"200 billion low-level spirit stones?"

"200 billion low-level spirit stones!"

"200 billion!!"

Seeing the madness of Li Qiuyu and Mu Tianfeng's price increase, all the monks in the auction house were horrified. They had never seen such a crazy person appear. Although they were shocked in their hearts, they dared not speak out.

I can only secretly say in my heart that both Li Qiuyu and Mu Tianfeng are lunatics, and that they wasted spirit stones for the sake of the three Mansha Zhuhua plants. The 200 billion low-level spirit stones can also be used for late-stage cultivators, but they must Wie this medicine and pay so many spirit stones, I will not do it.

The same is true for monks in the Dongxu period. 200 billion is nothing to super powerful elders like them, but they will not pay 200 billion for this medicinal material, and they will save the spirit stone to compete for other items later. .

"250 billion low-level spirit stones."

Mu Tianfeng also pondered for a while, but when he saw Li Qiuyu's expressionless face, anger grew in his heart. He had never disobeyed him all this time, and he never thought that a cultivator at the transformation stage would dare to compete with him for a piece of heaven. The meteorite also hated Li Qiuyu.

Originally, Mansha Zhuhua didn't need it at all, but when Li Qiuyu wanted to compete, he made trouble, so Li Qiuyu couldn't get it.

"300 billion low-level spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu said slowly, without the slightest hesitation, with a faint smile on his face, he didn't know what he was thinking at all.

"350 billion low-level spirit stones."

"Young master, forget it."

Mu Tianfeng thought for a while, and said loudly, after he finished speaking, the three old men around him stopped Mu Tianfeng, 350 billion, and the three of them could take it out, but there was no chance to compete with the monks for other items.

"I know how to do it."

When Mu Tianfeng saw the three old men stop him, he felt displeased for a while, but when he thought of the spirit stone in his hand, he also regretted it a little. If Li Qiuyu came to hurt him, he had to take out the spirit stone.

"1000 billion and [-] million low-level spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a murderous intent in his heart, this Mu Tianfeng must be lost, and the spirit stones he lost today must be doubled from him.

"350 billion and 1000 million low-level spirit stones for the first time."

After seeing Li Qiuyu's price increase, the ancient old man felt relieved that Mu Tianfeng did not compete any more. He was also a little scared of the competition between the two.

He naturally knew who Mu Tianfeng was. He didn't know Li Qiuyu, but he dared to compete with Mu Tianfeng in such a way, and he was obviously competing with Mu Tianfeng.

"350 billion and 1000 million low-level spirit stones for the second time."

"350 low-level spirit stones for the third time, these three Mansha Zhuhua belonged to fellow Taoist No. 1000 five, congratulations!"

The ancient and rare old man finally auctioned off the first item with peace of mind. Today is the most worrying time in his life to host an auction. He never thought that he would be frightened by two cultivators at the stage of transformation.

The first object was photographed by Li Qiuyu, and the old man made a look, signaling the disciple not far away to send the jade box to Li Qiuyu.

The alchemy stage disciple brought the box containing Mansha Zhuhua to Li Qiuyu, with a respectful look on his face and envy in his eyes.

"Senior, this is the Mansha Zhuhua you took, please check."

The alchemy disciple sent the box to Li Qiuyu and waited for Li Qiuyu's order. As a monk in the alchemy stage, he dared not touch such medicinal materials at all, and it was highly poisonous.

"Well, yes, it is indeed a million-year Mansa Zhuhua."

Li Qiuyu took the box over, and a vague aura dragged the box to float in the air. With a movement of consciousness, the two talisman papers on the box were torn off, and a shocking aura rushed out.

It didn't appear to be highly poisonous at all, but Li Qiuyu was shocked. This Mansha Zhuhua's powerful aura, it looks like aura, but if it is used, it can definitely kill the poison of the cultivators in the transformation stage.

After confirming that there is nothing wrong with this mansha Zhuhua, and the quality has reached more than a million years, he took out a storage bag and handed 350 low-level spirit stones to the alchemy disciples.

"Yes, the number of spirit stones is correct, thank you senior."

After a while, the alchemy disciple counted the spirit stones with his spiritual sense, thanked him respectfully, left Li Qiuyu, and walked up the steps.

During this period of time, for such a large number of auctions, the second item can only be carried out after the transaction is complete. This is also the rule of the auction house.

"The first item has been auctioned, and now we are starting to auction the second item. The second item is the fire-type Xuantian Lingbao. I won't talk about the power of the Xuantian Lingbao. This Xuantian Lingbao is A fellow daoist entrusted Tianhua City Auction House to auction it, with a low price of one billion yuan and an increase of [-] million low-level spirit stones each time."

The ancient old man accepted the spirit stones from the alchemy disciple, counted them, nodded in satisfaction, and finally began to reveal the second item.

It is a fiery red long knife, with a strong fire aura on the blade. This is after the ancient and rare old man blessed the Xuantian Lingbao with magic power, because ordinary treasures would shrink to an inch in size.

In this way, the treasure will be enlarged, which will help other monks to see it clearly, and it will also increase its own power. This ancient and rare old man has not mastered this long knife, so he can only erase the original breath on it.

If one wants to control such a Xuantian Lingbao, one must go through countless years of sacrifice and cultivation. The several Xuantian Lingbao and Tongtian Supreme Treasure in Li Qiuyu's hands are constantly being sacrificed and nourished.

"15 billion low-level spirit stones."

"16 billion low-level spirit stones."

"17 billion low-level spirit stones."


After the old man finished speaking, the monks below began to compete fiercely. The competition was so fierce that it was simply indescribable. How powerful the Xuantian Spirit Treasure was, it was even more difficult to obtain the Xuantian Spirit Treasure than ascending to the sky.

For these monks, getting a Xuantian Lingbao is countless times more expensive than hitting the cave, otherwise many monks in the cave rarely have the Xuantian Lingbao to use.

However, in the space ring in Li Qiuyu's hand, there are still a few Xuantian Lingbao that are useless, even Zheng Tainieyun, who was killed in Linhai City, did not know where Zheng Tainieyun came from, but there are three of them Xuantian Spirit Treasure.

Of the three Xuantian Spiritual Treasures, Xiao Hanyue got two of them by herself, because both of them were of the wood type. Originally, Xuantian Spiritual Treasures generally had no attributes, but these two Xuantian Spiritual Treasures were of the wood type.

Wood-type treasures are naturally used by wood-type monks to maximize their power. If they fall into the hands of other monks, they can also exert the power of top psychic treasures.

Generally speaking, treasures without attributes are the best, because they can be used with all attribute monks, but they have no attributes, and they also have a little weakness. The power is not as good as individual attributes.

"260 low-level spirit stones."

"260 billion low-level spirit stones."

The price soared rapidly, and the price was raised to 460 billion low-level spirit stones in a few tens of breaths. Although Li Qiuyu liked Xuantian Lingbao, he didn't want to buy it with spirit stones.

Unless the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue encounter treasures that they like or they need, they will find them by themselves. Five of them don't like this flaming long knife.

In the end, the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure was bought by a middle-aged monk who was at the peak of the early stage of Dongxu, but the price reached 730 billion low-level spiritual stones.

Seeing this price, Li Qiuyu couldn't help it anymore. The price of the second item has reached more than 700 billion, and the treasures behind are even better. I don't know how much it will reach.

Although this auction house is the best in the entire Qingming State, the monks participating in the auction this time are all the richest forces and monks in Qingming State.

In the past, I was considered a top rich man with [-] trillion low-level spirit stones, and no one could compare to it. Although it is the same here now, I feel that the spirit stones are still not enough.

It's tens of billions at every turn. It seems that I have to establish my own real power, so that I can earn a lot of spirit stones for myself. Only when there are more spirit stones, can I get more medicinal materials.

The third item is also a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure, and its price has reached 680 billion low-level spirit stones. It’s just that this treasure is of the wind attribute, and there are not many monks competing, which makes the price of this Xuantian Spiritual Treasure more expensive than that of the fire element. lower.

The fourth item is a magic transformation pill. The appearance of this pill also made Li Qiuyu curious. It was a bit puzzled to put this pill in the fourth place, but in the end this pill was taken by a late-stage god transformation. The monk at the peak took it and spent 370 billion low-level spirit stones.

Li Qiuyu thought to himself, if he had a lot of medicinal materials and refined Shenbian Pill, he would not be rich, but this was just thinking about it. It took several years to refine Shenbian Pill last time.

Even if I have experience now, it will take at least two years to refine a cauldron of magic transformation pills, and within two years, I can refine up to eighty magic transformation pills.

This is too exhausting. If you have the materials, you can try it if time permits. You can make a lot of magic transformation pills and monkeys. Even if each pill is 100 billion, it will make a lot of money.

"Fellow daoists, the fifth item is now being auctioned. The fifth item is also related to pills, but it's just a pill formula, an elixir pill formula, and this pill formula is the legendary Biluo Jindan that hits the Mahayana period. Although Bi Luo Jin Dan has not appeared in the spirit world a few times, but with this pill formula, there is indeed a glimmer of hope."

The ancient and rare old man revealed a piece of quaint alchemy formula, which is the same as other alchemy formulas, except that there are four petite characters of Bi Luo Jin Dan engraved on this alchemy formula.

The tiny characters flashed with a mysterious brilliance, even if Li Qiuyu was a holy alchemist, he would not be able to tell the truth from the outside, only by entering the alchemy with his spiritual sense to check it.

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