Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 921 Killing the Great Elder

"Well, a little manly, but you'll regret it."

The Great Elder said Wan, his momentum soared, the coercion became a tangible thing, and the breath in the air was constantly repelled by this coercion.

The gray coercion spread in the air, surrounding the Great Elder within a hundred feet, and quickly extended towards Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu was also surprised that he could control the coercion to such an extent.

"What a powerful coercion."

In the distance, some cultivators at the stage of transformation looked at the Great Elder in horror. They are also monks at the peak of the late stage of Transformation, but they all know that the strength of the Great Elder is profound, but they did not expect to reach such a state, only one step away from the void stage away.

"Yes, you can fight with me, but you are still too weak."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and then the aura on his body rose sharply, a golden coercion shot up into the sky at a lightning speed, and the white clothes rustled in the air.

Within a radius of one hundred feet, a golden world was completely formed. Li Qiuyu looked at the Great Elder lightly, with a smile on his face, and did not take the coercion of the Great Elder into his eyes at all. to something stronger than yourself.

"It's really powerful, it has reached such a level, no wonder it dares to provoke the Gongsun family."

"That's right, this kind of coercion is nothing more than a senior of a higher realm."

Discussions spread to Li Qiuyu's ears. After seeing the coercion of the Great Elder, they all thought that no one could control him during the stage of transformation, but only after seeing Li Qiuyu's coercion did they know what strength is.

Li Qiuyu smiled secretly in his heart, if it is true that the monks in the void stage only have such coercion, he can completely explode him with coercion.

This point of coercion is not my true full strength. It is just the coercion of a primordial spirit. I have been sealing my cultivation base for decades, just to practice the five elements. With Dan's two Nascent Souls and two Nascent Souls, he no longer knows how powerful he is.

Now there is only one Yuanshen's coercion, and if you want to use all your strength to deal with a cultivator at the transformation stage, there is no need to fight with the cultivator at the hole stage.

The golden coercion rapidly expanded, and it hit the Great Elder fiercely. Seeing that Li Qiuyu's monks had reached such a level, the Great Elder finally understood how much strength Li Qiuyu had hidden before.

It also hit the gray coercion towards the golden coercion, and the two coercions quickly collided in the air. Under the impact of the two coercion, the space was about to shatter at a glance.


There was a burst of explosion, and the gray coercion and the golden coercion collided like two giants. Under the impact, Dashang's body retreated a hundred feet backwards, his face was pale, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Li Qiuyu swayed slightly, the smile on his face remained the same, and he was very satisfied with his current strength in his heart. Just by coercion, he could defeat the Great Elder.

After the coercive collision of the two, the following monks of the Transformation God Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage were horrified when they saw the situation of the Great Elder and Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu's strength must be too terrifying.

They are also at the peak of the late stage of Huashen, but in terms of coercion, Li Qiuyu is obviously several times stronger than the Great Elder, and the Great Elder is not Li Qiuyu's opponent at all.

"It turned out to be nothing more than that."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, looking at the elder with disdain, stretched out his right hand, and a wooden ruler appeared in his hand, mana gushed out, the wooden ruler turned golden, and the golden light continuously flashed on the wooden ruler.

"Xuantian Spirit Treasure."

Seeing the treasures in Li Qiuyu's hands, they all shouted in surprise, although there are many treasures in the spirit world, Xuantian Lingbao is also a treasured thing.

Few people can possess the Xuantian Spirit Treasure. Now that Li Qiuyu casually displayed a Xuantian Spirit Treasure, it would be strange not to be surprised, and envy appeared in his eyes.

"Humph" After being attacked by Li Qiuyu's coercion, the Great Elder was also horrified by Ruo Si, but now he couldn't help himself at all. At first, he planned to kill Li Qiuyu and then deal with the four women, but now it seems that Li Qiuyu is going to kill Li Qiuyu. Qiu Yu's defeat is simply a matter more difficult than reaching the sky.

After the Xuantian Spirit Treasure appeared, his face was solemn, and with a movement of his consciousness, a Xuantian Spirit Treasure was also sacrificed, a blue long sword with a mysterious and powerful aura on it.

With a random swipe of the long sword, a cyan light appeared in the air. The cyan light continuously revolved around the elder, and the long sword in the elder's hand swung continuously, and the sword light almost formed a net shape.

"Not bad Xuantian Lingbao, I accept it."

Li Qiuyu saw the Xuantian Lingbao in the hands of the Great Elder, with a look of satisfaction on his face. A few days ago, he said to find some of such treasures for the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue. Satisfied thought that they had already appeared in front of him.

After finishing speaking, the Tiantian Ruler in his hand was cut down, and the golden light was like a golden sun, slashing down towards the Great Elder's sword light as if ignoring the distance in space.


The Great Elder's face flashed resolutely, and he also swung out his sword light. Both of them held the Xuantian Lingbao in their hands. Now that both of them have used the Xuantian Lingbao, there is no room for turning back.



The cyan sword light tore apart the air, and the golden light instantly came into contact with the cyan sword light. There was a crackling sound in the space, and the power of the two Xuantian Lingbao collided, tearing the space into countless cracks. The strong wind is constantly raging in the space.


The golden light disappeared, the blue sword light disappeared, Li Qiuyu retreated a hundred feet back, the Great Elder spat out a mouthful of blood, and the dragon showed fear in his eyes.

The Xuantian Spirit Treasure in his hand was not damaged at all, but its strength was far from Li Qiuyu's. Even if the Xuantian Spirit Treasure was powerful, it needed a powerful master to use it.

In front of Li Qiuyu, the Great Elder's strength was not enough. With one blow, he could win.

His eyes were swollen, revealing a strange smile, his aura surged once again, and the air was violently torn apart. The Great Elder in front of him was powerful, but he was only in the stage of transformation.

If in front of other monks of the late stage of transformation, it is definitely a transcendent existence. Even if a person faces two or three monks of the same class, he may not be defeated, but he will not be so lucky when meeting himself.

"The death of silence."

Shouting softly, he disappeared immediately, and when he reappeared, he was in front of the Great Elder thousands of feet ago. A golden short sword flashed a golden light and shadow, and the light and shadow instantly entered the center of the Great Elder's eyebrows and disappeared.

Li Qiuyu backed away again, returned to the original standing place, looked at the Great Elder quietly with his eyes, a slight smile appeared on his face, the aura on his body gradually disappeared, and he returned to the peak state of the late Nascent Soul.


The Great Elder spat out another mouthful of blood, leaving a streak of blood between his brows, and quickly fell down, his eyes showed bewilderment and despair, and then turned into ashes.

"In front of this seat, the peak of the late stage of transformation is just a bigger ant."

Li Qiuyu said in a cold voice, ignoring the situation of the Great Elder. He had already found that the Great Elder was damaged as early as when he made a move. The kung fu is enough to kill a fellow student countless times.

With a wave of one hand, a blue long sword was grasped in his hand, and then a space ring shot towards his hand. At the same time, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also moved, their delicate bodies flashed, and they quickly reached the peak of the four late-stage transformation gods In front of the monks of the Gongsun family.


Lingling yelled softly, a golden light flashed past, and Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue also attacked the other two Huashen when Lingling started.

The same is true for Qingluan, a cyan light flashed out, and the four of them had just dealt with the four monks who were at the peak of the late stage of transforming gods. It is impossible to kill them in a flash, but in front of Xiao Hanyue and the others, nothing is impossible.




Three screams sounded, waking up the monks watching the show below. The three monks who were at the peak of the late stage of transformation were lost. The monks in front of Qingluan were not lost, but they were controlled by Qingluan's green light.

"Kill it."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, nodded, and signaled to Qingluan that killing one by one would at least reduce the pressure on him from the Gongsun family in the future.

After finishing speaking, there was only a slight sound, a piercing sound, and the last cultivator who was at the peak of the late stage of transformation into a god turned into fragments and floated in the air.

After the four killed the four peak cultivators in the late stage of transformation, they also took back their treasures and space rings, and finally came to Li Qiuyu's side.

The monks below were completely stunned. The five monks of Gongsun's family who had transformed into gods were all killed in such a short moment. The most terrifying thing was Li Qiuyu's method of killing the elder.

I didn't find out how Li Qiuyu killed the conference in that old place at all, but the cultivators in the transformation stage had the ability to control the space, and felt that the time in the space seemed to stop suddenly, but they couldn't believe this fact at all.

The four women were also terrifying, but the four who were lost were the peak cultivators of the same class in the late stage of transformation, and they were also instant kills. Could it be that Li Qiuyu and the people around him were used to instant kills?

"The Gongsun family, one of the top ten powers, is nothing more than that. I am so disappointed. Don't the guys in the void stage come out? Is it necessary for me to come forward and invite you to come out?"

Li Qiuyu said lightly, the voice sounded like thunder in the air, and could be heard clearly within a radius of five hundred miles. After speaking, he turned around and left with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, walked towards the city of Ao, and disappeared quickly In the eyes of the monks.

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