Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 771 Enlightenment, Enlightenment

"Northern Jin's ancient demons can be dealt with, but no one can resist the Dashang's Demon King. We must first put our strength on the border of Dashang. Even if no one in Dashang can resist the Demon King, we can consume some of the Ancient Demon King. In just two years, I will be able to comprehend the five-nine sword formation."

"As long as the Five-Nine Sword Formation is enlightened, with the power of the Five-Nine Sword Formation, there is still a slight chance. It is better than helping Bei Jin without confidence, and finally being killed by the Demon King."

Li Qiuyu said lightly that he also hoped that Dashang could last for two years. In two years, he and Hope would comprehend the Five Nine Sword Formation.

"So that's the case, can you comprehend the five-nine sword formation within two years?"

Xiao Qiuyue asked suspiciously, because Li Qiuyu's comprehension of the Five Nine Sword Formation has not improved at all for 30 years, comprehension is not cultivation, and comprehension is completely invisible.

"There should be hope. During this period of time, don't go out to play with your forehead, and ask Diyan Peak's disciples not to go out. Bring back all Diyan Peak's disciples to preserve your power."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he left alone and came to the top of the mountain to learn about the Wujiu Sword Formation.

Two years is also the time to test the power of the Great Shang Empire. He absolutely does not believe that the strength of the Great Shang Empire is so weak. Even if it is not the opponent of the ancient demon king, it should not be a problem to eliminate other demon kings and generals. 】

As long as they wiped out part of the ancient demon's power, they would be able to join hands with other monks to fight against the demon king. The demon king was not a god, and he was only one realm higher than himself.

When I was in the foundation building stage, I killed the alchemy stage, and in the Nascent Soul stage, I killed the god transformation stage. Now that I have transformed into a god, and the Heaven Mie Sword has been refined, there is also a glimmer of hope to kill the demon king.

What he wants is the buffer time of these two years, so that Da Shang's strength can be fully revealed on the water, and Da Shang's strength must be consumed, and he will move his strength to the border of Da Shang, just to make a difference for Da Shang and the Northern Jin Dynasty. Look, so as not to be spoken by monks all over the world.

In two years, the Demon King will not be able to recover his true strength at all. In two years, the Great Merchant will be able to consume most of the ancient demons. If the Northern Jin Dynasty wants to eliminate the ancient demons, their strength will also be greatly reduced. The Fengyue Continent ruled, or the ancient demons were exterminated by the monks of the Fengyue Continent, and the final result was that the strength of the Great Merchants was weak, the strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty fell behind, and the strength of Tianlong increased.

To truly make the Heavenly Dragon Empire a top super empire and suppress the other two empires, he can safely find the critical point to ascend to the spirit world.

For this move, he has planned for the descendants of the Tianlong Empire hundreds or even thousands of years later, which can be described as well-intentioned.

When he came to the top of the mountain alone, he did not sit quietly to comprehend it, but replaced the Mietian sword with 45 wooden swords, trying to comprehend the five-nine sword formation from the four-nine sword formation.

Li Qiuyu's retreat, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue can only practice in the place where Diyue Peak is thousands of feet away, no one dares to go up to disturb, Li Qiuyu also practiced constantly, practicing the four-nine sword formation during the day and the five-nine sword formation, but they are all innocent broken.

At night, I can only comprehend the five-nine sword formation, recalling the drills during the day, time passed day by day, and within a year, Li Qiuyu did not understand the five-nine sword formation, but practiced the four-nine sword formation to the extreme, and the five-nine sword formation Some traces were also found.

What he said a year ago is not wrong. Although the strength of the Northern Jin Empire is nearly twice as strong as that of the ancient demons, the strength of the ancient demons is well known. Every day, the ancient demons and monks are lost. There is no way to give up.

The forces of the Northern Jin Dynasty and the ancient demons are rapidly consumed, and it is no different from annihilation. If you want to kill the ancient demons, you have to pay a price.

The entire Northern Jin Empire no longer looked like an empire, and so did the great merchants. Six of the top ten commanders of the ancient demons were killed, but the Great Commander, the Third Commander, and the Fourth Commander have not been damaged, and the strength of the Demon King has not recovered. .

Being attacked by human monks every day, he has no time to practice and recover his strength. He is not used to the human environment for a while, and he dare not leave the ancient magic castle.

Only the magic energy of the ancient magic castle can slowly restore its strength, and it will take several years to restore its strength. Human monks have also seen this situation, and they have a general understanding of the situation of the devil king. Only by killing them in time can we have a chance to wipe out all the ancient demons.

Six of the top ten demon kings of the ancient demons were lost, and the other one was also the nine demon kings that Li Qiuyu killed in Lingxiao City. Killed by the Demon King.

The two monks in the late stage of transformation were lost in the battle with the second commander of the ancient demon and the fifth commander.

In the end, several commanders were lost, and their cultivation base had no time to recover, and the ancient magic castle became the center of the ancient magic in Fengyue Continent.

The strength of the Tianlong Empire lived in the Land of the Desolate, and they did not dare to go there without Li Qiuyu's order. Few of them were willing to send them to their door for such death.

"Wait for a year, the Great Shang Empire, the Northern Jin Empire, will decline, and then it will be my seat's world, mere demon king, haha, this seat will keep you here forever."

After a year of comprehension, I didn't really comprehend it, but when I practiced the Four Nine Sword Formation, I accidentally discovered that the combined power of 36 wooden swords is the most powerful, and there is no need for a sword formation at all. If the enemy is within the sword array, it is better to use the power of merger to kill them.

This is the case with 36 wooden swords, and the same can be done with 45 wooden swords. Thinking of this, my mind suddenly became clear, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and a glimmer of understanding flashed.

The five-nine sword formation is nothing more than converting the combined power of the four-nine sword formation into 45 identical sword lights. With the power of 45 four-nine sword formations and the power of the sword formation, it is completely possible to combine five sword formations from the four-nine sword formation. The Nine Swords Formation was practiced.

After penetrating the five-nine sword formation, Li Qiuyu smiled happily, a kind of confidence spread to her heart, even the devil king has the power to fight, and the monk's fighting skills, the most important thing is psychology.

After enlightening the Five Nine Sword Formation, Li Qiuyu didn't go out, but kept practicing the Five Nine 45 wooden swords. In less than two years, the Five Nine Sword Formation would definitely not appear in the world.

In case the two great empires of the Shang Dynasty and the Northern Jin Dynasty discovered their purpose, it would be too late for them to make a decision in two years, and they had to arrange everything well during this time.

In a battle with the devil, the outcome is life and death, and he also believes that with such heaven-defying things as Tianhan Aurora, the devil can also suffer.

Ling Ling's spatial connection can also ensure that Xiao Hanyue and others will not be killed. Even if he is lost, he will keep a trace of his soul, and find a way to seize it for cultivation in the space necklace.

As time passed, Li Qiuyu's Five Nine Sword Formation had also been rehearsed countless times, and the countless powerful moves he had mastered were also constantly rehearsed, cultivating these moves to the extreme.

Another year passed, and the four of Xiao Hanyue looked at the top of the mountain expectantly. This day was also the time for Li Qiuyu to leave the customs. Regardless of whether he realized it or not, Li Qiuyu would also leave the customs today.

If they don't understand it, they will change their strategy, attack the ancient demons of the Northern Jin Dynasty first, and unite with the Northern Jin Dynasty to help the big merchants, so there is a glimmer of hope.

"Sister, did you say that the young master has come to enlightenment?"

Xiao Qiuyue looked at her sister expectantly, but when she thought of Shen Wu, her face showed a look of disappointment. This kind of cultivation has no trace at all, and she didn't realize it after thirty years of Shen Wu. In just two years, hope is even greater. small.

"You'll find out in a while, even if you don't understand the five-nine sword formation, you still have hope to fight the devil. Besides, we are not the only ones who are fighting against the devil, Tianlong, let alone you."

Xiao Hanyue comforted her younger sister, and felt a little disbelief in her heart. Although there was nothing difficult for Li Qiuyu, the cultivation of comprehension is not something that can be controlled by human beings at all.

Qing Ling and Ling Ling were also waiting for Li Qiuyu's appearance, with a trace of anticipation and a trace of loneliness, looking forward to Li Qiuyu's comprehension of the Wujiu Sword Formation and adding more hope to the battle against the ancient demons, but thinking of comprehending the Sword Formation, both Such a simple thing.

After half an hour, Li Qiuyu's figure appeared in the eyes of several women, seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, there was no slight change, and they didn't know the situation of Li Qiuyu's enlightenment for a while.

"Brother Qiuyu, you're out of customs." Lingling hurried up and came to Li Qiuyu's side, stretched out her jade hand to hold Li Qiuyu, and walked down.

"Well, enlightened."

Li Qiuyu also saw that Xiao Hanyue's four daughters were more concerned about this issue, and she didn't intend to tease them anymore, so she told about the situation of Shenwu.



Ling Ling and Xiao Hanyue all looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise, thinking that they had heard it wrong, but seeing the expressions of the other three, they realized that they hadn't heard it wrong.

"Well, I did realize it. I realized it a year ago. I just need to practice the Wujiu Sword Formation successfully. It took a year. Although I haven't used the Mietian Sword to really display it now, it is completely Able to display the five-nine sword formation."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with a look of joy on his face. Now that he has cultivated the Wujiu Sword Formation, although he has not really seen the power of the Wujiu Sword Formation with the Mietian Sword, he can still see some traces.

"That's great, son, you can use the Mietian Sword to see what kind of power it has. You can try it."

Xiao Qiuyue said coquettishly, looking at Li Qiuyu with her mouth pouted, she looked extremely cute, looking forward to the difference between the power of the Five Nine Sword Formation and the Four Nine Sword Formation.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Hanyue, Ling Ling and Qing Ji all looked over. Although they didn't ask her to use the Wujiu Sword Formation, their appearance was self-evident.

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