Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 95 Heading to Bibo Lake

Li Qiuyu also knew that there were many monks hidden nearby, so it was difficult for him to recall the blood eagle eagle back to the space necklace for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he exchanged his last thought with the blood eagle eagle, turned around and walked towards the dark place in the field.

When he came to the dark place, the blood eagle eagle and two tyrannosaurs also followed. With a swipe of his right hand, all three monsters entered the space necklace, and finally he was relieved after ordering not to touch his medicinal materials.

"Let's go, leave now."

Li Qiuyu looked around, there should be nearly a hundred monks here, but most of them are at the eighth or ninth level of Qi training, and there are also a few of the tenth level of Qi training, but they saw Li Qiuyu's strength, no one dared to come out Make up your mind.

The four of them quickly used their body skills, rushed towards one direction, and took away the thousand-year-old snow lotus swaggeringly under the eyes of tigers.

After they left, in another dark place, four tenth-level qi training monks and eight nine-level qi training monks stood behind a young man like a label.

The young man is only at the seventh level of Qi training, but the twelve monks behind him are very respectful to him, showing no expression at all.

"Li Ao, are you sure you can deal with that young man?" The young man looked indifferently at the direction Li Qiuyu left, and asked, but he didn't turn his head back, his noble aura made people dare not look directly at him.

"My lord, I'm not sure about that young man under the tree. His cultivation seems to be only at the eighth level of Qi training, but no one can see his strength clearly. Besides, the blood eagle eagle next to him seems to be guarding him on the cliff. The monster of the white phosphorous fruit."

A middle-aged monk replied respectfully to the young man in front of him, and after finishing speaking, he quietly waited for the young man's order.

"Hehe, what a miraculous character, it would be great if he could be used by me." The young man smiled slightly, and turned to look at the twelve monks behind him.

"My lord, you want us to arrest him?" The cultivator called Li Ao pondered for a moment, then said softly.

"Forget it, as long as they don't mess with us, we don't need to make more enemies in the crack space. Besides, can our current strength compete with the opponent?" Contrary to Li Qiuyu.

"Young Master is right. That young man is enough to deal with a tenth-level Qi training monk, and there is another tenth-level Qi training that should not be underestimated. Besides, the blood eagle eagle is enough for us to drink a pot."

Li Ao analyzed it, then said coldly, and finally ordered the other monks to follow immediately, sandwiching the young man. This scene was noticed by the other monks, but no one dared to provoke such a combination.

Besides, after the four of Li Qiuyu left quickly, they picked out the sparsely populated opponents to run, and after an hour, the four finally threw everyone away completely.

In fact, not many people dared to follow, but they were really not reconciled to Li Qiuyu taking the snow lotus away. When there are many people, they can be courageous, but in the end, there are too few people who can follow. Monks can follow for a while.

Besides, they also saw with their own eyes that Li Qiuyu and the Blood Eagle Eagle killed eleven monks who were on the tenth level of Qi training, and they didn't even have time to escape, so they naturally didn't dare to make up their minds.

"Hmph" I didn't expect it to be this bastard again. "

More than a dozen monks at the ninth level of Qi training and a monk at the tenth level of Qi training watched Li Qiuyu and others leave, and said bitterly in his heart, if Li Qiuyu saw this person, he would definitely know this person. Sima seen in the place of the white phosphorous fruit.

"Forget it, we'd better be quiet now, and don't let them meet, and I won't know how to die when I die." Seeing Sima's words, the tenth-floor monk next to him said coldly.

"Senior brother said yes, then we try to avoid them as much as possible, and we'll deal with other fat sheep, hehe." Sima's eyes were evil, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

In a relatively quiet mountain valley, Li Qiuyu and the others stopped, their eyes swept around, and their spiritual sense imprinted all the objects within a radius of [-] meters into their minds.

"Let's adjust our breathing here first, and then leave after our true energy recovers. It seems that we have really become public enemies this time." Li Qiuyu finished speaking lightly, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Hey, it's really enjoyable to lose eleven tenth-level Qi training monks like this." Han Yulong smiled excitedly, and finally touched the storage bag at his waist. Ten storage pockets.

"Actually, few dare to call our attention, unless they are courting death." Xiao Yuefeng also gave a rare smile.

In the whole battle, Li Qiuyu's losses were only three tenth levels of Qi training, and almost all of them were plotted against. If it was a real fight, he would deal with at most one person. [Yesterday, some book friends reported that the update speed is slow. However, these days, there are only one or two updates per day, because my public chapters have reached 25 words. 3200+ to 9000+ per day.The speed of 12000 words is updated every month, and I still ask all book friends to join the group, so that they can communicate in the group, group number 38]

This is the key to psychological tactics. As long as you gain the upper hand psychologically, you can basically increase your chances of winning by a large amount. Those tenth-level monks are a little timid when they see fifth-level monsters, and they will not have the mind to fight when they walk away. Let Li Qiuyu succeed, and finally lose everything.

The real essence he consumed was when he grabbed the two tyrannosaurus into the space necklace, because the tyrannosaurus was too huge, besides, the first time the tyrannosaurus entered the space necklace, he resisted instinctively.

Now he has been running fast for an hour with his true energy, and he has run for nearly two hundred miles. In the middle, he has to pay attention to the attack of the strong wind, and his spiritual consciousness has been consumed too much.

Each of them threw a low-level Qi training pill into their mouths and began to adjust their breath. Naturally, they were not afraid of being disturbed, because the blood eagle was carved ten feet away, and its two shiny eyes kept turning.

An hour passed, and the four of them hadn't woken up yet. The sky had gradually darkened, and after another hour, Li Qiuyu was the first to wake up.

"You guys practice here first, I'll go find something to eat and come back." Li Qiuyu left quickly after speaking, and entered a jungle within a few breaths.

A first-level low-level monster appeared in sight, and when he grabbed it from the air, the first-level monster was firmly pressed to the ground, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Hey, I'll take you to barbecue tonight." He casually touched the monster, and the monster lost its breath in an instant, and was finally picked up by the Tedan beast, turned around and walked to another place.

It took a long time to find the water source. With a series of skillful movements, a white-striped monster was strung up. When he arrived at the spot, the other three also woke up.

"Hey, I'm going to prepare the fire." Seeing Li Qiuyu's return, Han Yulong volunteered to prepare the fire. His cultivation level was the lowest. Needless to say, all these things would fall on him.

In less than an hour, the four of them ate up a Tier [-] monster and sat in meditation to rest.

Nothing happened overnight, and early the next morning, the four of them left quickly and headed in another direction. After four or five hours of driving, they finally saw other monks rushing forward.

"Fellow Daoist, is there something going on ahead? Why are you all rushing there? Han Yulong stopped a single monk in green and asked softly.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you really know?" The monk who was stopped by Han Yulong was also an eighth-level qi practitioner. Seeing that he was stopped, his heart was burning with anger, and he was about to make a move. I was scared for a while, so I had to laugh and talk.

"If you knew, you wouldn't ask friends."

"I heard that a mysterious box appeared in the Bibo Lake ahead, but that box is in the middle of the lake, and there is a sixth-level monster in the Bibo Lake. Everyone wants to get the mysterious box." The monk in Tsing Yi said anxiously.

"Thank you fellow daoist for telling me, I'll take my leave first." After listening to Li Qiuyu, he quickly moved forward, followed closely by Zhang Tianhang and the others.

"Hmph, if you go, you're going to die." After Li Qiuyu and the others left, the cultivator in Tsing Yi said harshly, and then ran behind.

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