"[-] million low-level spirit stones? Yes, this celestial meteorite has reached a very high price, but if I want to use this celestial meteorite, I will offer [-] million low-level spirit stones, how about it?"

Li Qiuyu looked at the middle-aged man, and finally turned his eyes to the young monk and the three guards, and then said in a leisurely manner, anyway, the auction started early, and he was not in a hurry.

Besides, this meteorite is the material for refining the Heaven Extinguishing Sword. Now that I have seen it, I will never give it up. Such a thing is almost impossible to come by.

"Two hundred million low-level spirit stones, Daoist Brother, you are a big deal, such a sky meteorite will produce [-] million low-level spirit stones, but you also said that I also need this sky meteorite, and I will produce [-] million low-level spirit stones. "

The young monk said with a smile, staring at Li Qiuyu, wanting to see who Li Qiuyu was, but he didn't take himself seriously.

Seeing the smoke between Li Qiuyu and the young monk slowly growing, the three old men behind him also stared at Li Qiuyu with cold eyes. If they hadn't been instructed by their superiors not to let their young master cause trouble, he would not have followed this young master come out together.

"Fellow Daoist, it's a bit too much. You are clearly provoking me. In this case, I will produce [-] million low-level spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, without the slightest expression on his face, he couldn't see what Li Qiuyu was thinking in his heart, [-] million low-level spirit stones was already a huge amount for a cultivator in the early stage of transformation.

"Brother Dao is too much, 16 billion low-level spirit stones."

The eyes of the young monk slowly shifted to the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, with a look of obscenity in their eyes, full of ruffian air.

"Fellow Daoist, move here when you're doing things, don't regret it when it's too late, 32 billion low-level spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu saw the young monk's eyes, and the murderous intent in his heart slowly grew. If he moved to another place, the young monk would have been lost. Even if there were three guards in the cave, he would not be a bigger one in front of him. Ant.

"Fellow Daoist's three female companions are indeed peerless, rare in the world, but this sky meteorite is about to be determined, 64 billion low-level spirit stones."

The young monk couldn't feel the murderous intent in Li Qiuyu's heart at all, and said lightly, with a chic look on his face, wanting to show his chic in front of the beauties.

"120 billion low-level spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, in his voice, he was already reminding the mid-stage youth in front of him, but this guy ignored Li Qiuyu at all.

"Hey, fellow daoist, do you really want to follow me for this piece of spirit stone?"

The young man saw that he had produced 64 billion low-level spirit stones, and he had almost reached the peak. Li Qiuyu, a cultivator in the early stage of transformation, should not be able to double it again, but Li Qiuyu was beyond his expectations.

"Do you still need fellow daoists?"

Li Qiuyu didn't even bother to pay attention to the second generation ancestor in front of him. If it wasn't for this place, the second generation ancestor in front of him would have died several times. A piece of celestial meteorite with 5000 million low-level spirit stones could have been purchased, but it was forced by this guy Raised the price.

If it was other items, Li Qiuyu would definitely not increase the price, and just leave, and then kill this guy when he leaves Tianhua City, saving himself from practicing spirit stones.

But this sky meteorite must be obtained by oneself, and there is no room for a little miss. If this guy does not leave the city, or is escaped by him, he will lose the sky meteorite in front of him.

"Forget it, the price of this celestial meteorite is too expensive, I don't want it anymore, I just leave it to Daoist brother, I hope fellow Taoists have the opportunity to use this celestial meteorite, haha!"

After the young monk finished speaking, he stared at Li Qiuyu coldly, and finally glanced at the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, with an evil smile on his face, and finally strode away.


Li Qiuyu snorted coldly, and finally shifted his gaze to the middle-aged man who sold the sky meteorite, handed over 120 billion low-level spirit stones, and then put the sky meteorite in front of the middle-aged man into the space ring.

He stood up and took Xiao Hanyue's four daughters to leave. After walking a few steps, Li Qiuyu and the other five were stopped by the middle-aged man behind them.

"Fellow Daoist, the price of this celestial meteorite is not worth 120 billion, but this can only be blamed on Mu Tianfeng, but fellow Daoist has produced so many spirit stones, these things are for you."

The mid-stage cultivator began to see the price increase of the two people, which made him dizzy and dared not speak. It was not until Li Qiuyu handed him 120 billion low-level spirit stones that he realized that the two were not joking. Yes, more than 100 billion spirit stones is already an astronomical figure for him.

Offended the white-clothed young man in front of him, and provoked Mu Tianfeng, he didn't dare to stay here any longer, and felt a little sorry to see Li Qiuyu produce so many spirit stones.

With a sudden turn in his heart, he called Li Qiuyu to stop, and gave Li Qiuyu all the items in front of him. The medicinal materials in front of him were only [-] to [-] million low-level spirit stones.

"It's not your fault."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him, turned around and walked back, waved one hand, took away all the items in front of the middle-aged man, and finally took the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue to other places.

I also know that this middle-aged man is going to leave and dare not be here anymore. If he is met by a young monk, he will naturally have a bad end. From this, we can also see the background of the young monk.

After such a fuss, Li Qiuyu didn't go shopping much, and directly scanned some of the items here with his spiritual sense, and after finding the medicinal materials he needed, he bought them.

An hour later, he looked over all the items in this square city, and all the items he needed were put into his own space ring, and there was almost a big sweep.

In addition to the sky meteorite purchased with more than 100 billion low-level spirit stones, several pieces of materials for the Mietian Sword were also found in other places. Although these materials are not many, they can also be used to refine part of the Mietian Sword.

In Fangshi, more than 800 billion low-level spirit stones were used. After shopping around, Li Qiuyu took Xiao Hanyue and the others to a teahouse near the auction house.

"Senior, please."

A low-level disciple in the alchemy stage saw Li Qiuyu and five people coming, and shouted respectfully, and welcomed Li Qiuyu and five people into the teahouse.

"Find me a place with a good environment and be quiet."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, there is still more than an hour before the auction starts, and it is not bad to take a rest here, because after the auction is over, the five of them will leave Tianhua City.

"Okay, senior, there is a private room upstairs."

Seeing the strength of Li Qiuyu and the other five, the disciples in the Dandan period knew that they were rich, so they took Li Qiuyu up to the second floor, and brought Li Qiuyu to a private room next to the window on the second floor.

The entire private room was about two feet in size, and by the window, one could see the scenery outside at a glance. After the five of them were seated, the disciple of the Dandan Stage stood aside respectfully, waiting for Li Qiuyu's order.

"Bring me some refreshments. If you have more, I will reward you."

Li Qiuyu handed over ten mid-level spirit stones, and said calmly that he was also satisfied with this place, and it was worth spending some spirit stones.

"Thank you senior for your reward, please wait a moment."

The alchemy stage disciples were very happy when they saw ten mid-level spirit stones, although in a place like Tianhua City in the spirit world, it is the most difficult for low-level disciples to survive.

This private room only needs one hundred low-level spirit stones, plus some refreshments, only three hundred low-level spirit stones, ten middle-level spirit stones is one thousand low-level spirit stones, and I will earn six or seven hundred Low-level spirit stones.

After finishing speaking, the alchemy disciple turned and left, gently closed the door, and went to prepare refreshments for Li Qiuyu and others, leaving the five of them chatting inside.

"The Mu Tianfeng just now, if he is outside, he will be more attractive."

Lingling pouted with a small ruddy mouth and said, not only raised the price on the sky meteorite, troubled Li Qiuyu, but also looked at her four sisters with bad eyes, if they were in other places, they would definitely have killed him.

"Hehe, that guy is a second-generation ancestor. Don't pay attention to him. He will naturally come to us, and then I will leave it to you. The three old guys are pretty good."

Li Qiuyu cast a simple sound-proof restraint, and said with a smile, Mu Tianfeng, there is no such surname in Tianhua City, and it seems that Mu Tianfeng is not a monk in Tianhua City.

"My son is right. The cultivator who sells meteorites said his name is Mu Tianfeng, but there is no family or power with the surname Mu in Tianhua City. He must leave the city. If we meet him, he will never let him go." he."

Xiao Hanyue thought of this Mu Tianfeng, who dared to make crooked thoughts in front of her, and must be killed, but in Tianhua City, she should try her best to avoid causing trouble, lest some senior monks here would be disadvantageous to herself and others.

After a while, the alchemy stage self transmitted the voice gently, and finally opened the wooden door, only to see four or five maids walking in with some refreshments behind him.

"Senior, this is the refreshment you want, please take it slowly."

After the alchemy stage disciple asked the maid to put away the refreshments, he said politely, and finally retreated respectfully.


Li Qiuyu hummed softly, and the last five people slowly enjoyed these delicious refreshments. Naturally, they would not worry about these refreshments being tampered with, not to mention, monks were not worried about poison at all.

In the Yuanying stage, it was already invulnerable to all poisons, not to mention that it is now in the cave void stage, almost no different from the legendary gods.

Even if it is absolute poison, it will not be of any use to them. Besides, there is Li Qiuyu, a holy alchemist here. Although Li Qiuyu is not good at using poison, she is absolutely clear about poison.

The poison of the world is not taken seriously at all. Although the holy alchemist does not use poison, he can completely refine poison. Such poison is definitely more powerful than pill.

Reaching their state, poisons can only be used to stimulate the meridians and bottlenecks, and often some monks do not have pills to attack the state, they just take the poisonous things directly to attack the state.

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