Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 799 Demon King Appears

"Just a fluke."

Li Qiuyu smiled, just killed the four commanders, and originally planned to kill several demon kings, so that Lan Wuji would print the demon kings, but he did not expect that his performance would lead the four commanders out.

In the end, he also killed the powerful four commanders, which can be regarded as an unexpected harvest, but Lan Wuji suffered some minor injuries, and generally speaking, he still took advantage of himself.

A small injury killed an ancient demon commander, and also killed a dozen demon kings, which relieved a lot of pressure on human monks.

"But the Demon King and the other two commanders haven't shown up. It's a bit wrong. It should be said that they should come out at this moment."

Tianmu looked at Li Qiuyu puzzled. If this continues, if he and others dare not do anything, the monks in the stage of human transformation will suffer heavy losses.

"Brother Lan Dao rests and heals his injuries first, and recuperates his injuries. Now Dao Brother Tianmu is going alone. When the Demon Lord Commander appears, I will help Brother Tianmu."

Li Qiuyu looked at the situation on the battlefield, no matter what kind of conspiracy there was, he wanted to kill the demon king in front of him, even if the demon king came out, he could restrain each other.

"Okay, let's go here, I hope the Demon Lord can appear."

Tian Mu Shuowang flew away five hundred miles away. As long as the Demon King didn't show up, he wouldn't be in any danger at all.

The current battle has entered a stalemate stage. The monks in the stage of human transformation into gods are constantly losing, and the demon king is also losing rapidly. The two sides are fighting desperately.

Tian Mu cast a fiery red long sword, a top-level psychic treasure, and swiped it out at random, the air also burned up, aiming straight at the head of a tall demon king, without paying attention, Fen Tian's The flames fell on the head of the demon king.

Immediately, the vitality of the ancient demon at the level of the demon lord was extinguished, and the demon lord's opponent, the cultivator at the transformation stage, was finally rescued from the pressure. He glanced at Tianmu gratefully, and finally flew towards another place to help other people. A monk in the stage of transforming gods who is full of dangers.

Tian Mu also slashed at another demon king. The monks in the late stage of transformation, compared with the early stage monks, are no different from the coffee table between the early and late stages of Yuanying.

To put it simply, late-stage monks hardly belong to the first two stages, because this level of strength and cultivation has already moved towards another advanced level.

Under the powerful attack, even the mighty demon king couldn't resist a few times. In a short while, four demon kings had been killed by Tianmu.

After killing the four moulds, the Demon Lord Commander hadn't appeared yet. Li Qiuyu's divine sense extended his gaze to a radius of ten thousand miles, and he saw the entire battlefield in his eyes.

In terms of the entire battlefield, only the situation here is tense. In other places, the human monks continue to advance without the hindrance of the demon generals. The human monks suppress the ancient demon's demon soldiers.

Time passed slowly, and the three of Tianmu all took turns to support the cultivators at the stage of transformation. After a quarter of an hour, the monks at the stage of human transformation and the demon king of the ancient demon were completely equal.

"Fellow Daoist Tianmu, Fellow Daoist Xiao Lin, and Fellow Daoist Lan, the four of us also acted. The Demon King and the two commanders did not show up. We must kill these Demon Lords now."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a crystal clear carving appeared in his hand, and a burst of magic power hit it immediately, the carving became [-] feet in size, and a mighty chariot appeared in front of everyone.

The coercion of the Tongtian Supreme Treasure erupted, horrifying the three monks in the late stage of transformation. They didn't know what kind of treasure it was, but it actually carried such a powerful power.

"This is a flying treasure, but it has a strong defense. When the time comes, we will attack with all our strength."

Li Qiuyu floated on the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, and the other fifty cultivators at the Transformation Stage also floated up. The last time I came here, I was riding on this Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, so I am naturally familiar with it now.

With a surprised expression, Tian Mu floated onto the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot. Only after getting on the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot did he realize that the power of this chariot was far beyond what the following could compare.

Li Qiuyu shot out a spell, and suddenly the Emperor's Chariot moved, like a shooting star shooting into the distance, the speed rubbed the air into bursts of sparks, and the Emperor's Chariot brought a huge storm to the ancient demons below.

Waves of heat flowed down, and all the demons saw a huge chariot flashing past in the air, leaving behind endless heat storms.

In a short time, five hundred miles away, seeing Li Qiuyu's Tiandi chariot, the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong knew that Li Qiuyu had come, and this chariot was Li Qiuyu's treasure.

Seeing the chariot approaching, they quickly dodged. After the monks dodged, Li Qiuyu and the monks on the chariot attacked the demon lord in the distance at the same time, and the attacks fell on the demon lord at the same time.

Every attack uses a Demon Lord to damage it, and the Demon Lord wants to defeat the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, but the chariot is so easy to destroy.

When the attacks landed on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, an invisible defense counteracted these attacks. When the demon king attacked here, the defense was also low, and Li Qiuyu and other monks could attack at the same time.

Where the chariot of heaven and earth passed, all the demon lords within a radius of one mile were killed. In a short time, more than forty demon lords had been killed.

"Be careful, this seat has to speed up."

Li Qiuyu softly reminded the fifty or so cultivators at the transformation stage around him, and also reminded them to hurry up. After speaking, he accelerated the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, and the chariot was like a huge flying saucer, constantly shuttling through the middle demon king.

Wherever it passed, the strong wind continued to ruthlessly cut the body of the demon king, and the demon king could only use his strong body to resist the damage caused by the strong wind, but while resisting the strong wind, he also had to resist the attacks of the middle monks. attack.

With the addition of Li Qiuyu and others, the situation was reversed immediately, and the ancient demon's demon lords fell sharply. In a short while, only 200 of the [-] demon lords remained.

If things go on like this, sooner or later these demon kings will be wiped out by Li Qiuyu and others, but things often don’t go their way. Li Qiuyu took fifty cultivators at the transformation stage to kill them, but when they left like that and didn’t turn around, .

Three shocking demonic energy shot up into the sky, and the whole space suddenly became sluggish. The demonic energy enveloped the space for hundreds of miles, and the sound of screams continued.

The moment Li Qiuyu felt the shocking demon energy, he discovered three tall ancient demons, two were ten feet tall, and one was thirty feet in size. The three of them emitted a shocking devil energy.

I saw that the tallest ancient demon shot the devilish energy towards the entire battlefield. Where the devilish energy passed, the monks in the transformation stage were immediately eroded by the devilish energy, and the pure devilish energy attacked the body, and the devilish energy entered the body.

The cultivation base dropped sharply, and was eventually killed by other demon kings. Li Qiuyu and the monks on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot were all terrified, but the Heavenly Emperor's chariot was not attacked by the demonic energy for the time being.

"The devil has appeared."

Li Qiuyu said solemnly, the purity and strength of these three demonic energies are not something that a monk in the human world can resist. Apart from the demon king, there are only two commanders.

The strength of the two commanders can be dealt with by themselves, but the strength of this demon king is no small matter, and the shocking demonic energy is constantly attacking the cultivators of the transformation stage.

The cultivators at the transformation stage kept falling, and Li Qiuyu's mind turned sharply, trying to find a way to suppress this demonic energy. This devilish energy alone would kill all the cultivators at the stage of transformation. Not the slightest chance.

"All demons in the world, suppress them."

Li Qiuyu yelled loudly, if he didn't make a move at this time, he wouldn't have the slightest chance, and had to keep these cultivators at the transformation stage to deal with other demon kings.

With a movement of consciousness, a huge demon suppressing wheel appeared in front of him, and then shot into the air, and a mysterious island's breath went towards the magic pressure. Suddenly, the magic energy and the mysterious breath collided with each other.

The Demon Suppressing Wheel is an ancient treasure, specially made to suppress the demons. Although Li Qiuyu can't unleash all of his power, he can display part of it. Besides, this demon king only has the strength of a monk in the void stage. .

Moreover, there are also two commanders among these devil qi. The demon suppressing wheel is spinning endlessly in the air, and a shocking mysterious breath temporarily suppresses the devil qi.


Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, he didn't fully control the demon suppressing wheel, and the power it exerted was less than one ten-thousandth of its power. It could only suppress the demon king's demonic energy for an instant, but in this instant, the cultivators at the transformation stage could escape from this demonic energy range.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

With the sound of continuous flying shots piercing the air, the cultivator of the Sinochem God Stage was suppressed by the shocking demon energy, unable to move his hands and feet, and could only be killed by any other demon king, watching his companions suffer.

In front of the Demon King, he was a fragile ant, even weaker than an ant. After seeing Li Qiuyu sacrifice a huge wheel, the mysterious aura suppressed the demonic aura, and this opportunity would be missed. Bring Li Qiuyu to shout, and they quickly get rid of the demonic energy.

More than two hundred cultivators at the transformation stage retreated a hundred miles away in horror, their protective shields constantly resisting the demonic energy. Although there was demonic energy a hundred miles away, it was also the edge of the demon king's demonic energy, not as strong and pure as the middle.

"Haha, humble human monks, this king has come to the human world and will rule the human world. You will all become puppets of my demon clan." The demon king laughed loudly, and his voice spread thousands of miles away.

The bursts of piercing into the minds of human monks were like hitting the chest with a giant hammer. Countless monks spurted out a mouthful of blood, and Li Qiuyu also felt his heart shake.

The other cultivators in the transformation stage were even more unbearable, their faces were pale, and they finally knew how terrifying the strength of the Demon King was, and they also felt bursts of despair.

The Demon King didn't do it right away, but radiated out the terrifying demonic energy. As long as it was in the demonic energy, he felt that he was the master, and the demonic energy could guarantee that his demonic energy would not be exhausted.

"Be careful, I will lure the demon king away, and you will kill the two commanders at any cost, but I can only hold on for a while. After killing the commanders, we will join forces to deal with the demon king."

Li Qiuyu heard the voice of the other monks in the transformation stage, because the strength of the two commanders is more than several times stronger than that of the four commanders, and the strength of the demon king is also stronger than he imagined.

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