Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 933 The Man in Purple

Two years later, the five of them started to live on the flying ancient treasure again. The same is true, Li Qiuyu controls the flying ancient treasure, and Xiao Hanyue is responsible for finding powerful monsters and sea beasts with their spiritual sense.

But the Nine Yin Heavenly Beasts are so rare, if you want to find a Nine Yin Heavenly Beast, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, but the five of them are not discouraged at all for the sake of God's Transformation Pill.

After ten years in the sea area, the five of them looked tired, but their spiritual sense still locked on the powerful aura of the sea surface. They also encountered many celestial beasts in ten years, but they didn't have the legendary Jiuyin that they were looking for. celestial beast.

"Sir, look."

Xiao Qiuyue hurriedly shouted to Li Qiuyu, with a hint of surprise on her face, because a young man in purple clothes was suspended in the air a hundred miles before her eyes.

After Xiao Qiuyue finished shouting, Li Qiuyu also extended his gaze to look a hundred miles away, and quickly stopped the flying ancient treasure, with a dignified look on his face.

She and the others are all cultivators at the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods. Although her spiritual consciousness has not been fully extended, Xiao Qiuyue uses her spiritual consciousness to inquire about the Nine Yin Heavenly Beast. in awareness.

But he didn't expect that the man a hundred miles away would escape Xiao Qiuyue's divine sense. The distance of a hundred miles, if a cultivator in the transformation stage wants to make a move, it is not a distance at all.

The two were horrified. This was the first time they had encountered such a thing. The man in the purple shirt in front of him was definitely not an ordinary master. It must not be easy for a monk who can escape his own spiritual sense.

Besides, a few years ago, I might have encountered some monks, all of whom were at the peak of the late stage of transformation, but in the past two or three years, I have been flying in flying ancient treasures or heavenly emperor chariots.

I don't know how many hundreds of millions of miles away from the edge of the sea, and I haven't met a monk at all, but it is really unimaginable to meet such a powerful and mysterious man in this place.

"It's such a powerful Yin Qi, it's a monster monk."

Meeting such a monk at this time is definitely not good for him. Li Qiuyu glanced at this man with his spiritual sense, and kept searching carefully on him.

A powerful and shocking monster power and feminine aura circulated in the body, the aura was strong but not leaked, it had already reached an extreme, even now, he could not reach such a controlling power at all.

"It's a monster."

Regarding this matter, Qingluan also opened his eyes, looking in horror at the man hundreds of miles away in front of him, the expression of the low-level monster clan in front of the high-level monster clan was undoubtedly revealed.

Compared with the coercion of low-level human monks meeting high-level monks, this is one of the reasons why Qingluan woke up first. When encountering heavenly beasts before, Qingluan was also the first to discover.

"It is indeed a celestial beast, a powerful monster race. I just don't know what kind of celestial beast it is."

Li Qiuyu had a dignified look on his face, and stood firmly on the flying ancient treasure. At this time, Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling also woke up, and when they saw the man in the distance, they also showed a little dignified.

"Brother Dao, why are you blocking the way?"

Seeing that things had come to this point, Li Qiuyu had no choice but to come forward, and shouted loudly at the man in purple in front, with all the mana in his body running, as long as there was a slight change in the opponent, he would launch a powerful attack.

"Hmph, this place is the territory of the deity. Your Excellency broke into here, and your Excellency broke the taboo."

The man in purple said calmly, with a flat voice and no emotion in his tone, like a puppet without emotion. If this man was not really a monster, Li Qiuyu would think that the man in front was a fake.

"Really, this place is your territory, sorry to bother you, please leave."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his spiritual sense changed the direction of the flying ancient treasure and prepared to leave. This purple-clothed man does not know what kind of celestial beast it is. If it is not necessary, try not to fight against the celestial beast. This is asking for trouble .

If it was the Nine Yin Heavenly Beast, Li Qiuyu would have to take a risk no matter what he said, and the man in purple in front of him was too scary, beyond his comprehension.

Even Gongsun Yang, who was at the peak of the early Dongxu period, was far behind this man by a hundred and eight thousand miles, so he had to leave quickly.

"If you want to leave, is it that simple? I haven't seen human beings for thousands of years, so just stay."

The cold voice rang in the ears of Li Qiuyu and the five of them, and the man who had just been a hundred miles away appeared in another direction, which happened to be the direction Li Qiuyu changed. There was no expression on his face, and he looked at him coldly Li Qiuyu and others.

"Your Excellency, don't deceive people too much."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, he had already escaped from countless celestial beasts in the sea area, and he was a little upset at first, but now this celestial beast deliberately made things difficult for him, obviously to deal with himself and others.

"Hmph, you're not worthy yet."

After the purple-clothed man finished speaking, the aura from his body surged out, and the entire air almost became its domain. Li Qiuyu suddenly felt a strong force of suppression, and his whole body seemed to be pressed by a ten thousand-jin boulder.

And the man in purple didn't finish, he grabbed Li Qiuyu with one hand, with a look of disdain on his face, a cultivator at the transformation stage was like a small ant in front of him.

"Hmph, I'm going to try to see how powerful the heavenly beasts are."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his powerful aura also surged. The three golden pills, two Nascent Souls and two Primordial Spirits were operating rapidly, and the mana in his body surged like a vast ocean, and immediately overwhelmed the coercion exerted by the man in purple. give offset.

Two powerful coercions collided fiercely in the air, and the space was torn apart. At the same time, a golden light in Li Qiuyu's hand slashed fiercely.

After the golden light slashed out, Li Qiuyu's pig brother was also thrown into the air by the powerful pressure, and was thrown hundreds of feet away.

Xiao Hanyue quickly put away the ancient flying treasure, and floated towards Li Qiuyu, hugging Li Qiuyu, the four girls came to Li Qiuyu's side, looking at the man in purple in the distance with cold eyes.


The man in purple also shook his body, and then stabilized his figure, with a look of surprise on his face. This human monk in the transformation stage was able to escape from his coercion, and he also shook himself.

It is impossible for such a thing to happen, but if it really happened to me, even a monk in the void stage would not be able to shake him at all.

"That's right. In tens of thousands of years, this deity is the first human being to escape in front of this deity, but you are still too weak. If this deity wants to kill you, it is simply a matter of asking."

The man in purple said lightly, a look of curiosity appeared in his eyes, and then the look of curiosity disappeared instantly, and an irresistible look of destruction appeared.

"Hmph, in front of me, you are the most arrogant one, but Master has that ability, it's still a bit early. Hanyue, Qiuyue, Lingling, Qingluan, let's try this arrogant guy."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the five people looked at each other, and quickly flew out. In an instant, the five people surrounded the purple-clothed man inside, forming a circle around the purple-clothed man.

The five people each exerted their own coercion and methods, and the five shocking coercion combined together. Suddenly, the man in purple clothes showed a look of horror on his face. The coercion of the five people working together was actually stronger than their own coercion. powerful.

But he didn't know that the coercion of Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters came from the Heaven-shocking God Art, and that Qingluan was also a demon clan, but Qingluan, the descendant of the blue bird, was also extremely coercive.

The most powerful thing among the five is coercion, and Su Na's opponents who are higher than him are also not afraid of the opponent's coercion. Now that the five of them have joined forces, the coercion has instantly increased countless times.


The Dingtian Ruler in Li Qiuyu's hand slashed out fiercely, the golden light carried a breath of shocking destruction, and the air trembled. At the same time, Xiao Hanyue and the others also unleashed their most powerful attack.

"Hmph, a kid's stuff."

After the purple-clothed man finished speaking, he waved one hand, and a huge light shield covered him, and the monster power from his whole body burst out, and the monster power in his hand turned into a hundred-foot-sized light slash.



The five powerful attacks of five people smashed hard on the light shield of the purple-clothed man. The light shield trembled violently, and then Peng Rang burst open, but at the same time the light shield burst, the purple-clothed man had disappeared.

Disappearing without the slightest breath, completely disappearing within the encirclement of the five people, how powerful Li Qiuyu and others are under one blow, if a body shield can't be broken, it's really terrifying.

However, the shield was broken, but the purple-clothed man disappeared. The five of them quickly gathered together and used their spiritual sense to check on the whereabouts of the purple-clothed man.


A golden lotus-shaped light flashed between Li Qiuyu's eyebrows, and he glanced around. The man in purple appeared in the air hundreds of feet away, and there was a ball of light in his hand. It seemed that he wanted to kill all five of Li Qiuyu with one blow. Take it down, with a hint of disdain on his face.

Seeing this, Li Qiuyu also held the Dingtian Ruler with one hand, his mana surged quickly, and the golden light shone like the sun.

Then he slashed down towards the void, seemingly casually, the man in purple flickered helplessly, and smashed the ball of light in his hand.


There was another violent explosion, the golden light and the ball of light disappeared in the air, and the disappeared man in purple also appeared in the air with a puzzled look on his face.

"How did you see the figure of the deity?"

The man in purple stared at Li Qiuyu, his own concealment technique, not to mention the monks of the transformation stage, even the monsters of the same class would never be able to see it, but a monk of the transformation stage would see through it.

"In front of this seat, your little tricks are really not enough."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and chopped off the Tiantian Ruler in his hand again. This man in purple is too powerful, and he cannot be given a chance to breathe.

The four of Xiao Hanyue also swung the top-level psychic treasure in their hands fiercely, and rays of light criss-crossed in the air. The man in purple was seen through by Li Qiuyu, and lost the opportunity for a while, and could only flash Body and display attack defense.

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