Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 86 Mid 8th Floor【Recommended for collection】

In addition to medicinal materials and alchemy tripods, the requirements for fire are also relatively strict. The refining of top-grade pills cannot be achieved by ordinary fires. Pill fire is necessary, which is the fire of Danyang in the alchemy period. In addition, it is the land Heart fire instead, but the fire in the heart of the earth is difficult to control.

Besides, the fire in the center of the earth is generally controlled by some powerful forces, because in addition to alchemy, the fire in the center of the earth is also needed for refining tools.

Moreover, the alchemist needs to master the fire-type kungfu to refine the top-grade elixir. If he doesn't know the fire-type kung fu, it is impossible for a monk in the foundation-building period to resist the high temperature of the fire in the center of the earth.

Moreover, the technique of controlling the heat is not generally harsh, otherwise Fengyue Tiannan is so big, there will not be a single top-quality pill, not to mention top-quality pills, even if it is a high-level pill, there will not be a few.

The reason why the top-grade elixir is called the top-grade is because the refining conditions are harsh, there is no trace of impurities in the elixir, and it needs to be infused with spiritual energy. It must be refined in a place with rich spiritual energy, and a large amount of spiritual energy must be poured into it.

The top-grade elixir originally contained a trace of spirituality, which is where the alchemist's hard work, true energy and aura lie, so the top-grade elixir only exists in legends.

Li Qiuyu threw the elixir in his hand into the mouth. It was the same as the middle-level elixir, except that it was milder and less powerful than the middle-level elixir, but it was far more effective than the middle-level elixir.

The thick and majestic spiritual energy instantly melted into the dantian in his body. He didn't dare to be careless, and quickly activated the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, guiding the high-level medicinal effect of the elixir to circulate in the major meridians of his body.

The true essence formed by the medicinal effect flows quickly along the meridians. This speed is simply frightening, but there is no trace of pain. This does not necessarily mean that the high-level medicinal pill has no threat to the human body.

Then you are wrong, that is, the effect of the medicine is not as strong as that of the middle-level elixir, but the majestic and strong effect of the medicine will speed up the speed of the Great Circle when the public law is in operation. Controlled by the high-speed operation, it finally went mad.

He is the refining master of the elixir, so he naturally knows that the elixir is very clear, not to mention that part of the spiritual power in the elixir belongs to him. Under these conditions, he will naturally not be hurt by the elixir.

At this time, there was a trace of scorching heat in his body, which roasted him until crystal beads of sweat flowed out, which was the result of the meridians running too fast.

One Sunday, two Sundays...

I don't know how long it took, but I saw wisps of white mist emanating from Li Qiuyu's head, and around his body, there were also crystal white lights. Of course he didn't know that this was the body protection transformed from his own body essence. shield.

Time passed by second by second, and as time passed, the running speed of the tired true energy in his body also slowed down, and finally all the true energy returned to the dantian. After that, it has already occupied more than half of the dantian.

Mid-eighth stage of Qi training

He couldn't believe it, he had only broken through to the eighth floor a few days ago, and he didn't expect a high-level Qi training pill to raise his cultivation base to the middle stage. If he hadn't visited it several times carefully, he must have thought that he had made a mistake .

How did he know that this elixir will let him meditate for ten days without eating or drinking.He sat there without moving for ten days.

"Well, I didn't expect this high-grade first-grade elixir to be so powerful. It seems that the eight-year-old medicine is really a treasure."

He stood up slowly, suddenly felt a numbness in his feet, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, his cultivation base was passable, otherwise it would be funny for me to see that a monk fell down while meditating.

He moved his hands and feet, tidied up a little, removed the prohibition in front of him, and walked out slowly. Zhang Tianhang had already finished his cultivation.

"Brother Zhang, how are you doing?"

"Thank you brother Li for the elixir. In the past ten days, my cultivation has soared to the peak of the ninth level of Qi training. As long as I find the right opportunity, it is not difficult to delay the tenth level."

Zhang Tianhang bowed politely to Li Qiuyu, and said excitedly, he did not expect that with five intermediate Qi training pills, in just ten days, he had fully raised his cultivation to the peak, almost equivalent to his own I usually meditate and practice for several months.

"Hey, Brother Li, would you like to take a look." After Han Yulong finished speaking, he quickly cast a fire spell, and shot it fiercely at the stone wall beside the canyon. A black skull appeared on the stone wall instantly.

This speed is more than twice as fast as before. Although it is not as fast as Li Qiuyu's instant shot, it is still very rare.

"Hey, you have broken through the eighth level of Qi training." Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction, being able to break through the realm in ten days is enough to show his talent is good.

"Of course, but I still can't catch up with this guy." Han Yulong pointed to Xiao Yuefeng.

"Brother Han, are you kidding me? You have already broken through. I have only reached the peak of the eighth floor. Although I am only one step away from the ninth floor, it is still possible for a short time." Xiao Yuefeng said lightly.

"Hey, why don't you leave after you improve a little more." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, three white shadows shot at the three of them, and the white shadows arrived instantly, and the three of them stretched out their hands to grab them.

Immediately, the three of them were stunned. When they came into contact with the pill, they were slammed back a few steps, and they barely stopped backing when they retreated ten feet away.




Xiao Yuefeng and the others came out in amazement. Xiao Yuefeng was knocked back by a strong force, so he naturally knew that Li Qiuyu's cultivation had improved greatly.

Han Yulong's mentality was the same, but when they saw the elixir in their hands, their eyes almost popped out, as if they had encountered something surprising.

"This is……"

The two shouted out at the same time, both staring at the white pill in their hands, and finally they looked up at each other, and both got the result.

"High, advanced, advanced Qi training pill."

Xiao Yuefeng, who had always been calm, also said it in surprise, and turned to look at Li Qiuyu, hoping that Li Qiuyu would confirm it himself.

Zhang Tianhang's astonishment was naturally shocked by Li Qiuyu's strength. He thought that Li Qiuyu's strength was only due to his magical tools and external objects. Compared with his cultivation, he was definitely not as good as his own qi training at the peak of the ninth level.

Unexpectedly, a tiny object has left him without the slightest resistance. This is entirely based on his own cultivation and strength, without the slightest help from external objects.

When leading him to hear Xiao Yuefeng's shout, he also held the thing in his hand in front of his eyes, the crystal elixir exuded traces of green aura, and the fresh fragrance of the medicine shocked people's minds.

"That's right, it's the Advanced Qi Training Pill. It took me ten days to refine it. Don't waste it. I'll wait for you for another ten days. However, the medicinal effect of the pill is very strong. Can it be digested with that life?" Pills, that is your creation."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking calmly, he smiled and walked towards the place where he was originally sitting, ignoring the surprised eyes and expressions behind him. [Please ask for all kinds, I hope to give me a collection recommendation and comment]

The three of them excitedly took the elixir in front of their eyes, looked at it again, put it in front of their noses and smelled it again and again. There was still a little monk's demeanor and appearance, obviously a layman in the market.

"Thank you Brother Li, if I can make a breakthrough, I will sell my life to you." Zhang Tianhang said excitedly, then turned around and jumped towards the place where he lived.

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