Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 773 Beiming's Decision

"Ah, so this is the item that Silver Dragon gave you. I really forgot it for a while. I didn't expect it to be the Heavenly Emperor Chariot."

The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue said in surprise, seeing Qing Ling's doubts, they told about Yinlong and Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu knows this Heavenly Emperor Chariot.

This heavenly emperor chariot brought great shock to the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue. They secretly thought that the power of the Tongtian Zhibao is really powerful. This is not the power of attack, but a kind of shocking power, a kind of coercive power of the Tongtian Zhibao.

"You guys rest first, we are waiting for news from Beijin. If there is no news within three days or if you don't agree to my conditions, we will ignore Beijin and let it fend for itself."

Li Qiuyu said softly, the great war will come soon, time is beyond his control, the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for the entire Fengyue Continent.

"Young master, you should rest first and pay attention to your body, we will always support you by your side."

Xiao Qiuyue said softly, the last four girls also left Li Qiuyu and returned to the courtyard where she practiced, and Li Qiuyu returned to the top of the mountain to adjust her breathing, trying to restore her whole body to the peak of its heyday, and to maintain the peak state all the time.

In the Northern Jin Empire, the entire empire did not have the style of an empire at all, there were refugees everywhere, and the grand relocation of the whole city could be seen everywhere, all relocated to the direction of the Tianlong Empire, because only the Tianlong Empire was not invaded by the ancient demons.

More than half of the cities in the Northern Jin Dynasty have become demon realms, and the demonic energy is everywhere. It is no longer the Northern Jin Dynasty where the cultivation paradise used to be.

Northern Jin Lingyun Tiancheng.

As the capital of the Northern Jin Empire, countless senior monks gathered here, preparing to resist the attack of the ancient demons, because the ancient demons are only ten thousand miles away from Lingyun Tiancheng. There are millions of puppets of ancient demons, and on the other side are human monks.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same. There are hundreds of monks in the human god transformation stage, but there are also nearly a hundred ancient demon kings, and countless demon generals.

If they really fought like this, they would all die together. The ancient demons would not back down a step, attacking completely recklessly, but the human monks were scruples about power and were always led by the nose.

"What, he wants all the monks who attacked the ancient demons in the Northern Jin Dynasty to listen to him. Who does he think he is? Even a big businessman does not have the qualifications. It is unreasonable."

Master Beiming said angrily. He had just received the news from Tianji Pavilion, and the news had successfully entered the hands of Master Beiming. Upon seeing it, he was furious.

"Really, news from Li Qiuyu?"

Seeing Beiming being so furious, Tianji looked at Master Beiming with a mysterious smile on his face, as if he knew something, and asked deliberately.

"It's not him, who else wants me to hand over all the monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty to him, thinking that after reaching the stage of transforming gods, they will be invincible in the world?"

Master Beiming said angrily, and took a hard look at Tianji. If Tianji, Fairy Bingfeng and Anyun hadn't rescued Li Qiuyu hundreds of years ago, Li Qiuyu wouldn't have been angry with him.

"Is there any other good way for the real person? You have seen the situation in the Northern Jin Dynasty. I won't say anything. The real person can make up his own mind, but the best way right now should be to unite with Tianlong, otherwise the Northern Jin Dynasty will all be reduced to nothing." Demon Realm."

Tianji nodded, with a smile on his face, and said lightly. After finishing speaking, he sat down and stopped talking. In the entire hall, there were sixty masters at the stage of transformation, and no one spoke.

"The current situation in the Northern Jin Dynasty, I naturally know that the ancient demon's army of millions is in Lanlun City, standing opposite the Lingyun Tiancheng. Unless we retreat, we can only fight the ancient demon to the death. This Li Qiuyu is counted. It's really time."

Daoist Beiming sat down weakly, and finally looked at the cultivators in the transformation stage who were sitting in front, none of them were ready to speak, which made Daoist Beiming extremely helpless. The situation in Beijin is really not optimistic now.


Just when Master Beiming was helpless, a fiery red light appeared in front of him, a sound transmission talisman, because everyone set a ban on this hall to prevent other monks from hearing the news of what was said here.

"Old Ancestor, there is news from the Heavenly Dragon Empire that some forces of the Heavenly Dragon Empire have rushed towards Da Shang."

Master Beiming crushed the fiery red sound-transmitting talisman, and a respectful voice came from inside. Everyone was in the stage of transformation, so they naturally listened to this voice.

"Does the Heavenly Dragon Empire want to support the big business alone?"

"My lord, what are your plans?"

"Does the Northern Jin Dynasty really want to fight the ancient demon to the death, or retreat and give up Lingyun Tiancheng?"

Hearing the news of the sound transmission talisman, the monks of the Northern Jin Huashen Stage all looked at the Master Beiming. The Han family where the Master Beiming lives has controlled the Northern Jin Dynasty for tens of thousands of years. The family was overthrown, but there was another ancient demon attack in front of him, so he didn't pay attention at all for a while.

"Okay, Ben Sheng agreed to his conditions, do you have any comments?"

Master Beiming said helplessly. He looked at the sixty cultivators with the aura of transforming spirits below. He was very disappointed. He also knew in his heart that for thousands of years in the Northern Jin Dynasty, he did not want to be controlled by the Han family. Now this opportunity has come. Naturally I will agree.

"I have no objections, as long as the ancient demons can be expelled from the Northern Jin Dynasty and the strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty can be preserved."

"I have no opinion either."

"I have no objection, but I am willing to fight against the ancient demon with Brother Beiming."


For a moment, none of the sixty cultivators at the stage of transformation had any opinion. Finally, Beiming Zhenren sent someone to send a message to the monks at the stage of transformation to see what they had to say.

Everyone is sitting firmly in the main hall, waiting for the news of the front-line monks of the spiritual transformation stage. In fact, everyone knows that even if the monks of the spiritual transformation stage on the front line have opinions, it is useless. There are still 110 seven monks of the spiritual transformation stage in the Northern Jin Dynasty. Here are sixty.

Moreover, the sixty cultivators at the stage of transformation have already agreed, and there is no objection. Even if the first 57 monks at the stage of transformation do not agree, it has become a foregone conclusion.

Sure enough, in less than a quarter of an hour, 57 of the first 46 monks of the God Transformation Stage had no objection. Nine of the Spirit Transformation Stage monks expressed their support for Li Qiuyu's support of the Northern Jin Dynasty. up.

"Okay, my sage declares that all the monks expelling the ancient demons in the Northern Jin Dynasty will obey the order of His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the Holy Alchemy Master of the Tianlong Empire, and drive the ancient demons out of Fengyue Continent."

Daoist Beiming smiled wryly in his heart. As the Supreme Emperor of the Northern Jin Empire, his prestige was far inferior to that of an outsider when the ancient demons invaded.

"It is reported that the Heavenly Dragon Empire, Li Qiuyu, and the Northern Jin Empire will fight against the ancient demons with all their strength, and the monks who fight against the ancient demons will be dispatched by Li Qiuyu. It plays a dispatching role in the matter of the ancient demon."

Daoist Beiming hurriedly called a messenger and ordered the information to be delivered to Tianlong Empire Li Qiuyu in the shortest possible time. If there was any delay, Li Qiuyu's forces rushed to Dashang, and even if Li Qiuyu came back, it would be too late.

In the entire hall, there was not a single sound, it was silent, and everyone's faces were neither happy nor worried, and they didn't know what was going on in their hearts.Only Tianji, Bingfeng and Anyun had smiles on their faces.

On Diyue Peak, Li Qiuyu pushed the cultivators from the Land of Spiritual Desolation to the front, trying not to fight the ancient demons, fight if you can, and defend if you can't. This kind of movement was also regarded by the Northern Jin Empire as giving up The Northern Jin Dynasty.

Little did they know, Li Qiuyu had already started to attract the attention of the Great Shang Empire, the opportunity was reserved for those who were prepared, if the ancient demons were not exterminated, the entire Fengyue Continent would be overthrown, if the ancient demons were exterminated, then the Heavenly Dragon Empire would be destroyed. He took the opportunity to take away part of the territory of the Great Shang Empire and the Northern Jin Empire.

"This subordinate seeks to see the Lord, disciple Hanmo has important news to report."

A voice came up from under Diyue Peak and reached Li Qiuyu's ears directly. Li Qiuyu opened his slightly closed eyes with a satisfied smile on his face.


Li Qiuyu condensed a voice into a line, which was transmitted to Hanmo's ears below, and then Hanmo's body flashed quickly, and instantly came to the top of the mountain where Li Qiuyu was.

"Subordinates refer to the Lord, Bei Mingzhen of the Northern Jin Empire agreed to the Lord's conditions, the Northern Jin Dynasty 110 seven seniors of the transformation stage, [-] seniors agreed to the Lord, nine seniors supported the Lord, and two seniors opposed , but Daoist Beiming has a condition, that is, after the war is over, the Heavenly Dragon Empire must no longer intervene in the Northern Jin Cultivation Realm and the Northern Jin Empire."

Han Mo told the news verbatim, and Hu stood quietly, waiting for Li Qiuyu's order. He admired the young man in white in front of him, and even the monks of the Northern Jin Empire supported him.

"Send a letter, after the war, I will no longer care about the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty, but only arrange and dispatch the war during the war." Li Qiuyu said softly, and finally waved Hanmo to retreat.

After Hanmo left, Li Qiuyu also left the mountain and quickly came to Zhongtian Peak. The current head of Zhongtian Peak is a big monk named Han Tiancheng, who was trained by Li Qiuyu among the disciples in Diyan Peak.

"The disciple greets the uncle."

When Han Tiancheng saw Li Qiuyu coming, he quickly put down the work in hand and stood up to salute Li Qiuyu. Finally, he invited Li Qiuyu to the chair to finish, and bowed aside to wait for orders.

"The ancient demon war has reached the most critical moment. The ancient demon is not worried. The outcome is five or five, but the power of the Tianlong Empire is what I am worried about. What is more important is the situation of Tianlong after the war."

Li Qiuyu slowly talked to Han Tiancheng about some important things. This time he went to the ancient magic castle to fight against the devil, and the outcome was only five or five. If he couldn't kill the devil, he would flee. .

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