Dragon God Emperor

969 The Tower of Babel 1

One year passed in a hurry, Xiao Hanyue and several monsters went all the way, and got countless treasures, and some precious medicinal materials had never been seen outside.

In some remote places, there are still some million-year-old treasures of heaven and earth. After the five people got these medicines, they kept them in the space ring, and they didn't dare to disturb Li Qiuyu.

The more you go inside, the stronger the demonic energy. Some of the treasures you get include human monks and demon monks, because this place is the site of the battle between demons and human monks.

In a year's time, I encountered countless cities of various sizes, but these cities were left over countless thousands of years ago, and no one lived there, nor did the demon monks live there.

On the way, many human monks without eyes were killed, and most of them were demon monks, because almost all of them were small-scale wars between demons and humans when they came here.

"My lord, it seems that the site of the legendary Great War is in front of us, look."

Xiao Hanyue stopped the flying ancient treasure and pointed towards the distance. Although the demonic energy was heavy, it did not affect everyone's sight.

After killing some demon monks, in the space ring they got, they got a rough map of the demon domain, which made them come directly to this place.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to find this place. There is a huge castle in front of it. At a glance, it is boundless at all, and the spiritual sense can see a corner.

How big it is is simply not something that the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the cave void can see all over. The city wall is a hundred feet high, and the grand aura spreads over.

This city has been in the realm of comprehension for hundreds of years, and has gone through several different planes. None of them are as big or magnificent as this city.

Even the city of nothingness in the ruins of the gods is not so big, but there is no way to compare this city with the city in the ruins of the gods, because the city in the ruins of the gods is the place where the powerful monks live .

"Let me go in and see what can disturb my mind."

Li Qiuyu said slowly, without the slightest expression on his face. Over the past year, his mind became more and more irritable, and he didn't know what was going to happen.

But there is no intention of returning in my heart, just like an instinctive attraction, whether it is a blessing or a curse, if it is a disaster, I can't avoid it, what should come is coming, and I can't stop it.

Now that I have come here, I have to clarify the matter, and I feel in my heart that there is a feeling of breaking the sky, as if my doubts all along will be solved here.

This kind of feeling, the feeling of making him restless, also brought a kind of expectation, looking forward to the subtle attraction inside, which also made him enter the inside from the outside and fly for a year.

Although I have obtained countless medicinal materials, but these medicinal materials are in front of me, I no longer have the excitement and joy before, and the things I care about are only the doubts inside.

The entire space rings are full of treasures, and there are endless million-year-old medicinal materials, ancient treasures and psychic treasures. Coming here, Li Qiuyu finally felt that the things she was looking forward to were getting closer.

"Okay, now we don't need to look for medicinal materials, just pay attention to safety."

Xiao Hanyue looked at the front, said to Xiao Qiuyue and Lingling, and said to Qingluan Lvyi, and the other monsters nodded when they saw Xiao Hanyue saying this.

During this year, Li Qiuyu has been adjusting his breath to suppress his irritable mood. Everyone and several monsters have been infected, and they are not so happy.

When encountering powerful monsters and demons, or human monks who provoke themselves and others, they all attack with all their strength, almost all destructive attacks.

This road is almost a bloody road, it is entirely because there are things that Li Qiuyu is restless, which ruined their mood.

When I came to this place, there were still countless human monks, but within this million miles, I never met a demon monk again. Everyone knew that some demon monks had already entered the city secretly.

When demons came to this place, there were countless times more demons than humans. It can almost be said that this place is the place of demons. Only the demons know what powerful things are inside.

In the mountains of Yinming State, in the Ice Palace, a holy and charming peerless woman is on the throne, with a sense of sadness in her eyes that is different from her own aura.

"Bing Po, you still secretly went to the Demon Realm, thinking that I don't know what you want to do."

A colorful lotus flower between the woman's eyebrows flickered slightly, a slight murderous intent appeared in her eyes, and then her body disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all.

Li Qiuyu and others entered the city. There was no air ban in the city. Several people flew the ancient treasures and flew quickly. After flying for an unknown amount of time, a huge pagoda appeared [-] miles away.

The pagoda has 99 floors and is a thousand feet in size. It is a colossal thing. Seeing such a building, everyone was horrified and shocked by this building.

I have seen huge cities and endless mountains, but I have never seen such a pagoda, and it is still 99 floors.

99 represents a symbol of supremacy. The number 99 is not dared to be used in ordinary cities, but this pagoda has 99 floors.

"Such a strong magic energy."

Half an hour later, the flying ancient treasure came a hundred miles away from the pagoda, and nine shocking demonic energy linked the pagoda with the sky, as if linking the pagoda with the sky.

"Come on, let's go in."

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Qiuyu flew towards the pagoda with the flying ancient treasure. There was a stone gate with a radius of five feet on the first floor of the pagoda.

The flying ancient treasure stopped in front of the door, and Li Qiuyu stood up. When he came here, he felt as if something was pulling him inside.

After stepping down from the flying ancient treasure, Li Qiuyu led a few people towards it, regardless of whether there was any danger in the pagoda.

The moment they entered the pagoda, a huge suction force pulled everyone in, and the inside became a world of its own, a vast and boundless square.

It is no longer a pagoda, only an altar with a formation in the center. Seeing this altar, Li Qiuyu did not stop at all, and flew towards the altar with a flash of his body.

Coming here is like returning home, and there is an inexplicable familiarity here, but I don't know why I am familiar with this place.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the edge of the altar, while Xiao Hanyue and others were still far away, and they were flying towards this side quickly. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Xiao Hanyue and others came to Li Qiuyu's side.

"In this space, why is there such a disparity in time and distance?"

Xiao Hanyue said puzzledly, because Li Qiuyu came to the edge of the altar in a blink of an eye. It seemed that the distance was only a thousand feet away, but when he really flew here, he was actually thousands of miles away.

What's even more frightening is that Li Qiuyu only needs an instant of effort here, while other people and monsters actually need a quarter of an hour. Such a thing has never been encountered before. In the same place, with the same cultivation, the gap between the two It's so big.

"Brother Qiuyu, there is no prohibition on you in this place, otherwise you wouldn't be able to cross a distance of thousands of miles in an instant, but it takes us a quarter of an hour, and the speed is suppressed."

Lingling pondered for a while, and said boldly, this is an indisputable fact, and when Li Qiuyu came here, the expression on his face also changed. Although the expression did not change much, the expression was much calmer.

"It feels familiar to me here."

Li Qiuyu didn't know what to say, because it was the first time he encountered these things. After speaking, he stretched out his hands casually, with pure magic power between them, and the magic power pressed towards the center of the altar.

Seeing Li Qiuyu attacking the altar with magic power so casually, my heart was shaken violently, but Li Qiuyu has his own arrangements and calculations in everything he does, so it's hard to stop him.

But what happened next surprised Xiao Hanyue and the others. The pure magic power fell on the center of the altar, and the altar suddenly rotated rapidly, and a ray of light appeared.

The light spun quickly, Li Qiuyu quickly walked up to the altar, and quickly shouted to Xiao Hanyue and others, Xiao Hanyue and the others also quickly stood up, after the crowd went up, after more than ten breaths of effort, the light A color change followed by a jolt.

Everyone's eyes were blocked by the light curtain, and they didn't know what was going on outside. In an instant, their eyes lit up again, and the light curtain disappeared.

What appeared in front of them was that they didn't move at all, but a stone tablet in front of them shocked them. They saw a stone tablet with a size of ten feet appearing beside the altar.

"Tongtian Tower, the second floor." [Allow Xiaoyao to be happy here, Tianlong Shendi was selected as the name of the game server, haha]

"This is Tongtian Tower? We have come to the second floor. What a magical teleportation array."

Seeing this stele, Xiao Hanyue and the others finally understood that this 99-story pagoda is the legendary Tongtian Pagoda, and that she and others successfully reached the second floor from the first floor. The realm of imaginary period, without the slightest feeling.

"Yes, this pagoda is the Tongtian Tower. There is a teleportation array on each floor, and there are four entrances leading to the upper floor. However, this passage is full of dangers, and there is a powerful prohibition array. Only this teleportation array There is no prohibition and no danger."

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Qiuyu said slowly. After finishing speaking, she didn't believe that she said it, and felt that this place was very familiar to her.

"My lord, why are you so familiar with this place?"

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu suspiciously, and she followed Li Qiuyu for hundreds of years, since the son was 15 years old, and has been from the Qi training stage to the current hole stage.

After crossing several planes, both my sister and I know about the young master, but after Li Qiuyu came to the Demon Realm, he was restless, and now he knows this Tongtian Tower like the back of his hand.

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