Even if the emperor in the palace arrived, my grandfather and uncle would not kneel down, but just saluted. This was really weird, and the other mortals who were guests of the Pingnan Palace were also horrified.

"Well, get up, you are also the descendants of my Li family, and I am very pleased to see the descendants of the Li family after hundreds of years."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, people come and go here, it's not good to make them kneel like this, these Li family descendants are also prominent figures in Tianlong Empire.

"Grandpa, please."

The three old men stood up, and the middle-aged and young men behind them also stood up, and finally welcomed Li Qiuyu inside, and came to the hall, after the guests and hosts were seated.

The descendants directly under the Li family came forward to meet one by one. In the past 300 years of the Li family, there have also been several branches, all of which are descendants of Li Zheng and the others.

"300 years ago, I left the Heavenly Dragon Empire for a trip. I came back to visit my Li family today, and I will leave here tomorrow. Please do as you please."

"Grandpa, you just came back and have to leave again, so you stay in my palace so that the younger generation can respect you."

Li Yunlin respectfully said to Li Qiuyu that if Li Qiuyu stayed in the Pingnan Palace, the status of the Pingnan Palace would be even higher, reaching an unprecedented level.

Because Li Qiuyu's strength and rights have surpassed the existence of an emperor, even the emperor dare not be controlled by Li Qiuyu, but Li Qiuyu doesn't like secular rights.

"I still like the life of cultivation. Remember, if someone in the Li family cultivates, they will no longer be members of the Li family's royal family. They will be separated from the royal family from now on. Li family has few disciples who can truly cultivate to a positive result, so as not to be punished." The cultivators in the comprehension world will be exterminated."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, Li Zhenglong and the Li family's emperor lineage had said the same before, and the cultivator himself said the same, just for the sake of the Li family not to practice lightly.

As long as Di Yanfeng is there, the Li family's throne will not be overthrown. Even if he is no longer in the human world, Di Yanfeng is still his own strength.

"Juniors respect the teachings of their uncles and grandfathers."

All the juniors of the Li family said respectfully, and finally Li Qiuyu handed some thousand-year-old spirit fruits to Li Yunlin. These wrapping can extend the lifespan of ten years. Each person can only use three, and using too much will affect the lifespan.

After chatting here for an hour, Li Qiuyu came to Tianlong Palace again. He didn't ask the monks from Pingnan Palace to lead the way and walked towards the palace alone.

"Grandpa, who is this man?"

A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy asked Li Yunlin. He had just been called by his grandfather to meet an important person. He did not expect that the person to be greeted was actually a boy in white.

In his opinion, the status and strength of the Pingnan Palace is nothing more than that even if the emperor comes, and he has never seen his grandfather greet him so respectfully.

Ever since Li Zhenglong ordered that the disciples of the Li family not be allowed to practice, they had little contact with the monks. The guards of the Li family were monks, but they were all secretly protected by masters.

"Don't be rude, this boy in white is the pride of the Li family. 400 years ago, this boy was born out of nowhere. At the age of 16, he joined the Tanlong Legion to resist the invasion of the Yanjin Kingdom. He became the youngest general of the Tianlong Kingdom. He was wiped out in the battlefield. Kill countless masters. Taking someone's head is like taking something out of a bag."

"After becoming a general, he established the Shenwu Legion, killed Yanjin's coach in one fell swoop, and fought against Yanjin's coach Ya Yuqing, which caused the world to change color. The surrounding thousands of miles instantly changed from clear sky to rainstorm, and it was as dark as night. Commander Jin killed more than one million troops."

"Since then, the Yanjin Kingdom was expelled from the territory of the Tianlong Kingdom. He and Nan Xinhou, the coach of the Tianlong Army at the time, went to the Tianlong court and asked to lead the army to attack Yanjin. The Tianlong Army commanded a total of tens of millions of troops to attack Yanjin. The Six Cities of Yanjin were included in the territory of Tianlong, and he was also named Xiaoyao King."

"When attacking Qingyue City, I used the strength of the late foundation establishment stage to kill the mid-stage monks who formed the alchemy. Where did I know that Yan Jin's mastermind, the Northern Jin Empire, sent five mid-stage monks to use formations to plot against him. As a result, he summoned the Emperor Yan Ling Tongtian's avatar of Feng's three Nascent Soul stage killed five mid-stage alchemy monks, but it also attracted the wrath of the gods."

"The wrath of the gods brought him to another world. In order to avenge him, the entire army of the Tianlong Legion attacked Yanjin with all its strength. In one year, most of the Yanjin Kingdom was attacked, and only ten were left in the end. City, at this time, the Northern Jin Empire is also directly in front."

Li Yunlin said proudly, telling Li Qiuyu's proud deeds, until he was thirsty, he took a sip of the fragrant tea on the coffee table.

"Grandpa, tell me, there should be more in the future."

The young man and the rest of the Li family listened to Li Yunlin's words with great interest, and when they saw Li Yunlin stop, they all looked at Li Yunlin in unison.

"With the emergence of the Northern Jin Empire, Yanjin also happened to perish, because in the last few cities, he had actually returned and secretly sent experts to help the Shenwu Legion. The demise of Yanjin destroyed the ambitions of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and naturally it will The anger is sent to the Sky Dragon Legion."

"Northern Jin Empire's 1000 million army and countless high-handed gestures attacked Tianlong like a bamboo, and it didn't take long to arrive at Tianlong City. Tens of millions of troops came to Tianlong City, and there were eight big monks inside."

"At that time, all the monks of the Nascent Soul stage in Tianlong were only a dozen or so, but there were more than 100 monks of the Nascent Soul stage in the Northern Jin Dynasty, nine great monks, Tianlong Kingdom thought it was going to perish."

"At a critical moment, he appeared and killed eight great monks in one fell swoop, which shocked the world. The 1000 million army of the Northern Jin Dynasty and all the masters were killed by his subordinates, and finally ordered to attack the border of Tianlong as the Xiaoyao King of Jianguo 41 countries, after the unification of these countries, they will directly attack the Northern Jin Empire with their legions.”

"The Great Cultivator of the Northern Jin Empire is like a torrential rain, but he has developed a siege weapon called the Magic Crystal Cannon. Even the Great Cultivator will be killed. For decades, he has killed countless people with his powerful strength. The big monks and masters of the Northern Jin Dynasty included the Northern Jin Dynasty 130 in Tianlong's territory."

"Finally, we negotiated with the Northern Jin Dynasty. The Northern Jin Dynasty took back 28 cities, sent one hundred and one hundred big cities to Tianlong, and announced that Tianlong and the Northern Jin Dynasty would not fight hands-on for 500 years. Although Tianlong is powerful, it really wants to fight with the Northern Jin Dynasty. In the battle between Jin and Jin, there are definitely more losses than victories, and he stopped the war, and the Tianlong Kingdom became the Tianlong Empire in one fell swoop."

"At that time, the first emperor wanted to abdicate the throne, but he liked to practice life, and he didn't want to deal with the world, so he didn't accept the throne, but his power and prestige were definitely higher than that of the emperor. Not too much."

"Even if the emperor sees him, he still has to speak in a low voice, because his contribution can be said to be the founder of the Tianlong Empire, and his strength can be called the best in the world. In the entire Fengyue Continent, it is also a super power."

"The Tianlong Empire is stable, and Diyan Peak is stable. He left Tianlong with three wives and traveled far away. The time was 300 years. He just came back a while ago. I heard that he has reached the stage of transformation. You know the stage of transformation What is the concept? Shouyuan has reached 2000 years, and now he is only [-] years old."

Li Yunlin spoke slowly, although it was recorded in the Li family's family code, he knew the deeds of this white-clothed boy's great-uncle very well, and now that he was talking about it, his blood boiled.

Everyone in the other Li family was very excited when they heard that, it turned out that this young man in white had such a background, such an identity, he was still the grandparents of himself and others.

"Grandpa, I want to practice too."

The young man said seriously, looking at Li Yunlin expectantly, thinking in his heart that the white-clothed young man just now had to live for 2000 years alone, while ordinary mortals like himself can only live to be a hundred years old even if they are healthy.

"Shut up, the Li family has a family motto. If you practice cultivation, you have to leave the royal family of the Li family. Do you want to be like your elder brother and seventh brother?" Li Yunlin shouted angrily.

In fact, it's not that the disciples of the Li family don't practice, it's just that they haven't reached the foundation building stage before, so they can't practice anymore. The disciples who reach the foundation stage are no longer the royal family of the Li family.

In this way, the unqualified disciples of the Li family would simply give up their cultivation and live an ordinary life. Even if other disciples of the Li family caused trouble, it would not implicate the royal family of the Li family.

But as long as it reaches the foundation building stage, it can be considered a remarkable strength. Although it is not the royal family of the Li family, such strength cannot be underestimated.

If the royal family of the Li family were to confront other forces, the non-royal disciples of the Li family would also be able to deal with it. Di Yanfeng had also been taking care of the expelled royal disciples of the Li family.

In this way, the entire Tianlong Empire knows that if the rights of the Tianlong Empire are to change hands, unless Emperor Yanfeng no longer exists, but there are tens of thousands of Nascent Soul Stages, tens of thousands of Alchemy Stages, and millions of Qi Training Stages. Disciple, that strength dares to provoke Di Yanfeng.

Besides, Li Qiuyu came from Diyan Peak, and there are countless means on Diyan Peak, even if the entire Heavenly Dragon Empire joins forces, it still doesn't have one percent of Diyan Peak's strength.

What's more, there are other secret means, such as the Tianlong Empire and the big cities on the border of the Northern Jin Dynasty. They are all Li Qiuyu's dark forces.

"Although I only have the eighth level of Qi training, there are still four years left. I will definitely reach the foundation building stage and become a top master like the seventh uncle. There are eleven brothers and sisters in the Pingnan Palace."

The young man said stubbornly that the seventh uncle he was talking about was also Li Zhengqing, who is now a great monk in Diyan Peak. After becoming a great monk five years ago, he came to Pingnan Palace once.

Because the word Li Qiuyu was a taboo of the Li family and the Tianlong Empire, they knew about Li Zhengqing, but they didn't know about Li Qiuyu. Only the top families and forces knew of Li Qiuyu's existence.

Or when they saw the portrait of the young man during the ancestor worship, they all knew that the young man was the grandparent of the Li family, but they didn't know that he still existed in this world.

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