Tianluan Mountains

The Tianluan Mountains are one of the top ten mountain ranges of the Tianlong Empire. This is also where the space cracks that open every 60 years are located, and it is also a place where low-level monks of the Tianlong Empire flock to.

The monks who came here all went into the cracks in the space to search for medicinal materials, monsters, and some rare treasures, but few of the monks who could enter could come out.

"My lord, look at the many low-level disciples below, the disciples in the Qi training period are gathered there."

Xiao Hanyue looked at the mountains five hundred miles away, there were countless disciples, low-level disciples in the Qi training stage, and there were hundreds of alchemy stage monks and ten Nascent Soul stage monks there.

"That place is the crack in the space. I also entered it during the Qi training period. It's very big. My cultivation was too low at that time, and I haven't been to many places."

Li Qiuyu looked in the direction Xiao Hanyue was pointing at. This place was very familiar, it was experienced in space cracks hundreds of years ago during the Qi training period.

At that time, he entered the space crack with the cultivation base of the seventh level of qi training, and competed with tens of thousands of qi training masters on the same stage, and gained huge gains among the masters.

Seeing these low-level disciples, I seem to think of myself hundreds of years ago. Looking back hundreds of years, I have climbed from the bottom to the top of the human world step by step.

"Is this the place where the young master went after leaving our two sisters? This is the place where the young master started his family."

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu tenderly, thinking of hundreds of years ago, her sister was only 14 years old, the young master rescued her two sisters, and after finally arranging himself, he left and went to a mysterious place, but he did not expect it to be this place .

"Well, the blood eagle eagle and the green clothes also came out here, hey!"

Li Qiuyu said flatly, and finally gave a surprise, with a strange look on his face, and his eyes looked at the crack in the space below.

"Brother Qiuyu, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Seeing the change in Li Qiuyu's face, Lingling thought something happened, so she asked softly.

"I didn't expect that the elders who escorted the disciples to the space rift this time turned into Nascent Soul Stage. In the past, they were monks in the alchemy stage who sent low-level disciples into the space rift. You see, the entrance of this space rift can enter freely. A little prohibition."

Li Qiuyu pointed to the place where the cracks in the space below entered and exited. Xiao Hanyue and the others didn't know the situation here, but they had been there in person, so they knew a little about the things inside. .

Oh ah, when I came here by myself in this space rift, only monks in the alchemy stage opened the entrance and exit of the space rift for their disciples.Now there are monks in the Nascent Soul stage protecting the disciples.

And looking for the entrance of the space crack that I saw, there is no restriction and prohibition, and I can easily enter, I don't know what's going on.

"Is there something wrong with this place, should we go down and have a look?"

Qing Li reminded Li Qiuyu that there is a ban on this space crack, and if there is no restriction, it should be some kind of accident, but I can't believe such an accident.

It is definitely not that simple to change the cracks in the space. I and others are monks in the transformation stage, and I am not afraid of the powerful existence in this space at all.

Since he entered it last time, he has also learned some secrets of the space necklace. This space crack has no prohibition on him. To be precise, this space crack has no prohibition on the space necklace on his chest.

This is also a special exception. Anyway, if you have nothing to do, you naturally have to go and have a look. It’s good that nothing changes. If there is any change, you should know a thing or two in advance.

"Han Yue, you guys come back first, I'll go inside and have a look by myself."

When Li Qiuyu heard Qing Ji's words, she pondered for a while, then turned to look at Xiao Hanyue and the others, and it was much less dangerous to go in by herself.

"Well, son, be careful."

Xiao Hanyue nodded, and the other three girls also nodded. They looked so cute, which made Li Qiuyu very satisfied. Among the four girls, three girls are her own women, and the other one is also her good friend.

There is a layer of paper between the two of them, but Li Qiuyu doesn't want to tear up this relationship. He has three girls, so he can't suffer more love debts.

With a movement of consciousness, the four girls disappeared into the air, leaving only Li Qiuyu on the flying ancient treasure, and finally slowed down.

He stopped at the entrance of the space crack, and finally used his movement to fly forward. The distance of a hundred miles was reached in a moment. Li Qiuyu came to the space crack and looked at the thousands of monks.

The appearance of Li Qiuyu was ignored by the other monks at all, and now his cultivation level could not be seen at all, even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage could not see it at all.

"Fellow Daoist, are you also going to enter the space crack?"

Li Qiuyu came to a Nascent Soul cultivator and asked politely, with a calm expression on his face, the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him was regarded as a low-level existence.

"Don't fellow daoists also want to enter the rift in space? Naturally, we also want to go to the rift in space."

The Yuan Yingqi cultivator glanced at Li Qiuyu, and touched Li Qiuyu a lot, but he couldn't see Li Qiuyu's cultivation level at all, but those who dared to talk to themselves like this were generally not simple people.

Either he has a strong background, or he has strong strength. The young man in front of him can't see the slightest cultivation, so he should be the one with a background.

Even if the backstage is tough, but he is still a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and he is considered a top existence in the Tianlong Empire. Naturally, he will not look good in front of this young man, but he is not easy to offend.

"Hehe, I have never been to this space rift before, so I don't know the situation here, so I ask fellow Taoists to give me some advice."

Li Qiuyu would not care about such a monk, so he calmly saluted this Nascent Soul Stage monk with fists in his hands, and asked this guy to explain the situation here.

"Well, there was no prohibition on this space crack a hundred years ago. Not only monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage and Core Formation Stage can enter, but also monks in the Nascent Soul Stage can enter. It has become once every ten years, and the medicinal materials inside are still abundant, and the Tianlong Empire has a shortage of medicinal materials, so we can only find medicinal materials in this place to build foundations for low-level disciples."

Yuan Ying went to the monks and saw that Li Qiuyu was not angry and didn't care about it, so he briefly introduced the situation here. At the beginning, these monks didn't understand, but the opening of the space crack, and the senior monks can enter, naturally Good for monks.

However, few of the monks who entered inside went out, and almost no one was able to leave the crack in the space. At first, the monks of the foundation-building stage, and finally the monks of the linking alchemy stage, no one went out. Only one or two monks of the Yuanying stage went back. It didn't take long to lose in the sect.

They all thought that there were powerful monsters and unknown dangers inside, the more dangerous, the more curious and greedy the monks would be.

"Hehe, I wish Fellow Daoists a fruitful return."

After listening to Li Qiuyu, she felt that there was a problem in her heart. I had been to the space crack before, and the monsters inside were not very powerful. Even the green clothes of the sixth-level monsters were taken away by me. The blood eagle eagle is also considered a powerful one. It exists, but it is not worth mentioning in front of the monks of the alchemy stage and the nascent soul stage.


Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, the Nascent Soul cultivator just hummed softly, and finally responded to Li Qiuyu, such a young man is not worthy of his Nascent Soul's master courtesy.

Li Qiuyu understood some simple situations, and finally came to a place with few people to meditate and rest, ignoring these monks. In the eyes of other monks, this young man in white was just a son of a rich family, without any cultivation.

They looked at Li Qiuyu with disdain, but before they entered the space crack, they would not easily cause trouble.

Moreover, there have been many weird things happening in this space crack over the years, but for the medicinal materials of the Foundation Establishment Pill, I can only venture into it.

After waiting here for an hour, finally, the sign that the space crack opened hundreds of years ago appeared again, but after the sign appeared this time, a huge crack appeared, and no other monks had to tear the entrance. shot inward.

After a quarter of an hour, there was no more monk here. Li Qiuyu stood up, disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he had already come to another world.

"Well, I came to the space crack again. Hundreds of years ago, I was a monk at the seventh level of Qi training. When I came in now, I was already in the stage of transforming gods. Time has changed and the vicissitudes of life have changed. Even this space crack has changed. gone."

Seeing that he had entered the space crack, Li Qiuyu sighed and murmured to himself, and finally his consciousness quickly extended out, covering a radius of [-] li in his consciousness.

Within [-] miles, there is not a single powerful existence, nor the slightest doubt. At most, there are only a few low-level monsters of the third and fourth ranks. The person's breath is suppressed.

Some low-level monks also appeared in sight. These monks are all at the eighth or ninth level of Qi training, and a few of them have the peak of the tenth level of Qi training.

The peak of the tenth level of Qi training, if it was in the era when I entered here, it must be a top-level existence, but now in this space crack, there are not only monks at the foundation stage, but also monks at the alchemy stage, and there are even more terrifying Yuan Baby boss.

Low-level monks in the Qi training period and foundation building period can only look for medicinal materials and monsters in some remote places, for fear of encountering more powerful masters.

Li Qiuyu wandered through the cracks in the space, walking forward step by step, seemingly slow, but really fast, each step covered a distance of nearly one mile.

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