Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 924 The Void Period of the Killing Hole [Seeking a Gold Medal]

The golden short sword is also one of the Mietian swords. The quality and power of this Mietian sword have reached the top level of psychic treasures. It is simply easy to kill a defenseless primordial spirit.


After the young monk's soul teleported, the space suddenly twisted strangely, and the teleportation was broken instantly. When the soul was distorted in space, he became dizzy for a while, and finally found that his teleportation had also been broken. I understand that I hit the iron board.

Before he had time to react, a golden ray cut down. The ray came so suddenly that there was no time to react. The golden ray came in a flash, and Yuanshen was cut in half by the golden ray.

The primordial spirit without a body, even though it is powerful, cannot withstand the attack of the psychic treasure. The young monk's primordial spirit yelled in horror, which was also the last scream, and then the primordial spirit slowly disappeared into the air, turning into a cloud of dust in the air. chestnut.

A space ring and the original Xuantian Lingbao also fell down. Li Qiuyu grabbed it with one hand, and the two items came to him. With a move of consciousness, he put them into the space ring.

The four of Xiao Hanyue also flew over at this time, and the five of them were startled when they saw the miserable scene below. The situation below was indeed not optimistic.

There were a total of [-] monks, and almost [-] monks were lost, most of them were in the Nascent Soul stage, and hundreds of monks in the Transformation God stage were also lost.

There are more than a hundred primordial spirits of the monks in the stage of transformation floating in the air, with horrified expressions on their faces. Such an attack is unheard of.

The young monks in the hole stage were also completely killed by Li Qiuyu, and even the Yuanshen did not escape. It is strange that such a method is not terrifying.

The undamaged monks all looked at Li Qiuyu and the other five in the air with horror, not knowing what they were thinking in their hearts. Such monks at the transformation stage were more terrifying than the monks at the hole stage.

"I'm not looking for trouble for nothing, but my Shendan Pavilion was provoked by the Gongsun family. Naturally, I won't be the generation who is bullied by everyone. During the fight, I hurt everyone. I don't know what advice I have for fellow Taoists. "

Li Qiuyu looked at the monks below. Although they suffered a lot of damage, none of them were important people, and they didn't take it seriously at all.

Now that even the cultivators in the Hollow Stage have been exterminated, there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as I don't let other forces be terrified, it's just a miracle.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemy didn't do it on purpose. The main thing is the Gongsun family. The matter here will be resolved by the inferior people. Your Excellency Saint Alchemy is also tired from fighting. Just go back and rest, and don't worry about these small things."

A cultivator in the late stage of Transformation said, this time is a chance to please, even if he didn't say it, he wouldn't believe that His Excellency the Holy Alchemist would come to deal with the following matters.

A cultivator at the transformation stage who can kill cultivators in the void stage is more terrifying than anything else. As long as the monks in the void stage have not reached the limit of their lifespan, they will rarely be damaged at all.

Even if two Dongxu monks of the same class join forces to deal with a Dongxu period, they will not kill the Dongxu period, because they can leave if they can't beat it. I didn't expect that the first Dongxu period that was lost in Aocheng would be killed. The loss fell in the hands of monks in the transformation stage.

No one can afford to provoke this monk. There were only monks in the pavilion and hole stage in Aocheng. Now one of them was killed by a monk in the transformation stage. The other five are definitely not Li Qiuyu's opponents.

Naturally, they won't provoke Li Qiuyu. As long as Li Qiuyu doesn't wantonly kill his forces, under normal circumstances, no one will deal with Li Qiuyu at all.

"Alright, I'm a little tired too, I'll leave it to you guys here."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he quickly left with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, and flew towards the Shendan Pavilion. When he returned to the city, he looked at Li Qiuyu with strange eyes from time to time.

Moreover, there was panic and fear in his eyes, Li Qiuyu naturally knew that the fight outside had already been reported back to Aocheng.

The cultivator in the Miesha Cave Void Stage is still a Holy Alchemist, and the elixir refined by this Holy Alchemist can restore mana to its peak in an instant.

Everyone wants a little of this heaven-defying pill, but even a cultivator in the Dongxu stage has no way to get benefits from Li Qiuyu who has such ability.

"Senior is back."

When Long Yuetian saw Li Qiuyu's five people coming back, his face showed surprise. In his heart, the fight between Li Qiuyu and the five monks of Gongsun's family's transformation stage must not be a sudden thing. He didn't expect Li Qiuyu to come back so early , but seeing Li Qiuyu come back smoothly, he was also horrified.

When Li Qiuyu came back, he proved that he had dealt with the five monks who were at the peak of the late stage of transformation. Otherwise, he would not come back easily. If he really killed the monks of Gongsun's family at the cave stage, I don't know what would happen Such an expression.

"Well, your Long family, do you want to become one of the top ten families in the city?"

Li Qiuyu walked into the Shendan Pavilion, turned around and looked at Long Yuetian who was still behind her, then thought of something strange, and asked like Long Yuetian.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

Seeing Long Yuetian standing there in a daze, Li Qiuyu showed a trace of coldness on his face, and knew in his heart that Long Yuetian was stunned by his words.

"I heard it, the junior heard it."

Long Yuetian was really stunned. He didn't dare to imagine such a thing at all, even if Li Qiuyu said it himself, he didn't dare to imagine it extravagantly.

"Become one of the top ten families in the city."

Li Qiuyu repeated it again, and finally walked forward, ignoring Long Yuetian, if he didn't have the guts, it would be nothing.

"I think, of course I want to, but the strength of the Long family is too weak, let alone one of the top ten families, even a nine-tier family, we can't reach it."

Long Yuetian's heart was beating non-stop, such a thing was too sudden, and to become one of the top ten families, one of the top ten families must be eliminated from the range of the top ten families.

There are dozens of monks in the top ten families, and there are more than a dozen monks in the late stage of transformation. Even if all the members of the Long family are in the transformation stage, it is impossible to defeat one of the top ten families.

"Gongsun's family withdraws from the top ten families and disappears in Aocheng forever. The Long family will take over."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he ignored Long Yuetian's expression, and directly led Xiao Hanyue and the others towards the middle of the courtyard, leaving Long Yuetian in a daze.

Long Yuetian didn't know how long it had passed, but a disciple in the alchemy stage hurried in and woke up Long Yuetian in the compound.

"Uncle, Uncle, Gongsun Yang is lost."

The disciples in the alchemy period also knew about it from outside rumors, and they didn't believe it at first, and it was the Holy Alchemist of the Shendan Pavilion who killed them. In the end, everyone said so, and finally had to believe it.

"What? Gongsun Yang lost?"

Long Yuetian was startled, but he didn't believe it. He knew who Gongsun Yang was. He was the grand elder of the Gongsun family. There is no news of his sitting down.

I didn't expect the news of the loss to come now, so I was naturally horrified, but the loss of Gongsun Yang was of great benefit to Li Qiuyu.

"Yes, it was killed by Senior Saint Alchemist Li."

The disciple of the Dandan stage said excitedly that Li Qiuyu's strength is enough to kill the monks of the Dongxu stage. He must be happy to have such a big tree in his Long family.

"Senior Li killed Gongsun Yang? Gongsun Yang is a monk in the cave."

Long Yuetian sat down on his ass. Such a thing, even he in the middle stage of Yuanying, was horrified. He thought that when Li Qiuyu just asked him if he wanted to become one of the top ten families, it was so plain.

It turned out that the most powerful Gongsun Yang had been killed, but he didn't know it. Now that he thinks about it, he still can't believe it. It's no wonder that he also heard that Gongsun Yang reached the void stage hundreds of years ago.

The monk Qidanqi quickly helped Long Yuetian up, and the two hurried towards the middle of the room. Li Qiuyu wiped out the Gongsun family and was willing to help his own Long family. This opportunity is once in a lifetime.

At the beginning of the plan to develop the Long family, they could only arrange some simple things. If they really wanted to do it, only an existence like Li Qiuyu could succeed.

Li Qiuyu returned to the courtyard, adjusted his breath a little, and took Xiao Hanyue and the others to fly directly towards Gongsun's house from behind, cutting the weeds without removing the roots, and the spring wind blows and regenerates. Naturally, such troubles will not be in Li Qiuyu It was left in Qiu Yu's hands.

The Gongsun family has no Dongxu stage monks anymore, and some monks in the transformation stage are nothing to worry about at all. Only after all the affairs of the Gongsun family are resolved can they practice and carry out their own affairs with peace of mind.

"Young master, wait for you to fight for us, and let us do it."

Xiao Qiuyue said with concern that Li Qiuyu and the young monk had suffered some injuries when they started fighting. Although the injuries were not serious, but with a few of them by her side, she would never let Li Qiuyu do it alone.

"It's okay, it's just a little shock. This time, it's his bad luck. He was tricked by my Tianying Pill. If there was no Tianying Pill, he wouldn't have lost so quickly."

Li Qiuyu said softly, the five of them quickly shuttled through the city, and within a quarter of an hour they came to a majestic mansion.

Gongsun Bieyuan

The four large characters flashed with dazzling brilliance, and one could see the glory of the year at a glance. Now, the glory of the year has naturally been developed to the extreme, but after today, the Gongsun family no longer exists.

"Get out of here."

Li Qiuyu yelled faintly, and the sound spread throughout the entire mansion. This mansion also has a radius of more than ten miles, and it is full of elite disciples of the Gongsun family.

Now that you have done it, you must kill them all at once, so as not to let some troubles come and cause troubles in your future life. Even the monks of the Gongsun family who are outside will find a way to kill them one by one.

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