"The Silent Death"

Li Qiuyu was startled, the ghost clan's attack was not a physical attack, and the first level of tangible treasures couldn't resist it. Under the danger, the shocking nine-style silent annihilation was performed.

The magic power circulated, and a mask covered the four people, the green clothes, and the three monsters. With a flash of their bodies, they dodged two feet away with the mask. 】

At the same time as flashing away, the ghost energy also paused for a while, and Li Qiuyu and others had already left the original place after such a pause.

"Hey, what a weird forbidden technique."

Seeing that his attack was in vain, Li Qiuyu and the others also left their original place, Xu Ying let out a sound of surprise, although he didn't notice the pause of time, he felt that his attack stopped once.

"My seat and others didn't provoke you. Your Excellency is going too far. You just want to kill me and others. Is this seat easy to bully?"

Li Qiuyu said coldly, the whole body's aura surged, and a shocking aura surged out, forcing the surrounding Yin Qi back, within a radius of fifty feet, it was all aura.

The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also used their magic power, and the same was true for the green clothes. The mysterious turtle beast, the cloud beast, and the blood eagle eagle also used their demon power, watching the phantom vigilantly.

"Hmph, do you want to rely on this power to fight against me?"

Xu Ying glanced at Li Qiuyu and the others with disdain, and said lightly, his voice was always without the slightest emotion, and there was no change in emotion.

With a sound like an instrument, Li Qiuyu looked at the phantom quietly with his eyes, and his mind was spinning endlessly, trying to come up with a way to deal with the phantom in front of him.

"Shocking finger."

A finger force shot towards the pillar of phantom, with the sound of piercing the air, the finger force was also smashed into pieces, and it came ten feet away from the pillar in an instant. 】

But the astonishing finger force disappeared strangely, without warning. Li Qiuyu leaned forward, startled, this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"World Burning Flames."

The sky-shocking finger is a powerful and destructive attack. Seeing that the sky-shocking finger has no effect, the mana immediately circulates, and the world-burning flames in the nine movements of the shocking sky are displayed. ,

The ghost clan belongs to the female category, the flame is the nemesis of the ghost clan, and the burning flame is a powerful fire attack, and the attack area is also huge.

A sea of ​​flames unfolded towards the front, instantly turning the ground into a sea of ​​flames. The same thing happened, and the flames stopped ten feet away from the pillars.

Unable to move forward at all, as if encountering ice, Li Qiuyu was stunned, Xiao Hanyue and others also felt strange, and a feeling of powerlessness came to their hearts.

"Hey, I am the ghost emperor of the ghost race, do you want to kill me? Hey. You are not qualified yet."

Xu Ying saw Li Qiuyu launch two blows, and the attack stopped ten feet away, and felt sad for the few monks in front of him.

"Can't the ghost emperor kill it? Then try my method."

Li Qiuyu was startled, why didn't he think that the ghost clan is already dead, it is impossible to kill them and not die a second time, but it can make their souls disappear forever.

With a move of consciousness, the wrath of the gods, which has not been used for hundreds of years, appeared in his hand.The Wrath of the Gods was originally the first magic weapon Li Chongyang gave him.

Lightning attacks are designed to deal with evil cultivators and ghosts. Although I don't know what level of treasure the Wrath of the Gods is, it can often bring him surprises.

The mana was running, and a stream of mana was injected into the wrath of the gods. Immediately, the wrath of the gods flickered with electric arcs, and the blue-purple arcs continuously chiseled on the wrath of the gods.

"A treasure of the thunder system? Hehe, it's not bad, but if you want to kill me like this, it's too small to look down on me."

When Xu Ying saw the wrath of the gods in Li Qiuyu's hands, he was surprised at first. This thunder-type treasure was indeed his nemesis, but the thunder-type attack was unleashed in Li Qiuyu's hands, so it had little effect on him.

After finishing speaking, a gloomy ghostly aura emerged from the faint figure, and a strange light curtain was formed in a moment, blocking him tightly.



There were two loud bangs, and a blue-purple electric arc swung out, shooting straight towards Xu Ying, but was blocked by a ray of light, making it difficult to move forward at all. Above the electric arc and the light curtain, the entire dark world brought a ray of dawn-like brilliance .

After a while, the blue-purple arc disappeared, and the light curtain in front of Xuying was still firmly in front of Xuying, without any sign of collapsing.

"What a powerful defense, even the wrath of the gods can't break it."

Li Qiuyu was terrified in her heart, knowing her own strength, the wrath of the gods may not be useful to other monks, but it is almost invincible against ghosts and evil cultivators.

But now in front of Xuying, there was no effect at all, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes. If this continues, there are really few attacks with his hand.

I have shot several times, but the opponent has not yet shot, and I already have the intention of evacuating, and I also looked at Xiao Hanyue and others.

"Han Yue, after I make a move, you all leave quickly, and I will leave too. This phantom ghost emperor is not easy."

Li Qiuyu said to Xiao Hanyue through sound transmission, and then said to Xiao Qiuyue, Lingling and Qingyi, which monster is the same as the green one.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's dignified expression and sound transmission, several people knew the seriousness of the matter, and nodded to Li Qiuyu, waiting for Li Qiuyu to attack Xuying.

"I have some skills, I want to see and see, so let's take the trick."

With a movement of consciousness, a wooden ruler appeared in his hand, and then the mana circulated, and the mana was quickly input into the wooden ruler. With the infusion of mana, the wooden ruler immediately emitted a golden light. In the dark world, this golden light is like The newborn sun.

"Xuantian Lingbao, yes, although I am a ghost emperor, Xuantian Lingbao is also helpful to me, hehe, let me keep it."

Xu Ying smiled faintly. Although he couldn't see his expression, his voice was full of joy and greed, and he seemed to be tempted by the Ding Tian Ruler in Li Qiuyu's hand.

After finishing speaking, Xu Ying grabbed one arm in the air, and a pure and rich ghost energy gathered in his hand, forming a ghost-faced skeleton, which hit the golden light.


Two powerful perverted attacks collided together, and when the golden light waved out, Xiao Hanyue and others also turned and shot upwards, wanting to go back from the altar that came down.

Li Qiuyu also flashed out after the golden light was drawn out, but when his spiritual sense probed the sky, he was immediately disheartened, because the altar hole above had been sealed long ago.

If you want to get out from this altar, it is not a short-term effort at all. You can only break the formation slowly. Breaking the formation outside from the inside is several times more difficult. If you are in a hurry, it is simply a delusion.

"Haha, if you want to leave, is it that simple?"

Xu Ying laughed loudly, it seems that he already knew that this place is not so easy to go out, and he ignored the movements of Li Qiuyu and others.

The impact of the two attacks, a strange breath flashed out, filling the entire dark world, Li Qiuyu was forced to land, and then Xiao Hanyue and others also landed beside Li Qiuyu.

"It seems that if you want to get out from here, you must be killed."

Li Qiuyu is surprisingly calm, because he knows that when encountering difficulties, only Yue is calm to find a solution, otherwise he will lose the initiative.

Only when he calms down can he think of a real solution. At this time, facing the powerful Void Shadow Ghost Emperor, he still has to find a way to leave, and the whole problem comes together at the same time.

But after calming down, he immediately thought that if he wanted to leave here, at least he had to kill the phantom ghost emperor before he could go out. Array.

"Hehe, smart, but to you, this is just a dream. I am immortal, and wanting to kill me is simply delusional. Hehe, I don't want to waste here, so you can hurt me. "

Xu Ying said frantically, with a swipe of one hand, a mysterious ghost appeared in front of him, and then the ghost slowly turned into a real entity, which became more and more stable.

"Incarnate outside the body."

Li Qiuyu was startled. The incarnation outside the body is the innate ability of monks in the void period, and its strength can reach one-third of the body. There are also monks who have cultivated the incarnation outside the body to the same level as the body, or even stronger existence.

The phantom in front of him has cultivated into an incarnation outside the body, which means that the phantom's original cultivation base is at least above the cave void stage, but he was trapped in this place, and his cultivation base slowly fell, which is too different from the original cultivation base.

Otherwise, Li Qiuyu and others would have been exterminated long ago, and there would be no need to wait until now, the entity would solidify rapidly, and its strength would also skyrocket rapidly.

From the late Yuanying stage to the stage of transformation, the peak of the early stage of transformation, the middle stage of transformation, and the peak of the mid-stage of transformation stopped. Li Qiuyu and others were horrified.

This is the first time I have encountered the existence of the peak in the mid-stage of transformation of the gods. Just an avatar with faded phantom is so powerful. If it is the main body, I don't know how much cultivation ability it has.

"Human, you also have some knowledge, but this knowledge can't save your life. I will take your body. After I leave here, I will sweep Fengyue Continent, haha."

The phantom slowly disappeared into the pillar, and the voice also slowly disappeared, replaced by a solid, burly man with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Even so, the ghostly aura on his body didn't fade away at all, on the contrary it became more intense. When he grabbed it in his hand, a green ring flew out from the pillar.

The ring flew in front of the big man, and landed firmly in the big man's hand. The big man put the ring on his finger, and then a huge ghost fork appeared in his hand.

There was a strong ghost aura exuding from the ghost fork, and immediately the ghost aura on his body rose sharply. The cultivation base that was originally at the peak of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods has now become stronger. As long as it goes further, it will reach the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

"Haha, try it and you will know. I have killed countless monks, and I have killed ghosts like you."

Li Qiuyu quietly watched the phantom transform into an incarnation outside his birth, and he was also calculating in his heart what method he should use to kill the qualified man.

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