique, turned around and ran away in the opposite direction. Seeing someone fleeing, the monks who originally planned to evacuate now lost their fighting spirit. They gave up attacking and defending, turned and fled.

"Stupid, hey."

Li Qiuyu sighed lightly and shook his head lightly.

If they really want to fight, Li Qiuyu may not be able to keep them all, and once their combination is scattered, it will give Li Qiuyu a chance to defeat them all.

"The three of you, the three of me, let's see who solves it first, and meet here." Li Qiuyu will fly out quickly, and a thought will be transmitted into the blood eagle eagle's mind. When the blood eagle eagle reacts, Li Qiuyu's figure It's already twenty feet away.

The Blood Eagle Eagle appeared with a humanized expression, spread its wings, and chased in the direction of the fleeing monk. When Li Qiuyu passed by the corpse of the monk in the air training layer while flying, he waved his hand with one hand, and the two rainstorm needles shot again. back in hand.

After the first escaped monk escaped twenty feet away, the other monks began to separate and escape. In his eyes, Li Qiuyu didn't react at all.In the calculation, even if Li Qiuyu came after him.Also after a few breaths.

Besides, Li Qiuyu must have chased and killed the closest one first, and once she got entangled with her junior brother, she didn't know where she had gone.

"Damn bastard, when I have a chance to fall into Lao Tzu's hands, I will definitely tear you apart." Cheng Pingfei fled a mile away, feeling that no one was chasing after him, and began to feel complacent, thinking that his scheme had succeeded, Li Qiu Yu must be fighting with his juniors, and he didn't run away in a hurry.

"Hey, I've come to your door, and I will fulfill your wish. Come on, let's see how you tear me apart?" A familiar voice came into Cheng Pingfei's ears, and his heart was like thunder.

A white figure stood not far from him, with his hands clasped together, an evil smile appeared on his face.

"It's not too far to deceive others. I'm not easy to provoke. You'd better not touch me. I'm from Tianxuanmen. You can't provoke me." Cheng Pingfeng said loudly, his eyes kept rolling around , it seemed that he was trying to escape, and the one who spoke was also trembling, obviously afraid of the white-clothed monk in front of him.

"If you die, no one will know that I killed you. Even if I know, I'm not afraid, hehe." Li Qiuyu said coldly, just after he finished speaking, his hands that were closed suddenly parted, and he slashed fiercely at Cheng Pingfeng across the air. Come, a huge cyan energy cut down sadly.


Without waiting for Cheng Pingfeng to have the slightest preparation, his whole body was split into two by the cyan green wood chopping energy. After a burst of blood rained in the air, Li Qiuyu's people had disappeared in place, and the storage bag on Cheng Pingfeng's body was also taken away. Walk.

In a remote place in the jungle, a monk was running in horror, when suddenly the air above his head trembled, with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

A huge claw grabbed it fiercely, and in an instant, the monk's head was bloody and bloody, and the whole person rushed two feet away with the force of inertia before falling down.

The blood eagle eagle saw the monk laying still on the ground, and then grabbed the monk's chest fiercely. His eyes scanned the monk's waist, and a storage bag was grabbed by his claws.

Li Qiuyu also dealt with the second monk at the seventh level of qi training at the same time. The monk who had no fighting spirit and only had the desire to run away all the time, no matter how much defense he had, he easily dealt with the second monk without much effort.

When the second monk who died in his hands went down, the other monk in Li Qiuyu's eyes almost disappeared from his sight.

He circulated his whole body's true energy, and displayed the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix even more exquisitely. In just over ten breaths, another monk appeared in his eyes again, and he was not just a monk in his eyes.

On a flat lawn, several monks were fighting, with only one monk at the seventh level of Qi training and one at the eighth level of Qi training on one side stubbornly resisting back to back.

On the other side are three monks at the seventh level of Qi training and a couple of monks at the eighth level of Qi training. The five people can completely suppress the two other monks based on their numbers and cultivation bases, but they did not kill the two monks directly. A game of cat and mouse.

"Brother Zheng, it's good if you stay here." The monk who fled from Li Qiuyu fled to the five monks, with a hint of excitement on his face. [Fifth update, I beg your favorites and recommendations, favorite book friends who have recommended, leave a comment, I will add more when I see the comments]

"Junior brother, why did you come back alone, where are the other senior brothers?" A middle-aged monk who practiced Qi training at the eighth level looked at the junior brother with a horrified expression.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." Naturally, he didn't know that Li Qiuyu had chased him, he thought that he was completely out of danger, and when he met a few senior brothers here, he felt relieved, and took care of himself quickly. Recovering his physical strength, he calculated in his heart that even if Li Qiuyu caught up, he would still have the chance to escape again with physical strength.

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